Beispiel #1
    def test_minimize_rollbacks(self):
        Minimize unnecessary rollbacks in connected apps.

        When you say "./ migrate appA 0001", rather than migrating to
        just after appA-0001 in the linearized migration plan (which could roll
        back migrations in other apps that depend on appA 0001, but don't need
        to be rolled back since we're not rolling back appA 0001), we migrate
        to just before appA-0002.
        a1_impl = FakeMigration('a1')
        a1 = ('a', '1')
        a2_impl = FakeMigration('a2')
        a2 = ('a', '2')
        b1_impl = FakeMigration('b1')
        b1 = ('b', '1')
        graph = MigrationGraph()
        graph.add_node(a1, a1_impl)
        graph.add_node(a2, a2_impl)
        graph.add_node(b1, b1_impl)
        graph.add_dependency(None, b1, a1)
        graph.add_dependency(None, a2, a1)

        executor = MigrationExecutor(None)
        executor.loader = FakeLoader(graph, {a1, b1, a2})

        plan = executor.migration_plan({a1})

        self.assertEqual(plan, [(a2_impl, True)])
Beispiel #2
 def test_validate_consistency(self):
     Tests for missing nodes, using `validate_consistency()` to raise the error.
     # Build graph
     graph = MigrationGraph()
     graph.add_node(("app_a", "0001"), None)
     # Add dependency with missing parent node (skipping validation).
     graph.add_dependency("app_a.0001", ("app_a", "0001"), ("app_b", "0002"), skip_validation=True)
     msg = "Migration app_a.0001 dependencies reference nonexistent parent node ('app_b', '0002')"
     with self.assertRaisesMessage(NodeNotFoundError, msg):
     # Add missing parent node and ensure `validate_consistency()` no longer raises error.
     graph.add_node(("app_b", "0002"), None)
     # Add dependency with missing child node (skipping validation).
     graph.add_dependency("app_a.0002", ("app_a", "0002"), ("app_a", "0001"), skip_validation=True)
     msg = "Migration app_a.0002 dependencies reference nonexistent child node ('app_a', '0002')"
     with self.assertRaisesMessage(NodeNotFoundError, msg):
     # Add missing child node and ensure `validate_consistency()` no longer raises error.
     graph.add_node(("app_a", "0002"), None)
     # Rawly add dummy node.
     msg = "app_a.0001 (req'd by app_a.0002) is missing!"
         key=("app_a", "0001"),
     with self.assertRaisesMessage(NodeNotFoundError, msg):
Beispiel #3
    def test_backwards_nothing_to_do(self):
        If the current state satisfies the given target, do nothing.

        a: 1 <--- 2
        b:    \- 1
        c:     \- 1

        If a1 is applied already and a2 is not, and we're asked to migrate to
        a1, don't apply or unapply b1 or c1, regardless of their current state.
        a1_impl = FakeMigration('a1')
        a1 = ('a', '1')
        a2_impl = FakeMigration('a2')
        a2 = ('a', '2')
        b1_impl = FakeMigration('b1')
        b1 = ('b', '1')
        c1_impl = FakeMigration('c1')
        c1 = ('c', '1')
        graph = MigrationGraph()
        graph.add_node(a1, a1_impl)
        graph.add_node(a2, a2_impl)
        graph.add_node(b1, b1_impl)
        graph.add_node(c1, c1_impl)
        graph.add_dependency(None, a2, a1)
        graph.add_dependency(None, b1, a1)
        graph.add_dependency(None, c1, a1)

        executor = MigrationExecutor(None)
        executor.loader = FakeLoader(graph, {a1, b1})

        plan = executor.migration_plan({a1})

        self.assertEqual(plan, [])
Beispiel #4
    def test_graph_iterative(self):
        graph = MigrationGraph()
        root = ("app_a", "1")
        graph.add_node(root, None)
        expected = [root]
        for i in range(2, 1000):
            parent = ("app_a", str(i - 1))
            child = ("app_a", str(i))
            graph.add_node(child, None)
            graph.add_dependency(str(i), child, parent)
        leaf = expected[-1]

        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            warnings.simplefilter('always', RuntimeWarning)
            forwards_plan = graph.forwards_plan(leaf)

        self.assertEqual(len(w), 1)
        self.assertTrue(issubclass(w[-1].category, RuntimeWarning))
        self.assertEqual(str(w[-1].message), RECURSION_DEPTH_WARNING)
        self.assertEqual(expected, forwards_plan)

        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            warnings.simplefilter('always', RuntimeWarning)
            backwards_plan = graph.backwards_plan(root)

        self.assertEqual(len(w), 1)
        self.assertTrue(issubclass(w[-1].category, RuntimeWarning))
        self.assertEqual(str(w[-1].message), RECURSION_DEPTH_WARNING)
        self.assertEqual(expected[::-1], backwards_plan)
Beispiel #5
    def test_complex_graph(self):
        Tests a complex dependency graph:

        app_a:  0001 <-- 0002 <--- 0003 <-- 0004
                      \        \ /         /
        app_b:  0001 <-\ 0002 <-X         /
                      \          \       /
        app_c:         \ 0001 <-- 0002 <-
        # Build graph
        graph = MigrationGraph()
        graph.add_node(("app_a", "0001"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_a", "0002"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_a", "0003"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_a", "0004"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_b", "0001"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_b", "0002"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_c", "0001"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_c", "0002"), None)
        graph.add_dependency("app_a.0004", ("app_a", "0004"), ("app_a", "0003"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_a.0003", ("app_a", "0003"), ("app_a", "0002"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_a.0002", ("app_a", "0002"), ("app_a", "0001"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_a.0003", ("app_a", "0003"), ("app_b", "0002"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_b.0002", ("app_b", "0002"), ("app_b", "0001"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_a.0004", ("app_a", "0004"), ("app_c", "0002"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_c.0002", ("app_c", "0002"), ("app_c", "0001"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_c.0001", ("app_c", "0001"), ("app_b", "0001"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_c.0002", ("app_c", "0002"), ("app_a", "0002"))
        # Test branch C only
            graph.forwards_plan(("app_c", "0002")),
            [('app_b', '0001'), ('app_c', '0001'), ('app_a', '0001'), ('app_a', '0002'), ('app_c', '0002')],
        # Test whole graph
            graph.forwards_plan(("app_a", "0004")),
                ('app_b', '0001'), ('app_c', '0001'), ('app_a', '0001'),
                ('app_a', '0002'), ('app_c', '0002'), ('app_b', '0002'),
                ('app_a', '0003'), ('app_a', '0004'),
        # Test reverse to b:0001
            graph.backwards_plan(("app_b", "0001")),
                ('app_a', '0004'), ('app_c', '0002'), ('app_c', '0001'),
                ('app_a', '0003'), ('app_b', '0002'), ('app_b', '0001'),
        # Test roots and leaves
            [('app_a', '0001'), ('app_b', '0001'), ('app_c', '0001')],
            [('app_a', '0004'), ('app_b', '0002'), ('app_c', '0002')],
Beispiel #6
 def test_missing_child_nodes(self):
     Tests for missing child nodes.
     # Build graph
     graph = MigrationGraph()
     graph.add_node(("app_a", "0001"), None)
     with self.assertRaisesMessage(KeyError, "Migration app_a.0002 dependencies references nonexistent child node ('app_a', '0002')"):
         graph.add_dependency("app_a.0002", ("app_a", "0002"), ("app_a", "0001"))
Beispiel #7
 def graph(self):
     Builds a migration dependency graph using both the disk and database.
     # Make sure we have the disk data
     if self.disk_migrations is None:
     # And the database data
     if self.applied_migrations is None:
         recorder = MigrationRecorder(self.connection)
         self.applied_migrations = recorder.applied_migrations()
     # Do a first pass to separate out replacing and non-replacing migrations
     normal = {}
     replacing = {}
     for key, migration in self.disk_migrations.items():
         if migration.replaces:
             replacing[key] = migration
             normal[key] = migration
     # Calculate reverse dependencies - i.e., for each migration, what depends on it?
     # This is just for dependency re-pointing when applying replacements,
     # so we ignore run_before here.
     reverse_dependencies = {}
     for key, migration in normal.items():
         for parent in migration.dependencies:
             reverse_dependencies.setdefault(parent, set()).add(key)
     # Carry out replacements if we can - that is, if all replaced migrations
     # are either unapplied or missing.
     for key, migration in replacing.items():
         # Do the check
         can_replace = True
         for target in migration.replaces:
             if target in self.applied_migrations:
                 can_replace = False
         if not can_replace:
         # Alright, time to replace. Step through the replaced migrations
         # and remove, repointing dependencies if needs be.
         for replaced in migration.replaces:
             if replaced in normal:
                 # We don't care if the replaced migration doesn't exist;
                 # the usage pattern here is to delete things after a while.
                 del normal[replaced]
             for child_key in reverse_dependencies.get(replaced, set()):
         normal[key] = migration
     # Finally, make a graph and load everything into it
     graph = MigrationGraph()
     for key, migration in normal.items():
         graph.add_node(key, migration)
     for key, migration in normal.items():
         for parent in migration.dependencies:
             graph.add_dependency(key, parent)
     return graph
Beispiel #8
    def test_circular_graph_2(self):
        graph = MigrationGraph()
        graph.add_node(('A', '0001'), None)
        graph.add_node(('C', '0001'), None)
        graph.add_node(('B', '0001'), None)
        graph.add_dependency('A.0001', ('A', '0001'), ('B', '0001'))
        graph.add_dependency('B.0001', ('B', '0001'), ('A', '0001'))
        graph.add_dependency('C.0001', ('C', '0001'), ('B', '0001'))

        with self.assertRaises(CircularDependencyError):
            graph.forwards_plan(('C', '0001'))
Beispiel #9
    def test_stringify(self):
        graph = MigrationGraph()
        self.assertEqual(force_text(graph), "Graph: 0 nodes, 0 edges")

        graph.add_node(("app_a", "0001"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_a", "0002"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_a", "0003"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_b", "0001"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_b", "0002"), None)
        graph.add_dependency("app_a.0002", ("app_a", "0002"), ("app_a", "0001"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_a.0003", ("app_a", "0003"), ("app_a", "0002"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_a.0003", ("app_a", "0003"), ("app_b", "0002"))

        self.assertEqual(force_text(graph), "Graph: 5 nodes, 3 edges")
Beispiel #10
    def test_dfs(self):
        graph = MigrationGraph()
        root = ("app_a", "1")
        graph.add_node(root, None)
        expected = [root]
        for i in range(2, 1000):
            parent = ("app_a", str(i - 1))
            child = ("app_a", str(i))
            graph.add_node(child, None)
            graph.add_dependency(str(i), child, parent)

        actual = graph.dfs(root, lambda x: graph.dependents.get(x, set()))
        self.assertEqual(expected[::-1], actual)
    def test_recursion_depth(self):
        graph = MigrationGraph()
        root = ("app_a", "1")
        graph.add_node(root, None)
        expected = [root]
        for i in range(2, 1000):
            parent = ("app_a", str(i - 1))
            child = ("app_a", str(i))
            graph.add_node(child, None)
            graph.add_dependency(str(i), child, parent)

        actual = graph.node_map[root].descendants()
        self.assertEqual(expected[::-1], actual)
Beispiel #12
 def test_missing_parent_nodes(self):
     Tests for missing parent nodes.
     # Build graph
     graph = MigrationGraph()
     graph.add_node(("app_a", "0001"), None)
     graph.add_node(("app_a", "0002"), None)
     graph.add_node(("app_a", "0003"), None)
     graph.add_node(("app_b", "0001"), None)
     graph.add_dependency("app_a.0003", ("app_a", "0003"), ("app_a", "0002"))
     graph.add_dependency("app_a.0002", ("app_a", "0002"), ("app_a", "0001"))
     msg = "Migration app_a.0001 dependencies reference nonexistent parent node ('app_b', '0002')"
     with self.assertRaisesMessage(NodeNotFoundError, msg):
         graph.add_dependency("app_a.0001", ("app_a", "0001"), ("app_b", "0002"))
Beispiel #13
    def test_graph_recursive(self):
        graph = MigrationGraph()
        root = ("app_a", "1")
        graph.add_node(root, None)
        expected = [root]
        for i in range(2, 750):
            parent = ("app_a", str(i - 1))
            child = ("app_a", str(i))
            graph.add_node(child, None)
            graph.add_dependency(str(i), child, parent)
        leaf = expected[-1]

        forwards_plan = graph.forwards_plan(leaf)
        self.assertEqual(expected, forwards_plan)

        backwards_plan = graph.backwards_plan(root)
        self.assertEqual(expected[::-1], backwards_plan)
Beispiel #14
 def test_remove_replaced_nodes(self):
     Tests that replaced nodes are properly removed and dependencies remapped.
     # Add some dummy nodes to be replaced.
     graph = MigrationGraph()
     graph.add_dummy_node(key=("app_a", "0001"), origin="app_a.0002", error_message="BAD!")
     graph.add_dummy_node(key=("app_a", "0002"), origin="app_b.0001", error_message="BAD!")
     graph.add_dependency("app_a.0002", ("app_a", "0002"), ("app_a", "0001"), skip_validation=True)
     # Add some normal parent and child nodes to test dependency remapping.
     graph.add_node(("app_c", "0001"), None)
     graph.add_node(("app_b", "0001"), None)
     graph.add_dependency("app_a.0001", ("app_a", "0001"), ("app_c", "0001"), skip_validation=True)
     graph.add_dependency("app_b.0001", ("app_b", "0001"), ("app_a", "0002"), skip_validation=True)
     # Try replacing before replacement node exists.
     msg = (
         "Unable to find replacement node ('app_a', '0001_squashed_0002'). It was either"
         " never added to the migration graph, or has been removed."
     with self.assertRaisesMessage(NodeNotFoundError, msg):
             replacement=("app_a", "0001_squashed_0002"),
             replaced=[("app_a", "0001"), ("app_a", "0002")]
     graph.add_node(("app_a", "0001_squashed_0002"), None)
     # Ensure `validate_consistency()` still raises an error at this stage.
     with self.assertRaisesMessage(NodeNotFoundError, "BAD!"):
     # Remove the dummy nodes.
         replacement=("app_a", "0001_squashed_0002"),
         replaced=[("app_a", "0001"), ("app_a", "0002")]
     # Ensure graph is now consistent and dependencies have been remapped
     parent_node = graph.node_map[("app_c", "0001")]
     replacement_node = graph.node_map[("app_a", "0001_squashed_0002")]
     child_node = graph.node_map[("app_b", "0001")]
     self.assertIn(parent_node, replacement_node.parents)
     self.assertIn(replacement_node, parent_node.children)
     self.assertIn(child_node, replacement_node.children)
     self.assertIn(replacement_node, child_node.parents)
Beispiel #15
    def test_minimize_rollbacks_branchy(self):
        Minimize rollbacks when target has multiple in-app children.

        a: 1 <---- 3 <--\
              \ \- 2 <--- 4
               \       \
        b:      \- 1 <--- 2
        a1_impl = FakeMigration('a1')
        a1 = ('a', '1')
        a2_impl = FakeMigration('a2')
        a2 = ('a', '2')
        a3_impl = FakeMigration('a3')
        a3 = ('a', '3')
        a4_impl = FakeMigration('a4')
        a4 = ('a', '4')
        b1_impl = FakeMigration('b1')
        b1 = ('b', '1')
        b2_impl = FakeMigration('b2')
        b2 = ('b', '2')
        graph = MigrationGraph()
        graph.add_node(a1, a1_impl)
        graph.add_node(a2, a2_impl)
        graph.add_node(a3, a3_impl)
        graph.add_node(a4, a4_impl)
        graph.add_node(b1, b1_impl)
        graph.add_node(b2, b2_impl)
        graph.add_dependency(None, a2, a1)
        graph.add_dependency(None, a3, a1)
        graph.add_dependency(None, a4, a2)
        graph.add_dependency(None, a4, a3)
        graph.add_dependency(None, b2, b1)
        graph.add_dependency(None, b1, a1)
        graph.add_dependency(None, b2, a2)

        executor = MigrationExecutor(None)
        executor.loader = FakeLoader(graph, {
            a1: a1_impl,
            b1: b1_impl,
            a2: a2_impl,
            b2: b2_impl,
            a3: a3_impl,
            a4: a4_impl,

        plan = executor.migration_plan({a1})

        should_be_rolled_back = [b2_impl, a4_impl, a2_impl, a3_impl]
        exp = [(m, True) for m in should_be_rolled_back]
        self.assertEqual(plan, exp)
Beispiel #16
 def test_arrange_for_graph(self):
     "Tests auto-naming of migrations for graph matching."
     # Make a fake graph
     graph = MigrationGraph()
     graph.add_node(("testapp", "0001_initial"), None)
     graph.add_node(("testapp", "0002_foobar"), None)
     graph.add_node(("otherapp", "0001_initial"), None)
     graph.add_dependency(("testapp", "0002_foobar"), ("testapp", "0001_initial"))
     graph.add_dependency(("testapp", "0002_foobar"), ("otherapp", "0001_initial"))
     # Use project state to make a new migration change set
     before = self.make_project_state([])
     after = self.make_project_state([self.author_empty, self.other_pony, self.other_stable])
     autodetector = MigrationAutodetector(before, after)
     changes = autodetector._detect_changes()
     # Run through arrange_for_graph
     changes = autodetector.arrange_for_graph(changes, graph)
     # Make sure there's a new name, deps match, etc.
     self.assertEqual(changes["testapp"][0].name, "0003_author")
     self.assertEqual(changes["testapp"][0].dependencies, [("testapp", "0002_foobar")])
     self.assertEqual(changes["otherapp"][0].name, "0002_pony_stable")
     self.assertEqual(changes["otherapp"][0].dependencies, [("otherapp", "0001_initial")])
Beispiel #17
    def test_infinite_loop(self):
        Tests a complex dependency graph:

        app_a:        0001 <-
        app_b:        0001 <- x 0002 <-
                       /               \
        app_c:   0001<-  <------------- x 0002

        And apply sqashing on app_c.
        graph = MigrationGraph()

        graph.add_node(("app_a", "0001"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_b", "0001"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_b", "0002"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_c", "0001_squashed_0002"), None)

        graph.add_dependency("app_b.0001", ("app_b", "0001"), ("app_c", "0001_squashed_0002"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_b.0002", ("app_b", "0002"), ("app_a", "0001"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_b.0002", ("app_b", "0002"), ("app_b", "0001"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_c.0001_squashed_0002", ("app_c", "0001_squashed_0002"), ("app_b", "0002"))

        with self.assertRaises(CircularDependencyError):
            graph.forwards_plan(("app_c", "0001_squashed_0002"))
Beispiel #18
    def test_graph_iterative(self):
        graph = MigrationGraph()
        root = ("app_a", "1")
        graph.add_node(root, None)
        expected = [root]
        for i in range(2, 1000):
            parent = ("app_a", str(i - 1))
            child = ("app_a", str(i))
            graph.add_node(child, None)
            graph.add_dependency(str(i), child, parent)
        leaf = expected[-1]

        with self.assertWarnsMessage(RuntimeWarning, RECURSION_DEPTH_WARNING):
            forwards_plan = graph.forwards_plan(leaf)

        self.assertEqual(expected, forwards_plan)

        with self.assertWarnsMessage(RuntimeWarning, RECURSION_DEPTH_WARNING):
            backwards_plan = graph.backwards_plan(root)

        self.assertEqual(expected[::-1], backwards_plan)
Beispiel #19
 def test_remove_replacement_node(self):
     Tests that a replacement node is properly removed and child dependencies remapped.
     We assume parent dependencies are already correct.
     # Add some dummy nodes to be replaced.
     graph = MigrationGraph()
     graph.add_node(("app_a", "0001"), None)
     graph.add_node(("app_a", "0002"), None)
     graph.add_dependency("app_a.0002", ("app_a", "0002"), ("app_a", "0001"))
     # Try removing replacement node before replacement node exists.
     msg = (
         "Unable to remove replacement node ('app_a', '0001_squashed_0002'). It was"
         " either never added to the migration graph, or has been removed already."
     with self.assertRaisesMessage(NodeNotFoundError, msg):
             replacement=("app_a", "0001_squashed_0002"),
             replaced=[("app_a", "0001"), ("app_a", "0002")]
     graph.add_node(("app_a", "0001_squashed_0002"), None)
     # Add a child node to test dependency remapping.
     graph.add_node(("app_b", "0001"), None)
     graph.add_dependency("app_b.0001", ("app_b", "0001"), ("app_a", "0001_squashed_0002"))
     # Remove the replacement node.
         replacement=("app_a", "0001_squashed_0002"),
         replaced=[("app_a", "0001"), ("app_a", "0002")]
     # Ensure graph is consistent and child dependency has been remapped
     replaced_node = graph.node_map[("app_a", "0002")]
     child_node = graph.node_map[("app_b", "0001")]
     self.assertIn(child_node, replaced_node.children)
     self.assertIn(replaced_node, child_node.parents)
     # Ensure child dependency hasn't also gotten remapped to the other replaced node.
     other_replaced_node = graph.node_map[("app_a", "0001")]
     self.assertNotIn(child_node, other_replaced_node.children)
     self.assertNotIn(other_replaced_node, child_node.parents)
Beispiel #20
    def test_backwards_nothing_to_do(self):
        If the current state satisfies the given target, do nothing.

        a: 1 <--- 2
        b:    \- 1
        c:     \- 1

        If a1 is applied already and a2 is not, and we're asked to migrate to
        a1, don't apply or unapply b1 or c1, regardless of their current state.
        a1_impl = FakeMigration('a1')
        a1 = ('a', '1')
        a2_impl = FakeMigration('a2')
        a2 = ('a', '2')
        b1_impl = FakeMigration('b1')
        b1 = ('b', '1')
        c1_impl = FakeMigration('c1')
        c1 = ('c', '1')
        graph = MigrationGraph()
        graph.add_node(a1, a1_impl)
        graph.add_node(a2, a2_impl)
        graph.add_node(b1, b1_impl)
        graph.add_node(c1, c1_impl)
        graph.add_dependency(None, a2, a1)
        graph.add_dependency(None, b1, a1)
        graph.add_dependency(None, c1, a1)

        executor = MigrationExecutor(None)
        executor.loader = FakeLoader(graph, {
            a1: a1_impl,
            b1: b1_impl,

        plan = executor.migration_plan({a1})

        self.assertEqual(plan, [])
Beispiel #21
    def test_simple_graph(self):
        Tests a basic dependency graph:

        app_a:  0001 <-- 0002 <--- 0003 <-- 0004
        app_b:  0001 <-- 0002 <-/
        # Build graph
        graph = MigrationGraph()
        graph.add_node(("app_a", "0001"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_a", "0002"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_a", "0003"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_a", "0004"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_b", "0001"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_b", "0002"), None)
        graph.add_dependency("app_a.0004", ("app_a", "0004"), ("app_a", "0003"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_a.0003", ("app_a", "0003"), ("app_a", "0002"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_a.0002", ("app_a", "0002"), ("app_a", "0001"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_a.0003", ("app_a", "0003"), ("app_b", "0002"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_b.0002", ("app_b", "0002"), ("app_b", "0001"))
        # Test root migration case
            graph.forwards_plan(("app_a", "0001")),
            [("app_a", "0001")],
        # Test branch B only
            graph.forwards_plan(("app_b", "0002")),
            [("app_b", "0001"), ("app_b", "0002")],
        # Test whole graph
            graph.forwards_plan(("app_a", "0004")),
                ("app_b", "0001"),
                ("app_b", "0002"),
                ("app_a", "0001"),
                ("app_a", "0002"),
                ("app_a", "0003"),
                ("app_a", "0004"),
        # Test reverse to b:0002
            graph.backwards_plan(("app_b", "0002")),
            [("app_a", "0004"), ("app_a", "0003"), ("app_b", "0002")],
        # Test roots and leaves
            [("app_a", "0001"), ("app_b", "0001")],
            [("app_a", "0004"), ("app_b", "0002")],
Beispiel #22
 def test_circular_graph(self):
     Tests a circular dependency graph.
     # Build graph
     graph = MigrationGraph()
     graph.add_node(("app_a", "0001"), None)
     graph.add_node(("app_a", "0002"), None)
     graph.add_node(("app_a", "0003"), None)
     graph.add_node(("app_b", "0001"), None)
     graph.add_node(("app_b", "0002"), None)
     graph.add_dependency("app_a.0003", ("app_a", "0003"),
                          ("app_a", "0002"))
     graph.add_dependency("app_a.0002", ("app_a", "0002"),
                          ("app_a", "0001"))
     graph.add_dependency("app_a.0001", ("app_a", "0001"),
                          ("app_b", "0002"))
     graph.add_dependency("app_b.0002", ("app_b", "0002"),
                          ("app_b", "0001"))
     graph.add_dependency("app_b.0001", ("app_b", "0001"),
                          ("app_a", "0003"))
     # Test whole graph
     with self.assertRaises(CircularDependencyError):
         graph.forwards_plan(("app_a", "0003"))
Beispiel #23
    def test_minimize_rollbacks(self):
        Minimize unnecessary rollbacks in connected apps.

        When you say "./ migrate appA 0001", rather than migrating to
        just after appA-0001 in the linearized migration plan (which could roll
        back migrations in other apps that depend on appA 0001, but don't need
        to be rolled back since we're not rolling back appA 0001), we migrate
        to just before appA-0002.
        a1_impl = FakeMigration("a1")
        a1 = ("a", "1")
        a2_impl = FakeMigration("a2")
        a2 = ("a", "2")
        b1_impl = FakeMigration("b1")
        b1 = ("b", "1")
        graph = MigrationGraph()
        graph.add_node(a1, a1_impl)
        graph.add_node(a2, a2_impl)
        graph.add_node(b1, b1_impl)
        graph.add_dependency(None, b1, a1)
        graph.add_dependency(None, a2, a1)

        executor = MigrationExecutor(None)
        executor.loader = FakeLoader(
                a1: a1_impl,
                b1: b1_impl,
                a2: a2_impl,

        plan = executor.migration_plan({a1})

        self.assertEqual(plan, [(a2_impl, True)])
    def test_minimize_rollbacks_branchy(self):
        Minimize rollbacks when target has multiple in-app children.

        a: 1 <---- 3 <--\
              \ \- 2 <--- 4
               \       \
        b:      \- 1 <--- 2
        a1_impl = FakeMigration("a1")
        a1 = ("a", "1")
        a2_impl = FakeMigration("a2")
        a2 = ("a", "2")
        a3_impl = FakeMigration("a3")
        a3 = ("a", "3")
        a4_impl = FakeMigration("a4")
        a4 = ("a", "4")
        b1_impl = FakeMigration("b1")
        b1 = ("b", "1")
        b2_impl = FakeMigration("b2")
        b2 = ("b", "2")
        graph = MigrationGraph()
        graph.add_node(a1, a1_impl)
        graph.add_node(a2, a2_impl)
        graph.add_node(a3, a3_impl)
        graph.add_node(a4, a4_impl)
        graph.add_node(b1, b1_impl)
        graph.add_node(b2, b2_impl)
        graph.add_dependency(None, a2, a1)
        graph.add_dependency(None, a3, a1)
        graph.add_dependency(None, a4, a2)
        graph.add_dependency(None, a4, a3)
        graph.add_dependency(None, b2, b1)
        graph.add_dependency(None, b1, a1)
        graph.add_dependency(None, b2, a2)

        executor = MigrationExecutor(None)
        executor.loader = FakeLoader(graph, {a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, a4})

        plan = executor.migration_plan({a1})

        should_be_rolled_back = [b2_impl, a4_impl, a2_impl, a3_impl]
        exp = [(m, True) for m in should_be_rolled_back]
        self.assertEqual(plan, exp)
    def test_minimize_rollbacks_branchy(self):
        Minimize rollbacks when target has multiple in-app children.

        a: 1 <---- 3 <--\
              \ \- 2 <--- 4
               \       \
        b:      \- 1 <--- 2
        a1_impl = FakeMigration('a1')
        a1 = ('a', '1')
        a2_impl = FakeMigration('a2')
        a2 = ('a', '2')
        a3_impl = FakeMigration('a3')
        a3 = ('a', '3')
        a4_impl = FakeMigration('a4')
        a4 = ('a', '4')
        b1_impl = FakeMigration('b1')
        b1 = ('b', '1')
        b2_impl = FakeMigration('b2')
        b2 = ('b', '2')
        graph = MigrationGraph()
        graph.add_node(a1, a1_impl)
        graph.add_node(a2, a2_impl)
        graph.add_node(a3, a3_impl)
        graph.add_node(a4, a4_impl)
        graph.add_node(b1, b1_impl)
        graph.add_node(b2, b2_impl)
        graph.add_dependency(None, a2, a1)
        graph.add_dependency(None, a3, a1)
        graph.add_dependency(None, a4, a2)
        graph.add_dependency(None, a4, a3)
        graph.add_dependency(None, b2, b1)
        graph.add_dependency(None, b1, a1)
        graph.add_dependency(None, b2, a2)

        executor = MigrationExecutor(None)
        executor.loader = FakeLoader(graph, {a1, b1, a2, b2, a3, a4})

        plan = executor.migration_plan({a1})

        should_be_rolled_back = [b2_impl, a4_impl, a2_impl, a3_impl]
        exp = [(m, True) for m in should_be_rolled_back]
        self.assertEqual(plan, exp)
Beispiel #26
    def test_simple_graph(self):
        Tests a basic dependency graph:

        app_a:  0001 <-- 0002 <--- 0003 <-- 0004
        app_b:  0001 <-- 0002 <-/
        # Build graph
        graph = MigrationGraph()
        graph.add_node(("app_a", "0001"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_a", "0002"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_a", "0003"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_a", "0004"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_b", "0001"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_b", "0002"), None)
        graph.add_dependency("app_a.0004", ("app_a", "0004"), ("app_a", "0003"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_a.0003", ("app_a", "0003"), ("app_a", "0002"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_a.0002", ("app_a", "0002"), ("app_a", "0001"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_a.0003", ("app_a", "0003"), ("app_b", "0002"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_b.0002", ("app_b", "0002"), ("app_b", "0001"))
        # Test root migration case
            graph.forwards_plan(("app_a", "0001")),
            [('app_a', '0001')],
        # Test branch B only
            graph.forwards_plan(("app_b", "0002")),
            [("app_b", "0001"), ("app_b", "0002")],
        # Test whole graph
            graph.forwards_plan(("app_a", "0004")),
                ('app_b', '0001'), ('app_b', '0002'), ('app_a', '0001'),
                ('app_a', '0002'), ('app_a', '0003'), ('app_a', '0004'),
        # Test reverse to b:0002
            graph.backwards_plan(("app_b", "0002")),
            [('app_a', '0004'), ('app_a', '0003'), ('app_b', '0002')],
        # Test roots and leaves
            [('app_a', '0001'), ('app_b', '0001')],
            [('app_a', '0004'), ('app_b', '0002')],
Beispiel #27
 def test_remove_replaced_nodes(self):
     Replaced nodes are properly removed and dependencies remapped.
     # Add some dummy nodes to be replaced.
     graph = MigrationGraph()
         key=("app_a", "0001"), origin="app_a.0002", error_message="BAD!"
         key=("app_a", "0002"), origin="app_b.0001", error_message="BAD!"
         "app_a.0002", ("app_a", "0002"), ("app_a", "0001"), skip_validation=True
     # Add some normal parent and child nodes to test dependency remapping.
     graph.add_node(("app_c", "0001"), None)
     graph.add_node(("app_b", "0001"), None)
         "app_a.0001", ("app_a", "0001"), ("app_c", "0001"), skip_validation=True
         "app_b.0001", ("app_b", "0001"), ("app_a", "0002"), skip_validation=True
     # Try replacing before replacement node exists.
     msg = (
         "Unable to find replacement node ('app_a', '0001_squashed_0002'). It was "
         "either never added to the migration graph, or has been removed."
     with self.assertRaisesMessage(NodeNotFoundError, msg):
             replacement=("app_a", "0001_squashed_0002"),
             replaced=[("app_a", "0001"), ("app_a", "0002")],
     graph.add_node(("app_a", "0001_squashed_0002"), None)
     # Ensure `validate_consistency()` still raises an error at this stage.
     with self.assertRaisesMessage(NodeNotFoundError, "BAD!"):
     # Remove the dummy nodes.
         replacement=("app_a", "0001_squashed_0002"),
         replaced=[("app_a", "0001"), ("app_a", "0002")],
     # Ensure graph is now consistent and dependencies have been remapped
     parent_node = graph.node_map[("app_c", "0001")]
     replacement_node = graph.node_map[("app_a", "0001_squashed_0002")]
     child_node = graph.node_map[("app_b", "0001")]
     self.assertIn(parent_node, replacement_node.parents)
     self.assertIn(replacement_node, parent_node.children)
     self.assertIn(child_node, replacement_node.children)
     self.assertIn(replacement_node, child_node.parents)
Beispiel #28
    def test_stringify(self):
        graph = MigrationGraph()
        self.assertEqual(force_text(graph), "Graph: 0 nodes, 0 edges")

        graph.add_node(("app_a", "0001"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_a", "0002"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_a", "0003"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_b", "0001"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_b", "0002"), None)
        graph.add_dependency("app_a.0002", ("app_a", "0002"),
                             ("app_a", "0001"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_a.0003", ("app_a", "0003"),
                             ("app_a", "0002"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_a.0003", ("app_a", "0003"),
                             ("app_b", "0002"))

        self.assertEqual(force_text(graph), "Graph: 5 nodes, 3 edges")
Beispiel #29
 def test_missing_parent_nodes(self):
     Tests for missing parent nodes.
     # Build graph
     graph = MigrationGraph()
     graph.add_node(("app_a", "0001"), None)
     graph.add_node(("app_a", "0002"), None)
     graph.add_node(("app_a", "0003"), None)
     graph.add_node(("app_b", "0001"), None)
     graph.add_dependency("app_a.0003", ("app_a", "0003"),
                          ("app_a", "0002"))
     graph.add_dependency("app_a.0002", ("app_a", "0002"),
                          ("app_a", "0001"))
     msg = "Migration app_a.0001 dependencies reference nonexistent parent node ('app_b', '0002')"
     with self.assertRaisesMessage(NodeNotFoundError, msg):
         graph.add_dependency("app_a.0001", ("app_a", "0001"),
                              ("app_b", "0002"))
Beispiel #30
 def test_circular_graph(self):
     Tests a circular dependency graph.
     # Build graph
     graph = MigrationGraph()
     graph.add_node(("app_a", "0001"), None)
     graph.add_node(("app_a", "0002"), None)
     graph.add_node(("app_a", "0003"), None)
     graph.add_node(("app_b", "0001"), None)
     graph.add_node(("app_b", "0002"), None)
     graph.add_dependency("app_a.0003", ("app_a", "0003"), ("app_a", "0002"))
     graph.add_dependency("app_a.0002", ("app_a", "0002"), ("app_a", "0001"))
     graph.add_dependency("app_a.0001", ("app_a", "0001"), ("app_b", "0002"))
     graph.add_dependency("app_b.0002", ("app_b", "0002"), ("app_b", "0001"))
     graph.add_dependency("app_b.0001", ("app_b", "0001"), ("app_a", "0003"))
     # Test whole graph
     with self.assertRaises(CircularDependencyError):
         graph.forwards_plan(("app_a", "0003"), )
Beispiel #31
 def test_iterative_dfs_complexity(self):
     In a graph with merge migrations, iterative_dfs() traverses each node
     only once even if there are multiple paths leading to it.
     n = 50
     graph = MigrationGraph()
     for i in range(1, n + 1):
         graph.add_node(('app_a', str(i)), None)
         graph.add_node(('app_b', str(i)), None)
         graph.add_node(('app_c', str(i)), None)
     for i in range(1, n):
         graph.add_dependency(None, ('app_b', str(i)), ('app_a', str(i)))
         graph.add_dependency(None, ('app_c', str(i)), ('app_a', str(i)))
         graph.add_dependency(None, ('app_a', str(i + 1)),
                              ('app_b', str(i)))
         graph.add_dependency(None, ('app_a', str(i + 1)),
                              ('app_c', str(i)))
     plan = graph.forwards_plan(('app_a', str(n)))
     expected = [(app, str(i)) for i in range(1, n)
                 for app in ['app_a', 'app_c', 'app_b']
                 ] + [('app_a', str(n))]
     self.assertEqual(plan, expected)
Beispiel #32
class MigrationLoader(object):
    Loads migration files from disk, and their status from the database.

    Migration files are expected to live in the "migrations" directory of
    an app. Their names are entirely unimportant from a code perspective,
    but will probably follow the convention.

    On initialisation, this class will scan those directories, and open and
    read the python files, looking for a class called Migration, which should
    inherit from django.db.migrations.Migration. See
    django.db.migrations.migration for what that looks like.

    Some migrations will be marked as "replacing" another set of migrations.
    These are loaded into a separate set of migrations away from the main ones.
    If all the migrations they replace are either unapplied or missing from
    disk, then they are injected into the main set, replacing the named migrations.
    Any dependency pointers to the replaced migrations are re-pointed to the
    new migration.

    This does mean that this class MUST also talk to the database as well as
    to disk, but this is probably fine. We're already not just operating
    in memory.
    def __init__(self, connection, load=True):
        self.connection = connection
        self.disk_migrations = None
        self.applied_migrations = None
        if load:

    def migrations_module(cls, app_label):
        if app_label in settings.MIGRATION_MODULES:
            return settings.MIGRATION_MODULES[app_label]
            app_package_name = apps.get_app_config(app_label).name
            return '%s.%s' % (app_package_name, MIGRATIONS_MODULE_NAME)

    def load_disk(self):
        Loads the migrations from all INSTALLED_APPS from disk.
        self.disk_migrations = {}
        self.unmigrated_apps = set()
        self.migrated_apps = set()
        for app_config in apps.get_app_configs():
            if app_config.models_module is None:
            # Get the migrations module directory
            module_name = self.migrations_module(app_config.label)
            was_loaded = module_name in sys.modules
                module = import_module(module_name)
            except ImportError as e:
                # I hate doing this, but I don't want to squash other import errors.
                # Might be better to try a directory check directly.
                if "No module named" in str(
                        e) and MIGRATIONS_MODULE_NAME in str(e):
                # PY3 will happily import empty dirs as namespaces.
                if not hasattr(module, '__file__'):
                # Module is not a package (e.g.
                if not hasattr(module, '__path__'):
                # Force a reload if it's already loaded (tests need this)
                if was_loaded:
            directory = os.path.dirname(module.__file__)
            # Scan for .py[c|o] files
            migration_names = set()
            for name in os.listdir(directory):
                if name.endswith(".py") or name.endswith(
                        ".pyc") or name.endswith(".pyo"):
                    import_name = name.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
                    if import_name[0] not in "_.~":
            # Load them
            south_style_migrations = False
            for migration_name in migration_names:
                    migration_module = import_module(
                        "%s.%s" % (module_name, migration_name))
                except ImportError as e:
                    # Ignore South import errors, as we're triggering them
                    if "south" in str(e).lower():
                        south_style_migrations = True
                if not hasattr(migration_module, "Migration"):
                    raise BadMigrationError(
                        "Migration %s in app %s has no Migration class" %
                        (migration_name, app_config.label))
                # Ignore South-style migrations
                if hasattr(migration_module.Migration, "forwards"):
                    south_style_migrations = True
                    migration_name] = migration_module.Migration(
                        migration_name, app_config.label)
            if south_style_migrations:

    def get_migration(self, app_label, name_prefix):
        "Gets the migration exactly named, or raises KeyError"
        return self.graph.nodes[app_label, name_prefix]

    def get_migration_by_prefix(self, app_label, name_prefix):
        "Returns the migration(s) which match the given app label and name _prefix_"
        # Do the search
        results = []
        for l, n in self.disk_migrations:
            if l == app_label and n.startswith(name_prefix):
                results.append((l, n))
        if len(results) > 1:
            raise AmbiguityError(
                "There is more than one migration for '%s' with the prefix '%s'"
                % (app_label, name_prefix))
        elif len(results) == 0:
            raise KeyError(
                "There no migrations for '%s' with the prefix '%s'" %
                (app_label, name_prefix))
            return self.disk_migrations[results[0]]

    def build_graph(self):
        Builds a migration dependency graph using both the disk and database.
        You'll need to rebuild the graph if you apply migrations. This isn't
        usually a problem as generally migration stuff runs in a one-shot process.
        # Load disk data
        # Load database data
        recorder = MigrationRecorder(self.connection)
        self.applied_migrations = recorder.applied_migrations()
        # Do a first pass to separate out replacing and non-replacing migrations
        normal = {}
        replacing = {}
        for key, migration in self.disk_migrations.items():
            if migration.replaces:
                replacing[key] = migration
                normal[key] = migration
        # Calculate reverse dependencies - i.e., for each migration, what depends on it?
        # This is just for dependency re-pointing when applying replacements,
        # so we ignore run_before here.
        reverse_dependencies = {}
        for key, migration in normal.items():
            for parent in migration.dependencies:
                reverse_dependencies.setdefault(parent, set()).add(key)
        # Carry out replacements if we can - that is, if all replaced migrations
        # are either unapplied or missing.
        for key, migration in replacing.items():
            # Ensure this replacement migration is not in applied_migrations
            # Do the check. We can replace if all our replace targets are
            # applied, or if all of them are unapplied.
            applied_statuses = [(target in self.applied_migrations)
                                for target in migration.replaces]
            can_replace = all(applied_statuses) or (not any(applied_statuses))
            if not can_replace:
            # Alright, time to replace. Step through the replaced migrations
            # and remove, repointing dependencies if needs be.
            for replaced in migration.replaces:
                if replaced in normal:
                    # We don't care if the replaced migration doesn't exist;
                    # the usage pattern here is to delete things after a while.
                    del normal[replaced]
                for child_key in reverse_dependencies.get(replaced, set()):
                    if child_key in migration.replaces:
            normal[key] = migration
            # Mark the replacement as applied if all its replaced ones are
            if all(applied_statuses):
        # Finally, make a graph and load everything into it
        self.graph = MigrationGraph()
        for key, migration in normal.items():
            self.graph.add_node(key, migration)
        for key, migration in normal.items():
            for parent in migration.dependencies:
                # Special-case __first__, which means "the first migration" for
                # migrated apps, and is ignored for unmigrated apps. It allows
                # makemigrations to declare dependencies on apps before they
                # even have migrations.
                if parent[1] == "__first__" and parent not in self.graph:
                    if parent[0] in self.unmigrated_apps:
                        # This app isn't migrated, but something depends on it.
                        # We'll add a fake initial migration for it into the
                        # graph.
                        app_config = apps.get_app_config(parent[0])
                        ops = []
                        for model in app_config.get_models():
                            model_state = ModelState.from_model(model)
                        new_migration = type(
                            (Migration, ),
                            {"operations": ops},
                        )(parent[1], parent[0])
                        self.graph.add_node(parent, new_migration)
                    elif parent[0] in self.migrated_apps:
                        parent = (parent[0],
                        raise ValueError("Dependency on unknown app %s" %
                self.graph.add_dependency(key, parent)

    def detect_conflicts(self):
        Looks through the loaded graph and detects any conflicts - apps
        with more than one leaf migration. Returns a dict of the app labels
        that conflict with the migration names that conflict.
        seen_apps = {}
        conflicting_apps = set()
        for app_label, migration_name in self.graph.leaf_nodes():
            if app_label in seen_apps:
            seen_apps.setdefault(app_label, set()).add(migration_name)
        return dict((app_label, seen_apps[app_label])
                    for app_label in conflicting_apps)
class ProjectMigrationLoaderMixin(object):
    def get_app_migrations(self, migrations_dir, non_package=False,
        migrations_by_app = defaultdict(list)
        directory_exists = os.path.isdir(migrations_dir)

        if ignore_missing_directory and not directory_exists:
            return  # Should be dealt with in the command for commands who care
        elif not directory_exists:  # pragma: no cover
            raise IOError(errno.ENOENT,
                          "No such directory: " + migrations_dir,

        migration_names = []

        # Code cribbed from standard MigrationLoader class
        for name in os.listdir(migrations_dir):
            is_file = os.path.isfile(os.path.join(migrations_dir, name))

            if is_file and name.endswith('.py'):
                import_name = name.rsplit('.', 1)[0]
                if import_name[0] not in '_.~':

        for app_config in apps.get_app_configs():
            app_label = app_config.label

            app_migration_files = [
                name for name in migration_names if name.startswith(app_label)

            for migration_file in app_migration_files:
                migration_name = migration_file.lstrip(app_label)[1:]

                    if non_package:
                        sys.path.insert(0, migrations_dir)
                        module = import_module(migration_file)
                        module_name = (
                            "%s.%s" % (PROJECT_MIGRATIONS_MODULE_NAME,
                        module = import_module(module_name)
                    if non_package:

                    module.Migration(migration_name, app_label))

        return migrations_by_app

    def load_project_disk(self):
        """ Loads the migrations for the project from disk. """

        project_migrations = {}
        migrations_dir = os.path.join(

        app_migrations = self.get_app_migrations(
            migrations_dir, ignore_missing_directory=True)

        if app_migrations is None:
            return {}

        for app_label, migrations in app_migrations.items():
            for migration in migrations:
                self.migrated_apps.add(app_label)  # Make sure the app's listed
                self.disk_migrations[app_label,] = migration
                project_migrations[app_label,] = migration

        return project_migrations

    # XXX - This is broke in 1.7 with regards to replaces so we need to copy it
    def build_graph(self):  # pragma: no cover
        Builds a migration dependency graph using both the disk and database.
        You'll need to rebuild the graph if you apply migrations. This isn't
        usually a problem as generally migration stuff runs in a one-shot
        # Load disk data
        # Load database data
        if self.connection is None:
            self.applied_migrations = set()
            recorder = MigrationRecorder(self.connection)
            self.applied_migrations = recorder.applied_migrations()
        # Do first pass to separate out replacing and non-replacing migrations
        normal = {}
        replacing = {}
        for key, migration in self.disk_migrations.items():
            if migration.replaces:
                replacing[key] = migration
                normal[key] = migration
        # Calculate reverse dependencies - i.e., for each migration,
        # what depends on it?
        # This is just for dependency re-pointing when applying replacements,
        # so we ignore run_before here.
        reverse_dependencies = {}
        for key, migration in normal.items():
            for parent in migration.dependencies:
                reverse_dependencies.setdefault(parent, set()).add(key)
        # Remember the possible replacements to generate more meaningful error
        # messages
        reverse_replacements = {}
        for key, migration in replacing.items():
            for replaced in migration.replaces:
                reverse_replacements.setdefault(replaced, set()).add(key)
        # Carry out replacements if we can - that is, if all replaced migration
        # are either unapplied or missing.
        for key, migration in replacing.items():
            # Ensure this replacement migration is not in applied_migrations
            # Do the check. We can replace if all our replace targets are
            # applied, or if all of them are unapplied.
            applied = self.applied_migrations
            replaces = migration.replaces
            applied_statuses = [(target in applied) for target in replaces]
            can_replace = all(applied_statuses) or (not any(applied_statuses))
            if not can_replace:
            # Alright, time to replace. Step through the replaced migrations
            # and remove, repointing dependencies if needs be.
            for replaced in migration.replaces:
                if replaced in normal:
                    # We don't care if the replaced migration doesn't exist;
                    # the usage pattern here is to delete things after a while.
                    del normal[replaced]
                for child_key in reverse_dependencies.get(replaced, set()):
                    if child_key in migration.replaces:
                    # List of migrations whose dependency on `replaced` needs
                    # to be updated to a dependency on `key`.
                    to_update = []
                    # Child key may itself be replaced, in which case it might
                    # not be in `normal` anymore (depending on whether we've
                    # processed its replacement yet). If it's present, we go
                    # ahead and update it; it may be deleted later on if it is
                    # replaced, but there's no harm in updating it regardless.
                    if child_key in normal:
                    # If the child key is replaced, we update its replacement's
                    # dependencies too, if necessary. (We don't know if this
                    # replacement will actually take effect or not, but either
                    # way it's OK to update the replacing migration).
                    if child_key in reverse_replacements:
                        for replaces_ck in reverse_replacements[child_key]:
                            if replaced in replacing[replaces_ck].dependencies:
                    # Actually perform the dependency update on all migrations
                    # that require it.
                    for migration_needing_update in to_update:
            normal[key] = migration
            # Mark the replacement as applied if all its replaced ones are
            if all(applied_statuses):
        # Store the replacement migrations for later checks
        self.replacements = replacing
        # Finally, make a graph and load everything into it
        self.graph = MigrationGraph()
        for key, migration in normal.items():
            self.graph.add_node(key, migration)

        def _reraise_missing_dependency(migration, missing, exc):
            Checks if ``missing`` could have been replaced by any squash
            migration but wasn't because the the squash migration was partially
            applied before. In that case raise a more understandable exception.
            if missing in reverse_replacements:
                candidates = reverse_replacements.get(missing, set())
                nodes = self.graph.nodees
                is_replaced = \
                    any(candidate in nodes for candidate in candidates)
                if not is_replaced:
                    tries = ', '.join('%s.%s' % c for c in candidates)
                    exc_value = NodeNotFoundError(
                        "Migration {0} depends on nonexistent node "
                        "('{1}', '{2}'). Django tried to replace migration "
                        "{1}.{2} with any of [{3}] but wasn't able to because "
                        "some of the replaced migrations are already "
                            migration, missing[0], missing[1], tries
                    exc_value.__cause__ = exc
                        NodeNotFoundError, exc_value, sys.exc_info()[2])
            raise exc

        # Add all internal dependencies first to ensure __first__ dependencies
        # find the correct root node.
        for key, migration in normal.items():
            for parent in migration.dependencies:
                if parent[0] != key[0] or parent[1] == '__first__':
                    # Ignore __first__ references to the same app (#22325)
                    self.graph.add_dependency(migration, key, parent)
                except NodeNotFoundError as e:
                    # Since we added "key" to the nodes before this implies
                    # "parent" is not in there. To make the raised exception
                    # more understandable we check if parent could have been
                    # replaced but hasn't (eg partially applied squashed
                    # migration)
                    _reraise_missing_dependency(migration, parent, e)
        for key, migration in normal.items():
            for parent in migration.dependencies:
                if parent[0] == key[0]:
                    # Internal dependencies already added.
                parent = self.check_key(parent, key[0])
                if parent is not None:
                        self.graph.add_dependency(migration, key, parent)
                    except NodeNotFoundError as e:
                        # Since we added "key" to the nodes before this implies
                        # "parent" is not in there.
                        _reraise_missing_dependency(migration, parent, e)
            for child in migration.run_before:
                child = self.check_key(child, key[0])
                if child is not None:
                        self.graph.add_dependency(migration, child, key)
                    except NodeNotFoundError as e:
                        # Since we added "key" to the nodes before this implies
                        # "child" is not in there.
                        _reraise_missing_dependency(migration, child, e)
Beispiel #34
class MigrationLoader(object):
    Loads migration files from disk, and their status from the database.

    Migration files are expected to live in the "migrations" directory of
    an app. Their names are entirely unimportant from a code perspective,
    but will probably follow the convention.

    On initialization, this class will scan those directories, and open and
    read the python files, looking for a class called Migration, which should
    inherit from django.db.migrations.Migration. See
    django.db.migrations.migration for what that looks like.

    Some migrations will be marked as "replacing" another set of migrations.
    These are loaded into a separate set of migrations away from the main ones.
    If all the migrations they replace are either unapplied or missing from
    disk, then they are injected into the main set, replacing the named migrations.
    Any dependency pointers to the replaced migrations are re-pointed to the
    new migration.

    This does mean that this class MUST also talk to the database as well as
    to disk, but this is probably fine. We're already not just operating
    in memory.

    def __init__(self, connection, load=True):
        self.connection = connection
        self.disk_migrations = None
        self.applied_migrations = None
        if load:

    def migrations_module(cls, app_label):
        if app_label in settings.MIGRATION_MODULES:
            return settings.MIGRATION_MODULES[app_label]
            app_package_name = apps.get_app_config(app_label).name
            return '%s.%s' % (app_package_name, MIGRATIONS_MODULE_NAME)

    def load_disk(self):
        Loads the migrations from all INSTALLED_APPS from disk.
        self.disk_migrations = {}
        self.unmigrated_apps = set()
        self.migrated_apps = set()
        for app_config in apps.get_app_configs():
            if app_config.models_module is None:
            # Get the migrations module directory
            module_name = self.migrations_module(app_config.label)
            was_loaded = module_name in sys.modules
                module = import_module(module_name)
            except ImportError as e:
                # I hate doing this, but I don't want to squash other import errors.
                # Might be better to try a directory check directly.
                if "No module named" in str(e) and MIGRATIONS_MODULE_NAME in str(e):
                # PY3 will happily import empty dirs as namespaces.
                if not hasattr(module, '__file__'):
                # Module is not a package (e.g.
                if not hasattr(module, '__path__'):
                # Force a reload if it's already loaded (tests need this)
                if was_loaded:
            directory = os.path.dirname(module.__file__)
            # Scan for .py[c|o] files
            migration_names = set()
            for name in os.listdir(directory):
                if name.endswith(".py") or name.endswith(".pyc") or name.endswith(".pyo"):
                    import_name = name.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
                    if import_name[0] not in "_.~":
            # Load them
            south_style_migrations = False
            for migration_name in migration_names:
                    migration_module = import_module("%s.%s" % (module_name, migration_name))
                except ImportError as e:
                    # Ignore South import errors, as we're triggering them
                    if "south" in str(e).lower():
                        south_style_migrations = True
                if not hasattr(migration_module, "Migration"):
                    raise BadMigrationError("Migration %s in app %s has no Migration class" % (migration_name, app_config.label))
                # Ignore South-style migrations
                if hasattr(migration_module.Migration, "forwards"):
                    south_style_migrations = True
                self.disk_migrations[app_config.label, migration_name] = migration_module.Migration(migration_name, app_config.label)
            if south_style_migrations:

    def get_migration(self, app_label, name_prefix):
        "Gets the migration exactly named, or raises KeyError"
        return self.graph.nodes[app_label, name_prefix]

    def get_migration_by_prefix(self, app_label, name_prefix):
        "Returns the migration(s) which match the given app label and name _prefix_"
        # Do the search
        results = []
        for l, n in self.disk_migrations:
            if l == app_label and n.startswith(name_prefix):
                results.append((l, n))
        if len(results) > 1:
            raise AmbiguityError("There is more than one migration for '%s' with the prefix '%s'" % (app_label, name_prefix))
        elif len(results) == 0:
            raise KeyError("There no migrations for '%s' with the prefix '%s'" % (app_label, name_prefix))
            return self.disk_migrations[results[0]]

    def check_key(self, key, current_app):
        if (key[1] != "__first__" and key[1] != "__latest__") or key in self.graph:
            return key
        # Special-case __first__, which means "the first migration" for
        # migrated apps, and is ignored for unmigrated apps. It allows
        # makemigrations to declare dependencies on apps before they even have
        # migrations.
        if key[0] == current_app:
            # Ignore __first__ references to the same app (#22325)
        if key[0] in self.unmigrated_apps:
            # This app isn't migrated, but something depends on it.
            # The models will get auto-added into the state, though
            # so we're fine.
        if key[0] in self.migrated_apps:
                if key[1] == "__first__":
                    return list(self.graph.root_nodes(key[0]))[0]
                    return list(self.graph.root_nodes(key[0]))[-1]
            except IndexError:
                raise ValueError("Dependency on app with no migrations: %s" % key[0])
        raise ValueError("Dependency on unknown app: %s" % key[0])

    def build_graph(self):
        Builds a migration dependency graph using both the disk and database.
        You'll need to rebuild the graph if you apply migrations. This isn't
        usually a problem as generally migration stuff runs in a one-shot process.
        # Load disk data
        # Load database data
        if self.connection is None:
            self.applied_migrations = set()
            recorder = MigrationRecorder(self.connection)
            self.applied_migrations = recorder.applied_migrations()
        # Do a first pass to separate out replacing and non-replacing migrations
        normal = {}
        replacing = {}
        for key, migration in self.disk_migrations.items():
            if migration.replaces:
                replacing[key] = migration
                normal[key] = migration
        # Calculate reverse dependencies - i.e., for each migration, what depends on it?
        # This is just for dependency re-pointing when applying replacements,
        # so we ignore run_before here.
        reverse_dependencies = {}
        for key, migration in normal.items():
            for parent in migration.dependencies:
                reverse_dependencies.setdefault(parent, set()).add(key)
        # Carry out replacements if we can - that is, if all replaced migrations
        # are either unapplied or missing.
        for key, migration in replacing.items():
            # Ensure this replacement migration is not in applied_migrations
            # Do the check. We can replace if all our replace targets are
            # applied, or if all of them are unapplied.
            applied_statuses = [(target in self.applied_migrations) for target in migration.replaces]
            can_replace = all(applied_statuses) or (not any(applied_statuses))
            if not can_replace:
            # Alright, time to replace. Step through the replaced migrations
            # and remove, repointing dependencies if needs be.
            for replaced in migration.replaces:
                if replaced in normal:
                    # We don't care if the replaced migration doesn't exist;
                    # the usage pattern here is to delete things after a while.
                    del normal[replaced]
                for child_key in reverse_dependencies.get(replaced, set()):
                    if child_key in migration.replaces:
            normal[key] = migration
            # Mark the replacement as applied if all its replaced ones are
            if all(applied_statuses):
        # Finally, make a graph and load everything into it
        self.graph = MigrationGraph()
        for key, migration in normal.items():
            self.graph.add_node(key, migration)
        for key, migration in normal.items():
            for parent in migration.dependencies:
                parent = self.check_key(parent, key[0])
                if parent is not None:
                    self.graph.add_dependency(key, parent)
            for child in migration.run_before:
                child = self.check_key(child, key[0])
                if child is not None:
                    self.graph.add_dependency(child, key)

    def detect_conflicts(self):
        Looks through the loaded graph and detects any conflicts - apps
        with more than one leaf migration. Returns a dict of the app labels
        that conflict with the migration names that conflict.
        seen_apps = {}
        conflicting_apps = set()
        for app_label, migration_name in self.graph.leaf_nodes():
            if app_label in seen_apps:
            seen_apps.setdefault(app_label, set()).add(migration_name)
        return dict((app_label, seen_apps[app_label]) for app_label in conflicting_apps)

    def project_state(self, nodes=None, at_end=True):
        Returns a ProjectState object representing the most recent state
        that the migrations we loaded represent.

        See graph.make_state for the meaning of "nodes" and "at_end"
        return self.graph.make_state(nodes=nodes, at_end=at_end, real_apps=list(self.unmigrated_apps))
Beispiel #35
class MigrationLoader(object):
    Loads migration files from disk, and their status from the database.

    Migration files are expected to live in the "migrations" directory of
    an app. Their names are entirely unimportant from a code perspective,
    but will probably follow the convention.

    On initialization, this class will scan those directories, and open and
    read the python files, looking for a class called Migration, which should
    inherit from django.db.migrations.Migration. See
    django.db.migrations.migration for what that looks like.

    Some migrations will be marked as "replacing" another set of migrations.
    These are loaded into a separate set of migrations away from the main ones.
    If all the migrations they replace are either unapplied or missing from
    disk, then they are injected into the main set, replacing the named migrations.
    Any dependency pointers to the replaced migrations are re-pointed to the
    new migration.

    This does mean that this class MUST also talk to the database as well as
    to disk, but this is probably fine. We're already not just operating
    in memory.
    def __init__(self, connection, load=True, ignore_no_migrations=False):
        self.connection = connection
        self.disk_migrations = None
        self.applied_migrations = None
        self.ignore_no_migrations = ignore_no_migrations
        if load:

    def migrations_module(cls, app_label):
        if app_label in settings.MIGRATION_MODULES:
            return settings.MIGRATION_MODULES[app_label]
            app_package_name = apps.get_app_config(app_label).name
            return '%s.%s' % (app_package_name, MIGRATIONS_MODULE_NAME)

    def load_disk(self):
        Loads the migrations from all INSTALLED_APPS from disk.
        self.disk_migrations = {}
        self.unmigrated_apps = set()
        self.migrated_apps = set()
        for app_config in apps.get_app_configs():
            # Get the migrations module directory
            module_name = self.migrations_module(app_config.label)
            was_loaded = module_name in sys.modules
                module = import_module(module_name)
            except ImportError as e:
                # I hate doing this, but I don't want to squash other import errors.
                # Might be better to try a directory check directly.
                if "No module named" in str(
                        e) and MIGRATIONS_MODULE_NAME in str(e):
                # PY3 will happily import empty dirs as namespaces.
                if not hasattr(module, '__file__'):
                # Module is not a package (e.g.
                if not hasattr(module, '__path__'):
                # Force a reload if it's already loaded (tests need this)
                if was_loaded:
            directory = os.path.dirname(module.__file__)
            # Scan for .py files
            migration_names = set()
            for name in os.listdir(directory):
                if name.endswith(".py"):
                    import_name = name.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
                    if import_name[0] not in "_.~":
            # Load them
            south_style_migrations = False
            for migration_name in migration_names:
                    migration_module = import_module(
                        "%s.%s" % (module_name, migration_name))
                except ImportError as e:
                    # Ignore South import errors, as we're triggering them
                    if "south" in str(e).lower():
                        south_style_migrations = True
                if not hasattr(migration_module, "Migration"):
                    raise BadMigrationError(
                        "Migration %s in app %s has no Migration class" %
                        (migration_name, app_config.label))
                # Ignore South-style migrations
                if hasattr(migration_module.Migration, "forwards"):
                    south_style_migrations = True
                    migration_name] = migration_module.Migration(
                        migration_name, app_config.label)
            if south_style_migrations:

    def get_migration(self, app_label, name_prefix):
        "Gets the migration exactly named, or raises `graph.NodeNotFoundError`"
        return self.graph.nodes[app_label, name_prefix]

    def get_migration_by_prefix(self, app_label, name_prefix):
        "Returns the migration(s) which match the given app label and name _prefix_"
        # Do the search
        results = []
        for l, n in self.disk_migrations:
            if l == app_label and n.startswith(name_prefix):
                results.append((l, n))
        if len(results) > 1:
            raise AmbiguityError(
                "There is more than one migration for '%s' with the prefix '%s'"
                % (app_label, name_prefix))
        elif len(results) == 0:
            raise KeyError(
                "There no migrations for '%s' with the prefix '%s'" %
                (app_label, name_prefix))
            return self.disk_migrations[results[0]]

    def check_key(self, key, current_app):
        if (key[1] != "__first__"
                and key[1] != "__latest__") or key in self.graph:
            return key
        # Special-case __first__, which means "the first migration" for
        # migrated apps, and is ignored for unmigrated apps. It allows
        # makemigrations to declare dependencies on apps before they even have
        # migrations.
        if key[0] == current_app:
            # Ignore __first__ references to the same app (#22325)
        if key[0] in self.unmigrated_apps:
            # This app isn't migrated, but something depends on it.
            # The models will get auto-added into the state, though
            # so we're fine.
        if key[0] in self.migrated_apps:
                if key[1] == "__first__":
                    return list(self.graph.root_nodes(key[0]))[0]
                else:  # "__latest__"
                    return list(self.graph.leaf_nodes(key[0]))[0]
            except IndexError:
                if self.ignore_no_migrations:
                    return None
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Dependency on app with no migrations: %s" % key[0])
        raise ValueError("Dependency on unknown app: %s" % key[0])

    def build_graph(self):
        Builds a migration dependency graph using both the disk and database.
        You'll need to rebuild the graph if you apply migrations. This isn't
        usually a problem as generally migration stuff runs in a one-shot process.
        # Load disk data
        # Load database data
        if self.connection is None:
            self.applied_migrations = set()
            recorder = MigrationRecorder(self.connection)
            self.applied_migrations = recorder.applied_migrations()
        # Do a first pass to separate out replacing and non-replacing migrations
        normal = {}
        replacing = {}
        for key, migration in self.disk_migrations.items():
            if migration.replaces:
                replacing[key] = migration
                normal[key] = migration
        # Calculate reverse dependencies - i.e., for each migration, what depends on it?
        # This is just for dependency re-pointing when applying replacements,
        # so we ignore run_before here.
        reverse_dependencies = {}
        for key, migration in normal.items():
            for parent in migration.dependencies:
                reverse_dependencies.setdefault(parent, set()).add(key)
        # Remember the possible replacements to generate more meaningful error
        # messages
        reverse_replacements = {}
        for key, migration in replacing.items():
            for replaced in migration.replaces:
                reverse_replacements.setdefault(replaced, set()).add(key)
        # Carry out replacements if we can - that is, if all replaced migrations
        # are either unapplied or missing.
        for key, migration in replacing.items():
            # Ensure this replacement migration is not in applied_migrations
            # Do the check. We can replace if all our replace targets are
            # applied, or if all of them are unapplied.
            applied_statuses = [(target in self.applied_migrations)
                                for target in migration.replaces]
            can_replace = all(applied_statuses) or (not any(applied_statuses))
            if not can_replace:
            # Alright, time to replace. Step through the replaced migrations
            # and remove, repointing dependencies if needs be.
            for replaced in migration.replaces:
                if replaced in normal:
                    # We don't care if the replaced migration doesn't exist;
                    # the usage pattern here is to delete things after a while.
                    del normal[replaced]
                for child_key in reverse_dependencies.get(replaced, set()):
                    if child_key in migration.replaces:
                    # List of migrations whose dependency on `replaced` needs
                    # to be updated to a dependency on `key`.
                    to_update = []
                    # Child key may itself be replaced, in which case it might
                    # not be in `normal` anymore (depending on whether we've
                    # processed its replacement yet). If it's present, we go
                    # ahead and update it; it may be deleted later on if it is
                    # replaced, but there's no harm in updating it regardless.
                    if child_key in normal:
                    # If the child key is replaced, we update its replacement's
                    # dependencies too, if necessary. (We don't know if this
                    # replacement will actually take effect or not, but either
                    # way it's OK to update the replacing migration).
                    if child_key in reverse_replacements:
                        for replaces_child_key in reverse_replacements[
                            if replaced in replacing[
                    # Actually perform the dependency update on all migrations
                    # that require it.
                    for migration_needing_update in to_update:
            normal[key] = migration
            # Mark the replacement as applied if all its replaced ones are
            if all(applied_statuses):
        # Store the replacement migrations for later checks
        self.replacements = replacing
        # Finally, make a graph and load everything into it
        self.graph = MigrationGraph()
        for key, migration in normal.items():
            self.graph.add_node(key, migration)

        def _reraise_missing_dependency(migration, missing, exc):
            Checks if ``missing`` could have been replaced by any squash
            migration but wasn't because the the squash migration was partially
            applied before. In that case raise a more understandable exception.

            if missing in reverse_replacements:
                candidates = reverse_replacements.get(missing, set())
                is_replaced = any(candidate in self.graph.nodes
                                  for candidate in candidates)
                if not is_replaced:
                    tries = ', '.join('%s.%s' % c for c in candidates)
                    exc_value = NodeNotFoundError(
                        "Migration {0} depends on nonexistent node ('{1}', '{2}'). "
                        "Django tried to replace migration {1}.{2} with any of [{3}] "
                        "but wasn't able to because some of the replaced migrations "
                        "are already applied.".format(migration, missing[0],
                                                      missing[1], tries),
                    exc_value.__cause__ = exc
                    six.reraise(NodeNotFoundError, exc_value,
            raise exc

        # Add all internal dependencies first to ensure __first__ dependencies
        # find the correct root node.
        for key, migration in normal.items():
            for parent in migration.dependencies:
                if parent[0] != key[0] or parent[1] == '__first__':
                    # Ignore __first__ references to the same app (#22325)
                    self.graph.add_dependency(migration, key, parent)
                except NodeNotFoundError as e:
                    # Since we added "key" to the nodes before this implies
                    # "parent" is not in there. To make the raised exception
                    # more understandable we check if parent could have been
                    # replaced but hasn't (eg partially applied squashed
                    # migration)
                    _reraise_missing_dependency(migration, parent, e)
        for key, migration in normal.items():
            for parent in migration.dependencies:
                if parent[0] == key[0]:
                    # Internal dependencies already added.
                parent = self.check_key(parent, key[0])
                if parent is not None:
                        self.graph.add_dependency(migration, key, parent)
                    except NodeNotFoundError as e:
                        # Since we added "key" to the nodes before this implies
                        # "parent" is not in there.
                        _reraise_missing_dependency(migration, parent, e)
            for child in migration.run_before:
                child = self.check_key(child, key[0])
                if child is not None:
                        self.graph.add_dependency(migration, child, key)
                    except NodeNotFoundError as e:
                        # Since we added "key" to the nodes before this implies
                        # "child" is not in there.
                        _reraise_missing_dependency(migration, child, e)

    def detect_conflicts(self):
        Looks through the loaded graph and detects any conflicts - apps
        with more than one leaf migration. Returns a dict of the app labels
        that conflict with the migration names that conflict.
        seen_apps = {}
        conflicting_apps = set()
        for app_label, migration_name in self.graph.leaf_nodes():
            if app_label in seen_apps:
            seen_apps.setdefault(app_label, set()).add(migration_name)
        return {
            app_label: seen_apps[app_label]
            for app_label in conflicting_apps

    def project_state(self, nodes=None, at_end=True):
        Returns a ProjectState object representing the most recent state
        that the migrations we loaded represent.

        See graph.make_state for the meaning of "nodes" and "at_end"
        return self.graph.make_state(nodes=nodes,
Beispiel #36
class MigrationLoader(object):
    Loads migration files from disk, and their status from the database.

    Migration files are expected to live in the "migrations" directory of
    an app. Their names are entirely unimportant from a code perspective,
    but will probably follow the convention.

    On initialization, this class will scan those directories, and open and
    read the python files, looking for a class called Migration, which should
    inherit from django.db.migrations.Migration. See
    django.db.migrations.migration for what that looks like.

    Some migrations will be marked as "replacing" another set of migrations.
    These are loaded into a separate set of migrations away from the main ones.
    If all the migrations they replace are either unapplied or missing from
    disk, then they are injected into the main set, replacing the named migrations.
    Any dependency pointers to the replaced migrations are re-pointed to the
    new migration.

    This does mean that this class MUST also talk to the database as well as
    to disk, but this is probably fine. We're already not just operating
    in memory.

    def __init__(self, connection, load=True, ignore_no_migrations=False):
        self.connection = connection
        self.disk_migrations = None
        self.applied_migrations = None
        self.ignore_no_migrations = ignore_no_migrations
        if load:

    def migrations_module(self, app_label):
        if (self.connection is not None and
                not self.connection.settings_dict.get('TEST', {}).get('MIGRATE', True)):
            return None
        if app_label in settings.MIGRATION_MODULES:
            return settings.MIGRATION_MODULES[app_label]
            app_package_name = apps.get_app_config(app_label).name
            return '%s.%s' % (app_package_name, MIGRATIONS_MODULE_NAME)

    def load_disk(self):
        Loads the migrations from all INSTALLED_APPS from disk.
        self.disk_migrations = {}
        self.unmigrated_apps = set()
        self.migrated_apps = set()
        for app_config in apps.get_app_configs():
            # Get the migrations module directory
            module_name = self.migrations_module(app_config.label)
            if module_name is None:
            was_loaded = module_name in sys.modules
                module = import_module(module_name)
            except ImportError as e:
                # I hate doing this, but I don't want to squash other import errors.
                # Might be better to try a directory check directly.
                if "No module named" in str(e) and MIGRATIONS_MODULE_NAME in str(e):
                # PY3 will happily import empty dirs as namespaces.
                if not hasattr(module, '__file__'):
                # Module is not a package (e.g.
                if not hasattr(module, '__path__'):
                # Force a reload if it's already loaded (tests need this)
                if was_loaded:
            directory = os.path.dirname(module.__file__)
            # Scan for .py files
            migration_names = set()
            for name in os.listdir(directory):
                if name.endswith(".py"):
                    import_name = name.rsplit(".", 1)[0]
                    if import_name[0] not in "_.~":
            # Load them
            for migration_name in migration_names:
                migration_module = import_module("%s.%s" % (module_name, migration_name))
                if not hasattr(migration_module, "Migration"):
                    raise BadMigrationError(
                        "Migration %s in app %s has no Migration class" % (migration_name, app_config.label)
                self.disk_migrations[app_config.label, migration_name] = migration_module.Migration(

    def get_migration(self, app_label, name_prefix):
        "Gets the migration exactly named, or raises `graph.NodeNotFoundError`"
        return self.graph.nodes[app_label, name_prefix]

    def get_migration_by_prefix(self, app_label, name_prefix):
        "Returns the migration(s) which match the given app label and name _prefix_"
        # Do the search
        results = []
        for l, n in self.disk_migrations:
            if l == app_label and n.startswith(name_prefix):
                results.append((l, n))
        if len(results) > 1:
            raise AmbiguityError(
                "There is more than one migration for '%s' with the prefix '%s'" % (app_label, name_prefix)
        elif len(results) == 0:
            raise KeyError("There no migrations for '%s' with the prefix '%s'" % (app_label, name_prefix))
            return self.disk_migrations[results[0]]

    def check_key(self, key, current_app):
        if (key[1] != "__first__" and key[1] != "__latest__") or key in self.graph:
            return key
        # Special-case __first__, which means "the first migration" for
        # migrated apps, and is ignored for unmigrated apps. It allows
        # makemigrations to declare dependencies on apps before they even have
        # migrations.
        if key[0] == current_app:
            # Ignore __first__ references to the same app (#22325)
        if key[0] in self.unmigrated_apps:
            # This app isn't migrated, but something depends on it.
            # The models will get auto-added into the state, though
            # so we're fine.
        if key[0] in self.migrated_apps:
                if key[1] == "__first__":
                    return list(self.graph.root_nodes(key[0]))[0]
                else:  # "__latest__"
                    return list(self.graph.leaf_nodes(key[0]))[0]
            except IndexError:
                if self.ignore_no_migrations:
                    return None
                    raise ValueError("Dependency on app with no migrations: %s" % key[0])
        raise ValueError("Dependency on unknown app: %s" % key[0])

    def build_graph(self):
        Builds a migration dependency graph using both the disk and database.
        You'll need to rebuild the graph if you apply migrations. This isn't
        usually a problem as generally migration stuff runs in a one-shot process.
        # Load disk data
        # Load database data
        if self.connection is None:
            self.applied_migrations = set()
            recorder = MigrationRecorder(self.connection)
            self.applied_migrations = recorder.applied_migrations()
        # Do a first pass to separate out replacing and non-replacing migrations
        normal = {}
        replacing = {}
        for key, migration in self.disk_migrations.items():
            if migration.replaces:
                replacing[key] = migration
                normal[key] = migration
        # Calculate reverse dependencies - i.e., for each migration, what depends on it?
        # This is just for dependency re-pointing when applying replacements,
        # so we ignore run_before here.
        reverse_dependencies = {}
        for key, migration in normal.items():
            for parent in migration.dependencies:
                reverse_dependencies.setdefault(parent, set()).add(key)
        # Remember the possible replacements to generate more meaningful error
        # messages
        reverse_replacements = {}
        for key, migration in replacing.items():
            for replaced in migration.replaces:
                reverse_replacements.setdefault(replaced, set()).add(key)
        # Carry out replacements if we can - that is, if all replaced migrations
        # are either unapplied or missing.
        for key, migration in replacing.items():
            # Ensure this replacement migration is not in applied_migrations
            # Do the check. We can replace if all our replace targets are
            # applied, or if all of them are unapplied.
            applied_statuses = [(target in self.applied_migrations) for target in migration.replaces]
            can_replace = all(applied_statuses) or (not any(applied_statuses))
            if not can_replace:
            # Alright, time to replace. Step through the replaced migrations
            # and remove, repointing dependencies if needs be.
            for replaced in migration.replaces:
                if replaced in normal:
                    # We don't care if the replaced migration doesn't exist;
                    # the usage pattern here is to delete things after a while.
                    del normal[replaced]
                for child_key in reverse_dependencies.get(replaced, set()):
                    if child_key in migration.replaces:
                    # List of migrations whose dependency on `replaced` needs
                    # to be updated to a dependency on `key`.
                    to_update = []
                    # Child key may itself be replaced, in which case it might
                    # not be in `normal` anymore (depending on whether we've
                    # processed its replacement yet). If it's present, we go
                    # ahead and update it; it may be deleted later on if it is
                    # replaced, but there's no harm in updating it regardless.
                    if child_key in normal:
                    # If the child key is replaced, we update its replacement's
                    # dependencies too, if necessary. (We don't know if this
                    # replacement will actually take effect or not, but either
                    # way it's OK to update the replacing migration).
                    if child_key in reverse_replacements:
                        for replaces_child_key in reverse_replacements[child_key]:
                            if replaced in replacing[replaces_child_key].dependencies:
                    # Actually perform the dependency update on all migrations
                    # that require it.
                    for migration_needing_update in to_update:
            normal[key] = migration
            # Mark the replacement as applied if all its replaced ones are
            if all(applied_statuses):
        # Store the replacement migrations for later checks
        self.replacements = replacing
        # Finally, make a graph and load everything into it
        self.graph = MigrationGraph()
        for key, migration in normal.items():
            self.graph.add_node(key, migration)

        def _reraise_missing_dependency(migration, missing, exc):
            Checks if ``missing`` could have been replaced by any squash
            migration but wasn't because the the squash migration was partially
            applied before. In that case raise a more understandable exception.

            if missing in reverse_replacements:
                candidates = reverse_replacements.get(missing, set())
                is_replaced = any(candidate in self.graph.nodes for candidate in candidates)
                if not is_replaced:
                    tries = ', '.join('%s.%s' % c for c in candidates)
                    exc_value = NodeNotFoundError(
                        "Migration {0} depends on nonexistent node ('{1}', '{2}'). "
                        "Django tried to replace migration {1}.{2} with any of [{3}] "
                        "but wasn't able to because some of the replaced migrations "
                        "are already applied.".format(
                            migration, missing[0], missing[1], tries
                    exc_value.__cause__ = exc
                    if not hasattr(exc, '__traceback__'):
                        exc.__traceback__ = sys.exc_info()[2]
                    six.reraise(NodeNotFoundError, exc_value, sys.exc_info()[2])
            raise exc

        # Add all internal dependencies first to ensure __first__ dependencies
        # find the correct root node.
        for key, migration in normal.items():
            for parent in migration.dependencies:
                if parent[0] != key[0] or parent[1] == '__first__':
                    # Ignore __first__ references to the same app (#22325)
                    self.graph.add_dependency(migration, key, parent)
                except NodeNotFoundError as e:
                    # Since we added "key" to the nodes before this implies
                    # "parent" is not in there. To make the raised exception
                    # more understandable we check if parent could have been
                    # replaced but hasn't (eg partially applied squashed
                    # migration)
                    _reraise_missing_dependency(migration, parent, e)
        for key, migration in normal.items():
            for parent in migration.dependencies:
                if parent[0] == key[0]:
                    # Internal dependencies already added.
                parent = self.check_key(parent, key[0])
                if parent is not None:
                        self.graph.add_dependency(migration, key, parent)
                    except NodeNotFoundError as e:
                        # Since we added "key" to the nodes before this implies
                        # "parent" is not in there.
                        _reraise_missing_dependency(migration, parent, e)
            for child in migration.run_before:
                child = self.check_key(child, key[0])
                if child is not None:
                        self.graph.add_dependency(migration, child, key)
                    except NodeNotFoundError as e:
                        # Since we added "key" to the nodes before this implies
                        # "child" is not in there.
                        _reraise_missing_dependency(migration, child, e)

    def check_consistent_history(self, connection):
        Raise InconsistentMigrationHistory if any applied migrations have
        unapplied dependencies.
        recorder = MigrationRecorder(connection)
        applied = recorder.applied_migrations()
        for migration in applied:
            # If the migration is unknown, skip it.
            if migration not in self.graph.nodes:
            for parent in self.graph.node_map[migration].parents:
                if parent not in applied:
                    raise InconsistentMigrationHistory(
                        "Migration {}.{} is applied before its dependency {}.{}".format(
                            migration[0], migration[1], parent[0], parent[1],

    def detect_conflicts(self):
        Looks through the loaded graph and detects any conflicts - apps
        with more than one leaf migration. Returns a dict of the app labels
        that conflict with the migration names that conflict.
        seen_apps = {}
        conflicting_apps = set()
        for app_label, migration_name in self.graph.leaf_nodes():
            if app_label in seen_apps:
            seen_apps.setdefault(app_label, set()).add(migration_name)
        return {app_label: seen_apps[app_label] for app_label in conflicting_apps}

    def project_state(self, nodes=None, at_end=True):
        Returns a ProjectState object representing the most recent state
        that the migrations we loaded represent.

        See graph.make_state for the meaning of "nodes" and "at_end"
        return self.graph.make_state(nodes=nodes, at_end=at_end, real_apps=list(self.unmigrated_apps))
Beispiel #37
    def test_complex_graph(self):
        Tests a complex dependency graph:

        app_a:  0001 <-- 0002 <--- 0003 <-- 0004
                      \        \ /         /
        app_b:  0001 <-\ 0002 <-X         /
                      \          \       /
        app_c:         \ 0001 <-- 0002 <-
        # Build graph
        graph = MigrationGraph()
        graph.add_node(("app_a", "0001"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_a", "0002"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_a", "0003"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_a", "0004"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_b", "0001"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_b", "0002"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_c", "0001"), None)
        graph.add_node(("app_c", "0002"), None)
        graph.add_dependency("app_a.0004", ("app_a", "0004"),
                             ("app_a", "0003"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_a.0003", ("app_a", "0003"),
                             ("app_a", "0002"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_a.0002", ("app_a", "0002"),
                             ("app_a", "0001"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_a.0003", ("app_a", "0003"),
                             ("app_b", "0002"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_b.0002", ("app_b", "0002"),
                             ("app_b", "0001"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_a.0004", ("app_a", "0004"),
                             ("app_c", "0002"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_c.0002", ("app_c", "0002"),
                             ("app_c", "0001"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_c.0001", ("app_c", "0001"),
                             ("app_b", "0001"))
        graph.add_dependency("app_c.0002", ("app_c", "0002"),
                             ("app_a", "0002"))
        # Test branch C only
            graph.forwards_plan(("app_c", "0002")),
            [('app_b', '0001'), ('app_c', '0001'), ('app_a', '0001'),
             ('app_a', '0002'), ('app_c', '0002')],
        # Test whole graph
            graph.forwards_plan(("app_a", "0004")),
                ('app_b', '0001'),
                ('app_c', '0001'),
                ('app_a', '0001'),
                ('app_a', '0002'),
                ('app_c', '0002'),
                ('app_b', '0002'),
                ('app_a', '0003'),
                ('app_a', '0004'),
        # Test reverse to b:0001
            graph.backwards_plan(("app_b", "0001")),
                ('app_a', '0004'),
                ('app_c', '0002'),
                ('app_c', '0001'),
                ('app_a', '0003'),
                ('app_b', '0002'),
                ('app_b', '0001'),
        # Test roots and leaves
            [('app_a', '0001'), ('app_b', '0001'), ('app_c', '0001')],
            [('app_a', '0004'), ('app_b', '0002'), ('app_c', '0002')],