Beispiel #1
def test_evalf_bugs():
    assert NS(sin(1) + exp(-10**10), 10) == NS(sin(1), 10)
    assert NS(exp(10**10) + sin(1), 10) == NS(exp(10**10), 10)
    assert NS('log(1+1/10**50)', 20) == '1.0000000000000000000e-50'
    assert NS('log(10**100,10)', 10) == '100.0000000'
    assert NS('log(2)', 10) == '0.6931471806'
    assert NS(
        '(sin(x)-x)/x**3', 15, subs={x: '1/10**50'}) == '-0.166666666666667'
    assert NS(sin(1) + Rational(
        1, 10**100)*I, 15) == '0.841470984807897 + 1.00000000000000e-100*I'
    assert x.evalf() == x
    assert NS((1 + I)**2*I, 6) == '-2.00000'
    d = {n: (
        -1)**Rational(6, 7), y: (-1)**Rational(4, 7), x: (-1)**Rational(2, 7)}
    assert NS((x*(1 + y*(1 + n))).subs(d).evalf(), 6) == '0.346011 + 0.433884*I'
    assert NS(((-I - sqrt(2)*I)**2).evalf()) == '-5.82842712474619'
    assert NS((1 + I)**2*I, 15) == '-2.00000000000000'
    # issue sympy/sympy#4758 (1/2):
    assert NS(Float(pi.evalf(69), 100) - pi) == '-4.43863937855894e-71'
    assert NS(pi.evalf(69) - pi) == '-0.e-71'
    # issue sympy/sympy#4758 (2/2): With the bug present, this still only fails if the
    # terms are in the order given here. This is not generally the case,
    # because the order depends on the hashes of the terms.
    assert NS(20 - 5008329267844*n**25 - 477638700*n**37 - 19*n,
              subs={n: .01}) == '19.8100000000000'
    assert NS(((x - 1)*((1 - x))**1000).n()
              ) == '(-x + 1.00000000000000)**1000*(x - 1.00000000000000)'
    assert NS((-x).n()) == '-x'
    assert NS((-2*x).n()) == '-2.00000000000000*x'
    assert NS((-2*x*y).n()) == '-2.00000000000000*x*y'
    assert cos(x).n(subs={x: 1+I}) == cos(x).subs(x, 1+I).n()
    # issue sympy/sympy#6660. Also NaN != mpmath.nan
    # In this order:
    # 0*nan, 0/nan, 0*inf, 0/inf
    # 0+nan, 0-nan, 0+inf, 0-inf
    # >>> n = Some Number
    # n*nan, n/nan, n*inf, n/inf
    # n+nan, n-nan, n+inf, n-inf
    assert (0*sin(oo)).n() == S.Zero
    assert (0/sin(oo)).n() == S.Zero
    assert (0*E**(oo)).n() == S.NaN
    assert (0/E**(oo)).n() == S.Zero

    assert (0+sin(oo)).n() == S.NaN
    assert (0-sin(oo)).n() == S.NaN
    assert (0+E**(oo)).n() == S.Infinity
    assert (0-E**(oo)).n() == S.NegativeInfinity

    assert (5*sin(oo)).n() == S.NaN
    assert (5/sin(oo)).n() == S.NaN
    assert (5*E**(oo)).n() == S.Infinity
    assert (5/E**(oo)).n() == S.Zero

    assert (5+sin(oo)).n() == S.NaN
    assert (5-sin(oo)).n() == S.NaN
    assert (5+E**(oo)).n() == S.Infinity
    assert (5-E**(oo)).n() == S.NegativeInfinity

    # issue sympy/sympy#7416
    assert as_mpmath(0.0, 10, {'chop': True}) == 0
Beispiel #2
def test_fcode_NumberSymbol():
    p = FCodePrinter()
    assert fcode(
    ) == '      parameter (Catalan = 0.915965594177219d0)\n      Catalan'
    assert fcode(
    ) == '      parameter (EulerGamma = 0.577215664901533d0)\n      EulerGamma'
    assert fcode(E) == '      parameter (E = 2.71828182845905d0)\n      E'
    assert fcode(
    ) == '      parameter (GoldenRatio = 1.61803398874989d0)\n      GoldenRatio'
    assert fcode(pi) == '      parameter (pi = 3.14159265358979d0)\n      pi'
    assert fcode(pi,
                 precision=5) == '      parameter (pi = 3.1416d0)\n      pi'
    assert fcode(Catalan,
                 human=False) == ({(Catalan, p._print(Catalan.evalf(15)))},
                                  set(), '      Catalan')
    assert fcode(EulerGamma, human=False) == ({
        (EulerGamma, p._print(EulerGamma.evalf(15)))
    }, set(), '      EulerGamma')
    assert fcode(E, human=False) == ({(E, p._print(E.evalf(15)))}, set(),
                                     '      E')
    assert fcode(GoldenRatio, human=False) == ({
        (GoldenRatio, p._print(GoldenRatio.evalf(15)))
    }, set(), '      GoldenRatio')
    assert fcode(pi, human=False) == ({(pi, p._print(pi.evalf(15)))}, set(),
                                      '      pi')
    assert fcode(pi,
                 precision=5, human=False) == ({(pi, p._print(pi.evalf(5)))},
                                               set(), '      pi')
Beispiel #3
def test_sympyissue_8821():
    s = str(pi.evalf(128))
    p = N(s)
    assert abs(sin(p)) < 1e-15
    p = N(s, 64)
    assert abs(sin(p)) < 1e-64
    s = str(pi.evalf(128))
    p = sympify(s)
    assert abs(sin(p)) < 1e-127
Beispiel #4
def test_Float():
    # NOTE prec is the whole number of decimal digits
    assert str(Float('1.23', prec=1 + 2)) == '1.23'
    assert str(Float('1.23456789', prec=1 + 8)) == '1.23456789'
    assert str(Float('1.234567890123456789',
                     prec=1 + 18)) == '1.234567890123456789'
    assert str(pi.evalf(1 + 2)) == '3.14'
    assert str(pi.evalf(1 + 14)) == '3.14159265358979'
    assert str(pi.evalf(1 + 64)) == ('3.141592653589793238462643383279'
    assert str(pi.round(-1)) == '0.'
    assert str((pi**400 - (pi**400).round(1)).n(2)) == '-0.e+88'
Beispiel #5
def test_Float():
    # NOTE prec is the whole number of decimal digits
    assert str(Float('1.23', dps=1 + 2)) == '1.23'
    assert str(Float('1.23456789', dps=1 + 8)) == '1.23456789'
    assert str(
        Float('1.234567890123456789', dps=1 + 18)) == '1.234567890123456789'
    assert str(pi.evalf(1 + 2)) == '3.14'
    assert str(pi.evalf(1 + 14)) == '3.14159265358979'
    assert str(pi.evalf(1 + 64)) == ('3.141592653589793238462643383279'
    assert str(pi.round(-1)) == '0.'
    assert str((pi**400 - (pi**400).round(1)).evalf(2, strict=False)) == '-0.e+9'
Beispiel #6
def test_fcode_NumberSymbol():
    p = FCodePrinter()
    assert fcode(Catalan) == '      parameter (Catalan = 0.915965594177219d0)\n      Catalan'
    assert fcode(EulerGamma) == '      parameter (EulerGamma = 0.577215664901533d0)\n      EulerGamma'
    assert fcode(E) == '      parameter (E = 2.71828182845905d0)\n      E'
    assert fcode(GoldenRatio) == '      parameter (GoldenRatio = 1.61803398874989d0)\n      GoldenRatio'
    assert fcode(pi) == '      parameter (pi = 3.14159265358979d0)\n      pi'
    assert fcode(
        pi, precision=5) == '      parameter (pi = 3.1416d0)\n      pi'
    assert fcode(Catalan, human=False) == ({(Catalan, p._print(
        Catalan.evalf(15)))}, set(), '      Catalan')
    assert fcode(EulerGamma, human=False) == ({(EulerGamma, p._print(
        EulerGamma.evalf(15)))}, set(), '      EulerGamma')
    assert fcode(E, human=False) == (
        {(E, p._print(E.evalf(15)))}, set(), '      E')
    assert fcode(GoldenRatio, human=False) == ({(GoldenRatio, p._print(
        GoldenRatio.evalf(15)))}, set(), '      GoldenRatio')
    assert fcode(pi, human=False) == (
        {(pi, p._print(pi.evalf(15)))}, set(), '      pi')
    assert fcode(pi, precision=5, human=False) == (
        {(pi, p._print(pi.evalf(5)))}, set(), '      pi')
Beispiel #7
def test_nsolve():
    # onedimensional
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert nsolve(sin(x), 2) - pi.evalf() < 1e-15
    assert nsolve(Eq(2 * x, 2), x, -10) == nsolve(2 * x - 2, -10)
    # Testing checks on number of inputs
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: nsolve(Eq(2 * x, 2)))
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: nsolve(Eq(2 * x, 2), x, 1, 2))
    # issue 4829
    assert nsolve(x**2 / (1 - x) / (1 - 2 * x)**2 - 100, x, 0)  # doesn't fail
    # multidimensional
    x1 = Symbol('x1')
    x2 = Symbol('x2')
    f1 = 3 * x1**2 - 2 * x2**2 - 1
    f2 = x1**2 - 2 * x1 + x2**2 + 2 * x2 - 8
    f = Matrix((f1, f2)).T
    F = lambdify((x1, x2), f.T, modules='mpmath')
    for x0 in [(-1, 1), (1, -2), (4, 4), (-4, -4)]:
        x = nsolve(f, (x1, x2), x0, tol=1.e-8)
        assert mnorm(F(*x), 1) <= 1.e-10
    # The Chinese mathematician Zhu Shijie was the very first to solve this
    # nonlinear system 700 years ago (z was added to make it 3-dimensional)
    x = Symbol('x')
    y = Symbol('y')
    z = Symbol('z')
    f1 = -x + 2 * y
    f2 = (x**2 + x * (y**2 - 2) - 4 * y) / (x + 4)
    f3 = sqrt(x**2 + y**2) * z
    f = Matrix((f1, f2, f3)).T
    F = lambdify((x, y, z), f.T, modules='mpmath')

    def getroot(x0):
        root = nsolve(f, (x, y, z), x0)
        assert mnorm(F(*root), 1) <= 1.e-8
        return root

    assert list(map(round, getroot((1, 1, 1)))) == [2.0, 1.0, 0.0]
    assert nsolve([Eq(f1), Eq(f2), Eq(f3)], [x, y, z],
                  (1, 1, 1))  # just see that it works
    a = Symbol('a')
    assert nsolve(1 / (0.001 + a)**3 - 6 / (0.9 - a)**3, a,
Beispiel #8
def test_sympyissue_8821_highprec_from_str():
    s = str(pi.evalf(128))
    p = sympify(s)
    assert Abs(sin(p)) < 1e-127
Beispiel #9
def test_polygon():
    a, b, c = Point(0, 0), Point(2, 0), Point(3, 3)
    t = Triangle(a, b, c)
    assert Polygon(a) == a
    assert Polygon(a, a) == a
    assert Polygon(a, b, b, c) == Polygon(a, b, c)
    assert Polygon(a, 1, 1, n=4) == RegularPolygon(a, 1, 4, 1)
    assert Polygon(a, Point(1, 0), b, c) == t
    assert Polygon(Point(1, 0), b, c, a) == t
    assert Polygon(b, c, a, Point(1, 0)) == t
    # 2 "remove folded" tests
    assert Polygon(a, Point(3, 0), b, c) == t
    assert Polygon(a, b, Point(3, -1), b, c) == t
    pytest.raises(GeometryError, lambda: Polygon((0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1),
                                                 (1, 1)))
    # remove multiple collinear points
    assert Polygon(Point(-4, 15), Point(-11, 15), Point(-15, 15),
                   Point(-15, 33/5), Point(-15, -87/10), Point(-15, -15),
                   Point(-42/5, -15), Point(-2, -15), Point(7, -15), Point(15, -15),
                   Point(15, -3), Point(15, 10), Point(15, 15)) == \
        Polygon(Point(-15, -15), Point(15, -15), Point(15, 15), Point(-15, 15))

    p1 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(3, -1), Point(6, 0), Point(4, 5),
                 Point(2, 3), Point(0, 3))
    p2 = Polygon(Point(6, 0), Point(3, -1), Point(0, 0), Point(0, 3),
                 Point(2, 3), Point(4, 5))
    p3 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(3, 0), Point(5, 2), Point(4, 4))
    p4 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(4, 4), Point(5, 2), Point(3, 0))
    p5 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(4, 4), Point(0, 4))
    p6 = Polygon(Point(-11, 1), Point(-9, 6.6), Point(-4, -3),
                 Point(-8.4, -8.7))
    r = Ray(Point(-9, 6.6), Point(-9, 5.5))
    # General polygon
    assert p1 == p2
    assert len(p1.args) == 6
    assert len(p1.sides) == 6
    assert p1.perimeter == 5 + 2 * sqrt(10) + sqrt(29) + sqrt(8)
    assert p1.area == 22
    assert not p1.is_convex()
    assert p1.contains(Segment((0, 0), (1, 2))) is False
    assert p1.contains(Ray((0, 0), angle=pi / 3)) is False
    # ensure convex for both CW and CCW point specification
    assert p3.is_convex()
    assert p4.is_convex()
    dict5 = p5.angles
    assert dict5[Point(0, 0)] == pi / 4
    assert dict5[Point(0, 4)] == pi / 2
    assert p5.encloses_point(Point(x, y)) is None
    assert p5.encloses_point(Point(1, 3))
    assert p5.encloses_point(Point(0, 0)) is False
    assert p5.encloses_point(Point(4, 0)) is False
    assert p1.encloses(Circle(Point(2.5, 2.5), 5)) is False
    assert p1.encloses(Ellipse(Point(2.5, 2), 5, 6)) is False
    assert p5.plot_interval('x') == [x, 0, 1]
    assert p5.distance(Polygon(Point(10, 10), Point(14, 14),
                               Point(10, 14))) == 6 * sqrt(2)
    assert p5.distance(
        Polygon(Point(1, 8), Point(5, 8), Point(8, 12), Point(1, 12))) == 4
    p7 = Polygon(Point(1, 2), Point(3, 7), Point(0, 1))
    assert p5.distance(p7) == 9 * sqrt(29) / 29
    l1 = Line(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0))
    assert p5.reflect(l1).distance(p7.reflect(l1)) == 9 * sqrt(29) / 29
        'error', message='Polygons may intersect producing erroneous output')
        lambda: Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0), Point(1, 1)).distance(
            Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(1, 1))))
        'ignore', message='Polygons may intersect producing erroneous output')
    assert hash(p5) == hash(Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(4, 4), Point(0, 4)))
    assert p5 == Polygon(Point(4, 4), Point(0, 4), Point(0, 0))
    assert Polygon(Point(4, 4), Point(0, 4), Point(0, 0)) in p5
    assert p5 != Point(0, 4)
    assert Point(0, 1) in p5
    assert p5.arbitrary_point('t').subs({Symbol('t', extended_real=True): 0}) == \
        Point(0, 0)
        ValueError, lambda: Polygon(Point(x, 0), Point(0, y), Point(x, y)).
    assert p6.intersection(r) == [Point(-9, 33 / 5), Point(-9, -84 / 13)]
    # Regular polygon
    p1 = RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 10, 5)
    p2 = RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 5, 5)
        lambda: RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 1), Point(1, 1)))
    pytest.raises(GeometryError, lambda: RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 1, 2))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 1, 2.5))

    assert Polygon(Point(0, 0), 10, 5, pi,
                   n=5) == RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 10, 5, pi)

    assert p1 != p2
    assert p1.interior_angle == 3 * pi / 5
    assert p1.exterior_angle == 2 * pi / 5
    assert p2.apothem == 5 * cos(pi / 5)
    assert p2.circumcenter == p1.circumcenter == Point(0, 0)
    assert p1.circumradius == p1.radius == 10
    assert p2.circumcircle == Circle(Point(0, 0), 5)
    assert p2.incircle == Circle(Point(0, 0), p2.apothem)
    assert p2.inradius == p2.apothem == (5 * (1 + sqrt(5)) / 4)
    p2.spin(pi / 10)
    dict1 = p2.angles
    assert dict1[Point(0, 5)] == 3 * pi / 5
    assert p1.is_convex()
    assert p1.rotation == 0
    assert p1.encloses_point(Point(0, 0))
    assert p1.encloses_point(Point(11, 0)) is False
    assert p2.encloses_point(Point(0, 4.9))
    p1.spin(pi / 3)
    assert p1.rotation == pi / 3
    assert p1.vertices[0] == Point(5, 5 * sqrt(3))
    for var in p1.args:
        if isinstance(var, Point):
            assert var == Point(0, 0)
            assert var in (5, 10, pi / 3)
    assert p1 != Point(0, 0)
    assert p1 != p5

    # while spin works in place (notice that rotation is 2pi/3 below)
    # rotate returns a new object
    p1_old = p1
    assert p1.rotate(pi / 3) == RegularPolygon(Point(0, 0), 10, 5, 2 * pi / 3)
    assert p1 == p1_old

    assert p1.area == (-250 * sqrt(5) + 1250) / (4 * tan(pi / 5))
    assert p1.length == 20 * sqrt(-sqrt(5) / 8 + 5 / 8)
    assert p1.scale(2, 2) == \
        RegularPolygon(, p1.radius*2, p1._n, p1.rotation)
    assert RegularPolygon((0, 0), 1, 4).scale(2, 3) == \
        Polygon(Point(2, 0), Point(0, 3), Point(-2, 0), Point(0, -3))

    assert repr(p1) == str(p1)

    # Angles
    angles = p4.angles
    assert feq(angles[Point(0, 0)].evalf(), Float('0.7853981633974483'))
    assert feq(angles[Point(4, 4)].evalf(), Float('1.2490457723982544'))
    assert feq(angles[Point(5, 2)].evalf(), Float('1.8925468811915388'))
    assert feq(angles[Point(3, 0)].evalf(), Float('2.3561944901923449'))

    angles = p3.angles
    assert feq(angles[Point(0, 0)].evalf(), Float('0.7853981633974483'))
    assert feq(angles[Point(4, 4)].evalf(), Float('1.2490457723982544'))
    assert feq(angles[Point(5, 2)].evalf(), Float('1.8925468811915388'))
    assert feq(angles[Point(3, 0)].evalf(), Float('2.3561944901923449'))

    assert (Polygon((0, 0), (10, 0), (2, 1), (0, 3)).angles == {
        Point(0, 0): pi / 2,
        Point(0, 3): pi / 4,
        Point(2, 1): -acos(-9 * sqrt(130) / 130) + 2 * pi,
        Point(10, 0): acos(8 * sqrt(65) / 65)

    # Triangle
    p1 = Point(0, 0)
    p2 = Point(5, 0)
    p3 = Point(0, 5)
    t1 = Triangle(p1, p2, p3)
    t2 = Triangle(p1, p2, Point(Rational(5, 2), sqrt(Rational(75, 4))))
    t3 = Triangle(p1, Point(x1, 0), Point(0, x1))
    s1 = t1.sides
    assert Triangle(p1, p2, p1) == Polygon(p1, p2, p1) == Segment(p1, p2)
    pytest.raises(GeometryError, lambda: Triangle(Point(0, 0)))

    # Basic stuff
    assert Triangle(p1, p1, p1) == p1
    assert Triangle(p2, p2 * 2, p2 * 3) == Segment(p2, p2 * 3)
    assert t1.area == Rational(25, 2)
    assert t1.is_right()
    assert t2.is_right() is False
    assert t3.is_right()
    assert p1 in t1
    assert t1.sides[0] in t1
    assert Segment((0, 0), (1, 0)) in t1
    assert Point(5, 5) not in t2
    assert t1.is_convex()
    assert feq(t1.angles[p1].evalf(), pi.evalf() / 2)

    assert t1.is_equilateral() is False
    assert t2.is_equilateral()
    assert t3.is_equilateral() is False
    assert are_similar(t1, t2) is False
    assert are_similar(t1, t3)
    assert are_similar(t2, t3) is False
    assert t1.is_similar(Point(0, 0)) is False

    # Bisectors
    bisectors = t1.bisectors()
    assert bisectors[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(Rational(5, 2), Rational(5, 2)))
    ic = (250 - 125 * sqrt(2)) / 50
    assert t1.incenter == Point(ic, ic)

    # Inradius
    assert t1.inradius == t1.incircle.radius == 5 - 5 * sqrt(2) / 2
    assert t2.inradius == t2.incircle.radius == 5 * sqrt(3) / 6
    assert t3.inradius == t3.incircle.radius == x1**2 / (
        (2 + sqrt(2)) * abs(x1))

    # Circumcircle
    assert == Point(2.5, 2.5)

    # Medians + Centroid
    m = t1.medians
    assert t1.centroid == Point(Rational(5, 3), Rational(5, 3))
    assert m[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(Rational(5, 2), Rational(5, 2)))
    assert t3.medians[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(x1 / 2, x1 / 2))
    assert intersection(m[p1], m[p2], m[p3]) == [t1.centroid]
    assert t1.medial == Triangle(Point(2.5, 0), Point(0, 2.5), Point(2.5, 2.5))

    # Perpendicular
    altitudes = t1.altitudes
    assert altitudes[p1] == Segment(p1, Point(Rational(5, 2), Rational(5, 2)))
    assert altitudes[p2] == s1[0]
    assert altitudes[p3] == s1[2]
    assert t1.orthocenter == p1
    t = Triangle(
        Point(Rational(100080156402737, 5000000000000),
              Rational(79782624633431, 500000000000)),
        Point(Rational(39223884078253, 2000000000000),
              Rational(156345163124289, 1000000000000)),
        Point(Rational(31241359188437, 1250000000000),
              Rational(338338270939941, 1000000000000000)))
    assert t.orthocenter == \

    # Ensure
    assert len(intersection(*bisectors.values())) == 1
    assert len(intersection(*altitudes.values())) == 1
    assert len(intersection(*m.values())) == 1

    # Distance
    p1 = Polygon(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0), Point(1, 1), Point(0, 1))
    p2 = Polygon(Point(0, Rational(5, 4)), Point(1, Rational(5, 4)),
                 Point(1, Rational(9, 4)), Point(0, Rational(9, 4)))
    p3 = Polygon(Point(1, 2), Point(2, 2), Point(2, 1))
    p4 = Polygon(Point(1, 1), Point(Rational(6, 5), 1),
                 Point(1, Rational(6, 5)))
    pt1 = Point(0.5, 0.5)
    pt2 = Point(1, 1)

    # Polygon to Point
    assert p1.distance(pt1) == Rational(1, 2)
    assert p1.distance(pt2) == 0
    assert p2.distance(pt1) == Rational(3, 4)
    assert p3.distance(pt2) == sqrt(2) / 2

    # Polygon to Polygon

    # p1.distance(p2) emits a warning
    # First, test the warning
        'error', message='Polygons may intersect producing erroneous output')
    pytest.raises(UserWarning, lambda: p1.distance(p2))
    # now test the actual output
        'ignore', message='Polygons may intersect producing erroneous output')
    assert p1.distance(p2) == Rational(1, 4)

    assert p1.distance(p3) == sqrt(2) / 2
    assert p3.distance(p4) == 2 * sqrt(2) / 5

    r = Polygon(Point(0, 0), 1, n=3)
    assert r.vertices[0] == Point(1, 0)

    mid = Point(1, 1)
    assert Polygon((0, 2), (2, 2), mid, (0, 0), (2, 0), mid).area == 0

    t1 = Triangle(Point(0, 0), Point(4, 0), Point(2, 4))
    assert t1.is_isosceles() is True

    t1 = Triangle(Point(0, 0), Point(4, 0), Point(1, 4))
    assert t1.is_scalene() is True
    assert t1.is_isosceles() is False

    p1 = Polygon((1, 0), (2, 0), (2, 2), (-4, 3))
    p2 = Polygon((1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 2), (-4, 3))
    assert (p1 == p2) is False
Beispiel #10
def test_sympyissue_8821_highprec_from_str():
    s = str(pi.evalf(128))
    p = sympify(s)
    assert Abs(sin(p)) < 1e-127
Beispiel #11
def test_sympyissue_8821_highprec_from_str():
    s = str(pi.evalf(128))
    p = N(s)
    assert Abs(sin(p)) < 1e-15
    p = N(s, 64)
    assert Abs(sin(p)) < 1e-64
Beispiel #12
def test_evalf_arguments():
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: pi.evalf(method="garbage"))
Beispiel #13
def test_evalf_bugs():
    assert NS(sin(1) + exp(-10**10), 10) == NS(sin(1), 10)
    assert NS(exp(10**10) + sin(1), 10) == NS(exp(10**10), 10)
    assert NS('log(1+1/10**50)', 20) == '1.0000000000000000000e-50'
    assert NS('log(10**100,10)', 10) == '100.0000000'
    assert NS('log(2)', 10) == '0.6931471806'
    assert NS(
        '(sin(x)-x)/x**3', 15, subs={x: '1/10**50'}) == '-0.166666666666667'
    assert NS(sin(1) + I/10**100, 15) == '0.841470984807897 + 1.00000000000000e-100*I'
    assert x.evalf(strict=False) == x
    assert NS((1 + I)**2*I, 6) == '-2.00000'
    d = {n: (
        -1)**Rational(6, 7), y: (-1)**Rational(4, 7), x: (-1)**Rational(2, 7)}
    assert NS((x*(1 + y*(1 + n))).subs(d).evalf(), 6) == '0.346011 + 0.433884*I'
    assert NS(((-I - sqrt(2)*I)**2).evalf(), strict=False) == '-5.82842712474619'
    assert NS((1 + I)**2*I, 15) == '-2.00000000000000'
    # issue sympy/sympy#4758 (1/2):
    assert NS(Float(pi.evalf(69), 100) - pi) == '-4.43863937855894e-71'
    assert NS(pi.evalf(69) - pi, strict=False) == '-0.e-71'
    # issue sympy/sympy#4758 (2/2): With the bug present, this still only fails if the
    # terms are in the order given here. This is not generally the case,
    # because the order depends on the hashes of the terms.
    assert NS(20 - 5008329267844*n**25 - 477638700*n**37 - 19*n,
              subs={n: .01}, strict=False) == '19.8100000000000'
    assert NS(((x - 1)*((1 - x))**1000).evalf(strict=False),
              strict=False) == '(-x + 1.00000000000000)**1000*(x - 1.00000000000000)'
    assert NS((-x).evalf(strict=False)) == '-x'
    assert NS((-2*x).evalf(strict=False), strict=False) == '-2.00000000000000*x'
    assert NS((-2*x*y).evalf(strict=False), strict=False) == '-2.00000000000000*x*y'
    assert cos(x).evalf(subs={x: 1+I}) == cos(x).subs({x: 1 + I}).evalf()
    # issue sympy/sympy#6660. Also NaN != mpmath.nan
    # In this order:
    # 0*nan, 0/nan, 0*inf, 0/inf
    # 0+nan, 0-nan, 0+inf, 0-inf
    # >>> n = Some Number
    # n*nan, n/nan, n*inf, n/inf
    # n+nan, n-nan, n+inf, n-inf
    assert (0*sin(oo)).evalf() == 0
    assert (0/sin(oo)).evalf() == 0
    assert (0*E**oo).evalf() == nan
    assert (0/E**oo).evalf() == 0

    assert (0+sin(oo)).evalf() == nan
    assert (0-sin(oo)).evalf() == nan
    assert (0+E**oo).evalf() == +oo
    assert (0-E**oo).evalf() == -oo

    assert (5*sin(oo)).evalf() == nan
    assert (5/sin(oo)).evalf() == nan
    assert (5*E**oo).evalf() == oo
    assert (5/E**oo).evalf() == 0

    assert (5+sin(oo)).evalf() == nan
    assert (5-sin(oo)).evalf() == nan
    assert (5+E**oo).evalf() == +oo
    assert (5-E**oo).evalf() == -oo

    # issue sympy/sympy#7416
    assert as_mpmath(0.0, 10, {'chop': True}) == 0

    # issue sympy/sympy#5412
    assert (oo*I).evalf() == oo*I
    assert (oo + oo*I).evalf() == oo + oo*I
Beispiel #14
def test_issue_8821_highprec_from_str():
    s = str(pi.evalf(128))
    p = N(s)
    assert Abs(sin(p)) < 1e-15
    p = N(s, 64)
    assert Abs(sin(p)) < 1e-64
Beispiel #15
def test_line_geom():
    p1 = Point(0, 0)
    p2 = Point(1, 1)
    p3 = Point(x1, x1)
    p4 = Point(y1, y1)
    p5 = Point(x1, 1 + x1)
    p6 = Point(1, 0)
    p7 = Point(0, 1)
    p8 = Point(2, 0)
    p9 = Point(2, 1)

    l1 = Line(p1, p2)
    l2 = Line(p3, p4)
    l3 = Line(p3, p5)
    l4 = Line(p1, p6)
    l5 = Line(p1, p7)
    l6 = Line(p8, p9)
    l7 = Line(p2, p9)
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: Line(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 0)))

    # Basic stuff
    assert Line((1, 1), slope=1) == Line((1, 1), (2, 2))
    assert Line((1, 1), slope=oo) == Line((1, 1), (1, 2))
    assert Line((1, 1), slope=-oo) == Line((1, 1), (1, 2))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: Line((1, 1), 1))
    assert Line(p1, p2) == Line(p1, p2)
    assert Line(p1, p2) != Line(p2, p1)
    assert l1 != l2
    assert l1 != l3
    assert l1.slope == 1
    assert l1.length == oo
    assert l3.slope == oo
    assert l4.slope == 0
    assert l4.coefficients == (0, 1, 0)
    assert l4.equation(x=x, y=y) == y
    assert l5.slope == oo
    assert l5.coefficients == (1, 0, 0)
    assert l5.equation() == x
    assert l6.equation() == x - 2
    assert l7.equation() == y - 1
    assert p1 in l1  # is p1 on the line l1?
    assert p1 not in l3
    assert Line((-x, x), (-x + 1, x - 1)).coefficients == (1, 1, 0)

    assert simplify(l1.equation()) in (x - y, y - x)
    assert simplify(l3.equation()) in (x - x1, x1 - x)

    assert Line(p1, p2).scale(2, 1) == Line(p1, p9)

    assert l2.arbitrary_point() in l2
    for ind in range(5):
        assert l3.random_point() in l3
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: l3.arbitrary_point('x1'))

    assert Line(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0)).is_similar(
        Line(Point(1, 0), Point(2, 0))) is True

    assert l1.equal(l1) is True
    assert l1.equal(l2) is True
    assert l1.equal(l3) is False
    assert l1.equal(object()) is False

    # Orthogonality
    p1_1 = Point(-x1, x1)
    l1_1 = Line(p1, p1_1)
    assert l1.perpendicular_line(p1.args) == Line(Point(0, 0), Point(1, -1))
    assert l1.perpendicular_line(p1) == Line(Point(0, 0), Point(1, -1))
    assert Line.is_perpendicular(l1, l1_1)
    assert Line.is_perpendicular(l1, l2) is False
    p = l1.random_point()
    assert l1.perpendicular_segment(p) == p

    assert l4.perpendicular_line(p2) == Line(Point(1, 1), Point(1, 0))

    # Parallelity
    l2_1 = Line(p3, p5)
    assert l2.parallel_line(p1_1) == Line(Point(-x1, x1),
                                          Point(-y1, 2 * x1 - y1))
    assert l2_1.parallel_line(p1.args) == Line(Point(0, 0), Point(0, -1))
    assert l2_1.parallel_line(p1) == Line(Point(0, 0), Point(0, -1))
    assert Line.is_parallel(l1, l2)
    assert Line.is_parallel(l2, l3) is False
    assert Line.is_parallel(l2, l2.parallel_line(p1_1))
    assert Line.is_parallel(l2_1, l2_1.parallel_line(p1))

    # Intersection
    assert intersection(l1, p1) == [p1]
    assert intersection(l1, p5) == []
    assert intersection(l1, l2) in [[l1], [l2]]
    assert intersection(l1, l1.parallel_line(p5)) == []

    # Concurrency
    l3_1 = Line(Point(5, x1), Point(-Rational(3, 5), x1))
    assert Line.are_concurrent(l1) is False
    assert Line.are_concurrent(l1, l3)
    assert Line.are_concurrent(l1, l3, l3_1)
    assert Line.are_concurrent(l1, l1_1, l3) is False

    # Projection
    assert l2.projection(p4) == p4
    assert l1.projection(p1_1) == p1
    assert l3.projection(p2) == Point(x1, 1)
        GeometryError, lambda: Line(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0)).projection(
            Circle(Point(0, 0), 1)))

    # Finding angles
    l1_1 = Line(p1, Point(5, 0))
    assert feq(Line.angle_between(l1, l1_1).evalf(), pi.evalf() / 4)

    # Testing Rays and Segments (very similar to Lines)
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: Ray((1, 1), I))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: Ray(p1, p1))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: Ray(p1))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=pi / 4) == Ray((1, 1), (2, 2))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=pi / 2) == Ray((1, 1), (1, 2))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=-pi / 2) == Ray((1, 1), (1, 0))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=-3 * pi / 2) == Ray((1, 1), (1, 2))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=5 * pi / 2) == Ray((1, 1), (1, 2))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=5.0 * pi / 2) == Ray((1, 1), (1, 2))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=pi) == Ray((1, 1), (0, 1))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=3.0 * pi) == Ray((1, 1), (0, 1))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=4.0 * pi) == Ray((1, 1), (2, 1))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=0) == Ray((1, 1), (2, 1))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=4.05 * pi) == Ray(
        Point(1, 1),
            2, -sqrt(5) * sqrt(2 * sqrt(5) + 10) / 4 -
            sqrt(2 * sqrt(5) + 10) / 4 + 2 + sqrt(5)))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=4.02 * pi) == Ray(Point(1, 1),
                                               Point(2, 1 + tan(4.02 * pi)))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=5) == Ray((1, 1), (2, 1 + tan(5)))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: Ray((1, 1), 1))

    # issue sympy/sympy#7963
    r = Ray((0, 0), angle=x)
    assert r.subs({x: 3 * pi / 4}) == Ray((0, 0), (-1, 1))
    assert r.subs({x: 5 * pi / 4}) == Ray((0, 0), (-1, -1))
    assert r.subs({x: -pi / 4}) == Ray((0, 0), (1, -1))
    assert r.subs({x: pi / 2}) == Ray((0, 0), (0, 1))
    assert r.subs({x: -pi / 2}) == Ray((0, 0), (0, -1))

    r1 = Ray(p1, Point(-1, 5))
    r2 = Ray(p1, Point(-1, 1))
    r3 = Ray(p3, p5)
    r4 = Ray(p1, p2)
    r5 = Ray(p2, p1)
    r6 = Ray(Point(0, 1), Point(1, 2))
    r7 = Ray(Point(0.5, 0.5), Point(1, 1))
    assert l1.projection(r1) == Ray(Point(0, 0), Point(2, 2))
    assert l1.projection(r2) == p1
    assert r3 != r1
    t = Symbol('t', extended_real=True)
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=pi/4).arbitrary_point() == \
        Point(t + 1, t + 1)
    r8 = Ray(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 4))
    r9 = Ray(Point(0, 1), Point(0, -1))
    assert r8.intersection(r9) == [Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 1))]

    s1 = Segment(p1, p2)
    s2 = Segment(p1, p1_1)
    assert s1.midpoint == Point(Rational(1, 2), Rational(1, 2))
    assert s2.length == sqrt(2 * (x1**2))
    assert Segment((1, 1), (2, 3)).arbitrary_point() == Point(1 + t, 1 + 2 * t)
    assert s1.perpendicular_bisector() == \
        Line(Point(1/2, 1/2), Point(3/2, -1/2))
    # intersections
    assert s1.intersection(Line(p6, p9)) == []
    s3 = Segment(Point(0.25, 0.25), Point(0.5, 0.5))
    assert s1.intersection(s3) == [s1]
    assert s3.intersection(s1) == [s3]
    assert r4.intersection(s3) == [s3]
    assert r4.intersection(Segment(Point(2, 3), Point(3, 4))) == []
    assert r4.intersection(Segment(Point(-1, -1), Point(0.5, 0.5))) == \
        [Segment(p1, Point(0.5, 0.5))]
    s3 = Segment(Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2))
    assert s1.intersection(s3) == [Point(1, 1)]
    s3 = Segment(Point(0.5, 0.5), Point(1.5, 1.5))
    assert s1.intersection(s3) == [Segment(Point(0.5, 0.5), p2)]
    assert s1.intersection(Segment(Point(4, 4), Point(5, 5))) == []
    assert s1.intersection(Segment(Point(-1, -1), p1)) == [p1]
    assert s1.intersection(Segment(Point(-1, -1), Point(0.5, 0.5))) == \
        [Segment(p1, Point(0.5, 0.5))]
    assert r4.intersection(r5) == [s1]
    assert r5.intersection(r6) == []
    assert r4.intersection(r7) == r7.intersection(r4) == [r7]

    # Segment contains
    a, b = symbols('a,b')
    s = Segment((0, a), (0, b))
    assert Point(0, (a + b) / 2) in s
    s = Segment((a, 0), (b, 0))
    assert Point((a + b) / 2, 0) in s

    pytest.raises(Undecidable, lambda: Point(2 * a, 0) in s)

    # Testing distance from a Segment to an object
    s1 = Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1))
    s2 = Segment(Point(half, half), Point(1, 0))
    pt1 = Point(0, 0)
    pt2 = Point(Rational(3, 2), Rational(3, 2))
    assert s1.distance(pt1) == 0
    assert s1.distance((0, 0)) == 0
    assert s2.distance(pt1) == 2**half / 2
    assert s2.distance(pt2) == 2**half
    # Line to point
    p1, p2 = Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1)
    s = Line(p1, p2)
    assert s.distance(Point(-1, 1)) == sqrt(2)
    assert s.distance(Point(1, -1)) == sqrt(2)
    assert s.distance(Point(2, 2)) == 0
    assert s.distance((-1, 1)) == sqrt(2)
    assert Line((0, 0), (0, 1)).distance(p1) == 0
    assert Line((0, 0), (0, 1)).distance(p2) == 1
    assert Line((0, 0), (1, 0)).distance(p1) == 0
    assert Line((0, 0), (1, 0)).distance(p2) == 1
    m = symbols('m')
    l = Line((0, 5), slope=m)
    p = Point(2, 3)
    assert l.distance(p) == 2 * abs(m + 1) / sqrt(m**2 + 1)
    # Ray to point
    r = Ray(p1, p2)
    assert r.distance(Point(-1, -1)) == sqrt(2)
    assert r.distance(Point(1, 1)) == 0
    assert r.distance(Point(-1, 1)) == sqrt(2)
    assert Ray((1, 1), (2, 2)).distance(Point(1.5, 3)) == 3 * sqrt(2) / 4
    assert r.distance((1, 1)) == 0
    assert r.distance((-1, Rational(1, 2))) == sqrt(5) / 2

    # Line contains
    p1, p2 = Point(0, 1), Point(3, 4)
    l = Line(p1, p2)
    assert l.contains(p1) is True
    assert l.contains((0, 1)) is True
    assert l.contains((0, 0)) is False
    assert l.contains(Circle(p1, 1)) is False
    assert l.contains(Ray(p1, p1 + p2)) is False

    # Ray contains
    p1, p2 = Point(0, 0), Point(4, 4)
    r = Ray(p1, p2)
    assert r.contains(p1) is True
    assert r.contains((1, 1)) is True
    assert r.contains((1, 3)) is False
    assert r.contains(object()) is False
    s = Segment((1, 1), (2, 2))
    assert r.contains(s) is True
    s = Segment((1, 2), (2, 5))
    assert r.contains(s) is False
    r1 = Ray((2, 2), (3, 3))
    assert r.contains(r1) is True
    r1 = Ray((2, 2), (3, 5))
    assert r.contains(r1) is False
    r1 = Ray(p1, angle=-pi)
    assert r1.contains(Point(1, 0)) is False
    r1 = Ray(p1, angle=-pi / 2)
    assert r1.contains(Point(0, 1)) is False
    pytest.raises(Undecidable, lambda: r1.contains(Point(0, x)))

    # Special cases of projection and intersection
    r1 = Ray(Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2))
    r2 = Ray(Point(2, 2), Point(0, 0))
    r3 = Ray(Point(1, 1), Point(-1, -1))
    r4 = Ray(Point(0, 4), Point(-1, -5))
    r5 = Ray(Point(2, 2), Point(3, 3))
    assert intersection(r1, r2) == [Segment(Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2))]
    assert intersection(r1, r3) == [Point(1, 1)]
    assert r1.projection(r3) == Point(1, 1)
    assert r1.projection(r4) == Segment(Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2))

    r5 = Ray(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 1))
    r6 = Ray(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 2))
    assert r5 in r6
    assert r6 in r5

    s1 = Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(2, 2))
    s2 = Segment(Point(-1, 5), Point(-5, -10))
    s3 = Segment(Point(0, 4), Point(-2, 2))
    assert intersection(r1, s1) == [Segment(Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2))]
    assert r1.projection(s2) == Segment(Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2))
    assert s3.projection(r1) == Segment(Point(0, 4), Point(-1, 3))

    l1 = Line(Point(0, 0), Point(3, 4))
    r1 = Ray(Point(0, 0), Point(3, 4))
    s1 = Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(3, 4))
    assert intersection(l1, l1) == [l1]
    assert intersection(l1, r1) == [r1]
    assert intersection(l1, s1) == [s1]
    assert intersection(r1, l1) == [r1]
    assert intersection(s1, l1) == [s1]

    entity1 = Segment(Point(-10, 10), Point(10, 10))
    entity2 = Segment(Point(-5, -5), Point(-5, 5))
    assert intersection(entity1, entity2) == []

    r1 = Ray(p1, Point(0, 1))
    r2 = Ray(Point(0, 1), p1)
    r3 = Ray(p1, p2)
    r4 = Ray(p2, p1)
    s1 = Segment(p1, Point(0, 1))
    assert Line(r1.source, r1.random_point()).slope == r1.slope
    assert Line(r2.source, r2.random_point()).slope == r2.slope
    assert Segment(Point(0, -1), s1.random_point()).slope == s1.slope
    p_r3 = r3.random_point()
    p_r4 = r4.random_point()
    assert p_r3.x >= p1.x and p_r3.y >= p1.y
    assert p_r4.x <= p2.x and p_r4.y <= p2.y
    p10 = Point(2000, 2000)
    s1 = Segment(p1, p10)
    p_s1 = s1.random_point()
    assert p1.x <= p_s1.x and p_s1.x <= p10.x and \
        p1.y <= p_s1.y and p_s1.y <= p10.y
    s2 = Segment(p10, p1)
    assert hash(s1) == hash(s2)
    p11 = p10.scale(2, 2)
    assert s1.is_similar(Segment(p10, p11))
    assert s1.is_similar(r1) is False
    assert (r1 in s1) is False
    assert Segment(p1, p2) in s1
    assert s1.plot_interval() == [t, 0, 1]
    assert s1 in Line(p1, p10)
    assert Line(p1, p10) != Line(p10, p1)
    assert Line(p1, p10) != p1
    assert Line(p1, p10).plot_interval() == [t, -5, 5]
    assert Ray((0, 0), angle=pi/4).plot_interval() == \
        [t, 0, 10]

    p1, p2 = Point(0, 0), Point(4, 1)
    r1 = Ray(p1, p2)
    assert r1.direction == p2

    p1, p2, p3 = Point(0, 0), Point(-1, -1), Point(-1, 0)
    r1, r2 = Ray(p1, p2), Ray(p1, p3)
    assert r1.ydirection == -oo
    assert r2.ydirection == 0

    p1, p2, p3 = Point(0, 0), Point(6, 6), Point(5, 1)
    s1 = Segment(p1, p2)
    assert s1.perpendicular_bisector() == Line(Point(3, 3), Point(9, -3))
    assert s1.perpendicular_bisector(p3) == Segment(Point(3, 3), Point(5, 1))
Beispiel #16
def test_mpmath_precision(): = 100
    assert str(lambdify((), pi.evalf(100), 'mpmath')()) == str(pi.evalf(100))
Beispiel #17
def test_sympyissue_19988():
    c = pi.evalf(100)

Beispiel #18
def test_line_geom():
    p1 = Point(0, 0)
    p2 = Point(1, 1)
    p3 = Point(x1, x1)
    p4 = Point(y1, y1)
    p5 = Point(x1, 1 + x1)
    p6 = Point(1, 0)
    p7 = Point(0, 1)
    p8 = Point(2, 0)
    p9 = Point(2, 1)

    l1 = Line(p1, p2)
    l2 = Line(p3, p4)
    l3 = Line(p3, p5)
    l4 = Line(p1, p6)
    l5 = Line(p1, p7)
    l6 = Line(p8, p9)
    l7 = Line(p2, p9)
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: Line(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 0)))

    # Basic stuff
    assert Line((1, 1), slope=1) == Line((1, 1), (2, 2))
    assert Line((1, 1), slope=oo) == Line((1, 1), (1, 2))
    assert Line((1, 1), slope=-oo) == Line((1, 1), (1, 2))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: Line((1, 1), 1))
    assert Line(p1, p2) == Line(p1, p2)
    assert Line(p1, p2) != Line(p2, p1)
    assert l1 != l2
    assert l1 != l3
    assert l1.slope == 1
    assert l1.length == oo
    assert l3.slope == oo
    assert l4.slope == 0
    assert l4.coefficients == (0, 1, 0)
    assert l4.equation(x=x, y=y) == y
    assert l5.slope == oo
    assert l5.coefficients == (1, 0, 0)
    assert l5.equation() == x
    assert l6.equation() == x - 2
    assert l7.equation() == y - 1
    assert p1 in l1  # is p1 on the line l1?
    assert p1 not in l3
    assert Line((-x, x), (-x + 1, x - 1)).coefficients == (1, 1, 0)

    assert simplify(l1.equation()) in (x - y, y - x)
    assert simplify(l3.equation()) in (x - x1, x1 - x)

    assert Line(p1, p2).scale(2, 1) == Line(p1, p9)

    assert l2.arbitrary_point() in l2
    for ind in range(5):
        assert l3.random_point() in l3

    # Orthogonality
    p1_1 = Point(-x1, x1)
    l1_1 = Line(p1, p1_1)
    assert l1.perpendicular_line(p1.args) == Line(Point(0, 0), Point(1, -1))
    assert l1.perpendicular_line(p1) == Line(Point(0, 0), Point(1, -1))
    assert Line.is_perpendicular(l1, l1_1)
    assert Line.is_perpendicular(l1, l2) is False
    p = l1.random_point()
    assert l1.perpendicular_segment(p) == p

    # Parallelity
    l2_1 = Line(p3, p5)
    assert l2.parallel_line(p1_1) == Line(Point(-x1, x1), Point(-y1, 2*x1 - y1))
    assert l2_1.parallel_line(p1.args) == Line(Point(0, 0), Point(0, -1))
    assert l2_1.parallel_line(p1) == Line(Point(0, 0), Point(0, -1))
    assert Line.is_parallel(l1, l2)
    assert Line.is_parallel(l2, l3) is False
    assert Line.is_parallel(l2, l2.parallel_line(p1_1))
    assert Line.is_parallel(l2_1, l2_1.parallel_line(p1))

    # Intersection
    assert intersection(l1, p1) == [p1]
    assert intersection(l1, p5) == []
    assert intersection(l1, l2) in [[l1], [l2]]
    assert intersection(l1, l1.parallel_line(p5)) == []

    # Concurrency
    l3_1 = Line(Point(5, x1), Point(-Rational(3, 5), x1))
    assert Line.are_concurrent(l1) is False
    assert Line.are_concurrent(l1, l3)
    assert Line.are_concurrent(l1, l3, l3_1)
    assert Line.are_concurrent(l1, l1_1, l3) is False

    # Projection
    assert l2.projection(p4) == p4
    assert l1.projection(p1_1) == p1
    assert l3.projection(p2) == Point(x1, 1)
    pytest.raises(GeometryError, lambda: Line(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 0))
                  .projection(Circle(Point(0, 0), 1)))

    # Finding angles
    l1_1 = Line(p1, Point(5, 0))
    assert feq(Line.angle_between(l1, l1_1).evalf(), pi.evalf()/4)

    # Testing Rays and Segments (very similar to Lines)
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: Ray((1, 1), I))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=pi/4) == Ray((1, 1), (2, 2))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=pi/2) == Ray((1, 1), (1, 2))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=-pi/2) == Ray((1, 1), (1, 0))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=-3*pi/2) == Ray((1, 1), (1, 2))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=5*pi/2) == Ray((1, 1), (1, 2))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=5.0*pi/2) == Ray((1, 1), (1, 2))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=pi) == Ray((1, 1), (0, 1))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=3.0*pi) == Ray((1, 1), (0, 1))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=4.0*pi) == Ray((1, 1), (2, 1))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=0) == Ray((1, 1), (2, 1))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=4.05*pi) == Ray(Point(1, 1),
                                             Point(2, -sqrt(5)*sqrt(2*sqrt(5) + 10)/4 - sqrt(2*sqrt(5) + 10)/4 + 2 + sqrt(5)))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=4.02*pi) == Ray(Point(1, 1),
                                             Point(2, 1 + tan(4.02*pi)))
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=5) == Ray((1, 1), (2, 1 + tan(5)))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: Ray((1, 1), 1))

    # issue sympy/sympy#7963
    r = Ray((0, 0), angle=x)
    assert r.subs({x: 3*pi/4}) == Ray((0, 0), (-1, 1))
    assert r.subs({x: 5*pi/4}) == Ray((0, 0), (-1, -1))
    assert r.subs({x: -pi/4}) == Ray((0, 0), (1, -1))
    assert r.subs({x: pi/2}) == Ray((0, 0), (0, 1))
    assert r.subs({x: -pi/2}) == Ray((0, 0), (0, -1))

    r1 = Ray(p1, Point(-1, 5))
    r2 = Ray(p1, Point(-1, 1))
    r3 = Ray(p3, p5)
    r4 = Ray(p1, p2)
    r5 = Ray(p2, p1)
    r6 = Ray(Point(0, 1), Point(1, 2))
    r7 = Ray(Point(0.5, 0.5), Point(1, 1))
    assert l1.projection(r1) == Ray(Point(0, 0), Point(2, 2))
    assert l1.projection(r2) == p1
    assert r3 != r1
    t = Symbol('t', extended_real=True)
    assert Ray((1, 1), angle=pi/4).arbitrary_point() == \
        Point(t + 1, t + 1)
    r8 = Ray(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 4))
    r9 = Ray(Point(0, 1), Point(0, -1))
    assert r8.intersection(r9) == [Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 1))]

    s1 = Segment(p1, p2)
    s2 = Segment(p1, p1_1)
    assert s1.midpoint == Point(Rational(1, 2), Rational(1, 2))
    assert s2.length == sqrt( 2*(x1**2) )
    assert Segment((1, 1), (2, 3)).arbitrary_point() == Point(1 + t, 1 + 2*t)
    assert s1.perpendicular_bisector() == \
        Line(Point(1/2, 1/2), Point(3/2, -1/2))
    # intersections
    assert s1.intersection(Line(p6, p9)) == []
    s3 = Segment(Point(0.25, 0.25), Point(0.5, 0.5))
    assert s1.intersection(s3) == [s1]
    assert s3.intersection(s1) == [s3]
    assert r4.intersection(s3) == [s3]
    assert r4.intersection(Segment(Point(2, 3), Point(3, 4))) == []
    assert r4.intersection(Segment(Point(-1, -1), Point(0.5, 0.5))) == \
        [Segment(p1, Point(0.5, 0.5))]
    s3 = Segment(Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2))
    assert s1.intersection(s3) == [Point(1, 1)]
    s3 = Segment(Point(0.5, 0.5), Point(1.5, 1.5))
    assert s1.intersection(s3) == [Segment(Point(0.5, 0.5), p2)]
    assert s1.intersection(Segment(Point(4, 4), Point(5, 5))) == []
    assert s1.intersection(Segment(Point(-1, -1), p1)) == [p1]
    assert s1.intersection(Segment(Point(-1, -1), Point(0.5, 0.5))) == \
        [Segment(p1, Point(0.5, 0.5))]
    assert r4.intersection(r5) == [s1]
    assert r5.intersection(r6) == []
    assert r4.intersection(r7) == r7.intersection(r4) == [r7]

    # Segment contains
    a, b = symbols('a,b')
    s = Segment((0, a), (0, b))
    assert Point(0, (a + b)/2) in s
    s = Segment((a, 0), (b, 0))
    assert Point((a + b)/2, 0) in s

    pytest.raises(Undecidable, lambda: Point(2*a, 0) in s)

    # Testing distance from a Segment to an object
    s1 = Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1))
    s2 = Segment(Point(half, half), Point(1, 0))
    pt1 = Point(0, 0)
    pt2 = Point(Rational(3, 2), Rational(3, 2))
    assert s1.distance(pt1) == 0
    assert s1.distance((0, 0)) == 0
    assert s2.distance(pt1) == 2**half/2
    assert s2.distance(pt2) == 2**half
    # Line to point
    p1, p2 = Point(0, 0), Point(1, 1)
    s = Line(p1, p2)
    assert s.distance(Point(-1, 1)) == sqrt(2)
    assert s.distance(Point(1, -1)) == sqrt(2)
    assert s.distance(Point(2, 2)) == 0
    assert s.distance((-1, 1)) == sqrt(2)
    assert Line((0, 0), (0, 1)).distance(p1) == 0
    assert Line((0, 0), (0, 1)).distance(p2) == 1
    assert Line((0, 0), (1, 0)).distance(p1) == 0
    assert Line((0, 0), (1, 0)).distance(p2) == 1
    m = symbols('m')
    l = Line((0, 5), slope=m)
    p = Point(2, 3)
    assert l.distance(p) == 2*abs(m + 1)/sqrt(m**2 + 1)
    # Ray to point
    r = Ray(p1, p2)
    assert r.distance(Point(-1, -1)) == sqrt(2)
    assert r.distance(Point(1, 1)) == 0
    assert r.distance(Point(-1, 1)) == sqrt(2)
    assert Ray((1, 1), (2, 2)).distance(Point(1.5, 3)) == 3*sqrt(2)/4
    assert r.distance((1, 1)) == 0

    # Line contains
    p1, p2 = Point(0, 1), Point(3, 4)
    l = Line(p1, p2)
    assert l.contains(p1) is True
    assert l.contains((0, 1)) is True
    assert l.contains((0, 0)) is False

    # Ray contains
    p1, p2 = Point(0, 0), Point(4, 4)
    r = Ray(p1, p2)
    assert r.contains(p1) is True
    assert r.contains((1, 1)) is True
    assert r.contains((1, 3)) is False
    s = Segment((1, 1), (2, 2))
    assert r.contains(s) is True
    s = Segment((1, 2), (2, 5))
    assert r.contains(s) is False
    r1 = Ray((2, 2), (3, 3))
    assert r.contains(r1) is True
    r1 = Ray((2, 2), (3, 5))
    assert r.contains(r1) is False

    # Special cases of projection and intersection
    r1 = Ray(Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2))
    r2 = Ray(Point(2, 2), Point(0, 0))
    r3 = Ray(Point(1, 1), Point(-1, -1))
    r4 = Ray(Point(0, 4), Point(-1, -5))
    r5 = Ray(Point(2, 2), Point(3, 3))
    assert intersection(r1, r2) == [Segment(Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2))]
    assert intersection(r1, r3) == [Point(1, 1)]
    assert r1.projection(r3) == Point(1, 1)
    assert r1.projection(r4) == Segment(Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2))

    r5 = Ray(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 1))
    r6 = Ray(Point(0, 0), Point(0, 2))
    assert r5 in r6
    assert r6 in r5

    s1 = Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(2, 2))
    s2 = Segment(Point(-1, 5), Point(-5, -10))
    s3 = Segment(Point(0, 4), Point(-2, 2))
    assert intersection(r1, s1) == [Segment(Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2))]
    assert r1.projection(s2) == Segment(Point(1, 1), Point(2, 2))
    assert s3.projection(r1) == Segment(Point(0, 4), Point(-1, 3))

    l1 = Line(Point(0, 0), Point(3, 4))
    r1 = Ray(Point(0, 0), Point(3, 4))
    s1 = Segment(Point(0, 0), Point(3, 4))
    assert intersection(l1, l1) == [l1]
    assert intersection(l1, r1) == [r1]
    assert intersection(l1, s1) == [s1]
    assert intersection(r1, l1) == [r1]
    assert intersection(s1, l1) == [s1]

    entity1 = Segment(Point(-10, 10), Point(10, 10))
    entity2 = Segment(Point(-5, -5), Point(-5, 5))
    assert intersection(entity1, entity2) == []

    r1 = Ray(p1, Point(0, 1))
    r2 = Ray(Point(0, 1), p1)
    r3 = Ray(p1, p2)
    r4 = Ray(p2, p1)
    s1 = Segment(p1, Point(0, 1))
    assert Line(r1.source, r1.random_point()).slope == r1.slope
    assert Line(r2.source, r2.random_point()).slope == r2.slope
    assert Segment(Point(0, -1), s1.random_point()).slope == s1.slope
    p_r3 = r3.random_point()
    p_r4 = r4.random_point()
    assert p_r3.x >= p1.x and p_r3.y >= p1.y
    assert p_r4.x <= p2.x and p_r4.y <= p2.y
    p10 = Point(2000, 2000)
    s1 = Segment(p1, p10)
    p_s1 = s1.random_point()
    assert p1.x <= p_s1.x and p_s1.x <= p10.x and \
        p1.y <= p_s1.y and p_s1.y <= p10.y
    s2 = Segment(p10, p1)
    assert hash(s1) == hash(s2)
    p11 = p10.scale(2, 2)
    assert s1.is_similar(Segment(p10, p11))
    assert s1.is_similar(r1) is False
    assert (r1 in s1) is False
    assert Segment(p1, p2) in s1
    assert s1.plot_interval() == [t, 0, 1]
    assert s1 in Line(p1, p10)
    assert Line(p1, p10) != Line(p10, p1)
    assert Line(p1, p10) != p1
    assert Line(p1, p10).plot_interval() == [t, -5, 5]
    assert Ray((0, 0), angle=pi/4).plot_interval() == \
        [t, 0, 10]
Beispiel #19
def test_evalf_arguments():
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: pi.evalf(method="garbage"))
Beispiel #20
def test_mpmath_precision(): = 100
    assert str(lambdify((), pi.evalf(100), 'mpmath')()) == str(pi.evalf(100))