def test_pygments():
    with run(plugin.PygmentsStylesheet) as env:
        assert 'pastie.tex' in env['pygments'].keys()
        assert 'pastie.css' in env['pygments'].keys()
        assert 'pastie.html' in env['pygments'].keys()
        assert hasattr(env['highlight'], '__call__')
def test_simple_json():
    with run(plugin.SimpleJson) as env:
        assert inspect.ismodule((env['json']))
def test_python_builtins():
    with run(plugin.PythonBuiltins) as env:
        assert 'hasattr' in env
def test_python_datetime():
    with run(plugin.PythonDatetime) as env:
        assert env['cal'].__class__.__name__ == 'Calendar'
def test_dexy_version():
    with run(plugin.DexyVersion) as env:
        assert env['DEXY_VERSION']
def test_base():
def test_ppjson():
    with run(plugin.PrettyPrintJson) as env:
        assert 'ppjson' in env
        assert hasattr(env['ppjson'], '__call__')
def test_pygments():
    with run(plugin.PygmentsStylesheet) as env:
        assert 'pastie.tex' in env['pygments'].keys()
        assert 'pastie.css' in env['pygments'].keys()
        assert 'pastie.html' in env['pygments'].keys()
        assert hasattr(env['highlight'], '__call__')
def test_base():
def test_python_builtins():
    with run(plugin.PythonBuiltins) as env:
        assert 'hasattr' in env
def test_simple_json():
    with run(plugin.SimpleJson) as env:
        assert inspect.ismodule((env['json']))
def test_dexy_version():
    with run(plugin.DexyVersion) as env:
        assert env['DEXY_VERSION']
def test_python_datetime():
    with run(plugin.PythonDatetime) as env:
        assert env['cal'].__class__.__name__ == 'Calendar'
def test_ppjson():
    with run(plugin.PrettyPrintJson) as env:
        assert 'ppjson' in env
        assert hasattr(env['ppjson'], '__call__')