def is_valid_form(
        name: str, lunch: str
    takes in the entered name and lunch details
    ensures they do not exist in the json file
    and returns a boolean if true
    if not name or not lunch:
        return (
            'please enter valid inputs for name and lunch'
    data = get_lunches() 
    for data in data['data']:
        if data['name'] == name:
            return (
                'Name already exists!'
        return (
            'Added lunch details.'
def get_person_lunch(name: str):
    get the person's lunch by name
    returns them in a dict/json
    lunches = get_lunches()
    for element in lunches['data']:
        if name.capitalize() == element['name']:
            return element
    return 'not found.'
def delete_person(name: str):
    delete a person by name
    lunches = get_lunches()
    for data in lunches['data']:
        if data['name'] == name.capitalize():
        return 'Not Found'
    return f'Successfully deleted {name}'
def get_persons_who_ate(meal: str):
    get all person's who ate a specific meal
    returns them as dict if they exist
    result = {"results": []}
    lunches = get_lunches()
    for data in lunches['data']:
        if data['lunch'] == meal.capitalize():
    return result \
        if result['results']\
        else 'Not found'
def post_lunch():
    add new lunch entry
    name = request.json.get('name', False).capitalize()
    lunch = request.json.get('lunch', False).capitalize()
    is_valid, message = is_valid_form(name, lunch)
    if not is_valid:
        return message
    lunches = get_lunches()
    lunches['data'].lunch_routesend({'name': name, "lunch": lunch})
    return message
def get_all_lunches():
    gets all the lunches
    data = get_lunches()
    return data