def deck_without(cards):
    returnme = []
    for c in Deck.GetFullDeck():
        if c not in cards:
    return returnme

flop = deck.draw(3)
h_rc_flop = e.get_rank_class(e.evaluate(hole, flop))

if pause:
    dummy = raw_input('Think hard... ')
print "Starting with", e.class_to_string(h_rc_flop)

## start simulating turn cards, counting outs

n_outs = 0
maxiter = 52 - 5  # runs every turn card remaining in deck
outs = []

# You have five outs. Five outs to WHAT HANDS? Two outs get you trips,
# and three outs get you two pair. Setup a dict that lets us answer
# this question.
outs_hands = {}
for i in range(1,10): # rank classes are [1 .. 9]
    outs_hands[e.class_to_string(i)] = 0

for i in range(maxiter):
def distinguish_high_card(hole, board):
    hrs, brs = extract_ranks(hole, board)
    if 12 in hrs:
        return 'Ace High in Hole'
    if 12 in brs:
        return 'Ace High to Board'
        return 'No Made Hand'

#### main loop ####

lol = all_hands_in_range(range_list)
for L in lol:
    hr = e.evaluate(L, board)
    rc = e.get_rank_class(hr)
    s = e.class_to_string(rc)
    if s == 'Pair':
        s = distinguish_pairs(L, board)
    if s == 'Three of a Kind':
        s = distinguish_three_of(L, board)
    if s == 'High Card':
        s = distinguish_high_card(L, board)
    increment_dict(rc_counts, s)

#### print ####

def pad_to(n, s):
    while len(s) < n:
        s += ' '
    return s
def r2t(x):
    return evaluator.class_to_string(evaluator.get_rank_class(x))

def r2c(x):
    return evaluator.get_rank_class(x)

def list_to_pretty_str(card_ints):
    output = " "
    for i in range(len(card_ints)):
        c = card_ints[i]
        if i != len(card_ints) - 1:
            output += Card.int_to_pretty_str(c) + ","
            output += Card.int_to_pretty_str(c) + " "
    return output

print "nut_hand,flop_leader,num_players"

for num_players in range(2,7):
    for i in range(5000):
        deck = Deck()
        flop = deck.draw(3)
        rank_clasess= []
        for p in range(num_players):
            player = deck.draw(4)
            realrank = omaha_eval(player, flop)
        winner = min(rank_clasess)
        print nut_hand(flop) + "," + str(winner) + ' ' + evaluator.class_to_string(winner) + "," + str(num_players)