Beispiel #1
def test_sort_with_tag(idtype):
    num_nodes, num_adj, num_tags = 200, [20, 50], 5
    g = create_test_heterograph(num_nodes, num_adj, idtype=idtype)
    tag = F.tensor(np.random.choice(num_tags, g.number_of_nodes()))

    new_g = dgl.sort_csr_by_tag(g, tag)
    old_csr = g.adjacency_matrix(scipy_fmt='csr')
    new_csr = new_g.adjacency_matrix(scipy_fmt='csr')
    assert (check_sort(new_csr, tag, new_g.ndata["_TAG_OFFSET"]))
    assert (not check_sort(old_csr, tag)
            )  # Check the original csr is not modified.

    new_g = dgl.sort_csc_by_tag(g, tag)
    old_csc = g.adjacency_matrix(transpose=True, scipy_fmt='csr')
    new_csc = new_g.adjacency_matrix(transpose=True, scipy_fmt='csr')
    assert (check_sort(new_csc, tag, new_g.ndata["_TAG_OFFSET"]))
    assert (not check_sort(old_csc, tag))
Beispiel #2
def test_sort_with_tag_bipartite(idtype):
    num_nodes, num_adj, num_tags = 200, [20, 50], 5
    g = create_test_heterograph(num_nodes, num_adj, idtype=idtype)
    g = dgl.heterograph({('_U', '_E', '_V'): g.edges()})
    utag = F.tensor(np.random.choice(num_tags, g.number_of_nodes('_U')))
    vtag = F.tensor(np.random.choice(num_tags, g.number_of_nodes('_V')))

    new_g = dgl.sort_csr_by_tag(g, vtag)
    old_csr = g.adjacency_matrix(scipy_fmt='csr')
    new_csr = new_g.adjacency_matrix(scipy_fmt='csr')
    assert (check_sort(new_csr, vtag, new_g.nodes['_U'].data['_TAG_OFFSET']))
    assert (not check_sort(old_csr, vtag))

    new_g = dgl.sort_csc_by_tag(g, utag)
    old_csc = g.adjacency_matrix(transpose=True, scipy_fmt='csr')
    new_csc = new_g.adjacency_matrix(transpose=True, scipy_fmt='csr')
    assert (check_sort(new_csc, utag, new_g.nodes['_V'].data['_TAG_OFFSET']))
    assert (not check_sort(old_csc, utag))
Beispiel #3
def test_sample_neighbors_biased_bipartite():
    g = create_test_graph(100, 30, True)
    num_dst = g.number_of_dst_nodes()
    bias = F.tensor([0, 0.01, 10, 10], dtype=F.float32)
    def check_num(nodes, tag):
        nodes, tag = F.asnumpy(nodes), F.asnumpy(tag)
        cnt = [sum(tag[nodes] == i) for i in range(4)]
        # No tag 0
        assert cnt[0] == 0

        # very rare tag 1
        assert cnt[2] > 2 * cnt[1]
        assert cnt[3] > 2 * cnt[1]

    # inedge / without replacement
    tag = F.tensor(np.random.choice(4, 100))
    g_sorted = dgl.sort_csc_by_tag(g, tag)
    for _ in range(5):
        subg = dgl.sampling.sample_neighbors_biased(g_sorted, g.dstnodes(), 5, bias, replace=False)
        check_num(subg.edges()[0], tag)
        u, v = subg.edges()
        edge_set = set(zip(list(F.asnumpy(u)), list(F.asnumpy(v))))
        assert len(edge_set) == subg.number_of_edges()

    # inedge / with replacement
    for _ in range(5):
        subg = dgl.sampling.sample_neighbors_biased(g_sorted, g.dstnodes(), 5, bias, replace=True)
        check_num(subg.edges()[0], tag)

    # outedge / without replacement
    tag = F.tensor(np.random.choice(4, num_dst))
    g_sorted = dgl.sort_csr_by_tag(g, tag)
    for _ in range(5):
        subg = dgl.sampling.sample_neighbors_biased(g_sorted, g.srcnodes(), 5, bias, edge_dir='out', replace=False)
        check_num(subg.edges()[1], tag)
        u, v = subg.edges()
        edge_set = set(zip(list(F.asnumpy(u)), list(F.asnumpy(v))))
        assert len(edge_set) == subg.number_of_edges()

    # outedge / with replacement
    for _ in range(5):
        subg = dgl.sampling.sample_neighbors_biased(g_sorted, g.srcnodes(), 5, bias, edge_dir='out', replace=True)
        check_num(subg.edges()[1], tag)
Beispiel #4
def test_sort_with_tag(idtype):
    num_nodes, num_adj, num_tags = 200, [20, 50], 5
    g = create_test_heterograph(num_nodes, num_adj, idtype=idtype)
    tag = F.tensor(np.random.choice(num_tags, g.number_of_nodes()))
    src, dst = g.edges()
    edge_tag_dst = F.gather_row(tag, F.tensor(dst))
    edge_tag_src = F.gather_row(tag, F.tensor(src))

    for tag_type in ['node', 'edge']:
        new_g = dgl.sort_csr_by_tag(
            g, tag if tag_type == 'node' else edge_tag_dst, tag_type=tag_type)
        old_csr = g.adjacency_matrix(scipy_fmt='csr')
        new_csr = new_g.adjacency_matrix(scipy_fmt='csr')
        assert(check_sort(new_csr, tag, new_g.dstdata["_TAG_OFFSET"]))
        assert(not check_sort(old_csr, tag))  # Check the original csr is not modified.

    for tag_type in ['node', 'edge']:
        new_g = dgl.sort_csc_by_tag(
            g, tag if tag_type == 'node' else edge_tag_src, tag_type=tag_type)
        old_csc = g.adjacency_matrix(transpose=True, scipy_fmt='csr')
        new_csc = new_g.adjacency_matrix(transpose=True, scipy_fmt='csr')
        assert(check_sort(new_csc, tag, new_g.srcdata["_TAG_OFFSET"]))
        assert(not check_sort(old_csc, tag))