Beispiel #1
def track_center(long_term_roi_buffer, matches, reference_frame_proposals,
    kf_boxes = Boxes(long_term_roi_buffer[kf_idx])
    trans = reference_frame_proposals.proposal_boxes[matches].get_centers(
    ) - kf_boxes.get_centers()
    trans =[trans, trans], 1)
    long_term_roi_buffer[kf_idx] += trans

    return long_term_roi_buffer
Beispiel #2
    def _match_anchors(self, gt_boxes: Boxes, anchors: List[Boxes]):
        Match ground-truth boxes to a set of multi-level anchors.

            gt_boxes: Ground-truth boxes from instances of an image.
            anchors: List of anchors for each feature map (of different scales).

                A tensor of shape `(M, R)`, given `M` ground-truth boxes and total
                `R` anchor points from all feature levels, indicating the quality
                of match between m-th box and r-th anchor. Higher value indicates
                better match.
        # Naming convention: (M = ground-truth boxes, R = anchor points)
        # Anchor points are represented as square boxes of size = stride.
        num_anchors_per_level = [len(x) for x in anchors]
        anchors =  # (R, 4)
        anchor_centers = anchors.get_centers()  # (R, 2)
        anchor_sizes = anchors.tensor[:, 2] - anchors.tensor[:, 0]  # (R, )

        lower_bound = anchor_sizes * 4
        lower_bound[:num_anchors_per_level[0]] = 0
        upper_bound = anchor_sizes * 8
        upper_bound[-num_anchors_per_level[-1]:] = float("inf")

        gt_centers = gt_boxes.get_centers()

        # FCOS with center sampling: anchor point must be close enough to
        # ground-truth box center.
        center_dists = (anchor_centers[None, :, :] -
                        gt_centers[:, None, :]).abs_()
        sampling_regions = self.center_sampling_radius * anchor_sizes[None, :]

        match_quality_matrix = center_dists.max(
            dim=2).values < sampling_regions

        pairwise_dist = pairwise_point_box_distance(anchor_centers, gt_boxes)
        pairwise_dist = pairwise_dist.permute(1, 0, 2)  # (M, R, 4)

        # The original FCOS anchor matching rule: anchor point must be inside GT.
        match_quality_matrix &= pairwise_dist.min(dim=2).values > 0

        # Multilevel anchor matching in FCOS: each anchor is only responsible
        # for certain scale range.
        pairwise_dist = pairwise_dist.max(dim=2).values
        match_quality_matrix &= (pairwise_dist > lower_bound[None, :]) & (
            pairwise_dist < upper_bound[None, :])
        # Match the GT box with minimum area, if there are multiple GT matches.
        gt_areas = gt_boxes.area()  # (M, )

        match_quality_matrix =
        match_quality_matrix *= 1e8 - gt_areas[:, None]
        return match_quality_matrix  # (M, R)
Beispiel #3
def pairwise_dist(points: torch.Tensor, boxes: Boxes):
    Given a points grid and a list of boxes, computer the distance between points and boxes.
    The results are normalized by box sizes.
        points Tensor(N, 2): Array of N (x, y) points.
        boxes (Boxes):  Contains M boxes.
        Tensor: Distance, size (N, M).

    # Mx2, 2
    box_centers = boxes.get_centers()
    boxes = boxes.tensor
    box_wh = boxes[:, 2:] - boxes[:, :2]

    # N, M, 2
    distance = (points[:, None] - box_centers[None]) / box_wh[None]

    del box_wh
    return distance.norm(dim=2)
Beispiel #4
def _get_keypoints_from_boxes(boxes: Boxes, num_keypoints: int):
    """ Use box center as keypoints """
    centers = boxes.get_centers()
    kpts =, torch.ones(centers.shape[0], 1)), dim=1)
    kpts = kpts.repeat(1, num_keypoints).reshape(len(boxes), num_keypoints, 3)
    return kpts
Beispiel #5
def boxes_to_edge_features(boxes: Boxes, image_size: Tuple[int, int]):
    """Compute pairwise edge features from the bounding boxes of detected objects.

    - Euclidean distance between box centers relative to sqrt(area) of the image
    - Sin and cos of the delta between box centers
    - Intersection over union
    - Relative area of the first box w.r.t. the second box

        image_size: (height, width)


    height, width = image_size

    # Boxes are represented as N x (x1, y1, x2, y2):
    N = len(boxes)
    indices = torch.from_numpy(np.indices((N, N)).reshape(2, -1))  # 2 x (N*N)

    centers = boxes.get_centers()  # N x 2
    areas = boxes.area()  # N

    # delta[i, j] = centers[j] - centers[i]
    delta = centers[None, :, :] - centers[:, None, :]  # N x N x 2
    delta = delta.view(N * N, 2)  # N*N x 2
    relative_dist = delta.norm(dim=1) / np.sqrt(height * width)  # N*N
    angles = torch.atan2(delta[:, 1], delta[:, 0])  # N*N
    sin = torch.sin(angles)  # N*N
    cos = torch.cos(angles)  # N*N

    def quantize_angles(angles):
        """Quantize angles in the ranges 45-135, 135-225, 225-315, 315-45"""
        angles = angles - np.pi / 4
        top_half = torch.sin(angles) >= 0
        right_half = torch.sin(angles) >= 0

        result = torch.empty(len(angles), 4, dtype=torch.bool)
        result[:, 0] = top_half & right_half
        result[:, 1] = top_half & ~right_half
        result[:, 2] = ~top_half & ~right_half
        result[:, 3] = ~top_half & right_half

        return result.float()

    quadrants = quantize_angles(angles)

    iou = pairwise_iou(boxes, boxes)  # N x N
    iou = iou.view(N * N)  # N*N

    # relative_area[i, j] = area[i] / area[j]
    relative_area = areas[:, None] / areas[None, :]  # N x N
    relative_area = relative_area.view(N * N)  # N*N

    features = torch.stack(
            1 / relative_area,
    )  # N x num_feats

    # Remove elements on the diagonal (i.e. self-relationships)
    mask = indices[0] != indices[1]
    features = features[mask]  # (N*N - N) x 4
    indices = indices[:, mask]  # 2 x (N*N -1)

    return features, indices