Beispiel #1
def test_ccode_Indexed():
    n, m, o = symbols('n m o', integer=True)
    i, j, k = Idx('i', n), Idx('j', m), Idx('k', o)
    p = CCodePrinter()
    p._not_c = set()

    x = IndexedBase('x')[j]
    assert p._print_Indexed(x) == 'x[j]'
    A = IndexedBase('A')[i, j]
    assert p._print_Indexed(A) == 'A[%s]' % (m*i+j)
    B = IndexedBase('B')[i, j, k]
    assert p._print_Indexed(B) == 'B[%s]' % (i*o*m+j*o+k)

    assert p._not_c == set()
def test_get_indices_Pow():
    x = IndexedBase('x')
    y = IndexedBase('y')
    A = IndexedBase('A')
    i, j, k = Idx('i'), Idx('j'), Idx('k')
    assert get_indices(Pow(x[i], y[j])) == ({i, j}, {})
    assert get_indices(Pow(x[i, k], y[j, k])) == ({i, j, k}, {})
    assert get_indices(Pow(A[i, k], y[k] + A[k, j] * x[j])) == ({i, k}, {})
    assert get_indices(Pow(2, x[i])) == get_indices(exp(x[i]))

    # test of a design decision, this may change:
    assert get_indices(Pow(x[i], 2)) == ({
    }, {})
Beispiel #3
def test_dummy_loops():
    i, m = symbols('i m', integer=True, cls=Dummy)
    x = IndexedBase('x')
    y = IndexedBase('y')
    i = Idx(i, m)

    expected = (
        'for (int i_%(icount)i=0; i_%(icount)i<m_%(mcount)i; i_%(icount)i++){\n'
        '   y[i_%(icount)i] = x[i_%(icount)i];\n'
        '}') % {
            'icount': i.label.dummy_index,
            'mcount': m.dummy_index
    code = ccode(x[i], assign_to=y[i])
    assert code == expected
Beispiel #4
def test_symbolic_indexing():
    M = ImmutableDenseNDimArray([[x, y], [z, w]])
    Mij = M[i, j]
    assert isinstance(Mij, Indexed)
    Ms = ImmutableSparseNDimArray([[2, 3 * x], [4, 5]])
    msij = Ms[i, j]
    assert isinstance(msij, Indexed)
    for oi, oj in [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)]:
        assert Mij.subs({i: oi, j: oj}) == M[oi, oj]
        assert msij.subs({i: oi, j: oj}) == Ms[oi, oj]
    A = IndexedBase('A', (0, 2))
    assert A[0, 0].subs({A: M}) == x
    assert A[i, j].subs({A: M}) == M[i, j]
    assert M[i, j].subs({M: A}) == A[i, j]

    assert isinstance(M[3 * i - 2, j], Indexed)
    assert M[3 * i - 2, j].subs({i: 1, j: 0}) == M[1, 0]
    assert isinstance(M[i, 0], Indexed)
    assert M[i, 0].subs({i: 0}) == M[0, 0]
    assert M[0, i].subs({i: 1}) == M[0, 1]

    Mo = ImmutableDenseNDimArray([1, 2, 3])
    assert Mo[i].subs({i: 1}) == 2
    Mos = ImmutableSparseNDimArray([1, 2, 3])
    assert Mos[i].subs({i: 1}) == 2

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: M[i, 2])
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: M[i, -1])
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: M[2, i])
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: M[-1, i])

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: Ms[i, 2])
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: Ms[i, -1])
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: Ms[2, i])
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: Ms[-1, i])
Beispiel #5
def test_IndexedBase_shape():
    i, j, m, n = symbols('i j m n', integer=True)
    a = IndexedBase('a', shape=(m, m))
    b = IndexedBase('a', shape=(m, n))
    assert b.shape == Tuple(m, n)
    assert a[i, j] != b[i, j]
    assert a[i, j] == b[i, j].subs({n: m})
    assert b.func(*b.args) == b
    assert b[i, j].func(*b[i, j].args) == b[i, j]
    pytest.raises(IndexException, lambda: b[i])
    pytest.raises(IndexException, lambda: b[i, i, j])

    F = IndexedBase("F", shape=m)
    assert F.shape == Tuple(m)
    assert F[i].subs({i: j}) == F[j]
    pytest.raises(IndexException, lambda: F[i, j])
Beispiel #6
def test_Assignment():
    x, y = symbols('x, y')
    A = MatrixSymbol('A', 3, 1)
    mat = Matrix([1, 2, 3])
    B = IndexedBase('B')
    n = symbols('n', integer=True)
    i = Idx('i', n)
    # Here we just do things to show they don't error
    Assignment(x, y)
    Assignment(x, 0)
    Assignment(A, mat)
    Assignment(A[1, 0], 0)
    Assignment(A[1, 0], x)
    Assignment(B[i], x)
    Assignment(B[i], 0)
    # Here we test things to show that they error
    # Matrix to scalar
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: Assignment(B[i], A))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: Assignment(B[i], mat))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: Assignment(x, mat))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: Assignment(x, A))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: Assignment(A[1, 0], mat))
    # Scalar to matrix
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: Assignment(A, x))
    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: Assignment(A, 0))
    # Non-atomic lhs
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: Assignment(mat, A))
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: Assignment(0, x))
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: Assignment(x * x, 1))
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: Assignment(A + A, mat))
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: Assignment(B, 0))
Beispiel #7
def test_Indexed_constructor():
    i, j = symbols('i j', integer=True)
    A = Indexed('A', i, j)
    assert A == Indexed(Symbol('A'), i, j)
    assert A == Indexed(IndexedBase('A'), i, j)
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: Indexed(A, i, j))
    pytest.raises(IndexException, lambda: Indexed("A"))
Beispiel #8
def test_Indexed_coeff():
    N = Symbol('N', integer=True)
    len_y = N
    i = Idx('i', len_y - 1)
    y = IndexedBase('y', shape=(len_y, ))
    a = (1 / y[i + 1] * y[i]).coeff(y[i])
    b = (y[i] / y[i + 1]).coeff(y[i])
    assert a == b
def test_contraction_structure_Add_in_Pow():
    x = IndexedBase('x')
    y = IndexedBase('y')
    i, j = Idx('i'), Idx('j')
    s_ii_jj_s = (1 + x[i, i])**(1 + y[j, j])
    expected = {
        None: {s_ii_jj_s},
        s_ii_jj_s: [{
            None: {1},
            (i, ): {x[i, i]}
        }, {
            None: {1},
            (j, ): {y[j, j]}
    result = get_contraction_structure(s_ii_jj_s)
    assert result == expected
Beispiel #10
def test_ccode_loops_add():
    n, m = symbols('n m', integer=True)
    A = IndexedBase('A')
    x = IndexedBase('x')
    y = IndexedBase('y')
    z = IndexedBase('z')
    i = Idx('i', m)
    j = Idx('j', n)

    s = ('for (int i=0; i<m; i++){\n'
         '   y[i] = x[i] + z[i];\n'
         'for (int i=0; i<m; i++){\n'
         '   for (int j=0; j<n; j++){\n'
         '      y[i] = x[j]*A[%s] + y[i];\n' % (i * n + j) + '   }\n'
    c = ccode(A[i, j] * x[j] + x[i] + z[i], assign_to=y[i])
    assert c == s
Beispiel #11
def test_indexed_is_constant():
    A = IndexedBase('A')
    i, j, k = symbols('i,j,k')
    assert not A[i].is_constant()
    assert A[i].is_constant(j)
    assert not A[1 + 2 * i, k].is_constant()
    assert not A[1 + 2 * i, k].is_constant(i)
    assert A[1 + 2 * i, k].is_constant(j)
    assert not A[1 + 2 * i, k].is_constant(k)
Beispiel #12
def test_IndexedBase_sugar():
    i, j = symbols('i j', integer=True)
    A1 = Indexed(a, i, j)
    A2 = IndexedBase(a)
    assert A1 == A2[i, j]
    assert A1 == A2[(i, j)]
    assert A1 == A2[[i, j]]
    assert A1 == A2[Tuple(i, j)]
    assert all(a.is_Integer for a in A2[1, 0].args[1:])
Beispiel #13
def test_indexed_is_constant():
    A = IndexedBase("A")
    i, j, k = symbols("i,j,k")
    assert not A[i].is_constant()
    assert A[i].is_constant(j)
    assert not A[1 + 2 * i, k].is_constant()
    assert not A[1 + 2 * i, k].is_constant(i)
    assert A[1 + 2 * i, k].is_constant(j)
    assert not A[1 + 2 * i, k].is_constant(k)
Beispiel #14
def test_ccode_loops_multiple_terms():
    n, m, o = symbols('n m o', integer=True)
    a = IndexedBase('a')
    b = IndexedBase('b')
    c = IndexedBase('c')
    y = IndexedBase('y')
    i = Idx('i', m)
    j = Idx('j', n)
    k = Idx('k', o)

    s0 = (
        'for (int i=0; i<m; i++){\n'
        '   y[i] = 0;\n'
    s1 = (
        'for (int i=0; i<m; i++){\n'
        '   for (int j=0; j<n; j++){\n'
        '      for (int k=0; k<o; k++){\n'
        '         y[i] = b[j]*b[k]*c[%s] + y[i];\n' % (i*n*o + j*o + k) +
        '      }\n'
        '   }\n'
    s2 = (
        'for (int i=0; i<m; i++){\n'
        '   for (int k=0; k<o; k++){\n'
        '      y[i] = b[k]*a[%s] + y[i];\n' % (i*o + k) +
        '   }\n'
    s3 = (
        'for (int i=0; i<m; i++){\n'
        '   for (int j=0; j<n; j++){\n'
        '      y[i] = b[j]*a[%s] + y[i];\n' % (i*n + j) +
        '   }\n'
    c = ccode(
        b[j]*a[i, j] + b[k]*a[i, k] + b[j]*b[k]*c[i, j, k], assign_to=y[i])
    assert c in (s0 + s1 + s2 + s3[:-1], s0 + s1 + s3 + s2[:-1],
                 s0 + s2 + s1 + s3[:-1], s0 + s2 + s3 + s1[:-1],
                 s0 + s3 + s1 + s2[:-1], s0 + s3 + s2 + s1[:-1])
def test_get_contraction_structure_basic():
    x = IndexedBase('x')
    y = IndexedBase('y')
    i, j = Idx('i'), Idx('j')
    f = Function('f')
    assert get_contraction_structure(x[i] * y[j]) == {None: {x[i] * y[j]}}
    assert get_contraction_structure(x[i] + y[j]) == {None: {x[i], y[j]}}
    assert get_contraction_structure(x[i] * y[i]) == {(i, ): {x[i] * y[i]}}
    assert get_contraction_structure(1 + x[i] * y[i]) == {
        None: {1},
        (i, ): {x[i] * y[i]}
    assert get_contraction_structure(x[i]**y[i]) == {None: {x[i]**y[i]}}
    assert (get_contraction_structure(f(x[i, i])) == {
        None: {f(x[i, i])},
        f(x[i, i]): [{
            (i, ): {x[i, i]}
def test_contraction_structure_Pow_in_Pow():
    x = IndexedBase('x')
    y = IndexedBase('y')
    z = IndexedBase('z')
    i, j, k = Idx('i'), Idx('j'), Idx('k')
    ii_jj_kk = x[i, i]**y[j, j]**z[k, k]
    expected = {
        None: {ii_jj_kk},
        ii_jj_kk: [{
            (i, ): {x[i, i]}
        }, {
            None: {y[j, j]**z[k, k]},
            y[j, j]**z[k, k]: [{
                (j, ): {y[j, j]}
            }, {
                (k, ): {z[k, k]}
    assert get_contraction_structure(ii_jj_kk) == expected
def test_get_indices_add():
    x = IndexedBase('x')
    y = IndexedBase('y')
    A = IndexedBase('A')
    i, j, k = Idx('i'), Idx('j'), Idx('k')
    assert get_indices(x[i] + 2 * y[i]) == ({
    }, {})
    assert get_indices(y[i] + 2 * A[i, j] * x[j]) == ({
    }, {})
    assert get_indices(y[i] + 2 * (x[i] + A[i, j] * x[j])) == ({
    }, {})
    assert get_indices(y[i] + x[i] * (A[j, j] + 1)) == ({
    }, {})
    assert get_indices(y[i] + x[i] * x[j] * (y[j] + A[j, k] * x[k])) == ({
    }, {})
Beispiel #18
def test_Indexed_shape_precedence():
    i, j = symbols('i j', integer=True)
    o, p = symbols('o p', integer=True)
    n, m = symbols('n m', integer=True)
    a = IndexedBase('a', shape=(o, p))
    assert a.shape == Tuple(o, p)
    assert Indexed(
        a, Idx(i, m), Idx(j, n)).ranges == [Tuple(0, m - 1), Tuple(0, n - 1)]
    assert Indexed(a, Idx(i, m), Idx(j, n)).shape == Tuple(o, p)
    assert Indexed(
        a, Idx(i, m), Idx(j)).ranges == [Tuple(0, m - 1), Tuple(None, None)]
    assert Indexed(a, Idx(i, m), Idx(j)).shape == Tuple(o, p)
Beispiel #19
def test_ccode_inline_function():
    g = implemented_function('g', Lambda(x, 2 * x))
    assert ccode(g(x)) == '2*x'
    g = implemented_function('g', Lambda(x, 2 * x / Catalan))
    assert ccode(
        g(x)) == 'double const Catalan = %s;\n2*x/Catalan' % Catalan.evalf()
    A = IndexedBase('A')
    i = Idx('i', symbols('n', integer=True))
    g = implemented_function('g', Lambda(x, x * (1 + x) * (2 + x)))
    assert ccode(g(A[i]),
                 assign_to=A[i]) == ('for (int i=0; i<n; i++){\n'
                                     '   A[i] = (A[i] + 1)*(A[i] + 2)*A[i];\n'
Beispiel #20
def test_inline_function():
    g = implemented_function('g', Lambda(x, 2 * x))
    assert fcode(g(x)) == '      2*x'
    g = implemented_function('g', Lambda(x, 2 * pi / x))
    assert fcode(g(x)) == ('      parameter (pi = 3.14159265358979d0)\n'
                           '      2*pi/x')
    A = IndexedBase('A')
    i = Idx('i', symbols('n', integer=True))
    g = implemented_function('g', Lambda(x, x * (1 + x) * (2 + x)))
    assert fcode(
        assign_to=A[i]) == ('      do i = 1, n\n'
                            '         A(i) = (A(i) + 1)*(A(i) + 2)*A(i)\n'
                            '      end do')
Beispiel #21
def test_Indexed_properties():
    i, j = symbols('i j', integer=True)
    A = Indexed('A', i, j)
    assert A.rank == 2
    assert A.indices == (i, j)
    assert A.base == IndexedBase('A')
    assert A.ranges == [None, None]
    pytest.raises(IndexException, lambda: A.shape)

    n, m = symbols('n m', integer=True)
    assert Indexed('A', Idx(
        i, m), Idx(j, n)).ranges == [Tuple(0, m - 1), Tuple(0, n - 1)]
    assert Indexed('A', Idx(i, m), Idx(j, n)).shape == Tuple(m, n)
    pytest.raises(IndexException, lambda: Indexed("A", Idx(i, m), Idx(j)).shape)
def test_ufunc_support():
    f = Function('f')
    g = Function('g')
    x = IndexedBase('x')
    y = IndexedBase('y')
    i, j = Idx('i'), Idx('j')

    assert get_indices(f(x[i])) == ({i}, {})
    assert get_indices(f(x[i], y[j])) == ({i, j}, {})
    assert get_indices(f(y[i]) * g(x[i])) == (set(), {})
    assert get_indices(f(a, x[i])) == ({i}, {})
    assert get_indices(f(a, y[i], x[j]) * g(x[i])) == ({j}, {})
    assert get_indices(g(f(x[i]))) == ({i}, {})

    assert get_contraction_structure(f(x[i])) == {None: {f(x[i])}}
    assert get_contraction_structure(f(y[i]) * g(x[i])) == {
        (i, ): {f(y[i]) * g(x[i])}
    assert get_contraction_structure(f(y[i]) * g(f(x[i]))) == {
        (i, ): {f(y[i]) * g(f(x[i]))}
    assert get_contraction_structure(f(x[j], y[i]) * g(x[i])) == {
        (i, ): {f(x[j], y[i]) * g(x[i])}
Beispiel #23
def test_loops():
    n, m = symbols('n,m', integer=True)
    A = IndexedBase('A')
    x = IndexedBase('x')
    y = IndexedBase('y')
    i = Idx('i', m)
    j = Idx('j', n)

    expected = (
        'do i = 1, m\n'
        '   y(i) = 0\n'
        'end do\n'
        'do i = 1, m\n'
        '   do j = 1, n\n'
        '      y(i) = %(rhs)s\n'
        '   end do\n'
        'end do'

    code = fcode(A[i, j]*x[j], assign_to=y[i], source_format='free')
    assert code in (expected % {'rhs': 'y(i) + A(i, j)*x(j)'},
                    expected % {'rhs': 'y(i) + x(j)*A(i, j)'},
                    expected % {'rhs': 'x(j)*A(i, j) + y(i)'},
                    expected % {'rhs': 'A(i, j)*x(j) + y(i)'})
Beispiel #24
def test_ccode_loops_matrix_vector():
    n, m = symbols('n m', integer=True)
    A = IndexedBase('A')
    x = IndexedBase('x')
    y = IndexedBase('y')
    i = Idx('i', m)
    j = Idx('j', n)
    k = Idx('k', m)

    s = (
        'for (int i=0; i<m; i++){\n'
        '   y[i] = 0;\n'
        'for (int i=0; i<m; i++){\n'
        '   for (int j=0; j<n; j++){\n'
        '      y[i] = x[j]*A[%s] + y[i];\n' % (i*n + j) +
        '   }\n'
    c = ccode(A[i, j]*x[j], assign_to=y[i])
    assert c == s

    pytest.raises(ValueError, lambda: ccode(A[i, j]*x[j], assign_to=x[j]))

    s2 = ('for (int i=0; i<m; i++){\n'
          '   y[i] = 0;\n'
          'for (int i=0; i<m; i++){\n'
          '   for (int i=0; i<m; i++){\n'
          '      y[i] = y[i] + A[m*i + i];\n'
          '   }\n}')
    c = ccode(A[i, i], assign_to=y[i])
    assert c == s2

                  lambda: ccode(A[k, k]*A[i, j]*x[j], assign_to=y[i]))
def test_get_indices_mul():
    x = IndexedBase('x')
    y = IndexedBase('y')
    i, j = Idx('i'), Idx('j')
    assert get_indices(x[j] * y[i]) == ({i, j}, {})
    assert get_indices(x[i] * y[j]) == ({i, j}, {})
def test_get_indices_exceptions():
    x = IndexedBase('x')
    y = IndexedBase('y')
    i, j = Idx('i'), Idx('j')
    pytest.raises(IndexConformanceException, lambda: get_indices(x[i] + y[j]))
Beispiel #27
def test_Indexed_subs():
    i, j, k = symbols('i j k', integer=True)
    A = IndexedBase(a)
    B = IndexedBase(b)
    assert A[i, j] == B[i, j].subs({b: a})
    assert A[i, j] == A[i, k].subs({k: j})
def test_scalar_broadcast():
    x = IndexedBase('x')
    y = IndexedBase('y')
    i = Idx('i')
    assert get_indices(x[i] + y[i, i]) == ({i}, {})
Beispiel #29
def test_IndexedBase_construction():
    pytest.raises(TypeError, lambda: IndexedBase(1))
def test_get_indices_Indexed():
    x = IndexedBase('x')
    i, j = Idx('i'), Idx('j')
    assert get_indices(x[i, j]) == ({i, j}, {})
    assert get_indices(x[j, i]) == ({j, i}, {})