Beispiel #1
    class Patchfile:
        """ A single patchfile for a package. """
        def __init__(self, package):
            self.package = package
            self.packageName = package.packageName
            self.platform = package.platform
            self.version = package.version
            self.hostUrl = None

            # FileSpec for the patchfile itself
            self.file = None

            # FileSpec for the package file that the patch is applied to
            self.sourceFile = None

            # FileSpec for the package file that the patch generates
            self.targetFile = None

            # The PackageVersion corresponding to our sourceFile
            self.fromPv = None

            # The PackageVersion corresponding to our targetFile
            self.toPv = None

        def getSourceKey(self):
            """ Returns the key for locating the package that this
            patchfile can be applied to. """
            return (self.packageName, self.platform, self.version,
                    self.hostUrl, self.sourceFile)

        def getTargetKey(self):
            """ Returns the key for locating the package that this
            patchfile will generate. """
            return (self.packageName, self.platform, self.version,
                    self.hostUrl, self.targetFile)

        def fromFile(self, packageDir, patchFilename, sourceFile, targetFile):
            """ Creates the data structures from an existing patchfile
            on disk. """

            self.file = FileSpec()
            self.file.fromFile(packageDir, patchFilename)
            self.sourceFile = sourceFile
            self.targetFile = targetFile

        def loadXml(self, xpatch):
            """ Reads the data structures from an xml file. """

            self.packageName = xpatch.Attribute('name') or self.packageName
            self.platform = xpatch.Attribute('platform') or self.platform
            self.version = xpatch.Attribute('version') or self.version
            self.hostUrl = xpatch.Attribute('host') or self.hostUrl

            self.file = FileSpec()

            xsource = xpatch.FirstChildElement('source')
            if xsource:
                self.sourceFile = FileSpec()

            xtarget = xpatch.FirstChildElement('target')
            if xtarget:
                self.targetFile = FileSpec()

        def makeXml(self, package):
            xpatch = TiXmlElement('patch')

            if self.packageName != package.packageName:
                xpatch.SetAttribute('name', self.packageName)
            if self.platform != package.platform:
                xpatch.SetAttribute('platform', self.platform)
            if self.version != package.version:
                xpatch.SetAttribute('version', self.version)
            if self.hostUrl != package.hostUrl:
                xpatch.SetAttribute('host', self.hostUrl)


            xsource = TiXmlElement('source')

            xtarget = TiXmlElement('target')

            return xpatch
Beispiel #2
    class Patchfile:
        """ A single patchfile for a package. """
        def __init__(self, package):
            self.package = package
            self.packageName = package.packageName
            self.platform = package.platform
            self.version = package.version
            self.hostUrl = None

            # FileSpec for the patchfile itself
            self.file = None

            # FileSpec for the package file that the patch is applied to
            self.sourceFile = None

            # FileSpec for the package file that the patch generates
            self.targetFile = None

            # The PackageVersion corresponding to our sourceFile
            self.fromPv = None

            # The PackageVersion corresponding to our targetFile
            self.toPv = None

        def getSourceKey(self):
            """ Returns the key for locating the package that this
            patchfile can be applied to. """
            return (self.packageName, self.platform, self.version, self.hostUrl, self.sourceFile)

        def getTargetKey(self):
            """ Returns the key for locating the package that this
            patchfile will generate. """
            return (self.packageName, self.platform, self.version, self.hostUrl, self.targetFile)

        def fromFile(self, packageDir, patchFilename, sourceFile, targetFile):
            """ Creates the data structures from an existing patchfile
            on disk. """
            self.file = FileSpec()
            self.file.fromFile(packageDir, patchFilename)
            self.sourceFile = sourceFile
            self.targetFile = targetFile

        def loadXml(self, xpatch):
            """ Reads the data structures from an xml file. """
            self.packageName = xpatch.Attribute('name') or self.packageName
            self.platform = xpatch.Attribute('platform') or self.platform
            self.version = xpatch.Attribute('version') or self.version
            self.hostUrl = xpatch.Attribute('host') or self.hostUrl

            self.file = FileSpec()

            xsource = xpatch.FirstChildElement('source')
            if xsource:
                self.sourceFile = FileSpec()

            xtarget = xpatch.FirstChildElement('target')
            if xtarget:
                self.targetFile = FileSpec()

        def makeXml(self, package):
            xpatch = TiXmlElement('patch')

            if self.packageName != package.packageName:
                xpatch.SetAttribute('name', self.packageName)
            if self.platform != package.platform:
                xpatch.SetAttribute('platform', self.platform)
            if self.version != package.version:
                xpatch.SetAttribute('version', self.version)
            if self.hostUrl != package.hostUrl:
                xpatch.SetAttribute('host', self.hostUrl)


            xsource = TiXmlElement('source')

            xtarget = TiXmlElement('target')

            return xpatch