Beispiel #1
def fsm_submit_row(context):
    Additional context added to an overridded submit row that adds links
    to change the state of an FSMField.
    original = context.get('original', None)
    model_name = original.__class__._meta.verbose_name if original else ''

    def button_name(transition):
        if hasattr(transition,
                   'custom') and 'button_name' in transition.custom:
            return transition.custom['button_name']
            # Make the function name the button title, but prettier
            return '{0} {1}'.format('_', ' '),

    # The model admin defines which field we're dealing with
    # and has some utils for getting the transitions.
    request = context['request']
    model_admin = context.get('adminform').model_admin
    transitions = model_admin._fsm_get_transitions(original, request)

    ctx = submit_row(context)
    ctx['transitions'] = []
    for field, field_transitions in iter(transitions.items()):
        ctx['transitions'] += sorted([(field, button_name(t),
                                      for t in field_transitions],
                                     key=lambda e: e[1],
    ctx['perms'] = context['perms']

    return ctx
Beispiel #2
def fsm_submit_row(context):
    Additional context added to an overridded submit row that adds links
    to change the state of an FSMField.
    original = context.get('original', None)
    model_name = original.__class__._meta.verbose_name if original else ''

    def button_name(transition):
        if hasattr(transition,
                   'custom') and 'button_name' in transition.custom:
            return transition.custom['button_name']
            return '{} {}'.format('_', ' '),

    # The model admin defines which field we're dealing with
    # and has some utils for getting the transitions.
    model_admin = context.get('adminform').model_admin
    transitions = model_admin._fsm_get_transitions(original)

    ctx = submit_row(context)
    # Make the function name the button title, but prettier
    ctx['transitions'] = [(button_name(t), for t in transitions]
    ctx['perms'] = context['perms']

    return ctx
Beispiel #3
def fsm_submit_row(context):
    Additional context added to an overridded submit row that adds links
    to change the state of an FSMField.
    original = context.get('original', None)
    model_name = original.__class__._meta.verbose_name if original else ''

    def button_name(transition):
        if hasattr(transition, 'custom') and 'button_name' in transition.custom:
            return transition.custom['button_name']
            # Make the function name the button title, but prettier
            return '{0} {1}'.format('_',' '), model_name).title()

    # The model admin defines which field we're dealing with
    # and has some utils for getting the transitions.
    request = context['request']
    model_admin = context.get('adminform').model_admin
    transitions = model_admin._fsm_get_transitions(original, request)

    ctx = submit_row(context)
    ctx['transitions'] = []
    for field,field_transitions in iter(transitions.items()):
        ctx['transitions'] += [(field, button_name(t), for t in field_transitions]
    ctx['perms'] = context['perms']

    return ctx
Beispiel #4
def readonly_submit_row(context):
    Read only submit row templatetag.
    Get from:

    :param context: template context.
    :type context: django.template.RequestContext.
    :return: updated context.
    :rtype: django.template.RequestContext.

    ctx = submit_row(context)
    app, separator, model = str(context["opts"]).partition(".")
    user = context["request"].user

    for permission in user.get_all_permissions():
        head, sep, tail = permission.partition(".")
        perm = "{prefix}_{model}".format(**{
            "prefix": PERMISSION_PREFIX,
            "model": model,
        if str(perm) == str(tail):
            if user.has_perm(str(permission)) and not user.is_superuser:
                    "show_delete_link": False,
                    "show_save_and_add_another": False,
                    "show_save_and_continue": False,
                    "show_save": False,

            return ctx

    return ctx
Beispiel #5
def my_submit_row(context):
    ctx = submit_row(context)  # Get a new context from the original.

    # Override on the basis of what the passed context contains...
    for name in ('show_save_and_add_another', 'show_save_and_continue'):
        ctx[name] = context.get(name, ctx[name])

    return ctx
Beispiel #6
def order_submit_row(context):
    Extend the default `submit_row` by adding an extra flag to show the cancel
    context = submit_row(context)
    context['show_cancel'] = context['show_save'] and context['change']
    return context
def submit_row(context):
    Displays the row of buttons for delete and save.
    from django.contrib.admin.templatetags.admin_modify import submit_row
    row = submit_row(context)
    row['is_soft_deleted'] = context['original'].moderated == 'deleted'
    return row
Beispiel #8
def freditor_submit_row(context):
    ctx = submit_row(context)
        (context['has_add_permission'] or context['has_change_permission'])
        and not context['is_popup']
    return ctx
Beispiel #9
def my_submit_row(context):
    ctx = submit_row(context)  # Get a new context from the original.

    # Override on the basis of what the passed context contains...
    for name in ('show_save_and_add_another', 'show_save_and_continue'):
        ctx[name] = context.get(name, ctx[name])

    return ctx
def submit_row(context):
    Displays the row of buttons for delete and save.
    from django.contrib.admin.templatetags.admin_modify import submit_row
    row = submit_row(context)
    row['is_soft_deleted'] = context['original'].moderated == 'deleted'
    return row
def submit_row(context):
    Overriding default submit row admin template tag to use some additional actions from context.
    tag_context = admin_modify.submit_row(context)
        'additional_actions': context.get('additional_actions', [])
    return tag_context
def submit_line_row(context):
    context = context or {}
    ctx= admin_modify.submit_row(context)
    if context.get("readonly", None) != None:
        ctx["readonly"] = context.get("readonly")
    	ctx["readonly"] = False

    return ctx
Beispiel #13
def viewflow_task_submit_row(context):
    task = context.get('original', None)
    activation = task.activate()
    activation_cls = activation.__class__

    transitions = [('_', ' ').capitalize(),
                   for transition in activation_cls.status.get_available_transtions(activation)]

    row_context = submit_row(context)
    row_context['transitions'] = transitions
    return row_context
Beispiel #14
def viewflow_task_submit_row(context):
    task = context.get('original', None)
    activation = task.activate()
    activation_cls = activation.__class__

    transitions = [('_', ' ').capitalize(),
                   for transition in activation_cls.status.get_available_transtions(activation)]

    row_context = submit_row(context)
    row_context['transitions'] = transitions
    return row_context
Beispiel #15
def ralph_submit_row(context):
    Overriding the default templatetag Django and adding
    to it multi_add_url of context.

    Return context.
    ctx = submit_row(context)
    ctx['multi_add_url'] = context.get('multi_add_url', None)
    ctx['multi_add_field'] = context.get('multi_add_field', None)
    return ctx
 def test_submit_row(self):
     submit_row template tag should pass whole context.
     request = self.request_factory.get(reverse('admin:auth_user_change', args=[]))
     request.user = self.superuser
     admin = UserAdmin(User, site)
     extra_context = {'extra': True}
     response = admin.change_view(request, str(, extra_context=extra_context)
     template_context = submit_row(response.context_data)
     self.assertIs(template_context['extra'], True)
     self.assertIs(template_context['show_save'], True)
Beispiel #17
 def test_submit_row(self):
     submit_row template tag should pass whole context.
     request = self.request_factory.get(reverse('admin:auth_user_change', args=[]))
     request.user = self.superuser
     admin = UserAdmin(User, site)
     extra_context = {'extra': True}
     response = admin.change_view(request, str(, extra_context=extra_context)
     template_context = submit_row(response.context_data)
     self.assertIs(template_context['extra'], True)
     self.assertIs(template_context['show_save'], True)
def submit_row_undelete(context):
    result = submit_row(context)
    change = context['change']
    active = context['original'].active() if change else True
    is_popup = context['is_popup']

        'show_delete_link': (active and result['show_delete_link']),
        'show_undelete_link': (not is_popup and context['has_undelete_permission']
                             and change and not active),
    return result
Beispiel #19
def explicit_submit_row(context, **kwargs):
    This template tag allows disabling buttons explicitly from templates.
    explicit_context = {}
    for option in ('show_delete_link', 'show_save_as_new', 'show_save_and_add_another',
              'show_save_and_continue', 'show_save'):
        if option in kwargs and not kwargs[option] is None:
            explicit_context[option] = kwargs[option]

    original_context = submit_row(context)
    return original_context
Beispiel #20
def explicit_submit_row(context, **kwargs):
    This template tag allows disabling buttons explicitly from templates.
    explicit_context = {}
    for option in ('show_delete_link', 'show_save_as_new', 'show_save_and_add_another',
              'show_save_and_continue', 'show_save'):
        if option in kwargs and not kwargs[option] is None:
            explicit_context[option] = kwargs[option]

    original_context = submit_row(context)
    return original_context
def submit_row(context):
    Displays the row of buttons for delete and save. Including projectname
    here so projectadmin can redirect to correctproject after saving,deleting
    ctx = original.submit_row(context)
    if "site" in ctx:
        ctx["site"] = context["site"]
    if "projectadmin" in context:
        ctx["projectadmin"] = context["projectadmin"]
    return ctx
 def test_override_show_save_and_add_another(self):
     request = self.request_factory.get(
         reverse('admin:auth_user_change', args=[]),
     request.user = self.superuser
     admin = UserAdmin(User, site)
     for extra_context, expected_flag in (
         ({}, True),  # Default.
         ({'show_save_and_add_another': False}, False),
         with self.subTest(show_save_and_add_another=expected_flag):
             response = admin.change_view(
             template_context = submit_row(response.context_data)
             self.assertIs(template_context['show_save_and_add_another'], expected_flag)
def submit_buttons(context):
    Return the context variables needed to populate the admin change form
    submit buttons.
    Changed to add a variable to the context, instead of rendering a
    hard-coded template, to allow easy extension (adding buttons)
    entirely within the template system.
    You can create a new template in one of the paths searched by
    ModelAdmin.render_change_form. Make it extend admin/change_form.html,
    which comes from the binder app instead of the Django admin system, and
    contains a block called submit_buttons that uses this template tag
    to add variables to the context.
    You can override that submit_buttons block to contain whatever buttons
    you want.
    from django.contrib.admin.templatetags import admin_modify
    context['buttons'] = admin_modify.submit_row(context)
    return ""
def fsm_submit_row(context):
    Additional context added to an overridded submit row that adds links
    to change the state of an FSMField.
    original = context.get('original', None)
    model_name = original.__class__._meta.verbose_name if original else ''

    def button_name(name):
        return '{} {}'.format(name.replace('_', ' '), model_name).title()

    # The model admin defines which field we're dealing with
    # and has some utils for getting the transitions.
    model_admin = context.get('adminform').model_admin
    transitions = model_admin._fsm_get_transitions(original)

    ctx = submit_row(context)
    # Make the function name the button title, but prettier
    ctx['transitions'] = [(button_name(func.func_name), func.func_name) for target, func in transitions]
    ctx['perms'] = context['perms']

    return ctx
Beispiel #25
def fsm_submit_row(context):
    Additional context added to an overridded submit row that adds links
    to change the state of an FSMField.
    original = context.get('original', None)
    model_name = ''
    if original is not None:
        # TODO: replace the following line by `original is models.DEFERRED`
        # after dropping support for Django-1.9
        if getattr(original, '_deferred', False) or original is getattr(models, 'DEFERRED', None):
            model_name = type(original).__base__._meta.verbose_name
            model_name = original.__class__._meta.verbose_name

    def button_name(transition):
        if hasattr(transition, 'custom') and 'button_name' in transition.custom:
            return transition.custom['button_name']
            # Make the function name the button title, but prettier
            return '{0} {1}'.format('_', ' '), model_name).title()

    # The model admin defines which field we're dealing with
    # and has some utils for getting the transitions.
    request = context['request']
    model_admin = context.get('adminform').model_admin
    transitions = model_admin._fsm_get_transitions(original, request)

    ctx = submit_row(context)
    ctx['transitions'] = []
    for field, field_transitions in iter(transitions.items()):
        ctx['transitions'] += sorted(
            [(field, button_name(t), for t in field_transitions],
            key=lambda e: e[1], reverse=True
    ctx['perms'] = context['perms']

    return ctx
Beispiel #26
def mo_admin_submit_row(context):
    Override submit row to specify required mo_admin template

    return submit_row(context)
def submit_affiliate_row(context):
    return submit_row(context)
def component_submit_row(context):
    ctx = admin_modify.submit_row(context)
    return ctx
def custom_submit_row(context):
    o = submit_row(context)
    o['request'] = context['request']
    return o
Beispiel #30
def django_ca_certificate_submit_row(
        context: template.context.RequestContext) -> template.context.Context:
    """Submit row for certificate change view."""
    return submit_row(context)
Beispiel #31
 def submit_row_custom(context):
     ctx = submit_row(context)
     ctx['show_save_and_add_another'] = False
     ctx['show_save_and_continue'] = False
     return ctx
Beispiel #32
def schedule_template_submit_row(context):
    return submit_row(context)
def custom_post_submit_row(context):
    return submit_row(context)
def extended_submit_row(context):
    _submit_row = submit_row(context) 
    additional_buttons = context.get('additional_buttons', None)
    _submit_row['additional_buttons'] = additional_buttons
    return _submit_row
def publish_submit_row(context):
    ctx = submit_row(context)
    ctx['show_publish'] = context.get('has_publish_permission') \
        and context.get('change')

    return ctx
Beispiel #36
def task_submit_row(context):
    return admin_modify.submit_row(context)
Beispiel #37
def document_submit_row(context):
    return admin_modify.submit_row(context)
Beispiel #38
def preference_submit_row(context):
    return admin_modify.submit_row(context)
Beispiel #39
def django_ca_certificate_submit_row(context):
    return submit_row(context)
Beispiel #40
def subadmin_submit_row(context):
    ctx = submit_row(context)
    ctx.update({'request': context['request']})
    return ctx
Beispiel #41
def django_ca_certificate_submit_row(context):
    return submit_row(context)
Beispiel #42
def custom_submit_row(context):
    o = submit_row(context)
    o['request'] = context['request']
    return o
def glitter_submit_row(context):
    return submit_row(context)
Beispiel #44
def django_ca_certificate_submit_row(context):
    """Submit row for certificate change view."""
    return submit_row(context)