def test_quality(self):
        """Integration test."""
        # Patch the output of `checkstyle`
            [WARN] ../ Line contains a tab character.
            [WARN] ../ 'if' construct must use '{}'s.
            """).strip().encode('ascii'), ''

        expected_violations = [
            Violation(1, 'Line contains a tab character.'),
            Violation(13, "'if' construct must use '{}'s."),

        # Parse the report
        quality = QualityReporter(checkstyle_driver)

        # Expect that the name is set
        self.assertEqual(, 'checkstyle')

        # Measured_lines is undefined for a
        # quality reporter since all lines are measured
        self.assertEqual(quality.measured_lines('../'), None)

        # Expect that we get violations for only
        # We're not guaranteed that the violations are returned
        # in any particular order.
        actual_violations = quality.violations('../')
        self.assertEqual(len(actual_violations), len(expected_violations))
        for expected in expected_violations:
            self.assertIn(expected, actual_violations)
 def test_no_python_file(self):
     quality = QualityReporter(PylintDriver())
     file_paths = ['', 'subdir/file2.js']
     # Expect that we get no results because no Python files
     for path in file_paths:
         result = quality.violations(path)
         self.assertEqual(result, [])
 def test_no_java_file(self):
     quality = QualityReporter(CheckstyleXmlDriver())
     file_paths = ["", "subdir/file2.js"]
     # Expect that we get no results because no Java files
     for path in file_paths:
         result = quality.violations(path)
         self.assertEqual(result, [])
    def test_quality(self, process_patcher):
        """Integration test."""
        # Patch the output of `checkstyle`
            [WARN] ../ Line contains a tab character.
            [WARN] ../ 'if' construct must use '{}'s.

        expected_violations = [
            Violation(1, "Line contains a tab character."),
            Violation(13, "'if' construct must use '{}'s."),

        # Parse the report
        quality = QualityReporter(checkstyle_driver)

        # Expect that the name is set
        assert == "checkstyle"

        # Measured_lines is undefined for a
        # quality reporter since all lines are measured
        assert not quality.measured_lines("../")

        # Expect that we get violations for only
        # We're not guaranteed that the violations are returned
        # in any particular order.
        actual_violations = quality.violations("../")
        assert len(actual_violations) == len(expected_violations)
        for expected in expected_violations:
            assert expected in actual_violations
 def test_no_java_file(self):
     quality = QualityReporter(FindbugsXmlDriver())
     file_paths = ["", "subdir/file2.js"]
     # Expect that we get no results because no Java files
     for path in file_paths:
         result = quality.violations(path)
         assert result == []
    def test_quality_error(self, mocker, process_patcher):
        # Patch the output stderr/stdout and returncode of `checkstyle`
            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <checkstyle version="8.0">
                <file name="">
                    <error line="1" severity="error" message="Missing docstring"/>

        # Parse the report
        code = mocker.patch(
        code.return_value = 0
        quality = QualityReporter(CheckstyleXmlDriver())

        with pytest.raises(CommandError):
    def test_quality_error(self):
        # Patch the output stderr/stdout and returncode of `checkstyle`
            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <checkstyle version="8.0">
                <file name="">
                    <error line="1" severity="error" message="Missing docstring"/>

        # Parse the report
        with patch(
        ) as code:
            code.return_value = 0
            quality = QualityReporter(CheckstyleXmlDriver())

            # Expect an error
            self.assertRaises(CommandError, quality.violations, "")
Beispiel #8
 def test_file_does_not_exist(self):
     quality = QualityReporter(flake8_driver)
     file_paths = ['']
     # Expect that we get no results because that file does not exist
     for path in file_paths:
         result = quality.violations(path)
         self.assertEqual(result, [])
Beispiel #9
    def test_quality(self):
        """Integration test."""
        # Patch the output of `pydocstye`
            ../ at module level:
                    D100: Missing docstring in public module
            ../ in public function `gather`:
                    D103: Missing docstring in public function
            """).strip().encode('ascii'), ''))

        expected_violations = [
            Violation(1, 'D100: Missing docstring in public module'),
            Violation(13, "D103: Missing docstring in public function"),

        # Parse the report
        quality = QualityReporter(pydocstyle_driver)

        # Expect that the name is set
        self.assertEqual(, 'pydocstyle')

        # Measured_lines is undefined for a
        # quality reporter since all lines are measured
        self.assertEqual(quality.measured_lines('../'), None)

        # Expect that we get violations for only
        # We're not guaranteed that the violations are returned
        # in any particular order.
        actual_violations = quality.violations('../')
        self.assertEqual(len(actual_violations), len(expected_violations))
        for expected in expected_violations:
            self.assertIn(expected, actual_violations)
    def test_no_quality_issues_emptystring(self):

        # Patch the output of `pyflakes`
        _setup_patch((b'', b''))
        # Parse the report
        quality = QualityReporter(pyflakes_driver)
        self.assertEqual([], quality.violations(''))
 def test_no_js_file(self):
     quality = QualityReporter(self._get_out())
     file_paths = ['', 'subdir/']
     # Expect that we get no results because no JS files
     for path in file_paths:
         result = quality.violations(path)
         self.assertEqual(result, [])
    def test_quality(self):

        # Patch the output of `pyflakes`
        return_string = '\n' + dedent("""
                ../ undefined name '_thing'
                ../ 'random' imported but unused
            """).strip() + '\n'
        _setup_patch((return_string.encode('utf-8'), b''))

        # Parse the report
        quality = QualityReporter(pyflakes_driver)

        # Expect that the name is set
        self.assertEqual(, 'pyflakes')

        # Measured_lines is undefined for
        # a quality reporter since all lines are measured
        self.assertEqual(quality.measured_lines('../'), None)

        # Expect that we get the right violations
        expected_violations = [
            Violation(328, "undefined name '_thing'"),
            Violation(418, "'random' imported but unused")

    def test_quality(self):

        # Patch the output of `pep8`
        _mock_communicate = patch.object(Popen, 'communicate').start()
        return_string = '\n' + dedent("""
                ../ E231 whitespace
                ../ E225 whitespace
                ../ E302 blank lines
            """).strip() + '\n'
        _setup_patch((return_string.encode('utf-8'), b''))

        # Parse the report
        quality = QualityReporter(pep8_driver)

        # Expect that the name is set
        self.assertEqual(, 'pep8')

        # Measured_lines is undefined for
        # a quality reporter since all lines are measured
        self.assertEqual(quality.measured_lines('../'), None)

        # Expect that we get the right violations
        expected_violations = [
            Violation(1, 'E231 whitespace'),
            Violation(3, 'E225 whitespace'),
            Violation(7, 'E302 blank lines')

    def test_no_quality_issues_newline(self):

        _setup_patch((b'\n', b''), 0)

        # Parse the report
        quality = QualityReporter(PylintDriver())
        self.assertEqual([], quality.violations(''))
Beispiel #15
 def test_no_python_file(self):
     """Expect that we get no results because no Python files."""
     quality = QualityReporter(pydocstyle_driver)
     file_paths = ['', 'subdir/file2.js']
     for path in file_paths:
         result = quality.violations(path)
         self.assertEqual(result, [])
    def test_quality(self):
        Test basic scenarios, including special characters that would appear in JavaScript and mixed quotation marks

        # Patch the output of the linter cmd
        return_string = '\n' + dedent("""
                ../test_file.js: line 3, col 9, Missing "use strict" statement.
                ../test_file.js: line 10, col 17, '$hi' is defined but never used.
            """).strip() + '\n'
        self.subproc_mock.communicate.return_value = ((
            return_string.encode('utf-8'), b''))
        self._mock_communicate.return_value = self.subproc_mock

        # Parse the report
        quality = QualityReporter(self._get_out())

        # Expect that the name is set
        self.assertEqual(, self.quality_name)

        # Measured_lines is undefined for
        # a quality reporter since all lines are measured
        self.assertEqual(quality.measured_lines('../blah.js'), None)

        # Expect that we get the right violations
        expected_violations = [
            Violation(3, 'Missing "use strict" statement.'),
            Violation(10, "'$hi' is defined but never used."),

 def test_no_java_file(self):
     quality = QualityReporter(FindbugsXmlDriver())
     file_paths = ['', 'subdir/file2.js']
     # Expect that we get no results because no Java files
     for path in file_paths:
         result = quality.violations(path)
         self.assertEqual(result, [])
 def test_no_java_file(self):
     """Expect that we get no results because no Python files."""
     quality = QualityReporter(checkstyle_driver)
     file_paths = ["", "subdir/file2.js"]
     for path in file_paths:
         result = quality.violations(path)
         self.assertEqual(result, [])
Beispiel #19
    def test_quality(self):
        # Patch the output of `checkstyle`
            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <checkstyle version="8.0">
                <file name="">
                    <error line="1" severity="error" message="Missing docstring"/>
                    <error line="2" severity="error" message="Unused variable 'd'"/>
                    <error line="2" severity="warning" message="TODO: Not the real way we'll store usages!"/>
                    <error line="579" severity="error" message="Unable to import 'rooted_paths'"/>
                    <error line="113" severity="error" message="Unused argument 'cls'"/>
                    <error line="150" severity="error" message="error while code parsing ([Errno 2] No such file or directory)"/>
                    <error line="149" severity="error" message="Comma not followed by a space"/>
                <file name="path/to/">
                    <error line="100" severity="error" message="Access to a protected member"/>

        expected_violations = [
            Violation(1, "error: Missing docstring"),
            Violation(2, "error: Unused variable 'd'"),
            Violation(2, "warning: TODO: Not the real way we'll store usages!"),
            Violation(579, "error: Unable to import 'rooted_paths'"),
                "error: error while code parsing ([Errno 2] No such file or directory)",
            Violation(149, "error: Comma not followed by a space"),
            Violation(113, "error: Unused argument 'cls'"),

        # Parse the report
        quality = QualityReporter(CheckstyleXmlDriver())

        # Expect that the name is set
        self.assertEqual(, "checkstyle")

        # Measured_lines is undefined for a
        # quality reporter since all lines are measured

        # Expect that we get violations for only
        # We're not guaranteed that the violations are returned
        # in any particular order.
        actual_violations = quality.violations("")
        self.assertEqual(len(actual_violations), len(expected_violations))
        for expected in expected_violations:
            self.assertIn(expected, actual_violations)
    def test_no_quality_issues_newline(self):

        # Patch the output of `pep8`
        _setup_patch((b'\n', b''))

        # Parse the report
        quality = QualityReporter(pep8_driver)
        self.assertEqual([], quality.violations(''))
 def test_unicode_continuation_char(self):
     _setup_patch((b" [W1401]" b" Invalid char '\xc3'", ''), 0)
     # Since we are replacing characters we can't interpet, this should
     # return a valid string with the char replaced with '?'
     quality = QualityReporter(PylintDriver())
     violations = quality.violations(u'')
                      [Violation(2, u"W1401: Invalid char '\ufffd'")])
Beispiel #22
    def test_no_quality_issues_emptystring(self):

        # Patch the output of `pylint`
        _mock_communicate = patch.object(Popen, 'communicate').start()
        _mock_communicate.return_value = (b'', b'')

        # Parse the report
        quality = QualityReporter(PylintDriver())
        self.assertEqual([], quality.violations(''))
    def test_quality_reporter(self, mock_stderr):
        with patch('diff_cover.violationsreporters.base.run_command_for_code'
                   ) as code:
            code.return_value = 0
            reporter = QualityReporter(pep8_driver)
            with self.assertRaises(OSError):

            self.assertEqual(mock_stderr.getvalue(), "pep8 path/to/")
    def test_quality_pregenerated_report(self):

        # When the user provides us with a pre-generated checkstyle report
        # then use that instead of calling checkstyle directly.
        checkstyle_reports = [
                <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
                <checkstyle version="8.0">
                    <file name="path/to/">
                        <error line="1" severity="error" message="Missing docstring"/>
                        <error line="57" severity="warning" message="TODO the name of this method is a little bit confusing"/>
                    <file name="another/">
                        <error line="41" severity="error" message="Specify string format arguments as logging function parameters"/>
                        <error line="175" severity="error" message="Operator not preceded by a space"/>
                        <error line="259" severity="error" message="Invalid name '' for type variable (should match [a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,30}$)"/>
            <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
            <checkstyle version="8.0">
                <file name="path/to/">
                    <error line="183" severity="error" message="Invalid name '' for type argument (should match [a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,30}$)"/>
                <file name="another/">
                    <error line="183" severity="error" message="Missing docstring"/>

        # Generate the violation report
        quality = QualityReporter(CheckstyleXmlDriver(),

        # Expect that we get the right violations
        expected_violations = [
            Violation(1, "error: Missing docstring"),
                "warning: TODO the name of this method is a little bit confusing"
                "error: Invalid name '' for type argument (should match [a-z_][a-z0-9_]{2,30}$)",

        # We're not guaranteed that the violations are returned
        # in any particular order.
        actual_violations = quality.violations("path/to/")
        self.assertEqual(len(actual_violations), len(expected_violations))
        for expected in expected_violations:
            self.assertIn(expected, actual_violations)
    def test_no_quality_issues_emptystring(self):

        # Patch the output of the linter cmd
        self.subproc_mock.communicate.return_value = (b'', b'')
        self._mock_communicate.return_value = self.subproc_mock

        # Parse the report
        quality = QualityReporter(self._get_out())
        self.assertEqual([], quality.violations('file1.js'))
Beispiel #26
    def test_no_quality_issues_newline(self):

        # Patch the output of `flake8`
        _mock_communicate = patch.object(Popen, 'communicate').start()
        _mock_communicate.return_value = (b'\n', b'')

        # Parse the report
        quality = QualityReporter(flake8_driver)
        self.assertEqual([], quality.violations(''))
    def test_non_integer_line_num(self):
   C0111: Missing docstring
  \u8911: C0111: Missing docstring
        """).encode('utf-8'), ''), 0)

        # None of the violations have a valid line number, so they should all be skipped
        violations = QualityReporter(PylintDriver()).violations(u'')
        self.assertEqual(violations, [])
Beispiel #28
    def test_non_integer_line_num(self):
        _mock_communicate = patch.object(Popen, 'communicate').start()
        _mock_communicate.return_value = (dedent(u"""
   C0111: Missing docstring
  \u8911: C0111: Missing docstring
        """).encode('utf-8'), '')

        # None of the violations have a valid line number, so they should all be skipped
        violations = QualityReporter(PylintDriver()).violations(u'')
        self.assertEqual(violations, [])
    def test_quality(self):
        # Patch the output of `pylint`
   [C0111] Missing docstring
   [C0111, func_1] Missing docstring
   [W0612, cls_name.func] Unused variable 'd'
   [W0511] TODO: Not the real way we'll store usages!
   [F0401] Unable to import 'rooted_paths'
   [W0613, cache_relation.clear_pk] Unused argument 'cls'
   [F0010] error while code parsing ([Errno 2] No such file or directory)
   [C0324, Foo.__dict__] Comma not followed by a space
   [R0801] Similar lines in 2 files
            import json
            import logging
            import random
            path/to/ [W0212, openid_login_complete] Access to a protected member
            """).strip().encode('ascii'), ''))

        expected_violations = [
            Violation(1, 'C0111: Missing docstring'),
            Violation(1, 'C0111: func_1: Missing docstring'),
            Violation(2, "W0612: cls_name.func: Unused variable 'd'"),
            Violation(2, "W0511: TODO: Not the real way we'll store usages!"),
            Violation(579, "F0401: Unable to import 'rooted_paths'"),
                "F0010: error while code parsing ([Errno 2] No such file or directory)"
                      "C0324: Foo.__dict__: Comma not followed by a space"),
            Violation(162, "R0801: Similar lines in 2 files"),
                      "W0613: cache_relation.clear_pk: Unused argument 'cls'")

        # Parse the report
        quality = QualityReporter(PylintDriver())

        # Expect that the name is set
        self.assertEqual(, 'pylint')

        # Measured_lines is undefined for a
        # quality reporter since all lines are measured
        self.assertEqual(quality.measured_lines(''), None)

        # Expect that we get violations for only
        # We're not guaranteed that the violations are returned
        # in any particular order.
        actual_violations = quality.violations('')
        self.assertEqual(len(actual_violations), len(expected_violations))
        for expected in expected_violations:
            self.assertIn(expected, actual_violations)
 def test_not_installed(self):
     If linter is not available via commandline, it should raise
     an EnvironmentError
     self._mock_command_simple = patch(
     self._mock_command_simple.return_value = 1
     with self.assertRaises(EnvironmentError):