def _GetStat(self):
        """Retrieves the stat object.

      The stat object (instance of vfs.VFSStat).

      BackEndError: when the compressed stream is missing.
        encoded_stream = self.GetFileObject()
        if not encoded_stream:
            raise errors.BackEndError(
                u'Unable to open encoded stream: {0:s}.'.format(

            stat_object = vfs_stat.VFSStat()

            # File data stat information.
            stat_object.size = encoded_stream.get_size()

            # Date and time stat information.

            # Ownership and permissions stat information.

            # File entry type stat information.
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_FILE

            # Other stat information.


        return stat_object
    def _GetStat(self):
        """Retrieves the stat object.

      The stat object (instance of vfs.VFSStat).

      BackEndError: when the SQLite blob is missing.
        blob_file = self.GetFileObject()
        if not blob_file:
            raise errors.BackEndError(
                u'Unable to open blob file: {0:s}.'.format(

            stat_object = vfs_stat.VFSStat()

            # The root file entry is virtual and should have type directory.
            if self._is_virtual:
                stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_DIRECTORY
                stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_FILE
                stat_object.size = blob_file.get_size()


        return stat_object
Beispiel #3
    def _GetStat(self):
        """Retrieves the stat object.

      The stat object (instance of vfs.VFSStat).

      BackEndError: when the BDE file is missing.
        bde_volume = self._file_system.GetBdeVolume()
        if bde_volume is None:
            raise errors.BackEndError(u'Missing BDE volume.')

        stat_object = vfs_stat.VFSStat()

        # File data stat information.
        stat_object.size = bde_volume.get_size()

        # Date and time stat information.
        timestamp = date_time.PosixTimestamp.FromFiletime(

        if timestamp is not None:
            stat_object.crtime = timestamp

        # Ownership and permissions stat information.

        # File entry type stat information.
        stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_FILE

        # Other stat information.

        return stat_object
Beispiel #4
  def _GetStat(self):
    """Retrieves the stat object.

      VFSStat: stat object.

      BackEndError: when the BDE file is missing.
    bde_volume = self._file_system.GetBDEVolume()
    if bde_volume is None:
      raise errors.BackEndError(u'Missing BDE volume.')

    stat_object = vfs_stat.VFSStat()

    # File data stat information.
    stat_object.size = bde_volume.get_size()

    # Date and time stat information.
    timestamp = bde_volume.get_creation_time_as_integer()
    date_time_values = dfdatetime_filetime.Filetime(timestamp=timestamp)

    stat_time, stat_time_nano = date_time_values.CopyToStatTimeTuple()
    if stat_time is not None:
      stat_object.crtime = stat_time
      stat_object.crtime_nano = stat_time_nano

    # Ownership and permissions stat information.

    # File entry type stat information.
    stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_FILE

    # Other stat information.

    return stat_object
Beispiel #5
  def _GetStat(self):
    """Retrieves the stat object.

      VFSStat: stat object.

      BackEndError: when the FVDE file is missing.
    fvde_volume = self._file_system.GetFVDEVolume()
    if fvde_volume is None:
      raise errors.BackEndError(u'Missing FVDE volume.')

    stat_object = vfs_stat.VFSStat()

    # File data stat information.
    stat_object.size = fvde_volume.get_size()

    # Date and time stat information.

    # Ownership and permissions stat information.

    # File entry type stat information.
    stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_FILE

    # Other stat information.

    return stat_object
Beispiel #6
    def AddFileEntry(self,
        """Adds a fake file entry.

      path: the path of the file entry.
      file_entry_type: optional type of the file entry object.
                       The default is file (definitions.FILE_ENTRY_TYPE_FILE).
      file_data: optional data of the fake file-like object.
                 The default is None.
      link_data: optional link data of the fake file entry object.
                 The default is None.

      KeyError: if the path already exists.
      ValueError: if the file data is set but the file entry type is not a file
                  or if the link data is set but the file entry type is not
                  a link.
        if path in self._paths:
            raise KeyError(
                u'File entry already set for path: {0:s}.'.format(path))

        if file_data and file_entry_type != definitions.FILE_ENTRY_TYPE_FILE:
            raise ValueError(u'File data set for non-file file entry type.')

        if link_data and file_entry_type != definitions.FILE_ENTRY_TYPE_LINK:
            raise ValueError(u'Link data set for non-link file entry type.')

        stat_object = vfs_stat.VFSStat()

        # File data stat information.
        if file_data is not None:
            stat_object.size = len(file_data)

        # Date and time stat information.
        timestamp = date_time.PosixTimestamp.GetNow()

        stat_object.atime = timestamp
        stat_object.ctime = timestamp
        stat_object.mtime = timestamp

        # Ownership and permissions stat information.

        # File entry type stat information.
        stat_object.type = file_entry_type

        # Other stat information.

        if file_data:
            path_data = file_data
        elif link_data:
            path_data = link_data
            path_data = None

        self._paths[path] = (stat_object, path_data)
    def _GetStat(self):
        """Retrieves the stat object.

      The stat object (instance of vfs.VFSStat).

      BackEndError: when the SQLite blob file-like object is missing.
        stat_object = vfs_stat.VFSStat()

        # The root file entry is virtual and should have type directory.
        if self._is_virtual:
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_DIRECTORY
            file_object = self.GetFileObject()
            if not file_object:
                raise errors.BackEndError(
                    u'Unable to retrieve SQLite blob file-like object.')

                stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_FILE
                stat_object.size = file_object.get_size()

        return stat_object
Beispiel #8
    def _GetStat(self):
        """Retrieves information about the file entry.

      VFSStat: a stat object.
        stat_object = vfs_stat.VFSStat()

        # Date and time stat information.
        access_time = self.access_time
        if access_time:
            stat_time, stat_time_nano = access_time.CopyToStatTimeTuple()
            if stat_time is not None:
                stat_object.atime = stat_time
            if stat_time_nano is not None:
                stat_object.atime_nano = stat_time_nano

        change_time = self.change_time
        if change_time:
            stat_time, stat_time_nano = change_time.CopyToStatTimeTuple()
            if stat_time is not None:
                stat_object.ctime = stat_time
            if stat_time_nano is not None:
                stat_object.ctime_nano = stat_time_nano

        creation_time = self.creation_time
        if creation_time:
            stat_time, stat_time_nano = creation_time.CopyToStatTimeTuple()
            if stat_time is not None:
                stat_object.crtime = stat_time
            if stat_time_nano is not None:
                stat_object.crtime_nano = stat_time_nano

        modification_time = self.modification_time
        if modification_time:
            stat_time, stat_time_nano = modification_time.CopyToStatTimeTuple()
            if stat_time is not None:
                stat_object.mtime = stat_time
            if stat_time_nano is not None:
                stat_object.mtime_nano = stat_time_nano

        # File data stat information.
        stat_object.size = self.size

        # Ownership and permissions stat information.
        # TODO: consider adding stat_object.mode
        # TODO: consider adding stat_object.uid
        # TODO: consider adding stat_object.gid

        # File entry type stat information.
        stat_object.type = self.entry_type

        # Other stat information.
        # TODO: consider adding stat_object.ino
        # TODO: consider adding stat_object.fs_type

        stat_object.is_allocated = self.IsAllocated()

        return stat_object
Beispiel #9
    def _GetStat(self):
        """Retrieves the stat object.

      The stat object (instance of vfs.VFSStat).

      BackEndError: when the zip info is missing in a non-virtual file entry.
        zip_info = self.GetZipInfo()
        if not self._is_virtual and zip_info is None:
            raise errors.BackEndError(
                u'Missing zip info in non-virtual file entry.')

        stat_object = vfs_stat.VFSStat()

        # File data stat information.
        if zip_info is not None:
            stat_object.size = getattr(zip_info, u'size', None)

        # Date and time stat information.
        # TODO: move this to a timelib equivalent.
        zip_info_date_time = getattr(zip_info, u'date_time', None)
        if zip_info_date_time:
            stat_object.mtime = date_time.PosixTimestamp.FromTimeElements(

        # Ownership and permissions stat information.
        if zip_info is not None:
            creator_system = getattr(zip_info, u'create_system', 0)
            external_attributes = getattr(zip_info, u'external_attr', 0)

            if external_attributes != 0:
                if creator_system == self._CREATOR_SYSTEM_UNIX:
                    st_mode = external_attributes >> 16
                    stat_object.mode = st_mode & 0x0fff

        # File entry type stat information.

        # The root file entry is virtual and should have type directory.
        if (self._is_virtual or external_attributes
                & self._MSDOS_FILE_ATTRIBUTES_IS_DIRECTORY):
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_DIRECTORY
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_FILE

        # Other stat information.
        # zip_info.compress_type
        # zip_info.comment
        # zip_info.extra
        # zip_info.create_version
        # zip_info.extract_version
        # zip_info.flag_bits
        # zip_info.volume
        # zip_info.internal_attr
        # zip_info.compress_size

        return stat_object
Beispiel #10
    def _GetStat(self):
        """Retrieves the stat object.

      VFSStat: stat object.

      BackEndError: when the TAR info is missing in a non-virtual file entry.
        tar_info = self.GetTARInfo()
        if not self._is_virtual and tar_info is None:
            raise errors.BackEndError(
                u'Missing TAR info in non-virtual file entry.')

        stat_object = vfs_stat.VFSStat()

        # File data stat information.
        stat_object.size = getattr(tar_info, u'size', None)

        # Date and time stat information.
        stat_object.mtime = getattr(tar_info, u'mtime', None)

        # Ownership and permissions stat information.
        stat_object.mode = getattr(tar_info, u'mode', None)
        stat_object.uid = getattr(tar_info, u'uid', None)
        stat_object.gid = getattr(tar_info, u'gid', None)

        # TODO: implement support for:
        # stat_object.uname = getattr(tar_info, u'uname', None)
        # stat_object.gname = getattr(tar_info, u'gname', None)

        # File entry type stat information.

        # The root file entry is virtual and should have type directory.
        if self._is_virtual or tar_info.isdir():
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_DIRECTORY
        elif tar_info.isfile():
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_FILE
        elif tar_info.issym() or tar_info.islnk():
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_LINK
        elif tar_info.ischr() or tar_info.isblk():
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_DEVICE
        elif tar_info.isfifo():
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_PIPE

        # TODO: determine if this covers all the types:

        # Other stat information.
        # tar_info.pax_headers

        return stat_object
Beispiel #11
    def _GetStat(self):
        """Retrieves the stat object.

      The stat object (instance of vfs.VFSStat).

      BackEndError: when the CPIO archive file entry is missing in
                    a non-virtual file entry.
        cpio_archive_file_entry = self.GetCPIOArchiveFileEntry()
        if not self._is_virtual and cpio_archive_file_entry is None:
            raise errors.BackEndError(
                u'Missing CPIO archive file entry in non-virtual file entry.')

        stat_object = vfs_stat.VFSStat()

        # File data stat information.
        stat_object.size = getattr(cpio_archive_file_entry, u'data_size', None)

        # Date and time stat information.
        stat_object.mtime = getattr(cpio_archive_file_entry,
                                    u'modification_time', None)

        # Ownership and permissions stat information.
        mode = getattr(cpio_archive_file_entry, u'mode', 0)
        stat_object.mode = stat.S_IMODE(mode)
        stat_object.uid = getattr(cpio_archive_file_entry, u'user_identifier',
        stat_object.gid = getattr(cpio_archive_file_entry, u'group_identifier',

        # File entry type stat information.

        # The stat info member st_mode can have multiple types e.g.
        # LINK and DIRECTORY in case of a symbolic link to a directory
        # dfVFS currently only supports one type so we need to check
        # for LINK first.
        if stat.S_ISLNK(mode):
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_LINK
        # The root file entry is virtual and should have type directory.
        elif self._is_virtual or stat.S_ISDIR(mode):
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_DIRECTORY
        elif stat.S_ISREG(mode):
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_FILE
        elif stat.S_ISCHR(mode) or stat.S_ISBLK(mode):
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_DEVICE
        elif stat.S_ISFIFO(mode):
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_PIPE
        elif stat.S_ISSOCK(mode):
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_SOCKET

        return stat_object
Beispiel #12
    def _GetStat(self):
        """Retrieves information about the file entry.

      VFSStat: a stat object.
        stat_object = vfs_stat.VFSStat()

        if self._compressed_stream:
            stat_object.size = self._compressed_stream.get_size()

        stat_object.type = self.entry_type

        return stat_object
Beispiel #13
    def _GetStat(self):
        """Retrieves the stat object.

      The stat object (instance of VFSStat).

      BackEndError: when the vslvm logical volume is missing in a non-virtual
                    file entry.
        vslvm_logical_volume = self.GetLVMLogicalVolume()
        if not self._is_virtual and vslvm_logical_volume is None:
            raise errors.BackEndError(
                u'Missing vslvm logical volume in non-virtual file entry.')

        stat_object = vfs_stat.VFSStat()

        # File data stat information.
        if vslvm_logical_volume is not None:
            stat_object.size = vslvm_logical_volume.size

        # Date and time stat information.
        if vslvm_logical_volume is not None:
            # TODO: implement in pyvslvm
            # timestamp = vslvm_logical_volume.get_creation_time_as_integer()
            timestamp = None
            if timestamp is not None:
                date_time_values = dfdatetime_posix_time.PosixTimestamp(

                stat_time, stat_time_nano = date_time_values.CopyToStatTimeTuple(
                if stat_time is not None:
                    stat_object.crtime = stat_time
                    stat_object.crtime_nano = stat_time_nano

        # Ownership and permissions stat information.

        # File entry type stat information.

        # The root file entry is virtual and should have type directory.
        if self._is_virtual:
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_DIRECTORY
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_FILE

        return stat_object
Beispiel #14
    def _GetStat(self):
        """Retrieves information about the file entry.

      VFSStat: a stat object.
        stat_object = vfs_stat.VFSStat()

        # Date and time stat information.
        access_time = self.access_time
        if access_time:
            stat_time, stat_time_nano = access_time.CopyToStatTimeTuple()
            if stat_time is not None:
                stat_object.atime = stat_time
            if stat_time_nano is not None:
                stat_object.atime_nano = stat_time_nano

        change_time = self.change_time
        if change_time:
            stat_time, stat_time_nano = change_time.CopyToStatTimeTuple()
            if stat_time is not None:
                stat_object.ctime = stat_time
            if stat_time_nano is not None:
                stat_object.ctime_nano = stat_time_nano

        creation_time = self.creation_time
        if creation_time:
            stat_time, stat_time_nano = creation_time.CopyToStatTimeTuple()
            if stat_time is not None:
                stat_object.crtime = stat_time
            if stat_time_nano is not None:
                stat_object.crtime_nano = stat_time_nano

        modification_time = self.modification_time
        if modification_time:
            stat_time, stat_time_nano = modification_time.CopyToStatTimeTuple()
            if stat_time is not None:
                stat_object.mtime = stat_time
            if stat_time_nano is not None:
                stat_object.mtime_nano = stat_time_nano

        # File entry type stat information.
        if self.entry_type:
            stat_object.type = self.entry_type

        return stat_object
Beispiel #15
    def _GetStat(self):
        """Retrieves the stat object.

      dfvvfs.VFSStat: a stat object.

      BackEndError: when the regf key is missing.
        if not self._regf_key:
            raise errors.BackEndError('Missing regf key.')

        stat_object = vfs_stat.VFSStat()

        # File data stat information.
        if self._regf_value:
            stat_object.size = self._regf_value.get_data_size()

        # Date and time stat information.
        if self._regf_value:
            timestamp = None
            filetime_object = filetime.Filetime(
            # TODO: CopyToStatTimeTuple is to be deprecated.
            timestamp, _ = filetime_object.CopyToStatTimeTuple()

        if timestamp is not None:
            stat_object.mtime = timestamp

        # Ownership and permissions stat information.
        # TODO: add support for security key.

        # File entry type stat information.
        if self._regf_value:
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_FILE
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_DIRECTORY

        # TODO: add support for a link:
        # stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_LINK

        # Other stat information.
        stat_object.is_allocated = True

        return stat_object
Beispiel #16
  def _GetStat(self):
    """Retrieves the stat object.

      The stat object (instance of vfs.VFSStat).

      BackEndError: when the tsk volume system part is missing in a non-virtual
                    file entry.
    tsk_vs_part = self.GetTSKVsPart()
    stat_object = vfs_stat.VFSStat()

    if not self._is_virtual and tsk_vs_part is None:
      raise errors.BackEndError(
          u'Missing tsk volume system part in non-virtual file entry.')

    tsk_volume = self._file_system.GetTSKVolume()
    bytes_per_sector = tsk_partition.TSKVolumeGetBytesPerSector(tsk_volume)

    # File data stat information.
    if tsk_vs_part is not None:
      number_of_sectors = tsk_partition.TSKVsPartGetNumberOfSectors(

      if number_of_sectors:
        stat_object.size = number_of_sectors * bytes_per_sector

    # Date and time stat information.

    # Ownership and permissions stat information.

    # File entry type stat information.

    # The root file entry is virtual and should have type directory.
    if self._is_virtual:
      stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_DIRECTORY
      stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_FILE

    if not self._is_virtual:
      stat_object.is_allocated = tsk_partition.TSKVsPartIsAllocated(

    return stat_object
    def _GetStat(self):
        """Retrieves the stat object.

      The stat object (instance of vfs.VFSStat).

      BackEndError: when the encoded stream is missing.
        stat_object = vfs_stat.VFSStat()

        # File data stat information.
        stat_object.size = self.path_spec.range_size

        # File entry type stat information.
        stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_FILE

        return stat_object
Beispiel #18
    def _GetStat(self):
        """Retrieves the stat object.

      The stat object (instance of vfs.VFSStat).

      BackEndError: when the regf key is missing.
        if not self._regf_key:
            raise errors.BackEndError(u'Missing regf key.')

        stat_object = vfs_stat.VFSStat()

        # File data stat information.
        if self._regf_value:
            stat_object.size = self._regf_value.get_data_size()

        # Date and time stat information.
        if self._regf_value:
            timestamp = None
            timestamp = date_time.PosixTimestamp.FromFiletime(

        if timestamp is not None:
            stat_object.mtime = timestamp

        # Ownership and permissions stat information.
        # TODO: add support for security key.

        # File entry type stat information.
        if self._regf_value:
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_FILE
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_DIRECTORY

        # TODO: add support for a link:
        # stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_LINK

        # Other stat information.
        stat_object.is_allocated = True

        return stat_object
    def _GetStat(self):
        """Retrieves the stat object.

      The stat object (instance of vfs.VFSStat).

      BackEndError: when the vshadow store is missing in a non-virtual
                    file entry.
        vshadow_store = self.GetVShadowStore()
        if not self._is_virtual and vshadow_store is None:
            raise errors.BackEndError(
                u'Missing vshadow store in non-virtual file entry.')

        stat_object = vfs_stat.VFSStat()

        # File data stat information.
        if vshadow_store is not None:
            stat_object.size = vshadow_store.volume_size

        # Date and time stat information.
        if vshadow_store is not None:
            timestamp = vshadow_store.get_creation_time_as_integer()
            date_time_values = dfdatetime_filetime.Filetime(

            stat_time, stat_time_nano = date_time_values.CopyToStatTimeTuple()
            if stat_time is not None:
                stat_object.crtime = stat_time
                stat_object.crtime_nano = stat_time_nano

        # Ownership and permissions stat information.

        # File entry type stat information.

        # The root file entry is virtual and should have type directory.
        if self._is_virtual:
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_DIRECTORY
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_FILE

        return stat_object
Beispiel #20
    def _GetStat(self):
        """Retrieves the stat object.

      The stat object (instance of vfs.VFSStat).

      BackEndError: when the gzip file is missing.
        gzip_file = self.GetFileObject()
        if not gzip_file:
            raise errors.BackEndError(
                u'Unable to open gzip file: {0:s}.'.format(

            stat_object = vfs_stat.VFSStat()

            # File data stat information.
            stat_object.size = gzip_file.uncompressed_data_size

            # Date and time stat information.
            stat_object.mtime = gzip_file.modification_time

            # Ownership and permissions stat information.

            # File entry type stat information.
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_FILE

            # Other stat information.
            # gzip_file.comment
            # gzip_file.operating_system
            # gzip_file.original_filename


        return stat_object
Beispiel #21
    def _GetStat(self):
        """Retrieves the stat object.

      VFSStat: stat object.

      BackEndError: if the TSK File .info or .info.meta attribute is missing.
        tsk_file = self.GetTSKFile()
        if not tsk_file or not or not
            raise errors.BackEndError(u'Missing TSK File .info or .info.meta.')

        stat_object = vfs_stat.VFSStat()

        # File data stat information.
        stat_object.size = getattr(, u'size', None)

        # Date and time stat information.
        stat_time, stat_time_nano = self._TSKFileTimeCopyToStatTimeTuple(
            tsk_file, u'atime')
        if stat_time is not None:
            stat_object.atime = stat_time
            stat_object.atime_nano = stat_time_nano

        stat_time, stat_time_nano = self._TSKFileTimeCopyToStatTimeTuple(
            tsk_file, u'bkup')
        if stat_time is not None:
            stat_object.bkup = stat_time
            stat_object.bkup_nano = stat_time_nano

        stat_time, stat_time_nano = self._TSKFileTimeCopyToStatTimeTuple(
            tsk_file, u'ctime')
        if stat_time is not None:
            stat_object.ctime = stat_time
            stat_object.ctime_nano = stat_time_nano

        stat_time, stat_time_nano = self._TSKFileTimeCopyToStatTimeTuple(
            tsk_file, u'crtime')
        if stat_time is not None:
            stat_object.crtime = stat_time
            stat_object.crtime_nano = stat_time_nano

        stat_time, stat_time_nano = self._TSKFileTimeCopyToStatTimeTuple(
            tsk_file, u'dtime')
        if stat_time is not None:
            stat_object.dtime = stat_time
            stat_object.dtime_nano = stat_time_nano

        stat_time, stat_time_nano = self._TSKFileTimeCopyToStatTimeTuple(
            tsk_file, u'mtime')
        if stat_time is not None:
            stat_object.mtime = stat_time
            stat_object.mtime_nano = stat_time_nano

        # Ownership and permissions stat information.
        mode = getattr(, u'mode', None)
        if mode is not None:
            # We need to cast mode to an int since it is of type
            # pytsk3.TSK_FS_META_MODE_ENUM.
            stat_object.mode = int(mode)

        stat_object.uid = getattr(, u'uid', None)
        stat_object.gid = getattr(, u'gid', None)

        # File entry type stat information.
        # The type is an instance of pytsk3.TSK_FS_META_TYPE_ENUM.
        tsk_fs_meta_type = getattr(, u'type',

        if tsk_fs_meta_type == pytsk3.TSK_FS_META_TYPE_REG:
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_FILE
        elif tsk_fs_meta_type == pytsk3.TSK_FS_META_TYPE_DIR:
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_DIRECTORY
        elif tsk_fs_meta_type == pytsk3.TSK_FS_META_TYPE_LNK:
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_LINK
        elif (tsk_fs_meta_type == pytsk3.TSK_FS_META_TYPE_CHR
              or tsk_fs_meta_type == pytsk3.TSK_FS_META_TYPE_BLK):
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_DEVICE
        elif tsk_fs_meta_type == pytsk3.TSK_FS_META_TYPE_FIFO:
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_PIPE
        elif tsk_fs_meta_type == pytsk3.TSK_FS_META_TYPE_SOCK:
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_SOCKET
        # TODO: implement support for:
        # pytsk3.TSK_FS_META_TYPE_UNDEF
        # pytsk3.TSK_FS_META_TYPE_SHAD
        # pytsk3.TSK_FS_META_TYPE_WHT
        # pytsk3.TSK_FS_META_TYPE_VIRT

        # Other stat information.
        stat_object.ino = getattr(, u'addr', None)
        # = stat_info.st_dev
        # stat_object.nlink = getattr(, u'nlink', None)
        # stat_object.fs_type = u'Unknown'

        flags = getattr(, u'flags', 0)

        # The flags are an instance of pytsk3.TSK_FS_META_FLAG_ENUM.
        if int(flags) & pytsk3.TSK_FS_META_FLAG_ALLOC:
            stat_object.is_allocated = True
            stat_object.is_allocated = False

        return stat_object
Beispiel #22
    def _GetStat(self):
        """Retrieves the stat object.

      VFSStat: stat object.

      BackEndError: if the pyfsntfs file entry is missing.
        fsntfs_file_entry = self.GetNTFSFileEntry()
        if not fsntfs_file_entry:
            raise errors.BackEndError(u'Missing pyfsntfs file entry.')

        stat_object = vfs_stat.VFSStat()

        # File data stat information.
        if fsntfs_file_entry.has_default_data_stream():
            stat_object.size = fsntfs_file_entry.get_size()

        # Date and time stat information.
        timestamp = fsntfs_file_entry.get_access_time_as_integer()
        date_time_values = dfdatetime_filetime.Filetime(timestamp=timestamp)

        stat_time, stat_time_nano = date_time_values.CopyToStatTimeTuple()
        if stat_time is not None:
            stat_object.atime = stat_time
            stat_object.atime_nano = stat_time_nano

        timestamp = fsntfs_file_entry.get_creation_time_as_integer()
        date_time_values = dfdatetime_filetime.Filetime(timestamp=timestamp)

        stat_time, stat_time_nano = date_time_values.CopyToStatTimeTuple()
        if stat_time is not None:
            stat_object.crtime = stat_time
            stat_object.crtime_nano = stat_time_nano

        timestamp = fsntfs_file_entry.get_modification_time_as_integer()
        date_time_values = dfdatetime_filetime.Filetime(timestamp=timestamp)

        stat_time, stat_time_nano = date_time_values.CopyToStatTimeTuple()
        if stat_time is not None:
            stat_object.mtime = stat_time
            stat_object.mtime_nano = stat_time_nano

        timestamp = fsntfs_file_entry.get_entry_modification_time_as_integer()
        date_time_values = dfdatetime_filetime.Filetime(timestamp=timestamp)

        stat_time, stat_time_nano = date_time_values.CopyToStatTimeTuple()
        if stat_time is not None:
            stat_object.ctime = stat_time
            stat_object.ctime_nano = stat_time_nano

        # Ownership and permissions stat information.
        # TODO: stat_object.mode
        # TODO: stat_object.uid
        # TODO: stat_object.gid

        # File entry type stat information.
        if self._IsLink(fsntfs_file_entry.file_attribute_flags):
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_LINK
        elif fsntfs_file_entry.has_directory_entries_index():
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_DIRECTORY
            stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_FILE

        # Other stat information.
        stat_object.ino = (fsntfs_file_entry.file_reference
                           & _FILE_REFERENCE_MFT_ENTRY_BITMASK)
        stat_object.fs_type = u'NTFS'

        stat_object.is_allocated = fsntfs_file_entry.is_allocated()

        return stat_object
Beispiel #23
  def _GetStat(self):
    """Retrieves the stat object (instance of vfs.VFSStat).

      BackEndError: If an OSError comes up it is caught and an
                    BackEndError error is raised instead.
      Stat object (instance of VFSStat) or None if no location is set.
    location = getattr(self.path_spec, u'location', None)
    if location is None:

    stat_object = vfs_stat.VFSStat()

    is_windows_device = False
    stat_info = None

    # Windows does not support running os.stat on device files so we use
    # libsmdev to do an initial check.
    if platform.system() == u'Windows':
        is_windows_device = pysmdev.check_device(location)
      except IOError:

    if is_windows_device:
      stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_DEVICE

      # We are only catching OSError. However on the Windows platform
      # a WindowsError can be raised as well. We are not catching that since
      # that error does not exist on non-Windows platforms.
        stat_info = os.stat(location)
      except OSError as exception:
        raise errors.BackEndError(
            u'Unable to retrieve stat object with error: {0:s}'.format(

      # File data stat information.
      stat_object.size = stat_info.st_size

      # Date and time stat information.
      stat_object.atime = stat_info.st_atime
      stat_object.ctime = stat_info.st_ctime
      stat_object.mtime = stat_info.st_mtime

      # Ownership and permissions stat information.
      stat_object.mode = stat.S_IMODE(stat_info.st_mode)
      stat_object.uid = stat_info.st_uid
      stat_object.gid = stat_info.st_gid

      # If location contains a trailing segment separator and points to
      # a symbolic link to a directory stat info will not indicate
      # the file entry as a symbolic link. The following check ensures
      # that the LINK type is correctly detected.
      is_link = os.path.islink(location)

      # File entry type stat information.

      # The stat info member st_mode can have multiple types e.g.
      # LINK and DIRECTORY in case of a symbolic link to a directory
      # dfVFS currently only supports one type so we need to check
      # for LINK first.
      if stat.S_ISLNK(stat_info.st_mode) or is_link:
        stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_LINK
      elif stat.S_ISREG(stat_info.st_mode):
        stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_FILE
      elif stat.S_ISDIR(stat_info.st_mode):
        stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_DIRECTORY
      elif (stat.S_ISCHR(stat_info.st_mode) or
        stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_DEVICE
      elif stat.S_ISFIFO(stat_info.st_mode):
        stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_PIPE
      elif stat.S_ISSOCK(stat_info.st_mode):
        stat_object.type = stat_object.TYPE_SOCKET

      # Other stat information.
      stat_object.ino = stat_info.st_ino
      # stat_info.st_dev
      # stat_info.st_nlink

    return stat_object