myscan = sf.make_scan((1,360), 0.5, (0, 0.5), range(360))

# Create parameterisations of these models, with 5 samples for the
# scan-varying crystal parameterisations

det_param = DetectorParameterisationSinglePanel(mydetector)
s0_param = BeamParameterisation(mybeam, mygonio)
xlo_param = ScanVaryingCrystalOrientationParameterisation(
        mycrystal, myscan.get_array_range(), 5)
xluc_param = ScanVaryingCrystalUnitCellParameterisation(
        mycrystal, myscan.get_array_range(), 5)

#### Cause the crystal U and B to vary over the scan

# Vary orientation angles by ~1.0 mrad each checkpoint
p_vals = xlo_param.get_param_vals()
sigmas = [1.0] * len(p_vals)
new_vals = random_param_shift(p_vals, sigmas)

# Vary unit cell parameters, on order of 1% of the initial metrical
# matrix parameters
p_vals = xluc_param.get_param_vals()
sigmas = [0.01 * p for p in p_vals]
new_vals = random_param_shift(p_vals, sigmas)

# Generate an ExperimentList
experiments = ExperimentList()
      beam=mybeam, detector=mydetector, goniometer=mygonio, scan=myscan,