Beispiel #1
def check_grid_shape_postconditions(grid_shape, shape, dist, comm_size):
    """ Check grid_shape for reasonableness after creating it. """
    if not (len(grid_shape) == len(shape) == len(dist)):
        raise ValueError("len(gird_shape) == len(shape) == len(dist) not "
                         "satisfied, len(grid_shape) = %s and len(shape) = %s "
                         "and len(dist) = %s" % (len(grid_shape), len(shape),
    if any(gs < 1 for gs in grid_shape):
        raise ValueError("all(gs >= 1 for gs in grid_shape) not satisfied, "
                         "grid_shape = %s" % (grid_shape,))
    if any(gs != 1 for (d, gs) in zip(dist, grid_shape) if d == 'n'):
        raise ValueError("all(gs == 1 for (d, gs) in zip(dist, grid_shape) if "
                         "d == 'n', not satified dist = %s and grid_shape = "
                         "%s" % (dist, grid_shape))
    if any(gs > s for (s, gs) in zip(shape, grid_shape) if s > 0):
        raise ValueError("all(gs <= s for (s, gs) in zip(shape, grid_shape) "
                         "if s > 0) not satisfied, shape = %s and grid_shape "
                         "= %s" % (shape, grid_shape))
    if reduce(operator.mul, grid_shape, 1) > comm_size:
        raise ValueError("reduce(operator.mul, grid_shape, 1) <= comm_size not"
                         " satisfied, grid_shape = %s product = %s and "
                         "comm_size = %s" % (
                             reduce(operator.mul, grid_shape, 1),
Beispiel #2
    def from_shape(cls, comm, shape, dist=None, grid_shape=None):
        """Create a Distribution from a `shape` and optional arguments."""
        dist = {0: 'b'} if dist is None else dist
        ndim = len(shape)
        dist_tuple = normalize_dist(dist, ndim)
        base_comm = construct.init_base_comm(comm)
        comm_size = base_comm.Get_size()

        if grid_shape is None:  # Make a new grid_shape if not provided.
            grid_shape = make_grid_shape(shape, dist_tuple, comm_size)
        grid_shape = normalize_grid_shape(grid_shape, ndim,
                                          dist_tuple, comm_size)

        comm = construct.init_comm(base_comm, grid_shape)
        grid_coords = comm.Get_coords(comm.Get_rank())

        dim_data = []
        for dist, size, grid_rank, grid_size in zip(dist_tuple, shape,
                                                    grid_coords, grid_shape):
            dim_dict = dict(dist_type=dist,

        return cls(comm=base_comm, dim_data=dim_data)
Beispiel #3
    def from_shape(cls, comm, shape, dist=None, grid_shape=None):
        """Create a Distribution from a `shape` and optional arguments."""
        dist = {0: 'b'} if dist is None else dist
        ndim = len(shape)
        dist_tuple = normalize_dist(dist, ndim)
        base_comm = construct.init_base_comm(comm)
        comm_size = base_comm.Get_size()

        if grid_shape is None:  # Make a new grid_shape if not provided.
            grid_shape = make_grid_shape(shape, dist_tuple, comm_size)
        grid_shape = normalize_grid_shape(grid_shape, shape, dist_tuple,

        comm = construct.init_comm(base_comm, grid_shape)
        grid_coords = comm.Get_coords(comm.Get_rank())

        dim_data = []
        for dist, size, grid_rank, grid_size in zip(dist_tuple, shape,
                                                    grid_coords, grid_shape):
            dim_dict = dict(dist_type=dist,

        return cls(comm=base_comm, dim_data=dim_data)
Beispiel #4
 def __init__(self, global_size, grid_size, grid_rank, indices):
     self.global_size = global_size
     self.grid_size = grid_size
     self.grid_rank = grid_rank
     self.indices =  np.asarray(indices)
     self.local_size = len(self.indices)
     local_indices = range(self.local_size)
     self._local_index = dict(zip(self.indices, local_indices))
Beispiel #5
 def __init__(self, global_size, grid_size, grid_rank, indices):
     self.global_size = global_size
     self.grid_size = grid_size
     self.grid_rank = grid_rank
     self.indices = np.asarray(indices)
     self.local_size = len(self.indices)
     local_indices = range(self.local_size)
     self._local_index = dict(zip(self.indices, local_indices))
Beispiel #6
 def global_from_local(self, local_ind):
     """ Given `local_ind` indices, translate into global indices."""
     global_idxs = []
     for m, idx in zip(self._maps, local_ind):
         if isinstance(idx, Integral):
         elif isinstance(idx, slice):
             raise TypeError("Index must be Integral or slice.")
     return tuple(global_idxs)
Beispiel #7
 def global_from_local(self, local_ind):
     """ Given `local_ind` indices, translate into global indices."""
     global_idxs = []
     for m, idx in zip(self._maps, local_ind):
         if isinstance(idx, Integral):
         elif isinstance(idx, slice):
             raise TypeError("Index must be Integral or slice.")
     return tuple(global_idxs)
Beispiel #8
 def local_from_global(self, global_ind):
     """ Given `global_ind` indices, translate into local indices."""
     _, idxs = sanitize_indices(global_ind, self.ndim, self.global_shape)
     local_idxs = []
     for m, idx in zip(self._maps, global_ind):
         if isinstance(idx, Integral):
         elif isinstance(idx, slice):
             raise TypeError("Index must be Integral or slice.")
     return tuple(local_idxs)
Beispiel #9
    def __init__(self, global_indices):
        """Make an IndexMap from a local_index and global_index.

        global_indices: list of int or range object
            Each position contains the corresponding global index for a
            local index (position).
        self.global_index = global_indices
        local_indices = range(len(global_indices))
        self.local_index = dict(zip(global_indices, local_indices))
Beispiel #10
 def local_from_global(self, global_ind):
     """ Given `global_ind` indices, translate into local indices."""
     _, idxs = sanitize_indices(global_ind, self.ndim, self.global_shape)
     local_idxs = []
     for m, idx in zip(self._maps, global_ind):
         if isinstance(idx, Integral):
         elif isinstance(idx, slice):
             raise TypeError("Index must be Integral or slice.")
     return tuple(local_idxs)
Beispiel #11
def check_grid_shape_postconditions(grid_shape, shape, dist, comm_size):
    """ Check grid_shape for reasonableness after creating it. """
    if not (len(grid_shape) == len(shape) == len(dist)):
        raise ValueError("len(gird_shape) == len(shape) == len(dist) not "
                         "satisfied, len(grid_shape) = %s and len(shape) = %s "
                         "and len(dist) = %s" %
                         (len(grid_shape), len(shape), len(dist)))
    if any(gs < 1 for gs in grid_shape):
        raise ValueError("all(gs >= 1 for gs in grid_shape) not satisfied, "
                         "grid_shape = %s" % (grid_shape, ))
    if any(gs != 1 for (d, gs) in zip(dist, grid_shape) if d == 'n'):
        raise ValueError("all(gs == 1 for (d, gs) in zip(dist, grid_shape) if "
                         "d == 'n', not satified dist = %s and grid_shape = "
                         "%s" % (dist, grid_shape))
    if any(gs > s for (s, gs) in zip(shape, grid_shape) if s > 0):
        raise ValueError("all(gs <= s for (s, gs) in zip(shape, grid_shape) "
                         "if s > 0) not satisfied, shape = %s and grid_shape "
                         "= %s" % (shape, grid_shape))
    if reduce(operator.mul, grid_shape, 1) > comm_size:
        raise ValueError(
            "reduce(operator.mul, grid_shape, 1) <= comm_size not"
            " satisfied, grid_shape = %s product = %s and "
            "comm_size = %s" %
            (grid_shape, reduce(operator.mul, grid_shape, 1), comm_size))
Beispiel #12
def make_partial_dim_data(shape, dist=None, grid_shape=None):
    """Create an (incomplete) dim_data structure from simple parameters.

    shape : tuple of int
        Number of elements in each dimension.
    dist : dict mapping int -> str, default is {0: 'b'}
        Keys are dimension number, values are dist_type, e.g 'b', 'c', or 'n'.
    grid_shape : tuple of int, optional
        Size of process grid in each dimension

    dim_data : tuple of dict
        Partial dim_data structure as outlined in the Distributed Array
    supported_dist_types = ('n', 'b', 'c')

    if dist is None:
        dist = {0: 'b'}

    dist_tuple = construct.init_dist(dist, len(shape))

    if grid_shape:  # if None, BaseLocalArray will initialize
        grid_gen = iter(grid_shape)

    dim_data = []
    for size, dist_type in zip(shape, dist_tuple):
        if dist_type not in supported_dist_types:
            msg = "dist_type {} not supported. Try `from_dim_data`."
            raise TypeError(msg.format(dist_type))
        dimdict = dict(dist_type=dist_type, size=size)
        if grid_shape is not None and dist_type != 'n':
            dimdict["proc_grid_size"] = next(grid_gen)


    return tuple(dim_data)
Beispiel #13
def sanitize_indices(indices, ndim=None, shape=None):
    """Classify and sanitize `indices`.

    * Wrap naked Integral, slice, or Ellipsis indices into tuples
    * Classify result as 'value' or 'view'
    * Expand `Ellipsis` objects to slices
    * If the length of the tuple-ized `indices` is < ndim (and it's
      provided),  add slice(None)'s to indices until `indices` is ndim long
    * If `shape` is provided, call `positivify` on the indices

        If `indices` is other than Integral, slice or a Sequence of these
        If len(indices) > ndim

    2-tuple of (str, n-tuple of slices and Integral values)
    if isinstance(indices, Integral):
        rtype, sanitized = 'value', (indices,)
    elif isinstance(indices, slice) or indices is Ellipsis:
        rtype, sanitized = 'view', (indices,)
    elif all(isinstance(i, Integral) for i in indices):
        rtype, sanitized = 'value', indices
    elif all(isinstance(i, Integral)
             or isinstance(i, slice)
             or i is Ellipsis for i in indices):
        rtype, sanitized = 'view', indices
        msg = ("Index must be an Integral, a slice, or a sequence of "
               "Integrals and slices.")
        raise IndexError(msg)

    if Ellipsis in sanitized:
        if ndim is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Can't call `sanitize_indices` on Ellipsis "
                               "without providing `ndim`.")
        # expand first Ellipsis
        diff = ndim - (len(sanitized) - 1)
        filler = (slice(None),) * diff
        epos = sanitized.index(Ellipsis)
        sanitized = sanitized[:epos] + filler + sanitized[epos + 1:]

        # remaining Ellipsis objects are just converted to slices
        def replace_ellipsis(idx):
            if idx is Ellipsis:
                return slice(None)
                return idx
        sanitized = tuple(replace_ellipsis(i) for i in sanitized)

    if ndim is not None:
        diff = ndim - len(sanitized)
        if diff < 0:
            raise IndexError("Too many indices.")
        if diff > 0:
            # allow incomplete indexing
            rtype = 'view'
            sanitized = sanitized + (slice(None),) * diff

    if shape is not None:
        sanitized = tuple(positivify(i, size) for (i, size) in zip(sanitized,
    return (rtype, sanitized)
Beispiel #14
def _are_shapes_bcast(shape, target_shape):
    for si, tsi in zip(shape, target_shape):
        if not si == 1 and not si == tsi:
            return False
    return True
Beispiel #15
def _return_shape(*args):
    return tuple([max(i) for i in zip(*args)])
Beispiel #16
def _return_shape(*args):
    return tuple([max(i) for i in zip(*args)])
Beispiel #17
 def flatten(idx, strides):
     return sum(a * b for (a, b) in zip(idx, strides))
Beispiel #18
 def flatten(idx, strides):
     return sum(a * b for (a, b) in zip(idx, strides))
Beispiel #19
def _are_shapes_bcast(shape, target_shape):
    for si, tsi in zip(shape, target_shape):
        if not si == 1 and not si == tsi:
            return False
    return True
Beispiel #20
def sanitize_indices(indices, ndim=None, shape=None):
    """Classify and sanitize `indices`.

    * Wrap naked Integral, slice, or Ellipsis indices into tuples
    * Classify result as 'value' or 'view'
    * Expand `Ellipsis` objects to slices
    * If the length of the tuple-ized `indices` is < ndim (and it's
      provided),  add slice(None)'s to indices until `indices` is ndim long
    * If `shape` is provided, call `positivify` on the indices

        If `indices` is other than Integral, slice or a Sequence of these
        If len(indices) > ndim

    2-tuple of (str, n-tuple of slices and Integral values)
    if isinstance(indices, Integral):
        rtype, sanitized = 'value', (indices, )
    elif isinstance(indices, slice) or indices is Ellipsis:
        rtype, sanitized = 'view', (indices, )
    elif all(isinstance(i, Integral) for i in indices):
        rtype, sanitized = 'value', indices
    elif all(
            isinstance(i, Integral) or isinstance(i, slice) or i is Ellipsis
            for i in indices):
        rtype, sanitized = 'view', indices
        msg = ("Index must be an Integral, a slice, or a sequence of "
               "Integrals and slices.")
        raise IndexError(msg)

    if Ellipsis in sanitized:
        if ndim is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Can't call `sanitize_indices` on Ellipsis "
                               "without providing `ndim`.")
        # expand first Ellipsis
        diff = ndim - (len(sanitized) - 1)
        filler = (slice(None), ) * diff
        epos = sanitized.index(Ellipsis)
        sanitized = sanitized[:epos] + filler + sanitized[epos + 1:]

        # remaining Ellipsis objects are just converted to slices
        def replace_ellipsis(idx):
            if idx is Ellipsis:
                return slice(None)
                return idx

        sanitized = tuple(replace_ellipsis(i) for i in sanitized)

    if ndim is not None:
        diff = ndim - len(sanitized)
        if diff < 0:
            raise IndexError("Too many indices.")
        if diff > 0:
            # allow incomplete indexing
            rtype = 'view'
            sanitized = sanitized + (slice(None), ) * diff

    if shape is not None:
        sanitized = tuple(
            positivify(i, size) for (i, size) in zip(sanitized, shape))
    return (rtype, sanitized)