Beispiel #1
def test_down_conversion(args):
    @brief test to see if input signal of known frequency has been down converted
    after mixing with known frequency

    output_steps = 2**args.freq_bits

    # define the timestep for the 2 time series
    dt_ddc = output_steps / args.clk
    dt_data = 1. / args.clk

    # read in the data from the ddc_bram and data_bram files
    t_ddc, d_ddc = digital_utils.process_ddc_bram(args.ddc_file,
    t_data, d_data = digital_utils.process_data_bram(args.data_file,

    # get the power spectra of the signals
    f_ddc, p_ddc = digital_utils.power(d_ddc, dt_ddc)
    f_data, p_data = digital_utils.power(d_data, dt_data)

    # plot the input signal on first subplot
    pl.plot(f_data / 1e6, p_data)

    # add the necessary info to the subplot
    pl.figtext(0.2, 0.85, 'input tone at %.3f MHz' % (args.input_freq / 1e6))
    pl.xlabel('frequency (MHz)', fontsize=16)
    pl.ylabel('power', fontsize=16)
    pl.xlim(-1.5 * args.input_freq / 1e6, 1.5 * args.input_freq / 1e6)


    # determine the expected down-converted frequency, as mixer frequency - input freq
    f_expected = abs(args.lof_int * args.clk / output_steps - args.input_freq)

    # plot the down-converted spectra
    pl.plot(f_ddc / 1e3, p_ddc)
    pl.figtext(0.2, 0.4, 'mixed tone at %.3f kHz' % (f_expected / 1e3))
    pl.xlabel('frequency (kHZ)', fontsize=16)
    pl.ylabel('power', fontsize=16)
    pl.xlim(-1.5 * f_expected / 1e3, 1.5 * f_expected / 1e3)

Beispiel #2
def test_down_conversion(args):
    @brief test to see if input signal of known frequency has been down converted
    after mixing with known frequency
    output_steps = 2**args.freq_bits
    # define the timestep for the 2 time series
    dt_ddc = output_steps/args.clk
    dt_data = 1./args.clk
    # read in the data from the ddc_bram and data_bram files
    t_ddc, d_ddc = digital_utils.process_ddc_bram(args.ddc_file, timestep=dt_ddc)
    t_data, d_data = digital_utils.process_data_bram(args.data_file, timestep=dt_data)
    # get the power spectra of the signals
    f_ddc, p_ddc = digital_utils.power(d_ddc, dt_ddc)
    f_data, p_data = digital_utils.power(d_data, dt_data)
    # plot the input signal on first subplot
    pl.plot(f_data/1e6, p_data)
    # add the necessary info to the subplot
    pl.figtext(0.2, 0.85, 'input tone at %.3f MHz' %(args.input_freq/1e6))
    pl.xlabel('frequency (MHz)', fontsize=16)
    pl.ylabel('power', fontsize=16)
    pl.xlim(-1.5*args.input_freq/1e6, 1.5*args.input_freq/1e6)
    # determine the expected down-converted frequency, as mixer frequency - input freq
    f_expected = abs(args.lof_int * args.clk / output_steps - args.input_freq)
    # plot the down-converted spectra 
    pl.plot(f_ddc/1e3, p_ddc)
    pl.figtext(0.2, 0.4, 'mixed tone at %.3f kHz' %(f_expected/1e3))
    pl.xlabel('frequency (kHZ)', fontsize=16)
    pl.ylabel('power', fontsize=16)
    pl.xlim(-1.5*f_expected/1e3, 1.5*f_expected/1e3)
Beispiel #3
    def rcv(self, ns, trig):
        @brief receive the data from a UDP socket
        @param ns: the shared Namespace between the two running Processes
        @param trig: a trigger event to make sure we don't write/read shared array
        at same time (multiprocessing.Event)
        # set up the socket as UDP
        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)

        # always make sure we close the socket if program crashes
            # bind the socket to the input port
            sock.bind(('', self.port))

            # loop continuously and receive data
            while True:

                # read in new data as long as the trig is not set
                if not trig.is_set():

                    # receive the binary data through the socket
                    binary_data = sock.recv(self.max_recvd_bytes)

                    # process the binary data depending on if it is from a ddc_bram or data_bram file
                    if self.dtype == 'ddc':
                        times, newdata = digital_utils.process_ddc_bram(
                            None, timestep=self.dt, data=binary_data)
                        times, newdata = digital_utils.process_data_bram(
                            None, timestep=self.dt, data=binary_data)

                    # concatenate these unseen samples together
                    ns.unseen_samples = np.concatenate(
                        (ns.unseen_samples, newdata))
 def rcv(self, ns, trig):
     @brief receive the data from a UDP socket
     @param ns: the shared Namespace between the two running Processes
     @param trig: a trigger event to make sure we don't write/read shared array
     at same time (multiprocessing.Event)
     # set up the socket as UDP
     sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
     # always make sure we close the socket if program crashes
         # bind the socket to the input port
         sock.bind( ('', self.port) )
         # loop continuously and receive data
         while True:
             # read in new data as long as the trig is not set
             if not trig.is_set():
                 # receive the binary data through the socket
                 binary_data = sock.recv(self.max_recvd_bytes)
                 # process the binary data depending on if it is from a ddc_bram or data_bram file
                 if self.dtype == 'ddc':
                     times, newdata = digital_utils.process_ddc_bram(None, timestep=self.dt, data=binary_data)
                     times, newdata = digital_utils.process_data_bram(None, timestep=self.dt, data=binary_data)
                 # concatenate these unseen samples together
                 ns.unseen_samples = np.concatenate( (ns.unseen_samples, newdata) ) 