def take_settings_menu_input() -> Optional[bool]:
    Takes input and runs chosen action.

    Loop broken when chosen action completes, returning None and
    returning to the loop in run_settings_menu, which will reprint the
    menu options. If '0' is entered to return to the main menu, the loop
    returns True, triggering the
    flag in run_settings_menu, breaking that loop, and returning to the
    loop in run_main_menu.

    :return: None or True
    possible_options = {
        '1': call_set_default_chart_save_location,
        '2': call_set_database_backend,  # Future option.
        '0': return_to_main_menu,

    chosen_option = get_user_input(
        prompt='>>> ',
        validation=lambda choice: choice in possible_options,
        validation_error_msg="Invalid input.")
    if chosen_option == '0':  # User selects to return to main menu.
        return True
    # else:
    return None
Beispiel #2
def take_main_menu_input() -> Optional[bool]:
    Takes input and runs chosen action.

    Loop broken when chosen action completes, returning None and
    returning to the loop in run_main_menu, which will reprint the menu
    options. If 'Q' is entered to quit app, returns True, triggering the
    flag in run_main_menu, breaking that loop, and proceeding to app
    quit/shutdown code.

    possible_options must be type hinted or mypy will complain about:
        "error: Cannot call function of unknown type"

    :return: None or True
    possible_options: Dict[str, Callable] = {
        '1': create_classlist,
        '2': edit_class_data,
        '3': new_chart,
        '9': run_settings_menu,

    def input_validator(user_input: str) -> bool:
        return user_input in possible_options or user_input.upper() == 'Q'

    chosen_option = get_user_input(prompt='>>> ',
                                   validation_error_msg='Invalid input.')
    if chosen_option.upper() == 'Q':
        return True  # Quit app.
    return None
def take_database_choice_input() -> Union[str, bool]:
    Take user choice of database backends.

    Return string name of the chosen backend, or False if user does not
    choose a backend.

    Alternate implementation that pulls the choice list from those
    enabled in the persistence.database_functions module:

    from dionysus_app.persistence.database_functions import database_backends
    possible_options = dict(enumerate(database_backends, start=1))

    :return: str or False
    possible_options = {
        '1': 'JSON',
        '2': 'SQLite',
        '0': False,  # Cancel/return to menu.

    chosen_option = get_user_input(
        prompt='>>> ',
        validation=lambda user_input: user_input in possible_options,
        validation_error_msg="Invalid input.")
    return possible_options[chosen_option]  # type: ignore
def take_chart_name() -> str:
    Ask user for chart name. Ask again if name is essentially

    :return: str
    chart_name = get_user_input(
        prompt='Please enter a chart name/title: ',
        validation=lambda name: not input_is_essentially_blank(name),
        validation_error_msg='Please enter a valid chart name.')
    return chart_name
Beispiel #5
 def test_get_user_input(self, capsys,
                         prompt, validation_function, error_message,
     with patch('builtins.input',
         assert get_user_input(prompt, validation_function, error_message) == inputs[-1]
     captured = capsys.readouterr()
     # Check error message/s
     if isinstance(error_message, str):
         for attempt in inputs[:-1]:
             assert f'{error_message}\n' in captured.out
     elif callable(error_message):
         for attempt in inputs[:-1]:
             assert f'{error_message(attempt)}\n' in captured.out
def take_classlist_name_input() -> str:
    Prompts user for classlist name.

    Repeats until user provide valid classlist name.

    :return: str
    classlist_name = get_user_input(
        prompt='Please enter a name for the class: ',
        validation=lambda name: not input_is_essentially_blank(name) and
        not definitions.DATABASE.class_name_exists(clean_for_filename(name)),
        validation_error_msg=lambda name: None if input_is_essentially_blank(
            name) else 'A class with this name already exists.')
    return clean_for_filename(classlist_name)
def take_student_name_input(the_class: Class) -> str:
    Prompts user to enter a valid student name.

    Prompts user for student name, checks if student name is a valid name, or
    is already in the class, prompting to enter a different name if this is the

    :param the_class: Class object
    :return: str
    invalid_input_msg = 'Please enter a valid student name.'
    student_exists_msg = "This student is already a member of the class."

    student_name = get_user_input(
        prompt="Enter student name, or 'end', and hit enter: ",
        validation=lambda name: not input_is_essentially_blank(
            name) and name not in the_class,
        validation_error_msg=lambda name: student_exists_msg
        if name in the_class else invalid_input_msg)
    return student_name