Beispiel #1
    def test_add_report(self):
        now = time.time()
        yield Cracker(ip_address="", first_time=now, latest_time=now, total_reports=0, current_reports=0).save()
        c = yield controllers.get_cracker("")
        yield self.assertIsNotNone(c)
        yield controllers.add_report_to_cracker(c, "")

        r = yield Report.find(where=["cracker_id=? and ip_address=?",,""], limit=1)
        returnValue(self.assertIsNotNone(r, "Added report is in database"))
Beispiel #2
    def test_add_multiple_reports(self):
        now = time.time()

        yield Cracker(ip_address="", first_time=now, latest_time=now, total_reports=0, current_reports=0).save()
        c = yield controllers.get_cracker("")
        yield self.assertIsNotNone(c)
        yield controllers.add_report_to_cracker(c, "", now)

        reports = yield Report.find(where=["cracker_id=? and ip_address=?",,""])
        self.assertEqual(len(reports), 1, "First added report is in database")

        # Add second report shortly after first
        yield controllers.add_report_to_cracker(c, "", now+1)
        reports = yield Report.find(where=["cracker_id=? and ip_address=?",,""])
        self.assertEqual(len(reports), 1, "Second added report should be ignored")

        # Add second report after 24 hours
        yield controllers.add_report_to_cracker(c, "", now+24*3600+1)
        reports = yield Report.find(where=["cracker_id=? and ip_address=?",,""])
        self.assertEqual(len(reports), 2, "Second report should be added after 24 hours ")

        # Add third report shortly after second, should be ignored
        yield controllers.add_report_to_cracker(c, "", now+24*3600+10)
        reports = yield Report.find(where=["cracker_id=? and ip_address=?",,""])
        self.assertEqual(len(reports), 2, "Third report shortly after second should be ignored")

        # Add third report after again 24 hours
        yield controllers.add_report_to_cracker(c, "", now+2*24*3600+20)
        reports = yield Report.find(where=["cracker_id=? and ip_address=?",,""])
        self.assertEqual(len(reports), 3, "Third report after again 24 hours, should be added")

        # Add fourth report 
        time_added = now + 2*24*3600 + 30
        yield controllers.add_report_to_cracker(c, "", time_added)
        reports = yield Report.find(
            where=["cracker_id=? and ip_address=?",,""], 
            orderby='latest_report_time asc')
        self.assertEqual(len(reports), 3, "Fourth report, should be merged")
        self.assertEqual(reports[-1].latest_report_time, time_added, "Latest report time should be updated")

        self.assertEquals(c.current_reports, 1, "Only one unique reporter should be counted")
        self.assertEquals(c.total_reports, 6, "Cracker reported six timed in total")

        # Perform maintenance, expire original report
        yield controllers.perform_maintenance(limit = now+1) 
        reports = yield Report.find(where=["cracker_id=? and ip_address=?",,""])
        self.assertEqual(len(reports), 2, "Maintenance should remove oldest report")
        yield c.refresh()
        self.assertEqual(c.current_reports, 1, "Maintenance should still leave one unique reporter")

        # Perform maintenance, expire second report
        yield controllers.perform_maintenance(limit = now+24*3600+11) 
        reports = yield Report.find(where=["cracker_id=? and ip_address=?",,""])
        self.assertEqual(len(reports), 1, "Maintenance should remove one more report")
        yield c.refresh()
        self.assertEqual(c.current_reports, 1, "Maintenance should still leave one unique reporter")

        # Perform maintenance again, expire last report and cracker
        yield controllers.perform_maintenance(limit = now+2*24*3600+31) 
        reports = yield Report.find(where=["cracker_id=? and ip_address=?",,""])
        self.assertEqual(len(reports), 0, "Maintenance should remove last report")
        cracker = yield controllers.get_cracker("")
        self.assertIsNone(cracker, "Maintenance should remove cracker")