Beispiel #1
from dimstim.Constants import dc # dimstim config
from dimstim.Core import StaticParams, DynamicParams, Variable, Variables, Runs, BlankSweeps
from aibs.SparseNoise_AIBS import SparseNoise

s = StaticParams()
d = DynamicParams()

"""Static parameters always remain constant during the entire experiment"""
# experiment id (for logging)
s.expid = "TEST"
# screen distance # cm
s.distance = 11
# pre-experiment duration to display blank screen (sec)
s.preexpSec = 1
# post-experiment duration to display blank screen (sec)
s.postexpSec = 1
# grid orientation offset (deg)
s.orioff = 0 #dc.get('Manbar0', 'orioff')
# grid width (number of cells)
s.ncellswide = 10
# grid height (number of cells)
s.ncellshigh = 10
# grid width (deg)
s.widthDeg = 40#s.ncellswide * 5 #dc.get('Manbar0', 'widthDeg')
# grid height (deg)
s.heightDeg = 20#s.ncellshigh * 5 #dc.get('Manbar0', 'heightDeg')
# screen gamma: None, or single value, or 3-tuple
s.gamma = None #dc.get('Screen', 'gamma')
# sync square (for frame sync)
s.syncsq = True
# sync sqaure location