Beispiel #1
def splitFilesMod(files, num_clients):
    This data distribution method assigns recipients based a value within the file name.
        this value is then modded by num_clients whos result is used to determine the recipient of the file.

    files: a list of absolute file paths
    num_clients: the number of clients to be distributed to.

    returns: a list with num_clients lists in it. Each sublist corresponds to a client and
            contains the path of the data file that will be distributed to that client. 
    client_files = emptyList(num_clients)
    valid_ext = ['txt','json','zip','gz']

    for f in files:
        file_name = f.split("/")[-1]
        file_ext = f.split(".")[-1]

        ## Only distribute data files
        if file_ext in valid_ext:
            num = extractNum(file_name)

            ## Subtract 1 from the number before mod so file 1.txt goes to client 1 rather than client 2.
            mod_client = (num - 1) % num_clients
            cf = client_files[mod_client]

    return client_files
Beispiel #2
def splitFilesRandom(files, num_clients):
    This data distribution method random assigns which file from files is sent to each client.

    files: a list of absolute file paths
    num_clients: the number of clients to be distributed to.

        returns: a list with num_clients lists in it. Each sublist corresponds to a client and
            contains the path of the data file that will be distributed to that client. 
    client_files = emptyList(num_clients)

    for f in files:
        rnd_client = random.choice(clients)
        print "File " + f + " stored on client " + str(rnd_client)
        cf = client_files[rnd_client]

    return client_files