Beispiel #1
def chunk(b, epsilon, lscl=1.0, j1=None, j2=None, edge=False):
    if j1 is None: j1 = random.randint(0, len(b) - 1)
    if j2 is None: j2 = j1 - 1
    l = b[j1].d(b[j2]) * lscl
    t = random.uniform(0, 2.0 * numpy.pi)
    n = random.randint(3, 8)

    if edge:
        stamp = b[j1].mid(b[j2]).pring(l / 2.0, n)
        stamp = vec3(random.randint(int(l / 4), int(l)),
                     random.randint(int(l / 4), int(l)),
                     0).com(b).pring(l / 2.0, n)
    q = quat(1, 0, 0, 0).av(t, vec3(0, 0, 1))

    if pym.binbxy(stamp, b):
        return stamp
    elif pym.bintbxy(b, stamp, col=False, ie=False):
        nbs = pym.ebixy(b, stamp, epsilon)
        nbas = [pym.bareaxy(nb) for nb in nbs]
        nb = nbs[nbas.index(max(nbas))]
        nb = pym.aggregate(nb, 1)
        if pym.bvalidxy(nb) > 0:
            return nb
        ax = dtl.plot_axes_xy(200)
        ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(b, ax, col='r', lw=2)
        ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(stamp, ax, col='b', lw=2)
        raise ValueError
Beispiel #2
def ajagged(b,epsilon):
    j = random.randint(0,len(b)-1)
    l = b[j-1].d(b[j])
    t = random.uniform(0,2.0*numpy.pi)
    n = random.randint(3,8)

    stamp = b[j-1].mid(b[j]).pring(l/2.0,n)
    q = quat(1,0,0,0).av(t,vec3(0,0,1))
    if pym.bintbxy(b,stamp,col = False,ie = False):
        nbs = pym.ebdxy(b,stamp,epsilon)
        nbas = [pym.bareaxy(nb) for nb in nbs]
        nb = nbs[nbas.index(max(nbas))]
        nb = pym.aggregate(nb,1)
        if pym.bvalidxy(nb) > 0:b = nb

    bval = pym.bvalidxy(b)
    if bval == -1:b.reverse()
    if not pym.bvalidxy(b) > 0:
        ax = dtl.plot_axes_xy(700)
        ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(b,ax,lw = 4,col = 'b')
        ax = dtl.plot_points_xy(b,ax,number = True)
        ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(stamp,ax,lw = 2,col = 'r')
        raise ValueError
    return b
Beispiel #3
def chunk(b,epsilon,lscl = 1.0,j1 = None,j2 = None,edge = False):
    if j1 is None:j1 = random.randint(0,len(b)-1)
    if j2 is None:j2 = j1-1
    l = b[j1].d(b[j2])*lscl
    t = random.uniform(0,2.0*numpy.pi)
    n = random.randint(3,8)

    if edge:
        stamp = b[j1].mid(b[j2]).pring(l/2.0,n)
        stamp = vec3(
    q = quat(1,0,0,0).av(t,vec3(0,0,1))
    if pym.binbxy(stamp,b):
        return stamp
    elif pym.bintbxy(b,stamp,col = False,ie = False):
        nbs = pym.ebixy(b,stamp,epsilon)
        nbas = [pym.bareaxy(nb) for nb in nbs]
        nb = nbs[nbas.index(max(nbas))]
        nb = pym.aggregate(nb,1)
        if pym.bvalidxy(nb) > 0:
            return nb
        ax = dtl.plot_axes_xy(200)
        ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(b,ax,col = 'r',lw = 2)
        ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(stamp,ax,col = 'b',lw = 2)
        raise ValueError
Beispiel #4
def ajagged(b, epsilon):
    j = random.randint(0, len(b) - 1)
    l = b[j - 1].d(b[j])
    t = random.uniform(0, 2.0 * numpy.pi)
    n = random.randint(3, 8)

    stamp = b[j - 1].mid(b[j]).pring(l / 2.0, n)
    q = quat(1, 0, 0, 0).av(t, vec3(0, 0, 1))

    if pym.bintbxy(b, stamp, col=False, ie=False):
        nbs = pym.ebdxy(b, stamp, epsilon)
        nbas = [pym.bareaxy(nb) for nb in nbs]
        nb = nbs[nbas.index(max(nbas))]
        nb = pym.aggregate(nb, 1)
        if pym.bvalidxy(nb) > 0: b = nb

    bval = pym.bvalidxy(b)
    if bval == -1: b.reverse()
    if not pym.bvalidxy(b) > 0:
        ax = dtl.plot_axes_xy(700)
        ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(b, ax, lw=4, col='b')
        ax = dtl.plot_points_xy(b, ax, number=True)
        ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(stamp, ax, lw=2, col='r')
        raise ValueError

    return b
Beispiel #5
 def sow_earth(b,e):
     '''generate landmasses within a boundary polygon'''
     lm = pym.contract(b,e*50.0,e)
     return [lm]
     for x in range(10):lm = pyg.ajagged(lm,e)
     lm = pym.bisectb(lm)
     lm = pym.smoothxy(lm,0.5,e)
     lm = pym.smoothxy(lm,0.5,e)
     lm = pym.smoothxy(lm,0.5,e)
     lm = pym.aggregate(lm,2)
     lm = pym.blimithmin(lm,2,50)
     lms = [lm]
     return lms
Beispiel #6
def splotch(vb, easement=10):
    # WIP
    vbes = [(vb[0][x - 1], vb[0][x]) for x in range(len(vb[0]))]
    vbels = [vb[0][x - 1].d(vb[0][x]) for x in range(len(vb[0]))]
    vbe_primary = vbels.index(max(vbels))
    vbe_primary_tn = vb[0][vbe_primary - 1].tov(vb[0][vbe_primary]).nrm()
    bq = quat(0, 0, 0, 1).uu(vec3(1, 0, 0), vbe_primary_tn)
    if not bq: bq = quat(1, 0, 0, 0)

    vbcon = pym.aggregate(pym.contract(vb[0], easement), 5)

    vbxpj = vbe_primary_tn.prjps(vb[0])
    vbypj = vbe_primary_tn.cp().zrot(gtl.PI2).prjps(vb[0])
    vbxl, vbyl = vbxpj[1] - vbxpj[0], vbypj[1] - vbypj[0]

    dx, dy = 20, 20
    xn, yn = int(1.5 * vbxl / dx), int(1.5 * vbyl / dy)
    print('xn,yn', xn, yn)
    o = vec3(0, 0, 0).com(vbcon)
    vgrid = [
        o.cp().xtrn(dx * (x - (xn / 2.0))).ytrn(dy * (y - (yn / 2.0)))
        for x in range(xn) for y in range(yn)
    #vgrid = [p for p in vgrid if abs(p.x-10) > 10]
    boxes = [
        p.cp().trn(o.flp()).rot(bq).trn(o.flp()).sq(dx, dy) for p in vgrid

    for b in boxes:
        bcom = vec3(0, 0, 0).com(b).flp()
    boxes = [b for b in boxes if pym.binbxy(b, vbcon)]
    for ib in vb[1]:
        boxes = [
            b for b in boxes if not pym.bintbxy(b, ib) and not b[0].inbxy(ib)
            and not ib[0].inbxy(b[0])

    blgfps = pym.ebuxy_special(boxes, 5, 4)

    ps = [vec3(0, 0, 0).com(blgfp) for blgfp in blgfps]
    qs = [bq.cp() for blgfp in blgfps]
    ss = [vec3(1, 1, 1) for blgfp in blgfps]

    for p, q, s, blgfp in zip(ps, qs, ss, blgfps):

    return zip(ps, qs, ss, blgfps)
Beispiel #7
 def sow_earth(b, e):
     '''generate landmasses within a boundary polygon'''
     lm = pym.contract(b, e * 50.0, e)
     return [lm]
     for x in range(10):
         lm = pyg.ajagged(lm, e)
     lm = pym.bisectb(lm)
     lm = pym.smoothxy(lm, 0.5, e)
     lm = pym.smoothxy(lm, 0.5, e)
     lm = pym.smoothxy(lm, 0.5, e)
     lm = pym.aggregate(lm, 2)
     lm = pym.blimithmin(lm, 2, 50)
     lms = [lm]
     return lms
Beispiel #8
 def raise_earth(topo, tips, e, mingrad=1.0, mindelz=-5.0, depth=0):
     if depth == 0:
         for j, tip in enumerate(tips):
             tips[j].loop = pym.bisectb(tips[j].loop)
     #if depth == 10:return
     print('... raising earth ... (depth: %d)' % depth)
     newtips = []
     for tip in tips:
         if tip is None: continue
         newloop = [p.cp().ztrn(mindelz) for p in tip.loop]
         newloop = pym.aggregate(
             pym.contract(newloop, abs(mindelz / mingrad)), 5)
         #uloops = [pym.smoothxyi(newloop,0.8,e,10,1)]
         #uloops = [pym.pinchb(u,10) for u in uloops if u]
         #uloops = [pym.pinchb(newloop,10)]
         uloops = pym.pinchb(newloop, 10)
         uloops = [u for u in uloops if u]
         for u in uloops:
             if not pym.bccw(u):
         if len(uloops) == 1:
             print('... 1 loop to raise ...')
             theloop = uloops[0]
             newtiparea = pym.bareaxy(theloop,True)
         elif uloops:
             print('... 2+ loops to raise ...')
             bareas = [pym.bareaxy(u,True) for u in uloops]
             theloop = uloops[bareas.index(max(bareas))]
             newtiparea = max(bareas)
             print('... no loops to raise ...')
             theloop = []
         for theloop in uloops:
             newtiparea = pym.bareaxy(theloop, True)
             newtip = None
             if theloop and newtiparea > 10:  #2*(e)**2:
                 newtip = topo.avert(tip, loop=theloop)
                 print('... abortive tip! ...')
             if newtip is None: continue
             else: newtips.append(newtip)
     if newtips:
         terrain.raise_earth(topo, newtips, e, mingrad, mindelz, depth + 1)
         print('... exhausted tip! ...')
Beispiel #9
    def atest_pgbleed(self):
        def trimtofp(p1,p2,r = 5):
            ips = pym.sintbxyp(p1,p2,fp)
            if len(ips) > 0:
                for ip in ips:
                    if ip.isnear(p1):continue
                    p2 = p1.lerp(ip,1-r/p1.d(ip))
            return p2

        rg = pgr.planargraph()

        easement = 10
        fp = vec3(0,0,0).pring(100,8)

        exp = fp[-1].lerp(fp[0],0.5)
        exn = vec3(0,0,1).crs(fp[-1].tov(fp[0])).nrm()
        ex1 = exp.cp()
        ex2 = ex1.cp().trn(exn.cp().uscl(easement))
        i1 = rg.av(p = ex1,l = 0)
        i2,r1 = rg.mev(i1,{'p':ex2,'l':0},{})
        tip = i2
        tv = rg.vs[tip]
        avs = [rg.vs[k] for k in rg.orings[tip]]
        if len(avs) == 1:
            op = tv[1]['p']
            nptn = avs[0][1]['p'].tov(op).nrm().uscl(100)
            np = op.cp().trn(nptn)
            np = trimtofp(op,np,easement+10)
            nv,nr = rg.mev(tip,{'p':np,'l':0},{})

        start = nv
        tip = start
        fp_relax = pym.aggregate(pym.contract(fp,20),20)
        for p_relax in fp_relax:
            nv,nr = rg.mev(tip,{'p':p_relax,'l':0},{})
            tip = nv
        ne =,start,**{})

        rpy = pym.pgbleed(rg,5)

        ax = dtl.plot_axes_xy(300)
        ax = rg.plotxy(ax)
        ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(fp,ax,lw = 2,col = 'b')
        ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(fp_relax,ax,lw = 2,col = 'b')
        ax = dtl.plot_polygon_full_xy(rpy,ax,lw = 2,col = 'g')
Beispiel #10
    def atest_pgbleed(self):
        def trimtofp(p1, p2, r=5):
            ips = pym.sintbxyp(p1, p2, fp)
            if len(ips) > 0:
                for ip in ips:
                    if ip.isnear(p1): continue
                    p2 = p1.lerp(ip, 1 - r / p1.d(ip))
            return p2

        rg = pgr.planargraph()

        easement = 10
        fp = vec3(0, 0, 0).pring(100, 8)

        exp = fp[-1].lerp(fp[0], 0.5)
        exn = vec3(0, 0, 1).crs(fp[-1].tov(fp[0])).nrm()
        ex1 = exp.cp()
        ex2 = ex1.cp().trn(exn.cp().uscl(easement))
        i1 = rg.av(p=ex1, l=0)
        i2, r1 = rg.mev(i1, {'p': ex2, 'l': 0}, {})

        tip = i2
        tv = rg.vs[tip]
        avs = [rg.vs[k] for k in rg.orings[tip]]
        if len(avs) == 1:
            op = tv[1]['p']
            nptn = avs[0][1]['p'].tov(op).nrm().uscl(100)
            np = op.cp().trn(nptn)
            np = trimtofp(op, np, easement + 10)
            nv, nr = rg.mev(tip, {'p': np, 'l': 0}, {})

        start = nv
        tip = start
        fp_relax = pym.aggregate(pym.contract(fp, 20), 20)
        for p_relax in fp_relax:
            nv, nr = rg.mev(tip, {'p': p_relax, 'l': 0}, {})
            tip = nv
        ne =, start, **{})

        rpy = pym.pgbleed(rg, 5)

        ax = dtl.plot_axes_xy(300)
        ax = rg.plotxy(ax)
        ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(fp, ax, lw=2, col='b')
        ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(fp_relax, ax, lw=2, col='b')
        ax = dtl.plot_polygon_full_xy(rpy, ax, lw=2, col='g')
Beispiel #11
def splotch(vb,easement = 10):
    # WIP
    vbes = [(vb[0][x-1],vb[0][x]) for x in range(len(vb[0]))]
    vbels = [vb[0][x-1].d(vb[0][x]) for x in range(len(vb[0]))]
    vbe_primary = vbels.index(max(vbels))
    vbe_primary_tn = vb[0][vbe_primary-1].tov(vb[0][vbe_primary]).nrm()
    bq = quat(0,0,0,1).uu(vec3(1,0,0),vbe_primary_tn)
    if not bq:bq = quat(1,0,0,0)

    vbcon = pym.aggregate(pym.contract(vb[0],easement),5)

    vbxpj = vbe_primary_tn.prjps(vb[0])
    vbypj = vbe_primary_tn.cp().zrot(gtl.PI2).prjps(vb[0])
    vbxl,vbyl = vbxpj[1]-vbxpj[0],vbypj[1]-vbypj[0]

    dx,dy = 20,20
    xn,yn = int(1.5*vbxl/dx),int(1.5*vbyl/dy)
    o = vec3(0,0,0).com(vbcon)
    vgrid = [o.cp().xtrn(dx*(x-(xn/2.0))).ytrn(dy*(y-(yn/2.0)))
        for x in range(xn) for y in range(yn)]
    #vgrid = [p for p in vgrid if abs(p.x-10) > 10]
    boxes = [p.cp().trn(o.flp()).rot(bq).trn(o.flp()).sq(dx,dy) for p in vgrid]

    for b in boxes:
        bcom = vec3(0,0,0).com(b).flp()
    boxes = [b for b in boxes if pym.binbxy(b,vbcon)]
    for ib in vb[1]:
        boxes = [b for b in boxes if not pym.bintbxy(b,ib) 
            and not b[0].inbxy(ib) and not ib[0].inbxy(b[0])]

    blgfps = pym.ebuxy_special(boxes,5,4)

    ps = [vec3(0,0,0).com(blgfp) for blgfp in blgfps]
    qs = [bq.cp() for blgfp in blgfps]
    ss = [vec3(1,1,1) for blgfp in blgfps]

    for p,q,s,blgfp in zip(ps,qs,ss,blgfps):

    return zip(ps,qs,ss,blgfps)
Beispiel #12
def pepper(t, tip, e=2):

    c = vec3(0, 0, 0).com(tip.loop)
    d = vec3(1, 0, 0).uscl(1000)
    s1, s2 = c.cp().trn(d.flp()), c.cp().trn(d.flp())
    ch = lambda b: pyg.chunk(
        b, e, random.random() + 0.2, edge=random.randint(0, 1))
    bs = [ch(tip.loop) for x in range(10)]
    bs = pym.bsuxy(bs, e)

    #ax = dtl.plot_axes_xy(200)
    #for b in bs:
    #    dtl.plot_polygon_xy(b,ax,lw = 2)

    newtips = []
    for sb in bs:
        if not pym.bccw(sb): sb.reverse()

        sb = pyg.ajagged(sb, 2)
        sb = pyg.ajagged(sb, 2)
        sb = pyg.ajagged(sb, 2)
        #sb = pyg.ajagged(sb,2)

        #for x in range(3):b = pyg.ajagged(b,e)
        sb = pym.bisectb(sb)
        #sb = pym.smoothxy(sb,0.5,e)
        sb = pym.smoothxy(sb, 0.5, e)
        sb = pym.aggregate(sb, 4)
        #sb = pym.blimithmin(sb,2,50)

        for p in sb:
        newtips.append(, tip))

    ax = dtl.plot_axes(200)
    ax = dtl.plot_polygon(t.root.loop, ax, ls='--', lw=2, col='k')
    ax = dtl.plot_polygon(tip.loop, ax, lw=3, col='r')
    for b in bs:
        ax = dtl.plot_polygon(b, ax, lw=3, col='g')

    return newtips
Beispiel #13
 def raise_earth(topo,tips,e,mingrad = 1.0,mindelz = -5.0,depth = 0):
     if depth == 0:
         for j,tip in enumerate(tips):
             tips[j].loop = pym.bisectb(tips[j].loop)
     #if depth == 10:return
     print('... raising earth ... (depth: %d)' % depth)
     newtips = []
     for tip in tips:
         if tip is None:continue
         newloop = [p.cp().ztrn(mindelz) for p in tip.loop]
         newloop = pym.aggregate(pym.contract(newloop,abs(mindelz/mingrad)),5)
         #uloops = [pym.smoothxyi(newloop,0.8,e,10,1)]
         #uloops = [pym.pinchb(u,10) for u in uloops if u]
         #uloops = [pym.pinchb(newloop,10)]
         uloops = pym.pinchb(newloop,10)
         uloops = [u for u in uloops if u]
         for u in uloops:
             if not pym.bccw(u):
         if len(uloops) == 1:
             print('... 1 loop to raise ...')
             theloop = uloops[0]
             newtiparea = pym.bareaxy(theloop,True)
         elif uloops:
             print('... 2+ loops to raise ...')
             bareas = [pym.bareaxy(u,True) for u in uloops]
             theloop = uloops[bareas.index(max(bareas))]
             newtiparea = max(bareas)
             print('... no loops to raise ...')
             theloop = []
         for theloop in uloops:
             newtiparea = pym.bareaxy(theloop,True)
             newtip = None
             if theloop and newtiparea > 10:#2*(e)**2:
                 newtip = topo.avert(tip,loop = theloop)
             else:print('... abortive tip! ...')
             if newtip is None:continue
     if newtips:
     else:print('... exhausted tip! ...')
Beispiel #14
def pepper(t,tip,e = 2):

    c = vec3(0,0,0).com(tip.loop)
    d = vec3(1,0,0).uscl(1000)
    s1,s2 = c.cp().trn(d.flp()),c.cp().trn(d.flp())
    ch = lambda b : pyg.chunk(b,e,random.random()+0.2,edge = random.randint(0,1))
    bs = [ch(tip.loop) for x in range(10)]
    bs = pym.bsuxy(bs,e)

    #ax = dtl.plot_axes_xy(200)
    #for b in bs:
    #    dtl.plot_polygon_xy(b,ax,lw = 2)

    newtips = []
    for sb in bs:
        if not pym.bccw(sb):sb.reverse()

        sb = pyg.ajagged(sb,2)
        sb = pyg.ajagged(sb,2)
        sb = pyg.ajagged(sb,2)
        #sb = pyg.ajagged(sb,2)

        #for x in range(3):b = pyg.ajagged(b,e)
        sb = pym.bisectb(sb)
        #sb = pym.smoothxy(sb,0.5,e)
        sb = pym.smoothxy(sb,0.5,e)
        sb = pym.aggregate(sb,4)
        #sb = pym.blimithmin(sb,2,50)

        for p in sb:p.ztrn(2)

    ax = dtl.plot_axes(200)
    ax = dtl.plot_polygon(t.root.loop,ax,ls = '--',lw = 2,col = 'k')
    ax = dtl.plot_polygon(tip.loop,ax,lw = 3,col = 'r')
    for b in bs:
        ax = dtl.plot_polygon(b,ax,lw = 3,col = 'g')

    return newtips
Beispiel #15
    def grow(self,par,z,r,epsilon,base = None):
        if base is None:base = [p.cp() for p in par.loop]
        i = base[:]
        i = pym.contract(i,r,epsilon)
        if i is None:return None
        #i = pym.smoothxy(i,0.5,epsilon)
        #i = pym.smoothxy(i,0.5,epsilon)
        #i = pym.smoothxy(i,0.5,epsilon)
        i = pym.aggregate(i,r)
        #i = pym.cleanbxy(i,2.0)

        bv = pym.bvalidxy(i,epsilon)
        if   bv == -1:i.reverse()
        elif bv == -2:
            return None
            raise ValueError
        if len(i) > 3:lout = i
        else:return None

        for p in lout:p.ztrn(z)
        iv = self.avert(par,loop = lout)
        return iv
Beispiel #16
    def split(self,v,s,z,rad,epsilon):
        sp = vec3(0,0,0).com(v.loop)
        sd = vec3(0,1,0) if random.random() > 0.5 else vec3(1,0,0)
        s1 = sp.cp().trn(sd.cp().uscl( 10000))
        s2 = sp.cp().trn(sd.cp().uscl(-10000))
        loops = pym.bsegsxy(v.loop,s1,s2,0.1)

        lvs = []
        for el in loops:
            if not pym.bccw(el):el.reverse()
            el = pym.blimithmin(el,2,50)
            el = pym.aggregate(el,2)
            #el = pym.smoothxy(el,0.5,epsilon)
            nv = self.grow(v,z,rad,epsilon,el)

        ax = self.plot()
        for el in loops:
            ax = dtl.plot_polygon(el,ax,lw = 2,col = 'r')

        return lvs
Beispiel #17
    def _____genroadnetwork(self, t):
        p, d, i, axiom, rules = ((vec3(0, 0, 0), vec3(0, 1, 0), 5, 'X',
                                  dict([('X', '{[[F}{]A}A]F'), ('F', 'FA'),
                                        ('A', 'F')])))
        params = dict(dazimuthal=gtl.rad(45), drho=20)

        drho, i = 10, 5
        p, d = vec3(0, 0, 0), vec3(0, 1, 0)
        axiom = 'X'
        rules = dict([('X', 'F{[X}{]X}X'), ('F', 'FF')])
        params = dict(dazimuthal=gtl.rad(90), drho=drho)

        pg = pgr.planargraph()
        for piece in lsy.lgen(p, d, axiom, rules, i, **params):
            if isinstance(piece, tuple):
                p1, p2 = piece
                v1, v2 = pg.fp(p1, drho / 2), pg.fp(p2, drho / 2)
                e12 = pg.fe(v1, v2)
            elif isinstance(piece, vec3):
        #py = pym.pgtopy(pg,5)[0]
        #py = pym.smoothxy(py,0.5,2)
        #py = pym.aggregate(py,2)
        #py = pym.pinchb(py,5)

        ax = dtl.plot_axes_xy(200)
        ax = pg.plotxy(ax)
        #ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(py,ax,lw = 3)


        # need a graph that spans all landmasses of the continent
        # at boundaries of existing regions, line up the roads nicely
        # within existing regions, add more regions based on road graph
        # develop resulting regions as before

        def trimtofp(p1, p2, r=5):
            ips = pym.sintbxyp(p1, p2, fp)
            if len(ips) > 0:
                for ip in ips:
                    if ip.isnear(p1): continue
                    p2 = p1.lerp(ip, 1 - r / p1.d(ip))
            return p2

        rg = pgr.planargraph()
        for lm in t.looptree.below(t.root):
            fp = lm.loop

            #seq = 'S<>G<>L<>'
            #rg = rdg.checkseq(rg,fp,seq,False)

            easement = 20

            exp = fp[-1].lerp(fp[0], 0.5)
            exn = vec3(0, 0, 1).crs(fp[-1].tov(fp[0])).nrm()
            ex1 = exp.cp()
            ex2 = ex1.cp().trn(exn.cp().uscl(easement))
            i1 = rg.av(p=ex1, l=0, w=0)
            i2, r1 = rg.mev(i1, {'p': ex2, 'l': 0, 'w': 0.5}, {})

            tip = i2
            tv = rg.vs[tip]
            avs = [rg.vs[k] for k in rg.orings[tip]]
            if len(avs) == 1:
                op = tv[1]['p']
                nptn = avs[0][1]['p'].tov(op).nrm().uscl(20)
                np = op.cp().trn(nptn)
                np = trimtofp(op, np, easement)
                nv, nr = rg.mev(tip, {'p': np, 'l': 0, 'w': 1}, {})

            start = nv
            tip = start
            fp_relax = pym.aggregate(pym.contract(fp, 30), 30)
            #fp_relax = fp[:]
            for p_relax in fp_relax:
                nv, nr = rg.mev(tip, {'p': p_relax, 'l': 0, 'w': 1}, {})
                tip = nv
            ne =, start, **{})

            #ax = rg.plotxy(l = 220)
            rg.smooth_sticks(1, 0.5)
            #ax = rg.plotxy(l = 220)

            ax = dtl.plot_axes_xy(300)
            ax = rg.plotxy(ax)
            ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(fp,ax,lw = 2,col = 'b')
            ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(fp_relax,ax,lw = 2,col = 'b')


        for rgv in rg.vs:
            rgp = rgv[1]['p']
            rgp.ztrn(t(rgp.x, rgp.y))

        ax = rg.plot(l=220)

        return rg
Beispiel #18
    def vblgsplotch(self, v, pg, easement=10):
        vb = v[1]['b']
        vbes = [(vb[0][x - 1], vb[0][x]) for x in range(len(vb[0]))]
        vbels = [vb[0][x - 1].d(vb[0][x]) for x in range(len(vb[0]))]
        vbe_primary = vbels.index(max(vbels))
        vbe_primary_tn = vb[0][vbe_primary - 1].tov(vb[0][vbe_primary]).nrm()
        bq = quat(0, 0, 0, 1).uu(vec3(1, 0, 0), vbe_primary_tn)
        if not bq: bq = quat(1, 0, 0, 0)
        #bq = quat(1,0,0,0)
        vbcon = pym.aggregate(pym.contract(vb[0], easement), 5)
        #vbcon = pym.aggregate(pym.contract(vb[0],0),5)

        #ax = dtl.plot_axes_xy(120)
        #ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(vbcon,ax,lw = 3,col = 'g')

        #if len(fbnd) > 3:fbnd = pinchb(fbnd,epsilon)

        vbxpj = vbe_primary_tn.prjps(vb[0])
        vbypj = vbe_primary_tn.cp().zrot(gtl.PI2).prjps(vb[0])
        vbxl, vbyl = vbxpj[1] - vbxpj[0], vbypj[1] - vbypj[0]

        dx, dy = 20, 20
        xn, yn = int(1.5 * vbxl / dx), int(1.5 * vbyl / dy)
        print('xn,yn', xn, yn)
        #do = vec3(-dx*xn/2.0,-dy*yn/2.0,0)
        o = vec3(0, 0, 0).com(vbcon)
        vgrid = [
            o.cp().xtrn(dx * (x - (xn / 2.0))).ytrn(dy * (y - (yn / 2.0)))
            for x in range(xn) for y in range(yn)
        boxes = [
            p.cp().trn(o.flp()).rot(bq).trn(o.flp()).sq(dx, dy) for p in vgrid
        #boxes = [p.cp().trn(o.flp()).rot(bq).trn(o.flp()).sq(dx,dy)
        #    for p in vgrid if abs(p.x - o.x) > dx]

        for b in boxes:
            bcom = vec3(0, 0, 0).com(b).flp()
        boxes = [b for b in boxes if pym.binbxy(b, vbcon)]
        for ib in vb[1]:
            boxes = [
                b for b in boxes if not pym.bintbxy(b, ib)
                and not b[0].inbxy(ib) and not ib[0].inbxy(b[0])

        ax = dtl.plot_axes_xy(400)
        ax = dtl.plot_point_xy(o,ax)
        ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(vb[0],ax,lw = 2,col = 'b')
        ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(vbcon,ax,ls = '--',lw = 2,col = 'r')
        #ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(box,ax,lw = 2,col = 'r')
        for b in boxes:ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(b,ax,lw = 2,col = 'g')

        #blgfps = pym.bsuxy(boxes)
        blgfps = pym.ebuxy_special(boxes, 5, 4)

        ps = [vec3(0, 0, 0).com(blgfp) for blgfp in blgfps]
        qs = [bq.cp() for blgfp in blgfps]
        ss = [vec3(1, 1, 1) for blgfp in blgfps]

        for p, q, s, blgfp in zip(ps, qs, ss, blgfps):

        ax = dtl.plot_axes_xy(700)
        ax = dtl.plot_point_xy(o,ax)
        ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(vb[0],ax,lw = 2,col = 'b')
        #ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(box,ax,lw = 2,col = 'r')
        for b in boxes:ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(b,ax,lw = 2,col = 'g')
        for b in blgfps:ax = dtl.plot_polygon_xy(b,ax,lw = 2,col = 'r')

        bx,by,sx,sy = -30,30,30,30
        r = abs(random.random())*20
        bz = v[1]['tmesh'](bx,by)+r

        bx,by,sx,sy = 30,30,50,30
        r = abs(random.random())*20
        bz = v[1]['tmesh'](bx,by)+r

        bx,by,sx,sy = 30,-30,40,60
        r = abs(random.random())*20
        bz = v[1]['tmesh'](bx,by)+r

        #bx,by,sx,sy = 30,30,50,30
        #bx,by,sx,sy = 30,-30,40,60
        #for blgfp in blgfps:
        #    r = v[1]['b'][0][0].z+abs(random.random())*20
        #    for p in blgfp:
        #        p.ztrn(r)
        return zip(ps, qs, ss, blgfps)