Beispiel #1
def reduce_binary_polynomial(
    poly: BinaryPolynomial
) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[FrozenSet[Hashable], Number]], List[Tuple[
        FrozenSet[Hashable], Hashable]]]:
    """ Reduce a Binary polynomial to a list of quadratic terms and constraints
    by introducing auxillary variables and creating costraints.
        poly: BinaryPolynomial

        ([(term, bias)*], [((orig_var1, orig_var2), aux_var)*])

        >>> poly = dimod.BinaryPolynomial({(0,): -1, (1,): 1, (2,): 1.5, (0, 1): -1, (0, 1, 2): -2}, dimod.BINARY)
        >>> reduce_binary_polynomial(poly) # doctest: +SKIP
        ([(frozenset({0}), -1),
          (frozenset({1}), 1),
          (frozenset({2}), 1.5),
          (frozenset({0, 1}), -1),
          (frozenset({'0*1', 2}), -2)],
         [(frozenset({0, 1}), '0*1')])

    variables = poly.variables
    constraints = []

    reduced_terms = []
    idx = defaultdict(dict)
    for item in poly.items():
        term, bias = item
        if len(term) <= 2:
            for pair in itertools.combinations(term, 2):
                idx[frozenset(pair)][term] = bias

    que = defaultdict(set)
    for pair, terms in idx.items():

    while idx:
        new_pairs = set()
        most = max(que)
        que_most = que[most]
        pair = que_most.pop()
        if not que_most:
            del que[most]
        terms = idx.pop(pair)

        prod_var = _new_product(variables, *pair)
        constraints.append((pair, prod_var))
        prod_var_set = {prod_var}

        for old_term, bias in terms.items():
            common_subterm = (old_term - pair)
            new_term = common_subterm | prod_var_set

            for old_pair in map(frozenset,
                                itertools.product(pair, common_subterm)):
                _decrement_count(idx, que, old_pair)
                _remove_old(idx, old_term, old_pair)

            for common_pair in map(frozenset,
                                   itertools.combinations(common_subterm, 2)):
                idx[common_pair][new_term] = bias
                _remove_old(idx, old_term, common_pair)

            if len(new_term) > 2:
                for new_pair in (frozenset((prod_var, v))
                                 for v in common_subterm):
                    idx[new_pair][new_term] = bias
                reduced_terms.append((new_term, bias))

        for new_pair in new_pairs:

    return reduced_terms, constraints
Beispiel #2
def make_quadratic(poly, strength, vartype=None, bqm=None):
    """Create a binary quadratic model from a higher order polynomial.

        poly (dict):
            Polynomial as a dict of form {term: bias, ...}, where `term` is a tuple of
            variables and `bias` the associated bias.

        strength (float):
            The energy penalty for violating the prodcut constraint.
            Insufficient strength can result in the binary quadratic model not
            having the same minimizations as the polynomial.

        vartype (:class:`.Vartype`/str/set, optional):
            Variable type for the binary quadratic model. Accepted input values:

            * :class:`.Vartype.SPIN`, ``'SPIN'``, ``{-1, 1}``
            * :class:`.Vartype.BINARY`, ``'BINARY'``, ``{0, 1}``

            If `bqm` is provided, `vartype` is not required.

        bqm (:class:`.BinaryQuadraticModel`, optional):
            The terms of the reduced polynomial are added to this binary quadratic model.
            If not provided, a new binary quadratic model is created.



        >>> poly = {(0,): -1, (1,): 1, (2,): 1.5, (0, 1): -1, (0, 1, 2): -2}
        >>> bqm = dimod.make_quadratic(poly, 5.0, dimod.SPIN)

    if vartype is None:
        if bqm is None:
            raise ValueError("one of vartype or bqm must be provided")
            vartype = bqm.vartype
        vartype = as_vartype(vartype)  # handle other vartype inputs
        if bqm is None:
            bqm = BinaryQuadraticModel.empty(vartype)
            bqm = bqm.change_vartype(vartype, inplace=False)['reduction'] = {}

    # we want to be able to mutate the polynomial so copy. We treat this as a
    # dict but by using BinaryPolynomial we also get automatic handling of
    # square terms
    poly = BinaryPolynomial(poly, vartype=bqm.vartype)
    variables = set().union(*poly)

    while any(len(term) > 2 for term in poly):
        # determine which pair of variables appear most often
        paircounter = Counter()
        for term in poly:
            if len(term) <= 2:
                # we could leave these in but it can lead to cases like
                # {'ab': -1, 'cdef': 1} where ab keeps being chosen for
                # elimination. So we just ignore all the pairs
            for u, v in itertools.combinations(term, 2):
                pair = frozenset((u, v))  # so order invarient
                paircounter[pair] += 1
        pair, __ = paircounter.most_common(1)[0]
        u, v = pair

        # make a new product variable p == u*v and replace all (u, v) with p
        p = _new_product(variables, u, v)
        terms = [term for term in poly if u in term and v in term]
        for term in terms:
            new = tuple(w for w in term if w != u and w != v) + (p, )
            poly[new] = poly.pop(term)

        # add a constraint enforcing the relationship between p == u*v
        if vartype is Vartype.BINARY:
            constraint = _binary_product([u, v, p])

  ['reduction'][(u, v)] = {'product': p}
        elif vartype is Vartype.SPIN:
            aux = _new_aux(variables, u, v)  # need an aux in SPIN-space

            constraint = _spin_product([u, v, p, aux])

  ['reduction'][(u, v)] = {'product': p, 'auxiliary': aux}
            raise RuntimeError("unknown vartype: {!r}".format(vartype))

        # scale constraint and update the polynomial with it
        for v, bias in constraint.linear.items():
                poly[v, ] += bias
            except KeyError:
                poly[v, ] = bias
        for uv, bias in constraint.quadratic.items():
                poly[uv] += bias
            except KeyError:
                poly[uv] = bias
            poly[()] += constraint.offset
        except KeyError:
            poly[()] = constraint.offset

    # convert poly to a bqm (it already is one)
    for term, bias in poly.items():
        if len(term) == 2:
            u, v = term
            bqm.add_interaction(u, v, bias)
        elif len(term) == 1:
            v, = term
            bqm.add_variable(v, bias)
        elif len(term) == 0:
            # still has higher order terms, this shouldn't happen
            msg = ('Internal error: not all higher-order terms were reduced. '
                   'Please file a bug report.')
            raise RuntimeError(msg)

    return bqm