def test_3d_internal_mpfa(self):
        g = create_grids.cart_3d()
        interior_node = 13

        reg = ia_reg.extract_mpfa_regions(g, nodes=[interior_node])[0]

    def test_3d_internal_tpfa(self):
        g = create_grids.cart_3d()
        interior_face = 4

        reg = ia_reg.extract_tpfa_regions(g, faces=[interior_face])[0]

    def test_3d_boundary_mpfa_with_fracture(self):
        g = create_grids.cart_3d()

        reg = ia_reg.extract_mpfa_regions(g, nodes=[4])[0]

        frac = pp.Fracture(
            np.array([[0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0], [1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1],
                      [0.2, 0.2, 0.8, 0.8]]))
    def test_3d_internal_mpfa_with_fracture(self):
        g = create_grids.cart_3d()

        reg = ia_reg.extract_mpfa_regions(g, nodes=[13])[0]

        frac = pp.Fracture(
            np.array([[0.7, 1.3, 1.3, 0.7], [1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1],
                      [0.2, 0.2, 0.8, 0.8]]))
    def test_3d_boundary_tpfa_with_fracture(self):
        g = create_grids.cart_3d()
        interior_face = 3

        reg = ia_reg.extract_tpfa_regions(g, faces=[interior_face])[0]

        frac = pp.Fracture(
            np.array([[0.0, 0.3, 0.3, 0.0], [1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5],
                      [0.2, 0.2, 0.8, 0.8]]))
    def test_mpfa_internal_domain_3d_with_fractures(self):
        g = create_grids.cart_3d()
        reg = ia_reg.extract_mpfa_regions(g, nodes=[13])[0]

        f_1 = pp.Fracture(
            np.array([[0.7, 1.4, 1.4, 0.7], [0.4, 0.4, 1.4, 1.4], [0.6, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6]])
        f_2 = pp.Fracture(
            np.array([[1.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1], [0.3, 1.4, 1.4, 0.3], [0.1, 0.1, 0.9, 0.9]])
        reg.add_fractures(fractures=[f_1, f_2])

        local_gb = LocalGridBucketSet(3, reg)
    def test_tpfa_cart_grid_3d_boundary_face(self):

        g = create_grids.cart_3d()

        interior_face = 3
        cells = [2]

        reg = ia_reg.extract_tpfa_regions(g, faces=[interior_face])[0]

        fn = g.face_nodes.indices.reshape((4, -1), order="f")

        fn_loc = fn[:, interior_face]

        known_surfaces = np.array([
            [cells[0], fn_loc[0], fn_loc[1]],
            [cells[0], fn_loc[1], fn_loc[2]],
            [cells[0], fn_loc[2], fn_loc[3]],
            [cells[0], fn_loc[3], fn_loc[0]],
            [fn_loc[0], fn_loc[1], fn_loc[2]],
            [fn_loc[0], fn_loc[2], fn_loc[3]],

            test_utils.compare_arrays(known_surfaces.T, reg.surfaces.T))

        known_edges = np.array([
            [cells[0], fn_loc[0]],
            [cells[0], fn_loc[1]],
            [cells[0], fn_loc[2]],
            [cells[0], fn_loc[3]],
        self.assertTrue(test_utils.compare_arrays(known_edges.T, reg.edges.T))

        for et in reg.edge_node_type:
            self.assertTrue(et == ("cell", "node"))

        for surf, bound_info, node_types in zip(reg.surfaces,
            if np.all(np.isin(surf, fn_loc)):
                # This is a boundary surface
                self.assertTrue(bound_info == True)
                self.assertTrue(node_types == ("node", "node", "node"))
                self.assertTrue(bound_info == False)
                self.assertTrue(node_types == ("cell", "node", "node"))
    def test_tpfa_cart_grid_3d_interior_face(self):

        g = create_grids.cart_3d()

        interior_face = 4
        cells = [2, 3]

        reg = ia_reg.extract_tpfa_regions(g, faces=[interior_face])[0]

        fn = g.face_nodes.indices.reshape((4, -1), order="f")

        fn_loc = fn[:, interior_face]

        known_surfaces = np.array([
            [cells[0], fn_loc[0], fn_loc[1]],
            [cells[0], fn_loc[1], fn_loc[2]],
            [cells[0], fn_loc[2], fn_loc[3]],
            [cells[0], fn_loc[3], fn_loc[0]],
            [cells[1], fn_loc[0], fn_loc[1]],
            [cells[1], fn_loc[1], fn_loc[2]],
            [cells[1], fn_loc[2], fn_loc[3]],
            [cells[1], fn_loc[3], fn_loc[0]],

            test_utils.compare_arrays(known_surfaces.T, reg.surfaces.T))

        known_edges = np.array([
            [cells[0], fn_loc[0], cells[1]],
            [cells[0], fn_loc[1], cells[1]],
            [cells[0], fn_loc[2], cells[1]],
            [cells[0], fn_loc[3], cells[1]],
        self.assertTrue(test_utils.compare_arrays(known_edges.T, reg.edges.T))

        for et in reg.edge_node_type:
            self.assertTrue(et == ("cell", "node", "cell"))
    def test_mpfa_cart_grid_3d_boundary_node(self):
        g = create_grids.cart_3d()
        interior_node = 3
        # cells = [0, 2]
        # faces = [0, 3, 14, 24, 26]
        # other_nodes = [0, 4, 6, 12]

        reg = ia_reg.extract_mpfa_regions(g, interior_node)[0]

        known_edges = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 24], [0, 14, 2], [2, 3], [2, 26]])

        known_surfaces = np.array([
            [0, 0, 0],
            [0, 24, 0],
            [0, 24, 4],
            [0, 14, 4],
            [2, 26, 4],
            [2, 14, 4],
            [0, 0, 12],
            [0, 14, 12],
            [2, 14, 12],
            [2, 3, 12],
            [2, 3, 6],
            [2, 26, 6],  # after this, boundary surfaces
            [0, 0, 3],
            [0, 12, 3],
            [3, 6, 3],
            [3, 12, 3],
            [24, 0, 3],
            [24, 4, 3],
            [26, 4, 3],
            [26, 6, 3],
            test_utils.compare_arrays(known_surfaces.T, reg.surfaces.T))
            test_utils.compare_arrays_varying_size(known_edges.T, reg.edges.T))
    def test_mpfa_cart_grid_3d_internal_node(self):

        g = create_grids.cart_3d()
        interior_node = 13
        # cells = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
        # faces = [1, 4, 7, 10, 14, 15, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31]
        # other_nodes = [4, 10, 12, 14, 16, 22]

        reg = ia_reg.extract_mpfa_regions(g, interior_node)[0]

        known_surfaces = np.asarray([
            [0, 1, 4],
            [0, 1, 10],
            [1, 1, 4],
            [1, 1, 10],
            [0, 14, 4],
            [0, 14, 12],
            [2, 14, 4],
            [2, 14, 12],
            [2, 4, 4],
            [2, 4, 16],
            [3, 4, 4],
            [3, 4, 16],
            [1, 15, 4],
            [1, 15, 14],
            [3, 15, 4],
            [3, 15, 14],  # Done with all lower faces
            [4, 7, 10],
            [4, 7, 22],
            [5, 7, 10],
            [5, 7, 22],
            [4, 20, 12],
            [4, 20, 22],
            [6, 20, 12],
            [6, 20, 22],
            [5, 21, 14],
            [5, 21, 22],
            [7, 21, 14],
            [7, 21, 22],
            [6, 10, 16],
            [6, 10, 22],
            [7, 10, 16],
            [7, 10, 22],  # Done with all upper faces
            [0, 28, 10],
            [0, 28, 12],
            [4, 28, 10],
            [4, 28, 12],
            [1, 29, 10],
            [1, 29, 14],
            [5, 29, 10],
            [5, 29, 14],
            [2, 30, 12],
            [2, 30, 16],
            [6, 30, 12],
            [6, 30, 16],
            [3, 31, 14],
            [3, 31, 16],
            [7, 31, 14],
            [7, 31, 16],

        known_edges = np.array([
            [0, 1, 1],
            [0, 14, 2],
            [2, 4, 3],
            [1, 15, 3],
            [4, 7, 5],
            [4, 20, 6],
            [5, 21, 7],
            [6, 10, 7],
            [0, 28, 4],
            [1, 29, 5],
            [2, 30, 6],
            [3, 31, 7],

            test_utils.compare_arrays(known_edges.T, reg.edges.T, sort=False))
 def test_mpfa_internal_domain_3d(self):
     g = create_grids.cart_3d()
     reg = ia_reg.extract_mpfa_regions(g, nodes=[13])[0]
     local_gb = LocalGridBucketSet(3, reg)
 def test_tpfa_boundary_domain_3d(self):
     g = create_grids.cart_3d()
     reg = ia_reg.extract_tpfa_regions(g, faces=[3])[0]
     local_gb = LocalGridBucketSet(3, reg)