Beispiel #1
    def test_symbolic(self):
        cqm = CQM()

        a = Spin('a')
        b = Spin('b')
        c = Spin('c')

        cqm.add_constraint(2*a*b + b*c - c + 1 <= 1)
Beispiel #2
    def test_construction(self):
        cqm = CQM()

        cqm.set_objective(dimod.AdjVectorBQM({'ab': 1}, 'SPIN'))
        label = cqm.add_constraint(dimod.AdjVectorBQM({'ab': 1}, 'SPIN'),
        self.assertIsInstance(cqm.objective, BQM)
        self.assertIsInstance(cqm.constraints[label].lhs, BQM)
Beispiel #3
    def test_terms_integer_bounds(self):
        # bug report:
        cqm = CQM()
        i = Integer('i', lower_bound=-1, upper_bound=5)
        label = cqm.add_constraint([('i', 1)], sense='<=')  # failing in #943

        self.assertEqual(cqm.constraints[label].lhs.lower_bound('i'), -1)
        self.assertEqual(cqm.constraints[label].lhs.upper_bound('i'), 5)
Beispiel #4
    def test_bqm_equality_constraint_offset(self):
        x, y, z = dimod.Binaries('xyz')

        cqm = CQM()
        cqm.add_constraint(x + y + z - 1 == 2)

        bqm, inverter = dimod.cqm_to_bqm(cqm, lagrange_multiplier=1)

        self.assertEqual(bqm, (x + y + z - 3)*(x + y + z - 3))
Beispiel #5
    def test_construction(self):
        cqm = CQM()

        with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
            bqm = dimod.AdjVectorBQM({'ab': 1}, 'SPIN')

        label = cqm.add_constraint(bqm, sense='==', rhs=1)
        self.assertIsInstance(cqm.objective, dimod.QuadraticModel)
        self.assertIsInstance(cqm.constraints[label].lhs, BQM)
Beispiel #6
    def test_later_defn(self):
        i0 = Integer('i')
        i1 = Integer('i', upper_bound=1)

        cqm = CQM()
        cqm.add_variable('i', 'INTEGER')
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            cqm.add_constraint(i1 <= 1)

        cqm.add_variable('i', 'INTEGER')
Beispiel #7
    def test_bqm_Ge_constraint(self):
        x, y, z = dimod.Binaries('xyz')

        cqm = CQM()
        cqm.add_constraint(x + y + z >= 2)

        bqm, inverter = dimod.cqm_to_bqm(cqm, lagrange_multiplier=1)

        configs = set()
        for sample in dimod.ExactSolver().sample(bqm).lowest().samples():
            self.assertGreaterEqual(sample['x'] + sample['y'] + sample['z'], 2)
            configs.add((sample['x'], sample['y'], sample['z']))
        self.assertEqual(len(configs), 4)
Beispiel #8
    def test_qm_Ge_constraint(self):
        i = dimod.Integer('i', upper_bound=7)
        j = dimod.Integer('j', upper_bound=9)
        x = dimod.Binary('x')

        cqm = CQM()
        cqm.add_constraint(i + j + x >= 5)

        bqm, inverter = dimod.cqm_to_bqm(cqm, lagrange_multiplier=1)

        for bin_sample in dimod.ExactSolver().sample(bqm).lowest().samples():
            int_sample = inverter(bin_sample)
            self.assertGreaterEqual(int_sample['i'] + int_sample['j'] + int_sample['x'], 5)
Beispiel #9
    def test_deepcopy(self):
        from copy import deepcopy

        cqm = CQM()

        x = Binary('x')
        s = Spin('s')
        i = Integer('i')

        cqm.set_objective(i + s + x)
        constraint = cqm.add_constraint(i + s + x <= 1)

        new = deepcopy(cqm)

Beispiel #10
    def test_empty(self):
        dqm = dimod.DiscreteQuadraticModel()

        cqm = CQM.from_discrete_quadratic_model(dqm)

        self.assertEqual(len(cqm.variables), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(cqm.constraints), 0)
Beispiel #11
    def test_linear(self):

        filepath = path.join(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)), 'data', 'test_linear.lp')

        with open(filepath) as f:
            cqm = CQM.from_lp_file(f)

        self.assertEqual(len(cqm.variables), 3, msg='wrong number of variables')
        self.assertEqual(len(cqm.constraints), 1, msg='wrong number of constraints')

        # check objective
        self.assertAlmostEqual(cqm.objective.get_linear('x0'), 1, msg='linear(x0) should be 1')
        self.assertAlmostEqual(cqm.objective.get_linear('x1'), 1, msg='linear(x1) should be 1')
        self.assertAlmostEqual(cqm.objective.get_linear('x2'), 3, msg='linear(x2) should be 3')

        # check constraint:
        for cname, cmodel in cqm.constraints.items():

            if cname == 'c1':
                self.assertAlmostEqual(cmodel.lhs.get_linear('x0'), 1,
                                       msg='constraint c1, linear(x0) should be 1')
                self.assertAlmostEqual(cmodel.lhs.get_linear('x2'), 1,
                                       msg='constraint c1, linear(x3) should be 1')
                self.assertAlmostEqual(cmodel.lhs.offset, -9, msg='constraint c1, offset should be '
                self.assertTrue(cmodel.sense == Sense.Le, msg='constraint c1, should be inequality')

                raise KeyError('Not expected constraint: {}'.format(cname))
Beispiel #12
    def test_case_label(self):
        dqm = dimod.CaseLabelDQM()
        u = dqm.add_variable({'red', 'green', 'blue'}, shared_labels=True)
        v = dqm.add_variable(['blue', 'yellow', 'brown'],
        dqm.set_linear_case(u, 'red', 1)
        dqm.set_linear_case(v, 'yellow', 2)
        dqm.set_quadratic_case(u, 'green', v, 'blue', -0.5)
        dqm.set_quadratic_case(u, 'blue', v, 'brown', -0.5)

        cqm = CQM.from_discrete_quadratic_model(dqm)

            cqm.objective.linear, {
                (0, 'blue'): 0.0,
                (0, 'red'): 1.0,
                (0, 'green'): 0.0,
                ('v', 'blue'): 0.0,
                ('v', 'brown'): 0.0,
                ('v', 'yellow'): 2.0
            cqm.objective.quadratic, {
                (('v', 'blue'), (0, 'green')): -0.5,
                (('v', 'brown'), (0, 'blue')): -0.5
        self.assertEqual(cqm.objective.offset, 0)
                cqm.objective.vartype(v) is dimod.BINARY
                for v in cqm.objective.variables))

        self.assertEqual(set(cqm.constraints), set(dqm.variables))
Beispiel #13
    def test_serializable(self):
        i = dimod.Integer('i', upper_bound=7)
        j = dimod.Integer('j', upper_bound=9)
        x = dimod.Binary('x')

        cqm = CQM()
        cqm.add_constraint(i + j + x >= 5)

        bqm, inverter = dimod.cqm_to_bqm(cqm, lagrange_multiplier=1)

        newinverter = dimod.constrained.CQMToBQMInverter.from_dict(

        for bin_sample in dimod.ExactSolver().sample(bqm).lowest().samples():
            int_sample = newinverter(bin_sample)
            self.assertGreaterEqual(int_sample['i'] + int_sample['j'] + int_sample['x'], 5)
Beispiel #14
    def test_empty_objective(self):

        # test case where Objective section is missing. This is allowed in LP format,
        # see
        filepath = path.join(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)), 'data', 'test_empty_objective.lp')

        with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
            cqm = CQM.from_lp_file(f)

        self.assertEqual(len(cqm.variables), 2, msg='wrong number of variables')
        self.assertEqual(len(cqm.constraints), 1, msg='wrong number of constraints')

        # check that the objective is empty
        self.assertAlmostEqual(cqm.objective.get_linear('x0'), 0,
                               msg=' linear(x0) should be 0')
        self.assertAlmostEqual(cqm.objective.get_linear('x1'), 0,
                               msg=' linear(i0) should be 0')
        for cname, cmodel in cqm.constraints.items():
            if cname == 'c1':
                self.assertAlmostEqual(cmodel.lhs.get_linear('x0'), 1,
                                       msg='constraint c1, linear(x0) should be 1')
                self.assertAlmostEqual(cmodel.lhs.get_linear('x1'), 1,
                                       msg='constraint c1, linear(x1) should be 1')
                self.assertAlmostEqual(cmodel.lhs.offset, -1,
                                       msg='constraint c1, offset should be 1')
                self.assertTrue(cmodel.sense == Sense.Eq,
                                msg='constraint c1, should be equality')

                raise KeyError('Not expected constraint: {}'.format(cname))
Beispiel #15
    def test_typical(self):
        dqm = dimod.DQM()
        u = dqm.add_variable(4)
        v = dqm.add_variable(3)
        dqm.set_quadratic(u, v, {(0, 2): -1, (2, 1): 1})
        dqm.set_linear(u, [0, 1, 2, 3])
        dqm.offset = 5

        cqm = CQM.from_discrete_quadratic_model(dqm)

        self.assertEqual(cqm.variables, [(0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (0, 3),
                                         (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2)])

            cqm.objective.linear, {
                (0, 0): 0,
                (0, 1): 1,
                (0, 2): 2,
                (0, 3): 3,
                (1, 1): 0,
                (1, 2): 0,
                (1, 0): 0
        self.assertEqual(cqm.objective.quadratic, {
            ((1, 1), (0, 2)): 1.0,
            ((1, 2), (0, 0)): -1.0
        self.assertEqual(cqm.objective.offset, dqm.offset)

        # keys of constraints are the variables of DQM
        self.assertEqual(set(cqm.constraints), set(dqm.variables))
Beispiel #16
    def test_quadratic(self):

        filepath = path.join(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)), 'data', 'test_quadratic.lp')

        with open(filepath) as f:
            cqm = CQM.from_lp_file(f)

        self.assertEqual(len(cqm.variables), 4, msg='wrong number of variables')
        self.assertEqual(len(cqm.constraints), 2, msg='wrong number of constraints')

        # check objective:
        self.assertAlmostEqual(cqm.objective.get_linear('x0'), 0,
                               msg=' linear(x0) should be 0')
        self.assertAlmostEqual(cqm.objective.get_linear('x1'), 0,
                               msg=' linear(x1) should be 0')
        self.assertAlmostEqual(cqm.objective.get_linear('x2'), 0,
                               msg=' linear(x2) should be 0')
        self.assertAlmostEqual(cqm.objective.get_linear('x3'), 0,
                               msg=' linear(x3) should be 0')

        self.assertAlmostEqual(cqm.objective.get_quadratic('x0', 'x1'), 0.5,
                               msg='quad(x0, x1) should be 0.5')
        self.assertAlmostEqual(cqm.objective.get_quadratic('x0', 'x2'), 0.5,
                               msg='quad(x0, x2) should be 0.5')
        self.assertAlmostEqual(cqm.objective.get_quadratic('x0', 'x3'), 0.5,
                               msg='quad(x0, x3) should be 0.5')
        self.assertAlmostEqual(cqm.objective.get_quadratic('x1', 'x2'), 0.5,
                               msg='quad(x1, x2) should be 0.5')
        self.assertAlmostEqual(cqm.objective.get_quadratic('x1', 'x3'), 0.5,
                               msg='quad(x1, x3) should be 0.5')
        self.assertAlmostEqual(cqm.objective.get_quadratic('x2', 'x3'), 0.5,
                               msg='quad(x2, x3) should be 0.5')

        # check constraints:
        for cname, cmodel in cqm.constraints.items():

            if cname == 'c1':

                self.assertAlmostEqual(cmodel.lhs.get_linear('x0'), 1,
                                       msg='constraint c1, linear(x0) should be 1')
                self.assertAlmostEqual(cmodel.lhs.get_linear('x3'), 1,
                                       msg='constraint c1, linear(x3) should be 1')
                self.assertAlmostEqual(cmodel.lhs.offset, -1,
                                       msg='constraint c1, offset should be -1')
                self.assertTrue(cmodel.sense == Sense.Le,
                                msg='constraint c1, should be <= inequality')

            elif cname == 'c2':
                self.assertAlmostEqual(cmodel.lhs.get_linear('x1'), 1,
                                       msg='constraint c2, linear(x1) should be 1')
                self.assertAlmostEqual(cmodel.lhs.get_linear('x2'), 1,
                                       msg='constraint c2, linear(x2) should be 1')
                self.assertAlmostEqual(cmodel.lhs.offset, -2,
                                       msg='constraint c2, offset should be -2')
                self.assertTrue(cmodel.sense == Sense.Ge,
                                msg='constraint c2, should be >= inequality')

                raise KeyError('Not expected constraint: {}'.format(cname))
Beispiel #17
    def test_functional(self):
        cqm = CQM()

        bqm = BQM({'a': -1}, {'ab': 1}, 1.5, 'SPIN')
        cqm.add_constraint(bqm, '<=')
        cqm.add_constraint(bqm, '>=')
        cqm.set_objective(BQM({'c': -1}, {}, 'SPIN'))
        cqm.add_constraint(Spin('a')*Integer('d')*5 <= 3)

        new = CQM.from_file(cqm.to_file())

        self.assertEqual(set(cqm.constraints), set(new.constraints))
        for label, constraint in cqm.constraints.items():
            self.assertEqual(constraint.rhs, new.constraints[label].rhs)
            self.assertEqual(constraint.sense, new.constraints[label].sense)
Beispiel #18
    def test_bqm_objective_only(self):
        x, y, z = dimod.Binaries('xyz')

        cqm = CQM.from_bqm(x*y + 2*y*z + 8*x + 5)

        bqm, inverter = dimod.cqm_to_bqm(cqm)

        self.assertEqual(bqm, x*y + 2*y*z + 8*x + 5)
Beispiel #19
    def test_empty_constraint(self):

        filepath = path.join(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)), 'data', 'test_empty_constraint.lp')

        with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
            cqm = CQM.from_lp_file(f)

        self.assertEqual(len(cqm.variables), 3, msg='wrong number of variables')
        self.assertEqual(len(cqm.constraints), 0, msg='expected 0 constraints')
Beispiel #20
    def test_typical(self):
        i, j, k = dimod.Integers('ijk')

        cqm = CQM()

        cqm.set_objective(2 * i * i + i * k)
        label = cqm.add_constraint(-3 * i * i + 4 * j * j <= 5)

        mapping = cqm.substitute_self_loops()

        self.assertIn('i', mapping)
        self.assertIn('j', mapping)
        self.assertEqual(len(mapping), 2)

        self.assertEqual(cqm.objective.quadratic, {
            ('k', 'i'): 1,
            (mapping['i'], 'i'): 2
        self.assertEqual(cqm.constraints[label].lhs.quadratic, {
            (mapping['i'], 'i'): -3.0,
            (mapping['j'], 'j'): 4.0
        self.assertEqual(len(cqm.constraints), 3)

        for v, new in mapping.items():
            self.assertIn(new, cqm.constraints)
            self.assertEqual(cqm.constraints[new].sense, Sense.Eq)
            self.assertEqual(cqm.constraints[new].lhs.linear, {v: 1, new: -1})
            self.assertEqual(cqm.constraints[new].rhs, 0)
Beispiel #21
    def test_typedvariables(self):
        cqm = CQM()

        x = Binary('x')
        s = Spin('s')
        i = Integer('i')

        cqm.set_objective(x + i)
        cqm.add_constraint(i + s <= 1)

        with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
            self.assertEqual(cqm.variables.lower_bounds, {'x': 0.0, 'i': 0.0, 's': -1.0})
        with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
            self.assertEqual(cqm.variables.upper_bounds, {'x': 1.0, 'i': 9007199254740991.0, 's': 1})
        with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
            self.assertEqual(len(cqm.variables.lower_bounds), 3)
        with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
            self.assertEqual(len(cqm.variables.upper_bounds), 3)

        with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
                             [dimod.BINARY, dimod.INTEGER, dimod.SPIN])

        with self.assertWarns(DeprecationWarning):
            self.assertIs(cqm.variables.vartype('x'), dimod.BINARY)
Beispiel #22
    def test_header(self):
        from dimod.serialization.fileview import read_header

        cqm = CQM()

        x = Binary('x')
        s = Spin('s')
        i = Integer('i')

        cqm.set_objective(x + 3*i + s*x)
        cqm.add_constraint(x*s + x <= 5)
        cqm.add_constraint(i*i + i*s <= 4)

        header_info = read_header(cqm.to_file(), b'DIMODCQM')

                         {'num_biases': 11, 'num_constraints': 2,
                          'num_quadratic_variables': 4, 'num_variables': 3})
Beispiel #23
    def test_terms(self):
        cqm = CQM()

        a = cqm.add_variable('a', 'BINARY')
        b = cqm.add_variable('b', 'BINARY')
        c = cqm.add_variable('c', 'INTEGER')

        cqm.add_constraint([(a, b, 1), (b, 2.5,), (3,), (c, 1.5)], sense='<=')
Beispiel #24
    def test_duplicate(self):
        cqm = CQM()

        bqm = BQM({'a': -1}, {'ab': 1}, 1.5, 'SPIN')

        cqm.add_constraint(bqm <= 5, label='hello')
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            cqm.add_constraint(bqm <= 5, label='hello')
Beispiel #25
    def test_qm_objective_only(self):
        i = dimod.Integer('i', upper_bound=7)
        j = dimod.Integer('j', upper_bound=9)
        x = dimod.Binary('x')

        qm = i*j + 5*j*x + 8*i + 3*x + 5
        cqm = CQM.from_qm(qm)

        bqm, inverter = dimod.cqm_to_bqm(cqm)

        sampleset = dimod.ExactSolver().sample(bqm)

        for bin_sample, energy in['sample', 'energy']):
            int_sample = inverter(bin_sample)
            self.assertEqual(, energy)
Beispiel #26
    def test_variable_multiple_times(self):

        filepath = path.join(path.dirname(path.abspath(__file__)), 'data', 'test_variable_multiple_times.lp')

        with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
            cqm = CQM.from_lp_file(f)

        self.assertEqual(len(cqm.variables), 1, msg='wrong number of variables')
        self.assertEqual(len(cqm.constraints), 1, msg='expected 1 constraint')

        self.assertAlmostEqual(cqm.objective.get_linear('x0'), 3,
                               msg=' linear(x0) should be 3')

        for cname, cmodel in cqm.constraints.items():
            if cname == 'c1':
                self.assertAlmostEqual(cmodel.lhs.get_linear('x0'), 3.5,
                                       msg='constraint c1, linear(x0) should be 3.5')
Beispiel #27
    def test_terms_objective(self):
        cqm = CQM()

        a = cqm.add_variable('a', 'BINARY')
        b = cqm.add_variable('b', 'BINARY')
        c = cqm.add_variable('c', 'INTEGER')

        cqm.set_objective([(a, b, 1), (b, 2.5,), (3,), (c, 1.5)])
        energy ={'a': 1, 'b': 0, 'c': 10})
        self.assertAlmostEqual(energy, 18)
        energy ={'a': 1, 'b': 1, 'c': 3})
        self.assertAlmostEqual(energy, 11)
Beispiel #28
    def test_symbolic_mixed(self):
        cqm = CQM()

        x = Binary('x')
        s = Spin('s')
        i = Integer('i')

        cqm.add_constraint(2*i + s + x <= 2)

        self.assertIs(cqm.vartype('x'), dimod.BINARY)
        self.assertIs(cqm.vartype('s'), dimod.SPIN)
        self.assertIs(cqm.vartype('i'), dimod.INTEGER)
Beispiel #29
    def test_integer(self):
        i = dimod.Integer('i', lower_bound=-1000)
        j, k = dimod.Integers('jk')

        cqm = CQM()
        label_le = cqm.add_constraint(i + j*k <= 5)
        label_ge = cqm.add_constraint(i + j >= 1000)

        sample = {'i': 105, 'j': 4, 'k': 5}
        self.assertEqual(cqm.violations(sample), {label_le: 120.0, label_ge: 891.0})

        sample = {'j': -1, 'i': 1004, 'k': 1000}
        self.assertEqual(cqm.violations(sample, clip=False), {label_ge: -3.0, label_le: -1.0})
Beispiel #30
 def test_label(self):
     cqm = CQM()
     label = cqm.add_discrete('abc', label='hello')
     self.assertEqual(label, 'hello')
     self.assertEqual(cqm.variables, 'abc')