Beispiel #1
def getPage(requestPath, lang):
    response = None
    title = 'Web Fundamentals'
    leftNav = '- No Left Nav Found - '
    toc = '- No TOC Found - '
    template = 'gae/article.tpl'
    fileLocations = [
        os.path.join(SOURCE_PATH, lang, requestPath) + '.md',
        os.path.join(SOURCE_PATH, 'en', requestPath) + '.md',
        os.path.join(SOURCE_PATH, lang, requestPath) + '.jshtml',
        os.path.join(SOURCE_PATH, 'en', requestPath) + '.jshtml',
    for fileLocation in fileLocations:
        if os.path.isfile(fileLocation):
            content = open(fileLocation, 'r').read()
            content = content.decode('utf8')

            # If it's a .jshtml file, just serve it.
            if fileLocation.endswith('.jshtml'):
                return content

            dateUpdated ="{# wf_updated_on:[ ]?(.*)[ ]?#}",
            if dateUpdated is None:
                logging.warn('Missing wf_updated_on tag.')
                dateUpdated = 'Unknown'
                dateUpdated =

            ## Injects markdown includes into the markdown as appropriate
            includes = re.findall(r'^<<.+?\.md>>(?m)', content)
            for includeTag in includes:
                fileName = includeTag.replace('<<', '').replace('>>', '')
                fileName = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fileLocation),
                include = devsiteHelper.readFile(fileName, lang)
                if include is None:
                    include = 'Warning: Unable to find included markdown file.\n\n'
                content = content.replace(includeTag, include)

            # Remove any comments {# something #} from the markdown
            content = re.sub(r'{#.+?#}', '', content)
            content = re.sub(r'{% comment %}.*?{% endcomment %}(?ms)', '',

            # Show warning for unsupported elements
            for tag in UNSUPPORTED_TAGS:
                if, content) is not None:
                    logging.error(' - Unsupported tag: ' + tag)
                    replaceWith = '<aside class="warning">Web<strong>Fundamentals</strong>: '
                    replaceWith += '<span>Unsupported tag: <code>' + tag + '</code></span></aside>'
                    content = re.sub(tag, replaceWith, content)

            # Show warning for template tags
            if'{{', content) is not None:
                logging.warn(' - Warning: possible unescaped template tag')

            # Render any DevSite specific tags
            content = devsiteHelper.renderDevSiteContent(content, lang)

            # If it's a markdown file, parse it to HTML
            if fileLocation.endswith('.md'):
                content = re.sub(
                    r'^Note: (.*?)\n^\n(?ms)',
                    r'<aside class="note" markdown="1"><strong>Note:</strong> <span>\1</span></aside>',
                content = re.sub(
                    r'^Caution: (.*?)\n^\n(?ms)',
                    r'<aside class="caution" markdown="1"><strong>Caution:</strong> <span>\1</span></aside>',
                content = re.sub(
                    r'^Warning: (.*?)\n^\n(?ms)',
                    r'<aside class="warning" markdown="1"><strong>Warning:</strong> <span>\1</span></aside>',
                content = re.sub(
                    r'^Key Point: (.*?)\n^\n(?ms)',
                    r'<aside class="key-point" markdown="1"><strong>Key Point:</strong> <span>\1</span></aside>',
                content = re.sub(
                    r'^Key Term: (.*?)\n^\n(?ms)',
                    r'<aside class="key-term" markdown="1"><strong>Key Term:</strong> <span>\1</span></aside>',
                content = re.sub(
                    r'^Objective: (.*?)\n^\n(?ms)',
                    r'<aside class="objective" markdown="1"><strong>Objective:</strong> <span>\1</span></aside>',
                content = re.sub(
                    r'^Success: (.*?)\n^\n(?ms)',
                    r'<aside class="success" markdown="1"><strong>Success:</strong> <span>\1</span></aside>',
                content = re.sub(
                    r'^Dogfood: (.*?)\n^\n(?ms)',
                    r'<aside class="dogfood" markdown="1"><strong>Dogfood:</strong> <span>\1</span></aside>',

                # Adds a set of markdown extensions available to us on DevSite
                ext = [
                    'markdown.extensions.attr_list',  # Adds support for {: #someid }
                    'markdown.extensions.meta',  # Removes the meta data from the top of the doc
                    'markdown.extensions.toc',  # Generate the TOC for the right side
                    'markdown.extensions.tables',  # Support for Markdown Tables
                    'markdown.extensions.def_list',  # Support for definition lists
                    'markdown.extensions.extra'  # Enabled markdown extras
                md = markdown.Markdown(extensions=ext)
                content = md.convert(content)

                # Reads the book.yaml file and generate the lefthand nav
                if 'book_path' in md.Meta and len(md.Meta['book_path']) == 1:
                    bookPath = md.Meta['book_path'][0]
                    leftNav = devsiteHelper.getLeftNav(requestPath, bookPath,

                # Checks if the page should be displayed in full width mode
                if 'full_width' in md.Meta and len(md.Meta['full_width']) == 1:
                    fullWidth = md.Meta['full_width'][0]
                    if fullWidth.lower().strip() == 'true':
                        template = 'gae/home.tpl'

                # Build the table of contents & transform so it fits within DevSite
                toc = md.toc
                toc = toc.strip()
                # Strips the outer wrapper and the page title from the doc
                toc = re.sub(r'<div class="toc">(.*?<ul>){2}(?s)', '', toc)
                toc = re.sub(r'</ul>\s*</li>\s*</ul>\s*</div>(?s)', '', toc)
                # Add appropriate classes
                toc = re.sub(r'<ul>', '<ul class="devsite-page-nav-list">',
                toc = re.sub(r'<a href', '<a class="devsite-nav-title" href',
                toc = re.sub(r'<li>', '<li class="devsite-nav-item">', toc)

            # Replaces <pre> tags with prettyprint enabled tags
            content = re.sub(r'^<pre>(?m)', r'<pre class="prettyprint">',

            # Get the page title from the markup.
            titleRO ='<h1 class="page-title".*?>(.*?)<\/h1>',
            if titleRO:
                title =

            gitHubEditUrl = ''
            gitHubEditUrl += 'master/src/content/'
            gitHubEditUrl += fileLocation.replace(SOURCE_PATH, '')

            gitHubIssueUrl = ''
            gitHubIssueUrl += 'new?title=Feedback for: ' + title + ' ['
            gitHubIssueUrl += lang + ']&body='
            gitHubIssueUrl += gitHubEditUrl

            x = devsiteHelper.getFooterPromo()

            # Renders the content into the template
            response = render(
                template, {
                    'title': title,
                    'gitHubIssueUrl': gitHubIssueUrl,
                    'gitHubEditUrl': gitHubEditUrl,
                    'requestPath': requestPath.replace('/index', ''),
                    'leftNav': leftNav,
                    'content': content,
                    'toc': toc,
                    'dateUpdated': dateUpdated,
                    'lang': lang,
                    'footerPromo': devsiteHelper.getFooterPromo(),
                    'footerLinks': devsiteHelper.getFooterLinkBox()

    return response
Beispiel #2
def parse(requestPath, fileLocation, rawYaml, lang='en'):
    body = ''
    parsedYaml = yaml.load(rawYaml)
    bookPath = parsedYaml['book_path']
    bookYaml = devsiteHelper.parseBookYaml(bookPath, lang)
    projectPath = parsedYaml['project_path']
    page = parsedYaml['landing_page']
    rows = page['rows']
    title = 'Web'
    banner = devsiteHelper.getAnnouncementBanner(projectPath, lang)
    header = 'Generic Page Header Here'
    customCss = ''
    lowerTabs = devsiteHelper.getLowerTabs(bookYaml)
    if 'custom_css_path' in page:
        customCss = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'
        customCss += page['custom_css_path']
        customCss += '">'
    if 'header' in page:
        header = '<div class="devsite-collapsible-section">'
        header += '<div class="devsite-header-background devsite-full-site-width">'
        header += '<div class="devsite-product-id-row devsite-full-site-width">'
        if 'description' in page['header']:
            header += '<div class="devsite-product-description-row">'
            header += '<div class="devsite-product-description">'
            header += page['header']['description']
            header += '</div></div>'
        if 'buttons' in page['header']:
            header += '<div class="devsite-product-button-row">'
            for button in page['header']['buttons']:
                header += '<a class="button" href="'
                header += button['path'] + '">' + button['label'] + '</a>'
            header += '</div>'
        header += '</div></div></div>'
        if 'name' in page['header']:
            title = page['header']['name']
    for row in rows:
        sectionClass = ['devsite-landing-row']
        section = '<section class="[[SECTION_CLASSES]]">'
        if 'classname' in row:
        numItems = None
        if 'columns' in row:
            numItems = len(row['columns'])
        elif 'items' in row:
            numItems = len(row['items'])
        if numItems:
            sectionClass.append('devsite-landing-row-' + str(numItems) + '-up')
        if 'heading' in row:
            section += '<h2 id="' + devsiteHelper.slugify(
                row['heading']) + '">'
            section += row['heading'] + '</h2>'
        if 'items' in row:
            section += '<div class="devsite-landing-row-group">'
            section += parseIndexYamlItems(row['items'])
            section += '</div>'
        if 'columns' in row:
            for column in row['columns']:
                section += '<div class="devsite-landing-row-column">'
                if 'items' in column:
                    section += parseIndexYamlItems(column['items'])
                section += '</div>'
        section += '</section>'
        section = section.replace('[[SECTION_CLASSES]]',
                                  ' '.join(sectionClass))
        body += section
        body = devsiteHelper.renderDevSiteContent(body, lang)
    return render(
        'gae/home.tpl', {
            'title': title,
            'announcementBanner': banner,
            'requestPath': requestPath,
            'lowerTabs': lowerTabs,
            'customcss': customCss,
            'header': header,
            'content': body,
            'lang': lang,
            'footerPromo': devsiteHelper.getFooterPromo(),
            'footerLinks': devsiteHelper.getFooterLinkBox()
def getPage(requestPath, lang):
  response = None
  title = 'Web Fundamentals'
  leftNav = '- No Left Nav Found - '
  toc = '- No TOC Found - '
  template = 'gae/article.tpl'
  fileLocations = [
    os.path.join(SOURCE_PATH, lang, requestPath) + '.md',
    os.path.join(SOURCE_PATH, 'en', requestPath) + '.md',
    os.path.join(SOURCE_PATH, lang, requestPath) + '.jshtml',
    os.path.join(SOURCE_PATH, 'en', requestPath) + '.jshtml',
  for fileLocation in fileLocations:
    if os.path.isfile(fileLocation):
      content = open(fileLocation, 'r').read()
      content = content.decode('utf8')

      # If it's a .jshtml file, just serve it.
      if fileLocation.endswith('.jshtml'):
        return content

      dateUpdated ="{# wf_updated_on:[ ]?(.*)[ ]?#}", content)
      if dateUpdated is None:
        logging.warn('Missing wf_updated_on tag.')
        dateUpdated = 'Unknown'
        dateUpdated =

      ## Injects markdown includes into the markdown as appropriate
      includes = re.findall(r'^<<.+?\.md>>(?m)', content)
      for includeTag in includes:
        fileName = includeTag.replace('<<', '').replace('>>', '')
        fileName = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fileLocation), fileName)
        include = devsiteHelper.readFile(fileName, lang)
        if include is None:
          include = 'Warning: Unable to find included markdown file.\n\n'
        content = content.replace(includeTag, include)

      # Remove any comments {# something #} from the markdown
      content = re.sub(r'{#.+?#}', '', content)
      content = re.sub(r'{% comment %}.*?{% endcomment %}(?ms)', '', content)

      # Show warning for unsupported elements
      for tag in UNSUPPORTED_TAGS:
        if, content) is not None:
          logging.error(' - Unsupported tag: ' + tag)
          replaceWith = '<aside class="warning">Web<strong>Fundamentals</strong>: '
          replaceWith += '<span>Unsupported tag: <code>' + tag + '</code></span></aside>'
          content = re.sub(tag, replaceWith, content)

      # Show warning for template tags
      if'{{', content) is not None:
        logging.warn(' - Warning: possible unescaped template tag')

      # Render any DevSite specific tags
      content = devsiteHelper.renderDevSiteContent(content, lang)

      # If it's a markdown file, parse it to HTML
      if fileLocation.endswith('.md'):
        content = re.sub(r'^Note: (.*?)\n^\n(?ms)', r'<aside class="note" markdown="1"><strong>Note:</strong> <span>\1</span></aside>', content)
        content = re.sub(r'^Caution: (.*?)\n^\n(?ms)', r'<aside class="caution" markdown="1"><strong>Caution:</strong> <span>\1</span></aside>', content)
        content = re.sub(r'^Warning: (.*?)\n^\n(?ms)', r'<aside class="warning" markdown="1"><strong>Warning:</strong> <span>\1</span></aside>', content)
        content = re.sub(r'^Key Point: (.*?)\n^\n(?ms)', r'<aside class="key-point" markdown="1"><strong>Key Point:</strong> <span>\1</span></aside>', content)
        content = re.sub(r'^Key Term: (.*?)\n^\n(?ms)', r'<aside class="key-term" markdown="1"><strong>Key Term:</strong> <span>\1</span></aside>', content)
        content = re.sub(r'^Objective: (.*?)\n^\n(?ms)', r'<aside class="objective" markdown="1"><strong>Objective:</strong> <span>\1</span></aside>', content)
        content = re.sub(r'^Success: (.*?)\n^\n(?ms)', r'<aside class="success" markdown="1"><strong>Success:</strong> <span>\1</span></aside>', content)
        content = re.sub(r'^Dogfood: (.*?)\n^\n(?ms)', r'<aside class="dogfood" markdown="1"><strong>Dogfood:</strong> <span>\1</span></aside>', content)
        # Adds a set of markdown extensions available to us on DevSite
        ext = [
          'markdown.extensions.attr_list', # Adds support for {: #someid }
          'markdown.extensions.meta', # Removes the meta data from the top of the doc
          'markdown.extensions.toc', # Generate the TOC for the right side
          'markdown.extensions.tables', # Support for Markdown Tables
          'markdown.extensions.extra', # Support for markdown='1' in tags
          'markdown.extensions.def_list' # Support for definition lists
        md = markdown.Markdown(extensions=ext)
        content = md.convert(content)

        # Reads the book.yaml file and generate the lefthand nav
        if 'book_path' in md.Meta and len(md.Meta['book_path']) == 1:
          bookPath = md.Meta['book_path'][0]
          leftNav = devsiteHelper.getLeftNav(requestPath, bookPath, lang)

        # Checks if the page should be displayed in full width mode
        if 'full_width' in md.Meta and len(md.Meta['full_width']) == 1:
          fullWidth = md.Meta['full_width'][0]
          if fullWidth.lower().strip() == 'true':
            template = 'gae/home.tpl'

        # Build the table of contents & transform so it fits within DevSite
        toc = md.toc
        toc = toc.strip()
        # Strips the outer wrapper and the page title from the doc
        toc = re.sub(r'<div class="toc">(.*?<ul>){2}(?s)', '', toc)
        toc = re.sub(r'</ul>\s*</li>\s*</ul>\s*</div>(?s)', '', toc)
        # Add appropriate classes
        toc = re.sub(r'<ul>', '<ul class="devsite-page-nav-list">', toc)
        toc = re.sub(r'<a href', '<a class="devsite-nav-title" href', toc)
        toc = re.sub(r'<li>', '<li class="devsite-nav-item">', toc)

      # Replaces <pre> tags with prettyprint enabled tags
      content = re.sub(r'^<pre>(?m)', r'<pre class="prettyprint">', content)

      # Get the page title from the markup.
      titleRO ='<h1 class="page-title".*?>(.*?)<\/h1>', content)
      if titleRO:
        title =

      gitHubEditUrl = ''
      gitHubEditUrl += 'master/src/content/'
      gitHubEditUrl += fileLocation.replace(SOURCE_PATH, '')

      gitHubIssueUrl = ''
      gitHubIssueUrl += 'new?title=Feedback for: ' + title + ' ['
      gitHubIssueUrl += lang + ']&body='
      gitHubIssueUrl += gitHubEditUrl

      x = devsiteHelper.getFooterPromo()

      # Renders the content into the template
      response = render(template, {
        'title': title,
        'announcementBanner': devsiteHelper.getAnnouncementBanner(lang),
        'gitHubIssueUrl': gitHubIssueUrl,
        'gitHubEditUrl': gitHubEditUrl,
        'requestPath': requestPath.replace('/index', ''),
        'leftNav': leftNav,
        'content': content,
        'toc': toc,
        'dateUpdated': dateUpdated,
        'lang': lang,
        'footerPromo': devsiteHelper.getFooterPromo(),
        'footerLinks': devsiteHelper.getFooterLinkBox()

  return response
def generateYaml(lang, requestPath, rawYaml):
  content = ''
  parsedYaml = yaml.load(rawYaml)
  page = parsedYaml['landing_page']
  rows = page['rows']
  title = 'Web'
  banner = devsiteHelper.getAnnouncementBanner(lang)
  header = 'Generic Page Header Here'
  customCss = ''
  if 'custom_css_path' in page:
    customCss = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'
    customCss += page['custom_css_path']
    customCss += '">'
  if 'header' in page:
    header = '<div class="devsite-collapsible-section">'
    header += '<div class="devsite-header-background devsite-full-site-width">'
    header += '<div class="devsite-product-id-row devsite-full-site-width">'
    if 'description' in page['header']:
      header += '<div class="devsite-product-description-row">'
      header += '<div class="devsite-product-description">'
      header += page['header']['description']
      header += '</div></div>'
    if 'buttons' in page['header']:
      header += '<div class="devsite-product-button-row">'
      for button in page['header']['buttons']:
        header += '<a class="button" href="'
        header += button['path'] + '">' + button['label'] + '</a>'
      header += '</div>'
    header += '</div></div></div>'
    if 'name' in page['header']:
      title = page['header']['name']
  for row in rows:
    sectionClass = ['devsite-landing-row']
    section = '<section class="[[SECTION_CLASSES]]">'
    if 'classname' in row:
    numItems = None
    if 'columns' in row:
      numItems = len(row['columns'])
    elif 'items' in row:
      numItems = len(row['items'])
    if numItems:
      sectionClass.append('devsite-landing-row-' + str(numItems) + '-up')
    if 'heading' in row:
      section += '<h2 id="' + devsiteHelper.slugify(row['heading']) +'">'
      section += row['heading'] + '</h2>'
    if 'items' in row:
      section += parseIndexYamlItems(row['items'])
    if 'columns' in row:
      for column in row['columns']:
        section += '<div class="devsite-landing-row-column">'
        if 'items' in column:
          section += parseIndexYamlItems(column['items'])
        section += '</div>'
    section += '</section>'
    section = section.replace('[[SECTION_CLASSES]]', ' '.join(sectionClass))
    content += section
    content = devsiteHelper.renderDevSiteContent(content, lang)
  text = render('gae/home.tpl', {
                'title': title,
                'announcementBanner': banner,
                'requestPath': requestPath,
                'customcss': customCss,
                'header': header,
                'content': content,
                'lang': lang,
                'footerPromo': devsiteHelper.getFooterPromo(),
                'footerLinks': devsiteHelper.getFooterLinkBox()
  return text
Beispiel #5
def parse(requestPath, fileLocation, content, lang='en'):
    template = 'gae/article.tpl'

    ## Get the HTML tag
    htmlTag ='<html.*?>', content)
    if htmlTag is None:
        log.warning('Does not contain <html> root element')
        htmlTag =
        # Check the HTML tag contains the devsite
        if htmlTag.find('devsite') == -1:
            return content

    # Isolate the <head>
    headStart = content.find('<head')
    headEnd = content.find('</head>')
    head = content[headStart:headEnd].strip()

    # Isolate the <body>
    bodyStart = content.find('<body')
    bodyEnd = content.rfind('</body>')
    body = content[bodyStart:bodyEnd].strip()
    body = re.sub(r'<body.*?>', '', body)

    dateUpdated ="{# wf_updated_on:[ ]?(.*)[ ]?#}", content)
    if dateUpdated is None:
        dateUpdated = 'Unknown'
        dateUpdated =

    # Remove any comments {# something #}
    body = re.sub(r'{#.+?#}', '', body)
    body = re.sub(r'{% comment %}.*?{% endcomment %}(?ms)', '', body)

    # Show warning for unsupported elements
    for tag in UNSUPPORTED_TAGS:
        if, body) is not None:
            logging.error(' - Unsupported tag: ' + tag)
            replaceWith = '<aside class="warning">Web<strong>Fundamentals</strong>: '
            replaceWith += '<span>Unsupported tag: <code>' + tag + '</code></span></aside>'
            body = re.sub(tag, replaceWith, body)

    # Show warning for template tags
    if'{{', body) is not None:
        logging.warn(' - Warning: possible unescaped template tag')

    # Render any DevSite specific tags
    body = devsiteHelper.renderDevSiteContent(body, lang)

    # Read the page title
    title ='<title>(.*?)</title>', head)
    if title is None:
        title = '** UNKNOWN TITLE **'
        title =
        if body.find('<h1>') == -1:
            body = '<h1 class="page-title">' + title + '</h1>\n\n' + body

    # Read the book.yaml file and generate the left hand nav
    bookPath ='name=\"book_path\" value=\"(.*?)\"', head)
    if bookPath is None:
        logging.error('Unable to read book_path')
        leftNav = 'Book not found.'
        lowerTabs = ''
        bookPath =
        bookYaml = devsiteHelper.parseBookYaml(bookPath, lang)
        leftNav = devsiteHelper.getLeftNav(requestPath, bookYaml)
        lowerTabs = devsiteHelper.getLowerTabs(bookYaml)

    # Read the project.yaml file
    projectPath ='name=\"project_path\" value=\"(.*?)\"', head)
    if bookPath is None:
        logging.error('Unable to read project_path')
        projectPath =
        announcementBanner = devsiteHelper.getAnnouncementBanner(
            projectPath, lang)

    # Replaces <pre> tags with prettyprint enabled tags
    body = re.sub(r'^<pre>(?m)', r'<pre class="prettyprint">', body)

    # Checks if the page should be displayed in full width mode
    fullWidth ='name=\"full_width\" value=\"true\"', head)
    if fullWidth is not None:
        template = 'gae/home.tpl'

    # # Build the table of contents & transform so it fits within DevSite
    toc = '- TOC NYI - '
    # toc = md.toc
    # toc = toc.strip()
    # # Strips the outer wrapper and the page title from the doc
    # toc = re.sub(r'<div class="toc">(.*?<ul>){2}(?s)', '', toc)
    # toc = re.sub(r'</ul>\s*</li>\s*</ul>\s*</div>(?s)', '', toc)
    # # Add appropriate classes
    # toc = re.sub(r'<ul>', '<ul class="devsite-page-nav-list">', toc)
    # toc = re.sub(r'<a href', '<a class="devsite-nav-title" href', toc)
    # toc = re.sub(r'<li>', '<li class="devsite-nav-item">', toc)

    gitHubEditUrl = ''
    gitHubEditUrl += 'master/src/content/'
    gitHubEditUrl += fileLocation.replace(SOURCE_PATH, '')

    gitHubIssueUrl = ''
    gitHubIssueUrl += 'new?title=Feedback for: ' + title + ' ['
    gitHubIssueUrl += lang + ']&body='
    gitHubIssueUrl += gitHubEditUrl

    # Renders the content into the template
    return render(
        template, {
            'title': title,
            'head': head,
            'announcementBanner': announcementBanner,
            'lowerTabs': lowerTabs,
            'gitHubIssueUrl': gitHubIssueUrl,
            'gitHubEditUrl': gitHubEditUrl,
            'requestPath': requestPath.replace('/index', ''),
            'leftNav': leftNav,
            'content': body,
            'toc': toc,
            'dateUpdated': dateUpdated,
            'lang': lang,
            'footerPromo': devsiteHelper.getFooterPromo(),
            'footerLinks': devsiteHelper.getFooterLinkBox()
Beispiel #6
def parse(requestPath, fileLocation, rawYaml, lang='en'):
    body = ''
    parsedYaml = yaml.load(rawYaml)
    bookPath = parsedYaml['book_path']
    bookYaml = devsiteHelper.parseBookYaml(bookPath, lang)
    projectPath = parsedYaml['project_path']
    page = parsedYaml['landing_page']
    rows = page['rows']
    title = 'Web'
    if 'title' in parsedYaml:
        title = parsedYaml['title']
    headerTitle = None
    description = 'Description pulled from <code>_project.yaml</code>'
    headerButtons = None
    banner = devsiteHelper.getAnnouncementBanner(projectPath, lang)
    customHeader = None
    customCSS = None
    lowerTabs = devsiteHelper.getLowerTabs(bookYaml)
    if len(lowerTabs) <= 1:
        lowerTabs = None
    if 'custom_css_path' in page:
        customCSS = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'
        customCSS += page['custom_css_path']
        customCSS += '">'
    if 'header' in page:
        if 'custom_html' in page['header']:
            customHeader = page['header']['custom_html']
            if 'name' in page['header']:
                headerTitle = page['header']['name']
            if 'description' in page['header']:
                description = page['header']['description']
            if 'buttons' in page['header']:
                headerButtons = []
                for button in page['header']['buttons']:
                    headerButton = '<a class="button" href="'
                    headerButton += button['path'] + '">' + button[
                        'label'] + '</a>'
    for row in rows:
        sectionClass = ['devsite-landing-row']
        section = '<section class="[[SECTION_CLASSES]]">'
        if 'classname' in row:
        numItems = None
        if 'columns' in row:
            numItems = len(row['columns'])
        elif 'items' in row:
            numItems = len(row['items'])
        if numItems:
            sectionClass.append('devsite-landing-row-' + str(numItems) + '-up')
        if 'heading' in row:
            section += '<h2 id="' + devsiteHelper.slugify(
                row['heading']) + '">'
            section += row['heading'] + '</h2>'
        if 'description' in row:
            section += '<p class="devsite-landing-row-description">'
            section += row['description'] + '</p>'
        if 'items' in row:
            section += '<div class="devsite-landing-row-group">'
            section += parseIndexYamlItems(row['items'])
            section += '</div>'
        if 'columns' in row:
            section += '<div class="devsite-landing-row-group">'
            for column in row['columns']:
                section += '<div class="devsite-landing-row-column">'
                # if 'items' in column:
                section += parseIndexYamlItems([column])
                section += '</div>'
            section += '</div>'
        section += '</section>'
        section = section.replace('[[SECTION_CLASSES]]',
                                  ' '.join(sectionClass))
        body += section
        body = devsiteHelper.renderDevSiteContent(body, lang)
    return render(
        'gae/home.tpl', {
            'title': title,
            'headerTitle': title,
            'description': description,
            'headerButtons': headerButtons,
            'announcementBanner': banner,
            'requestPath': requestPath,
            'lowerTabs': lowerTabs,
            'customCSS': customCSS,
            'customHeader': customHeader,
            'content': body,
            'lang': lang,
            'footerPromo': devsiteHelper.getFooterPromo(),
            'footerLinks': devsiteHelper.getFooterLinkBox()