Beispiel #1
    def __call__(self, x, out=None, scale=None):
        x : `numpy.ndarray`, (nx, ny, nz, 3) or list of arrays of shape [(nx,), (ny,), (nz,)]
            Mesh points at which to evaluate the probe density
        out : `numpy.ndarray`, (nx, ny, nz), optional
            If provided then computation is performed inplace
        scale : `numpy.ndarray`, (nx, ny, nz), optional
            If provided then the probe density is scaled by this before being

        out : `numpy.ndarray`, (nx, ny, nz)
            An array equal to `probe(x)*scale`

        if self._func is None:
            raise NotImplementedError

        if not (hasattr(x, "shape")):
            x = to_mesh(x)

        if out is None:
            out = self._func(x)
            out[...] = self._func(x)

        if scale is not None:
            out *= scale
        return out
def test_toMesh(shape, dx, dtype):
    x = [np.linspace(0, 1, s + 1)[1:] for s in shape]

    if dx:
        dx = list(np.eye(len(shape), len(shape))[::-1])
        dx = None

    var1 = to_mesh(x, dx, dtype)
    var2 = to_mesh(x, dx).astype(dtype)

    if len(shape) == 2:
        flag = dx is None
        for i in range(shape[0]):
            for j in range(shape[1]):
                assert abs(var1[i, j, 0 if flag else 1] - x[0][i]) < 1e-16
                assert abs(var1[i, j, 1 if flag else 0] - x[1][j]) < 1e-16

    assert var1.dtype == var2.dtype
    assert var1.shape == var2.shape
    np.testing.assert_allclose(var1, var2, 1e-16, 1e-16)
Beispiel #3
    def FT(self, y, out=None):
        y : `numpy.ndarray`, (nx, ny, nz, 3) or list of arrays of shape [(nx,), (ny,), (nz,)]
            Mesh of Fourier coordinates at which to evaluate the probe density.
            As a plotting utility, if a lower dimensional mesh is provided then
            the remaining coordinates are assumed to be 0 and so only the
            respective 1D/2D slice of the probe is returned.
        out : `numpy.ndarray`, (nx, ny, nz), optional
            If provided then computation is performed inplace

        out : `numpy.ndarray`, (nx, ny, nz)
            An array equal to `FourierTransform(probe)(y)`. If `ny=0` or `nz=0` then
            array is of smaller dimension.

        if not hasattr(y, "shape"):
            y = to_mesh(y)
        r = self._r
        if y.shape[-1] == 1 or y.ndim == 1:
            y = (y * r).reshape(-1)
            y[abs(y) > 1] = 1
            if out is None:
                out = (2 * r) * sqrt(1 - y * y)
                out[...] = (2 * r) * sqrt(1 - y * y)
            if y.shape[-1] == 3:
                dy2 = []
                for i in range(y.ndim - 1):
                    tmp = tuple(0 if j != i else 1
                                for j in range(y.ndim - 1)) + (2, )
                        abs(y[tmp] -
                            y[..., 2].item(0)) if y.shape[-1] == 3 else 1)
                eps = max(1e-16, max(dy2) * 0.5)
                if out is None:
                    out = empty(y.shape[:3], dtype=y.dtype)

                _bessFT(y.reshape(-1, 3), 1 / r**2, 2 * pi * r**2, eps,

                if out is None:
                    out = (2 * pi * r**2) * (abs(y * y).sum(-1) <= 1 / r**2)
                    out[...] = (2 * pi *
                                r**2) * (abs(y * y).sum(-1) <= 1 / r**2)
        return out
Beispiel #4
    def __call__(self, x, out=None, scale=None):
        x : `numpy.ndarray`, (nx, ny, nz, 3) or list of arrays of shape [(nx,), (ny,), (nz,)]
            Mesh points at which to evaluate the probe density.
            As a plotting utility, if a lower dimensional mesh is provided then
            the remaining coordinates are assumed to be 0 and so only the
            respective 1D/2D slice of the probe is returned.
        out : `numpy.ndarray`, (nx, ny, nz), optional
            If provided then computation is performed inplace
        scale : `numpy.ndarray`, (nx, ny, nz), optional
            If provided then the probe density is scaled by this before being

        out : `numpy.ndarray`, (nx, ny, nz)
            An array equal to `probe(x)*scale`. If `ny=0` or `nz=0` then array is of
            smaller dimension.

        if not hasattr(x, "shape"):
            x = to_mesh(x)
        scale = ones(1, dtype=x.dtype) if scale is None else scale
        if out is None:
            out = empty(x.shape[:-1], dtype=scale.dtype)
        if x.shape[-1] == 1 or x.ndim == 1:
            x = maximum(1e-16, abs(x)).reshape(-1)
            out[...] = jv(1, x) / x * scale
        elif x.shape[-1] == 2:
            x = maximum(1e-16, sqrt(abs(x * x).sum(-1) / self._r**2))
            out[...] = jv(1, x) / x * scale
            d = abs(x[1, 1, 0, :2] - x[0, 0, 0, :2])
            h = d.min() / 10
            s = ((d[0] * x.shape[0])**2 + (d[1] * x.shape[1])**2)**0.5

            fine_grid = arange(h / 2, s / self._r + h, h)
            j = jv(1, fine_grid) / fine_grid

                x.reshape(-1, 3),
                1 / self._r,
                1 / h,
        return out
def grid2sphere(arr, x, dx, C):
    Projects 3d array onto a sphere

    arr : `numpy.ndarray` [`float`], (nx, ny, nz)
        Input function to be projected
    x : `list` [`numpy.ndarray` [`float`]], of shapes [(nx,), (ny,), (nz,)]
        Vectors defining mesh of <arr>
    dx : `list` [`numpy.ndarray` [`float`]], of shapes [(3,), (3,), (3,)]
        Basis in which to orient sphere. Centre of sphere will be at `C*dx[2]`
        and mesh of output array will be defined by the first two vectors
    C : `float`
        Radius of sphere

    out : `numpy.ndarray` [`float`], (nx, ny)
        If y is the point on the line between `i*dx[0]+j*dx[1]` and `C*dx[2]`
        which also lies on the sphere of radius `C` from `C*dx[2]` then:
            `out[i,j] = arr(y)`
        Interpolation on arr is linear.
    if C in (None, 0) or x[2].size == 1:
        if arr.ndim == 2:
            return arr
        elif arr.shape[2] == 1:
            return arr[:, :, 0]

    y = to_mesh((x[0], x[1], array([0])), dx).reshape(-1, 3)

    if C is not None:  # project on line to centre
        w = 1 / (1 + (y**2).sum(-1) / C**2)
        y *= w[:, None]
        if dx is None:
            y[:, 2] = C * (1 - w)
            y += C * (1 - w)[:, None] * dx[2]

    out = interpn(x, arr, y, method='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0)

    return out.reshape(x[0].size, x[1].size)
def get_diffraction_image(coordinates,
    Return kinematically simulated diffraction pattern

    coordinates : `numpy.ndarray` [`float`],  (n_atoms, 3)
        List of atomic coordinates
    species : `numpy.ndarray` [`int`],  (n_atoms,)
        List of atomic numbers
    probe : `diffsims.ProbeFunction`
        Function representing 3D shape of beam
    x : `list` [`numpy.ndarray` [`float`] ], of shapes [(nx,), (ny,), (nz,)]
        Mesh on which to compute the volume density
    wavelength : `float`
        Wavelength of electron beam
    precession : a pair (`float`, `int`)
        The float dictates the angle of precession and the int how many points are
        used to discretise the integration.
    dtype : (`str`, `str`)
        tuple of floating/complex datatypes to cast outputs to
    ZERO : `float` > 0, optional
        Rounding error permitted in computation of atomic density. This value is
        the smallest value rounded to 0.
    GPU : `bool`, optional
        Flag whether to use GPU or CPU discretisation. Default (if available) is True
    pointwise : `bool`, optional
        Optional parameter whether atomic intensities are computed point-wise at
        the centre of a voxel or an integral over the voxel. default=False

    DP : `numpy.ndarray` [`dtype[0]`], (nx, ny, nz)
        The two-dimensional diffraction pattern evaluated on the reciprocal grid
        corresponding to the first two vectors of `x`.
    FTYPE = kwargs['dtype'][0]
    kwargs['GPU'] = GPU
    kwargs['pointwise'] = pointwise

    x = [X.astype(FTYPE, copy=False) for X in x]
    y = to_recip(x)
    if wavelength == 0:
        p = probe(x).mean(-1)
        vol = get_discretisation(coordinates, species, x[:2], **kwargs)[..., 0]
        ft = get_DFT(x[:-1], y[:-1])[0]
        p = probe(x)
        vol = get_discretisation(coordinates, species, x, **kwargs)
        ft = get_DFT(x, y)[0]

    if precession[0] == 0:
        arr = ft(vol * p)
        arr = fast_abs(arr, arr).real**2
        if wavelength == 0:
            return normalise(arr)
            return normalise(grid2sphere(arr, y, None, 2 * pi / wavelength))

    R = [
        precess_mat(precession[0], i * 360 / precession[1])
        for i in range(precession[1])

    if wavelength == 0:
        return normalise(
                get_diffraction_image(, species, probe, x,
                                      wavelength, (0, 1), **kwargs)
                for r in R))

    fftshift_phase(vol)  # removes need for fftshift after fft
    buf = empty(vol.shape, dtype=FTYPE)
    ft, buf = plan_fft(buf, overwrite=True, planner=1)
    DP = None
    for r in R:
        probe(to_mesh(x, r.T, dtype=FTYPE), out=buf,
              scale=vol)  # buf = bess*vol

        # Do convolution
        newFT = ft()
        newFT = fast_abs(newFT, buf).real
        newFT *= newFT  # newFT = abs(newFT) ** 2
        newFT = grid2sphere(newFT.real, y, list(r), 2 * pi / wavelength)

        if DP is None:
            DP = newFT
            DP += newFT

    return normalise(DP.astype(FTYPE, copy=False))