def __init__(self): self.button_manager = Button_Manager([("Jog_push", 27), ("Top", 5), ("Mid", 6), ("Low", 12), ("Shutdown", 26)]) self.dial = Dial(10, "Jog") self.dial.start()
def test_create_team_from_list(self): dials = [ Dial(self.dial_1_data), Dial(self.dial_2_data) ] team = Team(dials) self.assertLess(team.points, team.max_points)
def test_add_to_sideteam_single_dial(self): dial = Dial(self.dial_side_1_data) dials = [ Dial(self.dial_1_data), Dial(self.dial_2_data) ] team = Team(dials=dials, points= 300, sideteam=dial)
def test_create_team_to_big(self): dials = [ Dial(self.dial_1_data), Dial(self.dial_2_data), Dial(self.dial_3_data) ] with self.assertRaises(DialListCostTooHigh): team = Team(dials)
class UI_Manager: def __init__(self): self.button_manager = Button_Manager([("Jog_push", 27), ("Top", 5), ("Mid", 6), ("Low", 12), ("Shutdown", 26)]) self.dial = Dial(10, "Jog") self.dial.start() def __del__(self): del (self.button_manager) del (self.dial) def update(self, receiving_queue: list): # Get control events dial_direction = self.dial.get_direction() ui_events = [] if dial_direction != 0: ui_events.append(["Jog", dial_direction]) button_events = [] self.button_manager.update(button_events) # Convert button events into ui_events for event in button_events: if event[0] == "Shutdown" and event[1] > SHUTDOWN_HOLD_TIME: # Just overwrite the queue as there's no point in doing anything else ui_events = [["Shutdown", 0]] self.button_manager.clear("Shutdown") break elif event[0] == "Jog_push": if event[1] > SHUTDOWN_HOLD_TIME: # Just overwrite the queue as there's no point in doing anything else ui_events = [["Shutdown", 0]] self.button_manager.clear("Jog_push") break else: ui_events.append(["Random", 0]) elif event[0] == "Mid": if event[1] > CALIBRATE_HOLD_TIME: ui_events.append(["Calibrate", 0]) self.button_manager.clear("Mid") else: ui_events.append(["Confirm", 0]) elif event[0] == "Top": ui_events.append(["Volume", 1]) elif event[0] == "Low": ui_events.append(["Volume", -1]) # Put the button events into the supplied queue (a list) receiving_queue.extend(ui_events)
def test_add_to_sideteam(self): dials = [ Dial(self.dial_1_data), Dial(self.dial_2_data) ] sidedials = [ Dial(self.dial_side_1_data), Dial(self.dial_side_2_data), Dial(self.dial_side_3_data) ] team = Team(dials = dials, points = 300, sideteam = sidedials)
def test_action_tokens_add_one(self): dial = Dial(self.dial_data) current_action_tokens = dial.get_current_action_tokens() dial.add_action_tokens(1) new_action_tokens = dial.get_current_action_tokens() dial.add_action_tokens(1) two_action_tokens = dial.get_current_action_tokens() self.assertEqual(current_action_tokens, 0) self.assertEqual(new_action_tokens, 1) self.assertEqual(two_action_tokens, 2)
def __init__(self, controller, board=None): Table.__init__(self, 2, 2) self.dial = Dial(Adjustment(lower=-100, value=0, upper=100)) self.attach(self.dial, 0, 1, 0, 1) right_box = VBox() right_box.add(Label("Motor")) self.selected_motor = 0 self.labels = [SelectableLabel(str(num)) for num in range(2)] self.labels[self.selected_motor].set_state(STATE_SELECTED) for label in self.labels: right_box.add(label) self.attach(right_box, 1, 2, 0, 1) self.help_bar = Label(_HELP_MESSAGE) self.attach(self.help_bar, 0, 2, 1, 2) self.show_all() ## Signals ## self.connect("key-press-event", self.key_press) self.board = board self.controller = controller if board <> None: self.panel_update(None) self.connect("panel-update", self.panel_update)
def _main(args): win = Window() win.set_border_width(5) win.set_title('Widget test') win.connect('delete-event', main_quit) t = Table(5, 2, True) l1 = SelectableLabel("1") l1.set_state(STATE_SELECTED) t.attach(l1, 0, 1, 0, 1) l2 = SelectableLabel("2") t.attach(l2, 1, 2, 0, 1) w = DigitalInput(1) t.attach(w, 0, 1, 1, 2) x = DigitalInput(0) t.attach(x, 0, 1, 2, 3) y = AnalogueInput(2.4578) t.attach(y, 1, 2, 1, 2) z = AnalogueInput(0.0001) t.attach(z, 1, 2, 2, 3) d = Dial(Adjustment(value=53, lower=-100, upper=100)) t.attach(d, 0, 3, 3, 5) win.add(t) win.show_all() main()
def test_action_tokens_is_pushed(self): dial = Dial(self.dial_data) current_action_tokens = dial.get_current_action_tokens() dial.add_action_tokens(1) new_action_tokens = dial.get_current_action_tokens() self.assertEqual(new_action_tokens, 1) self.assertTrue( dial.can_push) # has 1 action token, can push by adding one more. dial.add_action_tokens(1) pushed_action_tokens = dial.get_current_action_tokens() self.assertEqual(pushed_action_tokens, 2) self.assertFalse( dial.can_push) # has 1 action token, can push by adding one more.
def test_make_attack_misses(self, mockRoll): attacker_dial = Dial(self.attacker_dial_data) target_dial = Dial(self.target_dial_data) mockRoll.return_value = 12 # will hit attack_roll = attacker_dial.roll_to_hit(target_dial) if attack_roll: attack_damage = attacker_dial.calculate_damage() target_dial.add_damage(attack_damage) self.assertTrue(attack_roll)
def test_action_tokens_on_create(self): dial = Dial(self.dial_data) current_action_tokens = dial.get_current_action_tokens() self.assertEqual(current_action_tokens, 0)
# Find positions of dials in image dial_properties = meter_img.find_dials(num_dials=int(cmd_args['dials'])) # Read in the template image for the dial needle template = cv2.imread(cmd_args['template'], 0) dials = [] for (x,y,r) in dial_properties: # Draw each dial on output image, (x,y), r, (0,255,0), 2) # Rightmost dial (dials[0]) is clockwise, then # alternates clockwise and anti-clockwise dial_clockwise = (len(dials) % 2 == 1) # Create new Dial instance, determine position of hand, # draw orientation on output image and add to list of dials d = Dial(center=(x,y), radius=r, image=meter_img, dial_template=template, clockwise=dial_clockwise) d.draw_needle_orientation(output_img) dials.append(d) # Re-order dials from L to R dials.reverse() # Calculate and print meter reading to console print "Meter Reading: ", calculate_reading(dials) # Display image in viewer, press any key to exit viewer cv2.imshow('found dials', np.hstack([output_img])) cv2.waitKey(0)
def test_heal_damage(self): testUnit = Dial(self.attacker_dial_data) testUnit.add_damage(3) self.assertEqual(3, testUnit.damage_received) testUnit.heal_damage(2) self.assertEqual(1, testUnit.damage_received)
def test_roll(self): testUnit = Dial(self.attacker_dial_data) roll = testUnit.roll(2) self.assertGreater(roll, 0) self.assertLess(roll, 13)
def test_make_attack_hits(self, mockRoll): attacker_dial = Dial(self.attacker_dial_data) target_dial = Dial(self.target_dial_data) mockRoll.return_value = 2 # will miss attack_roll = attacker_dial.roll_to_hit(target_dial) self.assertFalse(attack_roll)
def test_has_willpower_false(self): dial = Dial(self.dial_data) hasWillpower = dial.has_willpower self.assertFalse(hasWillpower)
def test_set_range(self): dial = Dial(self.dial_data) rangeval = self.dial_data.get("range") dial.set_range(self.dial_data) self.assertEqual(rangeval, dial.range)
def test_print_get_click(self): dial = Dial(self.dial_data) current_click = dial.get_current_click() self.assertIsInstance(current_click, dict)
def test_has_willpower_true(self): dial = Dial(self.willpower_dial_data) self.assertTrue(dial.has_willpower)
def test_has_power(self): dial = Dial(self.willpower_dial_data) self.assertTrue(dial.has_power("energy explosion"))
def test_set_name(self): dial = Dial(self.dial_data) name = self.dial_data.get("name") dial.set_name(self.dial_data) self.assertEqual(name,
def test_dial_roll(self): dial = Dial(self.dial_data) roll = 0 self.assertIsNotNone(roll) self.assertIsInstance(roll, int)
def test_create_dial(self): dial = Dial(self.dial_data) self.assertIsInstance(dial, Dial)
def test_has_power_invalid_power(self): dial = Dial(self.willpower_dial_data) self.assertFalse(dial.has_power("notApower"))
def test_create_team_from_dial(self): dial = Dial(self.dial_1_data) team = Team(dials = dial, points = 300, sideteam = []) self.assertLess(team.points, team.max_points)
def test_set_cost(self): dial = Dial(self.dial_data) cost = self.dial_data.get("points") dial.set_cost(self.dial_data) self.assertEqual(cost, dial.cost)
def test_set_id(self): dial = Dial(self.dial_data) uid = self.dial_data.get("id") dial.set_id(self.dial_data) self.assertEqual(uid,
def test_set_targets(self): dial = Dial(self.dial_data) targets = self.dial_data.get("targets") dial.set_targets(self.dial_data) self.assertEqual(targets, dial.targets)
def __init__(self, master, image_path, label, width, column, row, values, continuous=True, columnspan=1, rowspan=1, interval=None, unit='', maxRot=5, precision=0, secondary=None, initial=None): self.frame = tk.Frame(master) self.frame.pack(side=tk.TOP, anchor=tk.NW) self.center_frame = tk.Frame(self.frame, height=dial_height, width=60) self.bottom_frame = tk.Frame(self.center_frame) self.right_frame = tk.Frame(self.frame, height=dial_height, width=dial_height) img = img = img.resize((dial_height - border, dial_height - border), Image.ANTIALIAS) self.img = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img) self.canvas = tk.Canvas(self.frame, width=dial_height, height=dial_height, bg='black') self.canvas.create_image(4, 4, anchor=tk.NW, image=self.img) self.last_degree = 0 self.rotations = 0 = 0 # self.entry = entry self.values = values self.continuous = continuous self.interval = interval self.precision = precision self.label = tk.Label(self.center_frame, text=label, font=FONT) self.entry = tk.Entry(self.bottom_frame, width=width, justify='right', state='readonly', font=FONT) self.unit = tk.Label(self.bottom_frame, text=unit, font=FONT) if continuous: assert(len(values) == 2) self.m = (self.values[1] - self.values[0]) / (720.0 * maxRot) self.b = 0.5 * (self.values[0] + self.values[1]) self.dial = Dial(self.right_frame, radius=f'{dial_height * 0.004:.2f}i', maxRot=maxRot, command=self.command_continuous, zeroAxis='y', rotDir='clockwise') self.init = self.b if initial is None else initial self.state = self.init else: assert(len(values) > 0) angles = [-180. + 360. * i / (len(values) + 1) for i in range(1, len(values) + 1)] self.dial = DiscreteDial(self.right_frame, angles=angles, initAngleIndex=len(values)//2, radius=f'{dial_height * 0.004:.2f}i', command=self.command_discrete, zeroAxis='y', rotDir='clockwise') self.init = self.values[len(values)//2] if initial is None or initial not in values else initial self.state = self.init # self.dial.widget.grid(column=column, row=row, columnspan=columnspan, rowspan=rowspan) self.insert_entry() self.entry.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.unit.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.label.pack(anchor=tk.NW) self.bottom_frame.pack(anchor=tk.NW) self.canvas.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.center_frame.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.right_frame.pack(side=tk.LEFT) self.dial.widget.grid(column=1, row=1) self.right_frame.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1) self.right_frame.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=1) self.right_frame.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.right_frame.grid_columnconfigure(2, weight=1) self.center_frame.pack_propagate(0) self.right_frame.grid_propagate(0) self.secondary_function = secondary # function to calculate a secondary value whenever the dial moves self.secondary_value = None if self.secondary_function is None: self.secondary_value = None else: self.secondary_value = self.secondary_function(self.state) if continuous: self.set(self.state)
def test_set_set(self): dial = Dial(self.dial_data) setid = self.dial_data.get("set") dial.set_set(self.dial_data) self.assertEqual(setid, dial.set)