Beispiel #1
def test_Mul_is_infinite():
    x = Symbol('x')
    f = Symbol('f', finite=True)
    i = Symbol('i', infinite=True)
    z = Dummy(zero=True)
    nzf = Dummy(finite=True, zero=False)
    assert (x*f).is_finite is None
    assert (x*i).is_finite is None
    assert (f*i).is_finite is False
    assert (x*f*i).is_finite is None
    assert (z*i).is_finite is False
    assert (nzf*i).is_finite is False
    assert (z*f).is_finite is True
    assert Mul(0, f, evaluate=False).is_finite is True
    assert Mul(0, i, evaluate=False).is_finite is False

    assert (x*f).is_infinite is None
    assert (x*i).is_infinite is None
    assert (f*i).is_infinite is None
    assert (x*f*i).is_infinite is None
    assert (z*i).is_infinite is nan.is_infinite
    assert (nzf*i).is_infinite is True
    assert (z*f).is_infinite is False
    assert Mul(0, f, evaluate=False).is_infinite is False
    assert Mul(0, i, evaluate=False).is_infinite is nan.is_infinite
Beispiel #2
def test_cholesky_solve():
    x, y, z = Dummy('x'), Dummy('y'), Dummy('z')
    assert cholesky_solve(
        [[QQ(25), QQ(15), QQ(-5)], [QQ(15), QQ(18), QQ(0)],
         [QQ(-5), QQ(0), QQ(11)]], [[x], [y], [z]],
        [[QQ(2)], [QQ(3)], [QQ(1)]], QQ) == [[QQ(-1, 225)], [QQ(23, 135)],
                                             [QQ(4, 45)]]
Beispiel #3
def test_simplification():
    """Test working of simplification methods."""
    set1 = [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 0]]
    set2 = [[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]]
    assert SOPform([x, y, z], set1) == Or(And(Not(x), z), And(Not(z), x))
    assert Not(SOPform([x, y, z], set2)) == Not(Or(And(Not(x), Not(z)), And(x, z)))
    assert POSform([x, y, z], set1 + set2) is true
    assert SOPform([x, y, z], set1 + set2) is true
    assert SOPform([Dummy(), Dummy(), Dummy()], set1 + set2) is true

    minterms = [[0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1, 1],
                [1, 1, 1, 1]]
    dontcares = [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 1]]
    assert (
        SOPform([w, x, y, z], minterms, dontcares) ==
        Or(And(Not(w), z), And(y, z)))
    assert POSform([w, x, y, z], minterms, dontcares) == And(Or(Not(w), y), z)

    # test simplification
    ans = And(A, Or(B, C))
    assert simplify_logic(A & (B | C)) == ans
    assert simplify_logic((A & B) | (A & C)) == ans
    assert simplify_logic(Implies(A, B)) == Or(Not(A), B)
    assert simplify_logic(Equivalent(A, B)) == \
        Or(And(A, B), And(Not(A), Not(B)))
    assert simplify_logic(And(Equality(A, 2), C)) == And(Equality(A, 2), C)
    assert simplify_logic(And(Equality(A, 2), A)) == And(Equality(A, 2), A)
    assert simplify_logic(And(Equality(A, B), C)) == And(Equality(A, B), C)
    assert simplify_logic(Or(And(Equality(A, 3), B), And(Equality(A, 3), C))) \
        == And(Equality(A, 3), Or(B, C))
    e = And(A, x**2 - x)
    assert simplify_logic(e) == And(A, x*(x - 1))
    assert simplify_logic(e, deep=False) == e
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: simplify_logic(A & (B | C), form='spam'))

    e = x & y ^ z | (z ^ x)
    res = [(x & ~z) | (z & ~x) | (z & ~y), (x & ~y) | (x & ~z) | (z & ~x)]
    assert simplify_logic(e) in res
    assert SOPform([z, y, x], [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1],
                               [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 0]]) == res[1]

    # check input
    ans = SOPform([x, y], [[1, 0]])
    assert SOPform([x, y], [[1, 0]]) == ans
    assert POSform([x, y], [[1, 0]]) == ans

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: SOPform([x], [[1]], [[1]]))
    assert SOPform([x], [[1]], [[0]]) is true
    assert SOPform([x], [[0]], [[1]]) is true
    assert SOPform([x], [], []) is false

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: POSform([x], [[1]], [[1]]))
    assert POSform([x], [[1]], [[0]]) is true
    assert POSform([x], [[0]], [[1]]) is true
    assert POSform([x], [], []) is false

    # check working of simplify
    assert simplify((A & B) | (A & C)) == And(A, Or(B, C))
    assert simplify(And(x, Not(x))) is false
    assert simplify(Or(x, Not(x))) is true
Beispiel #4
    def reflect(self, line):
        from diofant import atan, Point, Dummy, oo

        g = self
        l = line
        o = Point(0, 0)
        if l.slope == 0:
            y = l.args[0].y
            if not y:  # x-axis
                return g.scale(y=-1)
            reps = [(p, p.translate(y=2 * (y - p.y))) for p in g.atoms(Point)]
        elif l.slope == oo:
            x = l.args[0].x
            if not x:  # y-axis
                return g.scale(x=-1)
            reps = [(p, p.translate(x=2 * (x - p.x))) for p in g.atoms(Point)]
            if not hasattr(g, 'reflect') and not all(
                    isinstance(arg, Point) for arg in g.args):
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'reflect undefined or non-Point args in %s' % g)
            a = atan(l.slope)
            c = l.coefficients
            d = -c[-1] / c[1]  # y-intercept
            # apply the transform to a single point
            x, y = Dummy(), Dummy()
            xf = Point(x, y)
            xf = xf.translate(y=-d).rotate(-a, o).scale(y=-1).rotate(
                a, o).translate(y=d)
            # replace every point using that transform
            reps = [(p, xf.xreplace({x: p.x, y: p.y})) for p in g.atoms(Point)]
        return g.xreplace(dict(reps))
Beispiel #5
def ratint_ratpart(f, g, x):
    Horowitz-Ostrogradsky algorithm.

    Given a field K and polynomials f and g in K[x], such that f and g
    are coprime and deg(f) < deg(g), returns fractions A and B in K(x),
    such that f/g = A' + B and B has square-free denominator.


        >>> from diofant.integrals.rationaltools import ratint_ratpart
        >>> from import x, y
        >>> from diofant import Poly
        >>> ratint_ratpart(Poly(1, x, domain='ZZ'),
        ... Poly(x + 1, x, domain='ZZ'), x)
        (0, 1/(x + 1))
        >>> ratint_ratpart(Poly(1, x, domain='EX'),
        ... Poly(x**2 + y**2, x, domain='EX'), x)
        (0, 1/(x**2 + y**2))
        >>> ratint_ratpart(Poly(36, x, domain='ZZ'),
        ... Poly(x**5 - 2*x**4 - 2*x**3 + 4*x**2 + x - 2, x, domain='ZZ'), x)
        ((12*x + 6)/(x**2 - 1), 12/(x**2 - x - 2))

    See Also

    from diofant import solve

    f = Poly(f, x)
    g = Poly(g, x)

    u, v, _ = g.cofactors(g.diff())

    n =
    m =

    A_coeffs = [Dummy('a' + str(n - i)) for i in range(0, n)]
    B_coeffs = [Dummy('b' + str(m - i)) for i in range(0, m)]

    C_coeffs = A_coeffs + B_coeffs

    A = Poly(A_coeffs, x, domain=ZZ[C_coeffs])
    B = Poly(B_coeffs, x, domain=ZZ[C_coeffs])

    H = f - A.diff() * v + A * (u.diff() * v).quo(u) - B * u

    result = solve(H.coeffs(), C_coeffs)

    A = A.as_expr().subs(result)
    B = B.as_expr().subs(result)

    rat_part = cancel(A / u.as_expr(), x)
    log_part = cancel(B / v.as_expr(), x)

    return rat_part, log_part
Beispiel #6
def test_LU_solve():
    x, y, z = Dummy('x'), Dummy('y'), Dummy('z')

    assert LU_solve(
        [[QQ(2), QQ(-1), QQ(-2)], [QQ(-4), QQ(6), QQ(3)],
         [QQ(-4), QQ(-2), QQ(8)]], [[x], [y], [z]],
        [[QQ(-1)], [QQ(13)], [QQ(-6)]], QQ) == [[QQ(2, 1)], [QQ(3, 1)],
                                                [QQ(1, 1)]]
Beispiel #7
def test_gamma():
    assert Hyper_Function([2, 3], [-1]).gamma == 0
    assert Hyper_Function([-2, -3], [-1]).gamma == 2
    n = Dummy(integer=True)
    assert Hyper_Function([-1, n, 1], []).gamma == 1
    assert Hyper_Function([-1, -n, 1], []).gamma == 1
    p = Dummy(integer=True, positive=True)
    assert Hyper_Function([-1, p, 1], []).gamma == 1
    assert Hyper_Function([-1, -p, 1], []).gamma == 2
Beispiel #8
    def _intersect(self, other):
        from diofant import Dummy
        from diofant.solvers.diophantine import diophantine
        from diofant.sets.sets import imageset
        if self.base_set is S.Integers:
            if isinstance(other, ImageSet) and other.base_set is S.Integers:
                f, g = self.lamda.expr, other.lamda.expr
                n, m = self.lamda.variables[0], other.lamda.variables[0]

                # Diophantine sorts the solutions according to the alphabetic
                # order of the variable names, since the result should not depend
                # on the variable name, they are replaced by the dummy variables
                # below
                a, b = Dummy('a'), Dummy('b')
                f, g = f.subs(n, a), g.subs(m, b)
                solns_set = diophantine(f - g)
                if solns_set == set():
                    return EmptySet()
                solns = list(diophantine(f - g))
                if len(solns) == 1:
                    t = list(solns[0][0].free_symbols)[0]

                # since 'a' < 'b'
                return imageset(Lambda(t, f.subs(a, solns[0][0])), S.Integers)

        if other == S.Reals:
            from diofant.solvers.diophantine import diophantine
            from diofant.core.function import expand_complex
            if len(self.lamda.variables
                   ) > 1 or self.base_set is not S.Integers:

            f = self.lamda.expr
            n = self.lamda.variables[0]

            n_ = Dummy(, integer=True)
            f_ = f.subs(n, n_)

            re, im = f_.as_real_imag()
            im = expand_complex(im)

            sols = list(diophantine(im, n_))
            if not sols:
                return S.EmptySet
            elif all(s[0].has(n_) is False for s in sols):
                s = FiniteSet(*[s[0] for s in sols])
            elif len(sols) == 1 and sols[0][0].has(n_):
                s = imageset(Lambda(n_, sols[0][0]), S.Integers)

            return imageset(Lambda(n_, re), self.base_set.intersect(s))
Beispiel #9
def test_sympyissue_7068():
    f = Function('f')
    y1 = Dummy('y')
    y2 = Dummy('y')
    func1 = f(a + y1 * b)
    func2 = f(a + y2 * b)
    func1_y = func1.diff(y1)
    func2_y = func2.diff(y2)
    assert func1_y != func2_y
    z1 = Subs(f(a), (a, y1))
    z2 = Subs(f(a), (a, y2))
    assert z1 != z2
Beispiel #10
def test_sympyissue_7068():
    from import a, b
    f = Function('f')
    y1 = Dummy('y')
    y2 = Dummy('y')
    func1 = f(a + y1 * b)
    func2 = f(a + y2 * b)
    func1_y = func1.diff(y1)
    func2_y = func2.diff(y2)
    assert func1_y != func2_y
    z1 = Subs(f(a), a, y1)
    z2 = Subs(f(a), a, y2)
    assert z1 != z2
Beispiel #11
def test_dummy_eq():
    x = Symbol('x')
    y = Symbol('y')

    u = Dummy('u')

    assert (u**2 + 1).dummy_eq(x**2 + 1) is True
    assert ((u**2 + 1) == (x**2 + 1)) is False

    assert (u**2 + y).dummy_eq(x**2 + y, x) is True
    assert (u**2 + y).dummy_eq(x**2 + y, y) is False

    assert (x**2).dummy_eq(x**2 + 1) is False
    assert u.dummy_eq(1) is False
Beispiel #12
def test_core_symbol():
    # make the Symbol a unique name that doesn't class with any other
    # testing variable in this file since after this test the symbol
    # having the same name will be cached as noncommutative
    for c in (Dummy, Dummy('x', commutative=False), Symbol,
              Symbol('_sympyissue_6229', commutative=False), Wild, Wild('x')):
Beispiel #13
def test_Add_is_pos_neg():
    # these cover lines not covered by the rest of tests in core
    n = Symbol('n', negative=True, infinite=True)
    nn = Symbol('n', nonnegative=True, infinite=True)
    np = Symbol('n', nonpositive=True, infinite=True)
    p = Symbol('p', positive=True, infinite=True)
    r = Dummy(extended_real=True, finite=False)
    x = Symbol('x')
    xf = Symbol('xb', finite=True, real=True)
    assert (n + p).is_positive is None
    assert (n + x).is_positive is None
    assert (p + x).is_positive is None
    assert (n + p).is_negative is None
    assert (n + x).is_negative is None
    assert (p + x).is_negative is None

    assert (n + xf).is_positive is False
    assert (p + xf).is_positive is True
    assert (n + xf).is_negative is True
    assert (p + xf).is_negative is False

    assert (x - oo).is_negative is None  # issue sympy/sympy#7798
    # issue sympy/sympy#8046, 16.2
    assert (p + nn).is_positive
    assert (n + np).is_negative
    assert (p + r).is_positive is None
Beispiel #14
def test_plane2():
    p1 = Plane(Point3D(0, 0, 0), normal_vector=(1, 0, 0))
    p2 = Plane(Point3D(0, 0, 0), normal_vector=(1, 0, -1))
    assert p1.intersection(p2) == [Line3D(Point3D(0, 0, 0), Point3D(0, 1, 0))]

    p1 = Plane(Point3D(0, 0, 1), normal_vector=(0, -5, 3))
    p2 = Plane(Point3D(0, 0, 2), normal_vector=(0, -5, -3))
    assert p1.intersection(p2) == [
        Line3D(Point3D(0, 3 / 10, 3 / 2), Point3D(30, 3 / 10, 3 / 2))

    p1 = Point3D(0, 0, 0)
    p2 = Point3D(1, 1, 1)
    p3 = Point3D(1, 2, 3)
    pl3 = Plane(p1, p2, p3)
    # get a segment that does not intersect the plane which is also
    # parallel to pl3's normal veector
    t = Dummy()
    r = pl3.random_point()
    a = pl3.perpendicular_line(r).arbitrary_point(t)
    s = Segment3D(a.subs({t: 1}), a.subs({t: 2}))
    assert s.p1 not in pl3 and s.p2 not in pl3

    a = Plane(Point3D(5, 0, 0), normal_vector=(1, -1, 1))
    b = Plane(Point3D(0, -2, 0), normal_vector=(3, 1, 1))
    c = Plane(Point3D(0, -1, 0), normal_vector=(5, -1, 9))
    assert Plane.are_concurrent(a, b) is True
    assert Plane.are_concurrent(a, b, c) is False

    p = Plane((0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0))
    assert p.arbitrary_point(t) == Point3D(0, cos(t), sin(t))
Beispiel #15
def test_apart_list():
    assert apart_list(1) == 1

    w0, w1, w2 = Symbol('w0'), Symbol('w1'), Symbol('w2')
    _a = Dummy('a')

    f = (-2*x - 2*x**2) / (3*x**2 - 6*x)
    assert (apart_list(f, x, dummies=numbered_symbols('w')) ==
            (-1, Poly(Rational(2, 3), x),
             [(Poly(w0 - 2, w0), Lambda(_a, 2), Lambda(_a, -_a + x), 1)]))

    assert (apart_list(2/(x**2-2), x, dummies=numbered_symbols('w')) ==
            (1, Poly(0, x),
             [(Poly(w0**2 - 2, w0), Lambda(_a, _a/2), Lambda(_a, -_a + x), 1)]))

    f = 36 / (x**5 - 2*x**4 - 2*x**3 + 4*x**2 + x - 2)
    assert (apart_list(f, x, dummies=numbered_symbols('w')) ==
            (1, Poly(0, x),
             [(Poly(w0 - 2, w0), Lambda(_a, 4), Lambda(_a, -_a + x), 1),
              (Poly(w1**2 - 1, w1), Lambda(_a, -3*_a - 6), Lambda(_a, -_a + x), 2),
              (Poly(w2 + 1, w2), Lambda(_a, -4), Lambda(_a, -_a + x), 1)]))

    f = 1/(2*(x - 1)**2)
    assert (apart_list(f, x, dummies=numbered_symbols('w')) ==
            (1, Poly(0, x),
             [(Poly(2, w0), Lambda(_a, 0), Lambda(_a, x - _a), 1),
              (Poly(w1 - 1, w1), Lambda(_a, Rational(1, 2)), Lambda(_a, x - _a), 2),
              (Poly(1, w2), Lambda(_a, 0), Lambda(_a, x - _a), 1)]))
Beispiel #16
def test_harmonic_rewrite_sum_fail():
    n = Symbol('n')
    m = Symbol('m')

    _k = Dummy('k')
    assert harmonic(n).rewrite(Sum) == Sum(1 / _k, (_k, 1, n))
    assert harmonic(n, m).rewrite(Sum) == Sum(_k**(-m), (_k, 1, n))
Beispiel #17
def test_harmonic_rewrite_sum_fail():
    n = Symbol("n")
    m = Symbol("m")

    _k = Dummy("k")
    assert harmonic(n).rewrite(Sum) == Sum(1 / _k, (_k, 1, n))
    assert harmonic(n, m).rewrite(Sum) == Sum(_k**(-m), (_k, 1, n))
Beispiel #18
def test_jacobi():
    assert jacobi(0, a, b, x) == 1
    assert jacobi(1, a, b, x) == a / 2 - b / 2 + x * (a / 2 + b / 2 + 1)
    assert (jacobi(2, a, b, x) == a**2 / 8 - a * b / 4 - a / 8 + b**2 / 8 -
            b / 8 + x**2 * (a**2 / 8 + a * b / 4 + 7 * a / 8 + b**2 / 8 +
                            7 * b / 8 + Rational(3, 2)) + x *
            (a**2 / 4 + 3 * a / 4 - b**2 / 4 - 3 * b / 4) - S.Half)

    assert jacobi(n, a, a, x) == RisingFactorial(a + 1, n) * gegenbauer(
        n, a + Rational(1, 2), x) / RisingFactorial(2 * a + 1, n)
    assert jacobi(n, a, -a,
                  x) == ((-1)**a * (-x + 1)**(-a / 2) * (x + 1)**(a / 2) *
                         assoc_legendre(n, a, x) * factorial(-a + n) *
                         gamma(a + n + 1) / (factorial(a + n) * gamma(n + 1)))
    assert jacobi(n, -b, b, x) == ((-x + 1)**(b / 2) * (x + 1)**(-b / 2) *
                                   assoc_legendre(n, b, x) *
                                   gamma(-b + n + 1) / gamma(n + 1))
    assert jacobi(n, 0, 0, x) == legendre(n, x)
    assert jacobi(n, S.Half, S.Half, x) == RisingFactorial(Rational(
        3, 2), n) * chebyshevu(n, x) / factorial(n + 1)
    assert jacobi(n, -S.Half, -S.Half, x) == RisingFactorial(
        Rational(1, 2), n) * chebyshevt(n, x) / factorial(n)

    X = jacobi(n, a, b, x)
    assert isinstance(X, jacobi)

    assert jacobi(n, a, b, -x) == (-1)**n * jacobi(n, b, a, x)
    assert jacobi(n, a, b, 0) == 2**(-n) * gamma(a + n + 1) * hyper(
        (-b - n, -n), (a + 1, ), -1) / (factorial(n) * gamma(a + 1))
    assert jacobi(n, a, b, 1) == RisingFactorial(a + 1, n) / factorial(n)

    m = Symbol("m", positive=True)
    assert jacobi(m, a, b, oo) == oo * RisingFactorial(a + b + m + 1, m)

    assert conjugate(jacobi(m, a, b, x)) == \
        jacobi(m, conjugate(a), conjugate(b), conjugate(x))

    assert diff(jacobi(n, a, b, x), n) == Derivative(jacobi(n, a, b, x), n)
    assert diff(jacobi(n, a, b, x), x) == \
        (a/2 + b/2 + n/2 + Rational(1, 2))*jacobi(n - 1, a + 1, b + 1, x)

    # XXX see issue sympy/sympy#5539
    assert str(jacobi(n, a, b, x).diff(a)) == \
        ("Sum((jacobi(n, a, b, x) + (a + b + 2*_k + 1)*RisingFactorial(b + "
         "_k + 1, n - _k)*jacobi(_k, a, b, x)/((n - _k)*RisingFactorial(a + "
         "b + _k + 1, n - _k)))/(a + b + n + _k + 1), (_k, 0, n - 1))")
    assert str(jacobi(n, a, b, x).diff(b)) == \
        ("Sum(((-1)**(n - _k)*(a + b + 2*_k + 1)*RisingFactorial(a + "
         "_k + 1, n - _k)*jacobi(_k, a, b, x)/((n - _k)*RisingFactorial(a + "
         "b + _k + 1, n - _k)) + jacobi(n, a, b, x))/(a + b + n + "
         "_k + 1), (_k, 0, n - 1))")

    assert jacobi_normalized(n, a, b, x) == \
           (jacobi(n, a, b, x)/sqrt(2**(a + b + 1)*gamma(a + n + 1)*gamma(b + n + 1)
                                    / ((a + b + 2*n + 1)*factorial(n)*gamma(a + b + n + 1))))

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: jacobi(-2.1, a, b, x))
                  lambda: jacobi(Dummy(positive=True, integer=True), 1, 2, oo))
    pytest.raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: jacobi(n, a, b, x).fdiff(5))
Beispiel #19
def test_hyper_as_trig():
    from diofant.simplify.fu import _osborne as o, _osbornei as i, TR12

    eq = sinh(x)**2 + cosh(x)**2
    t, f = hyper_as_trig(eq)
    assert f(fu(t)) == cosh(2*x)
    e, f = hyper_as_trig(tanh(x + y))
    assert f(TR12(e)) == (tanh(x) + tanh(y))/(tanh(x)*tanh(y) + 1)

    d = Dummy()
    assert o(sinh(x), d) == I*sin(x*d)
    assert o(tanh(x), d) == I*tan(x*d)
    assert o(coth(x), d) == cot(x*d)/I
    assert o(cosh(x), d) == cos(x*d)
    for func in (sinh, cosh, tanh, coth):
        h = func(pi)
        assert i(o(h, d), d) == h
    # /!\ the _osborne functions are not meant to work
    # in the o(i(trig, d), d) direction so we just check
    # that they work as they are supposed to work
    assert i(cos(x*y), y) == cosh(x)
    assert i(sin(x*y), y) == sinh(x)/I
    assert i(tan(x*y), y) == tanh(x)/I
    assert i(cot(x*y), y) == coth(x)*I
    assert i(sec(x*y), y) == 1/cosh(x)
    assert i(csc(x*y), y) == I/sinh(x)
Beispiel #20
def test_hyper_rewrite_sum():
    _k = Dummy("k")
    assert replace_dummy(hyper((1, 2), (1, 3), x).rewrite(Sum), _k) == \
        Sum(x**_k / factorial(_k) * RisingFactorial(2, _k) /
            RisingFactorial(3, _k), (_k, 0, oo))

    assert hyper((1, 2, 3), (-1, 3), z).rewrite(Sum) == \
        hyper((1, 2, 3), (-1, 3), z)
Beispiel #21
def test_assemble_partfrac_list():
    f = 36 / (x**5 - 2*x**4 - 2*x**3 + 4*x**2 + x - 2)
    pfd = apart_list(f)
    assert assemble_partfrac_list(pfd) == -4/(x + 1) - 3/(x + 1)**2 - 9/(x - 1)**2 + 4/(x - 2)

    a = Dummy('a')
    pfd = (1, Poly(0, x, domain='ZZ'), [([sqrt(2), -sqrt(2)], Lambda(a, a/2), Lambda(a, -a + x), 1)])
    assert assemble_partfrac_list(pfd) == -1/(sqrt(2)*(x + sqrt(2))) + 1/(sqrt(2)*(x - sqrt(2)))
Beispiel #22
def test_basic():
    assert lambdarepr(x * y) == "x*y"
    assert lambdarepr(x + y) in ["y + x", "x + y"]
    assert lambdarepr(x**y) == "x**y"
    assert lambdarepr(And(x, y)) == "((x) and (y))"
    assert lambdarepr(Or(x, y)) == "((x) or (y))"
    assert lambdarepr(Not(x)) == "(not (x))"
    assert lambdarepr(false) == "False"
    assert lambdarepr(Dummy('f(x)')) == "_f_lpar_x_rpar_"
Beispiel #23
def test_harmonic_rewrite_sum():
    n = Symbol('n')
    m = Symbol('m')

    _k = Dummy('k')
    assert replace_dummy(harmonic(n).rewrite(Sum),
                         _k) == Sum(1 / _k, (_k, 1, n))
    assert replace_dummy(harmonic(n, m).rewrite(Sum),
                         _k) == Sum(_k**(-m), (_k, 1, n))
Beispiel #24
def test_harmonic_rewrite_sum():
    n = Symbol("n")
    m = Symbol("m")

    _k = Dummy("k")
    assert replace_dummy(harmonic(n).rewrite(Sum),
                         _k) == Sum(1 / _k, (_k, 1, n))
    assert replace_dummy(harmonic(n, m).rewrite(Sum),
                         _k) == Sum(_k**(-m), (_k, 1, n))
Beispiel #25
def test_basic():
    assert lambdarepr(x * y) == 'x*y'
    assert lambdarepr(x + y) in ['y + x', 'x + y']
    assert lambdarepr(x**y) == 'x**y'
    assert lambdarepr(And(x, y)) == '((x) and (y))'
    assert lambdarepr(Or(x, y)) == '((x) or (y))'
    assert lambdarepr(Not(x)) == '(not (x))'
    assert lambdarepr(false) == 'False'
    assert lambdarepr(Dummy('f(x)')) == '_f_lpar_x_rpar_'
Beispiel #26
 def pdf(self, x):
     x = sympify(x)
     if x.is_number:
         if x.is_Integer and x >= 1 and x <= self.sides:
             return Rational(1, self.sides)
         return S.Zero
     if x.is_Symbol:
         i = Dummy('i', integer=True, positive=True)
         return Sum(KroneckerDelta(x, i) / self.sides, (i, 1, self.sides))
     raise ValueError(
         "'x' expected as an argument of type 'number' or 'symbol', "
         "not %s" % (type(x)))
Beispiel #27
def test_Symbol():
    a = Symbol("a")
    x1 = Symbol("x")
    x2 = Symbol("x")
    xdummy1 = Dummy("x")
    xdummy2 = Dummy("x")

    assert a != x1
    assert a != x2
    assert x1 == x2
    assert x1 != xdummy1
    assert xdummy1 != xdummy2

    assert Symbol("x") == Symbol("x")
    assert Dummy("x") != Dummy("x")
    d = symbols('d', cls=Dummy)
    assert isinstance(d, Dummy)
    c, d = symbols('c,d', cls=Dummy)
    assert isinstance(c, Dummy)
    assert isinstance(d, Dummy)
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: Symbol())
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: Symbol(1))
Beispiel #28
def _minpoly_pow(ex, pw, x, dom, mp=None):
    Returns ``minpoly(ex**pw, x)``


    ex : algebraic element
    pw : rational number
    x : indeterminate of the polynomial
    dom: ground domain
    mp : minimal polynomial of ``p``


    >>> from diofant import sqrt, QQ, Rational
    >>> from import x, y

    >>> p = sqrt(1 + sqrt(2))
    >>> _minpoly_pow(p, 2, x, QQ)
    x**2 - 2*x - 1
    >>> minpoly(p**2, x)
    x**2 - 2*x - 1
    >>> _minpoly_pow(y, Rational(1, 3), x, QQ.frac_field(y))
    x**3 - y
    >>> minpoly(y**Rational(1, 3), x)
    x**3 - y
    pw = sympify(pw)
    if not mp:
        mp = _minpoly_compose(ex, x, dom)
    if not pw.is_rational:
        raise NotAlgebraic("%s doesn't seem to be an algebraic element" % ex)
    if pw < 0:
        if mp == x:
            raise ZeroDivisionError('%s is zero' % ex)
        mp = _invertx(mp, x)
        if pw == -1:
            return mp
        pw = -pw
        ex = 1 / ex

    y = Dummy(str(x))
    mp = mp.subs({x: y})
    n, d = pw.as_numer_denom()
    res = Poly(resultant(mp, x**d - y**n, gens=[y]), x, domain=dom)
    _, factors = res.factor_list()
    res = _choose_factor(factors, x, ex**pw, dom)
    return res.as_expr()
Beispiel #29
def legendre_poly(n, x=None, **args):
    """Generates Legendre polynomial of degree `n` in `x`. """
    if n < 0:
        raise ValueError("can't generate Legendre polynomial of degree %s" % n)

    poly = DMP(dup_legendre(int(n), QQ), QQ)

    if x is not None:
        poly =, x)
        poly =, Dummy('x'))

    if not args.get('polys', False):
        return poly.as_expr()
        return poly
Beispiel #30
def chebyshevt_poly(n, x=None, **args):
    """Generates Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind of degree `n` in `x`. """
    if n < 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "can't generate 1st kind Chebyshev polynomial of degree %s" % n)

    poly = DMP(dup_chebyshevt(int(n), ZZ), ZZ)

    if x is not None:
        poly =, x)
        poly =, Dummy('x'))

    if not args.get('polys', False):
        return poly.as_expr()
        return poly