Beispiel #1
def popover_ellipsis(source, length=0):
    ''' return the plain text representation of markdown encoded text.  That
    is the texted without any html tags.  If ``length`` is 0 then it
    will not be truncated.'''
        length = int(length)
    except ValueError:  # invalid literal for int()
        return source  # Fail silently.
    ellipsis = ('<a href rel="popover" data-content="{0}" '
        'data-trigger="hover" data-container="body">...</a>').format(escape(source))
    truncated = Truncator(strip_tags(source)).chars(length)
    nb_words = len(truncated.split(' '))
    html_truncated = Truncator(source).words(nb_words, html=True, truncate='{...}')
    return mark_safe(html_truncated.replace('{...}', ellipsis))