def forceMomentTransformation(inputFrame, outputFrame):
    Utility getting the force-moment transformation for converting wrenches from
    one frame to another. Ff wrench is 6 x 1 (moment, force) expressed in input frame,
    then corresponding wrench in output frame would be, wrench) = wrench_in_output_frame.
    :param inputFrame: A vtkTransform defining the input frame
    :param outputFrame: A vtkTransform defining the output frame
    :return: 4x4 matrix that transform a wrench from the input frame to the output frame

    FM = np.zeros((6, 6))

    inputToOutputFrame = copyFrame(inputFrame)

    position, quaternion = poseFromTransform(inputToOutputFrame)
    inputToOutputRotationMatrix = transformations.quaternion_matrix(
        quaternion)[:3, :3]

    FM[0:3, 0:3] = inputToOutputRotationMatrix
    FM[3:, 3:] = inputToOutputRotationMatrix
    cross = crossProductMatrix(position)
    FM[0:3, 3:] =, inputToOutputRotationMatrix)

    return FM
def transformFromPose(position, quaternion):
    Returns a vtkTransform
    mat = transformations.quaternion_matrix(quaternion)
    mat[:3, 3] = position
    return getTransformFromNumpy(mat)
def forceMomentTransformation(inputFrame, outputFrame):
    Utility getting the force-moment transformation for converting wrenches from
    one frame to another. Ff wrench is 6 x 1 (moment, force) expressed in input frame,
    then corresponding wrench in output frame would be, wrench) = wrench_in_output_frame.
    :param inputFrame: A vtkTransform defining the input frame
    :param outputFrame: A vtkTransform defining the output frame
    :return: 4x4 matrix that transform a wrench from the input frame to the output frame
    FM = np.zeros((6,6))

    inputToOutputFrame = copyFrame(inputFrame)

    position, quaternion = poseFromTransform(inputToOutputFrame)
    inputToOutputRotationMatrix = transformations.quaternion_matrix(quaternion)[:3,:3]

    FM[0:3, 0:3] = inputToOutputRotationMatrix
    FM[3:,3:] = inputToOutputRotationMatrix
    cross = crossProductMatrix(position)
    FM[0:3,3:] =,inputToOutputRotationMatrix)

    return FM
def transformFromPose(position, quaternion):
    Returns a vtkTransform
    mat = transformations.quaternion_matrix(quaternion)
    mat[:3,3] = position
    return getTransformFromNumpy(mat)
Beispiel #5
def testTransform():
    test transformFromPose --> getAxesFromTransform is same as quat --> matrix

    quat = transformations.random_quaternion()
    pos = np.random.rand(3)

    frame = transformUtils.transformFromPose(pos, quat)
    axes = transformUtils.getAxesFromTransform(frame)
    mat = transformUtils.getNumpyFromTransform(frame)

    assert np.allclose(mat[:3,:3], np.array(axes).transpose())

    mat2 = transformations.quaternion_matrix(quat)
    mat2[:3,3] = pos

    print mat
    print mat2
    assert np.allclose(mat, mat2)
def testTransform():
    test transformFromPose --> getAxesFromTransform is same as quat --> matrix

    quat = transformations.random_quaternion()
    pos = np.random.rand(3)

    frame = transformUtils.transformFromPose(pos, quat)
    axes = transformUtils.getAxesFromTransform(frame)
    mat = transformUtils.getNumpyFromTransform(frame)

    assert np.allclose(mat[:3, :3], np.array(axes).transpose())

    mat2 = transformations.quaternion_matrix(quat)
    mat2[:3, 3] = pos

    assert np.allclose(mat, mat2)
Beispiel #7
def testEulerBotpy():
    Test some quaternion and euler conversions with botpy

    quat = transformations.random_quaternion()
    rpy = transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quat)

    rpy2 = botpy.quat_to_roll_pitch_yaw(quat)
    quat2 = botpy.roll_pitch_yaw_to_quat(rpy)

    mat = transformations.quaternion_matrix(quat)
    frame = transformUtils.getTransformFromNumpy(mat)
    rpy3 = transformUtils.rollPitchYawFromTransform(frame)

    print quat, quat2
    print rpy, rpy2, rpy3

    assert isQuatEqual(quat, quat2)
    assert np.allclose(rpy, rpy2)
    assert np.allclose(rpy2, rpy3)
Beispiel #8
def testEulerBotpy():
    Test some quaternion and euler conversions with botpy

    quat = transformations.random_quaternion()
    rpy = transformations.euler_from_quaternion(quat)

    rpy2 = botpy.quat_to_roll_pitch_yaw(quat)
    quat2 = botpy.roll_pitch_yaw_to_quat(rpy)

    mat = transformations.quaternion_matrix(quat)
    frame = transformUtils.getTransformFromNumpy(mat)
    rpy3 = transformUtils.rollPitchYawFromTransform(frame)

    print quat, quat2
    print rpy, rpy2, rpy3

    assert isQuatEqual(quat, quat2)
    assert np.allclose(rpy, rpy2)
    assert np.allclose(rpy2, rpy3)
Beispiel #9
def isQuatEqual(quatA, quatB):
    matA = transformations.quaternion_matrix(quatA)
    matB = transformations.quaternion_matrix(quatB)
    return transformations.is_same_transform(matA, matB)
Beispiel #10
def isQuatEqual(quatA, quatB):
    matA = transformations.quaternion_matrix(quatA)
    matB = transformations.quaternion_matrix(quatB)
    return transformations.is_same_transform(matA, matB)
Beispiel #11
def pose_msg2homogeneous(pose):
  trans = transformations.translation_matrix((pose.position.x, pose.position.y, pose.position.z))
  rot = transformations.quaternion_matrix((pose.orientation.x, pose.orientation.y, pose.orientation.z, pose.orientation.w))
  return transformations.concatenate_matrices(trans, rot)