Beispiel #1
def signin_complete(request):
    is_redirect = False
    next = clean_next(request.GET.get('next'))

    form1 = OpenidRegisterForm()
    form2 = OpenidVerifyForm()
    if request.POST:
        if not request.session.get('webauth_pui', None):
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/webauth/signin/')
        just_completed = False
        if 'bnewaccount' in request.POST.keys():
            form1 = OpenidRegisterForm(request.POST)
            if form1.is_valid():
                next = clean_next(form1.cleaned_data.get('next'))
                is_redirect = True
                tmp_pwd = User.objects.make_random_password()
                user_ = User.objects.create_user(form1.cleaned_data['username'],
                         form1.cleaned_data['email'], tmp_pwd)

                # make association with openid
                uassoc = WebauthUser(userLiveID=request.session.get('webauth_pui'),

                # login
                user_.backend = "django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend"
                login(request, user_)
                request.session['auth_type'] = 'webauth'
        elif 'bverify' in request.POST.keys():
            form2 = OpenidVerifyForm(request.POST)
            if form2.is_valid():
                is_redirect = True
                next = clean_next(form2.cleaned_data.get('next'))
                user_ = form2.get_user()

                uassoc = WebauthUser(userLiveID=request.session.get('webauth_pui'),
                login(request, user_)
                request.session['auth_type'] = 'webauth'

        # redirect, can redirect only if forms are valid.
        if is_redirect:
            return HttpResponseRedirect(next)

    return render_to_response('webauth/signin_complete.html', {
        'form1': form1,
        'form2': form2,
    }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Beispiel #2
def register(request):
    register an openid.

    If user is already a member he can associate its openid with 
    its account.

    A new account could also be created and automaticaly associated
    to the openid.

    url : /complete/

    template : authopenid/complete.html

    is_redirect = False
    next = clean_next(request.GET.get("next"))
    openid_ = request.session.get("openid", None)
    if not openid_:
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("user_signin") + next)

    nickname = openid_.sreg.get("nickname", "")
    email = openid_.sreg.get("email", "")

    form1 = OpenidRegisterForm(initial={"next": next, "username": nickname, "email": email})
    form2 = OpenidVerifyForm(initial={"next": next, "username": nickname})

    user_ = None
    if request.POST:
        just_completed = False
        if "bnewaccount" in request.POST.keys():
            form1 = OpenidRegisterForm(request.POST)
            if form1.is_valid():
                next = clean_next(form1.cleaned_data.get("next"))
                is_redirect = True
                tmp_pwd = User.objects.make_random_password()
                user_ = User.objects.create_user(form1.cleaned_data["username"], form1.cleaned_data["email"], tmp_pwd)

                # make association with openid
                uassoc = UserAssociation(openid_url=str(openid_),

                # login
                user_.backend = "django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend"
                login(request, user_)
        elif "bverify" in request.POST.keys():
            form2 = OpenidVerifyForm(request.POST)
            if form2.is_valid():
                is_redirect = True
                next = clean_next(form2.cleaned_data.get("next"))
                user_ = form2.get_user()

                uassoc = UserAssociation(openid_url=str(openid_),
                login(request, user_)

        # check if we need to post a question that was added anonymously
        # this needs to be a function call becase this is also done
        # if user just logged in and did not need to create the new account

        if user_ != None and settings.EMAIL_VALIDATION == "on":
            send_new_email_key(user_, nomessage=True)
            output = validation_email_sent(request)
            set_email_validation_message(user_)  # message set after generating view
            return output
        elif user_.is_authenticated():
            return HttpResponseRedirect("/")
            raise server_error("")

    openid_str = str(openid_)
    bits = openid_str.split("/")
    base_url = bits[2]  # assume this is base url
    url_bits = base_url.split(".")
    provider_name = url_bits[-2].lower()

    providers = {
        "yahoo": '<font color="purple">Yahoo!</font>',
        "flickr": '<font color="#0063dc">flick</font><font color="#ff0084">r</font>&trade;',
        "google": "Google&trade;",
        "aol": '<font color="#31658e">AOL</font>',
    if provider_name not in providers:
        provider_logo = provider_name
        provider_logo = providers[provider_name]

    return render(
        {"form1": form1, "form2": form2, "provider": provider_logo, "nickname": nickname, "email": email},
Beispiel #3
def register(request):
    register an openid.
    If user is already a member he can associate its openid with 
    its account.
    A new account could also be created and automaticaly associated
    to the openid.
    url : /complete/
    template : authopenid/complete.html
    openid_ = request.session.get('openid', None)
    next = get_next_url(request)
    if not openid_:
        logging.debug('oops, no openid in session --> go back to signin')
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('user_signin') + '?next=%s' % next)
    nickname = openid_.sreg.get('nickname', '')
    email = openid_.sreg.get('email', '')
    form1 = OpenidRegisterForm(initial={
        'next': next,
        'username': nickname,
        'email': email,
    form2 = OpenidVerifyForm(initial={
        'next': next,
        'username': nickname,
    email_feeds_form = SimpleEmailSubscribeForm()
    user_ = None
    is_redirect = False
    logging.debug('request method is %s' % request.method)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        if 'bnewaccount' in request.POST.keys():
            logging.debug('trying to create new account associated with openid')
            form1 = OpenidRegisterForm(request.POST)
            email_feeds_form = SimpleEmailSubscribeForm(request.POST)
            if not form1.is_valid():
                logging.debug('OpenidRegisterForm is INVALID')
            elif not email_feeds_form.is_valid():
                logging.debug('SimpleEmailSubscribeForm is INVALID')
                logging.debug('OpenidRegisterForm and SimpleEmailSubscribeForm are valid')
                next = form1.cleaned_data['next']
                is_redirect = True
                logging.debug('creatng new django user %s ...' % form1.cleaned_data['username'])
                tmp_pwd = User.objects.make_random_password()
                user_ = User.objects.create_user(form1.cleaned_data['username'],
                         form1.cleaned_data['email'], tmp_pwd)
                # make association with openid
                logging.debug('creating new openid user association %s <--> %s' \
                            % (user_.username, str(openid_)))
                uassoc = UserAssociation(openid_url=str(openid_),
                # login 
                user_.backend = "django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend"
                logging.debug('logging the user in')
                login(request, user_)
                logging.debug('saving email feed settings')
        elif 'bverify' in request.POST.keys():
            logging.debug('processing OpenidVerify form')
            form2 = OpenidVerifyForm(request.POST)
            if form2.is_valid():
                logging.debug('form is valid')
                is_redirect = True
                next = form2.cleaned_data['next']
                user_ = form2.get_user()
                logging.debug('creating new openid user association %s <--> %s' \
                            % (user_.username, str(openid_)))
                uassoc = UserAssociation(openid_url=str(openid_),
                logging.debug('logging the user in')
                login(request, user_)
        #check if we need to post a question that was added anonymously
        #this needs to be a function call becase this is also done
        #if user just logged in and did not need to create the new account
        if user_ != None:
            if settings.EMAIL_VALIDATION == 'on':
                logging.debug('sending email validation')
                output = validation_email_sent(request)
                set_email_validation_message(user_) #message set after generating view
                return output
            if user_.is_authenticated():
                logging.debug('success, send user to main page')
                return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('index'))
                logging.debug('have really strange error')
                raise Exception('openid login failed')#should not ever get here
    openid_str = str(openid_)
    bits = openid_str.split('/')
    base_url = bits[2] #assume this is base url
    url_bits = base_url.split('.')
    provider_name = url_bits[-2].lower()
    providers = {'yahoo':'<font color="purple">Yahoo!</font>',
                'flickr':'<font color="#0063dc">flick</font><font color="#ff0084">r</font>&trade;',
                'aol':'<font color="#31658e">AOL</font>',
    if provider_name not in providers:
        provider_logo = provider_name
        logging.error('openid provider named "%s" has no pretty customized logo' % provider_name)
        provider_logo = providers[provider_name]
    logging.debug('printing authopenid/complete.html output')
    return render_to_response('authopenid/complete.html', {
        'form1': form1,
        'form2': form2,
        'email_feeds_form': email_feeds_form,
        'username': nickname,
        'email': email,
        'gravatar_faq_url':reverse('faq') + '#gravatar',
    }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Beispiel #4
def register(request):
    register an openid.

    If user is already a member he can associate its openid with 
    its account.

    A new account could also be created and automaticaly associated
    to the openid.

    url : /complete/

    template : authopenid/complete.html

    is_redirect = False
    next = clean_next(request.GET.get('next'))
    openid_ = request.session.get('openid', None)
    if not openid_:
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('user_signin') + next)

    nickname = openid_.sreg.get('nickname', '')
    email = openid_.sreg.get('email', '')
    form1 = OpenidRegisterForm(initial={
        'next': next,
        'username': nickname,
        'email': email,
    form2 = OpenidVerifyForm(initial={
        'next': next,
        'username': nickname,
    if request.POST:
        just_completed = False
        if 'bnewaccount' in request.POST.keys():
            form1 = OpenidRegisterForm(request.POST)
            if form1.is_valid():
                next = clean_next(form1.cleaned_data.get('next'))
                is_redirect = True
                tmp_pwd = User.objects.make_random_password()
                user_ = User.objects.create_user(form1.cleaned_data['username'],
                         form1.cleaned_data['email'], tmp_pwd)
                # make association with openid
                uassoc = UserAssociation(openid_url=str(openid_),
                # login 
                user_.backend = "django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend"
                login(request, user_)
        elif 'bverify' in request.POST.keys():
            form2 = OpenidVerifyForm(request.POST)
            if form2.is_valid():
                is_redirect = True
                next = clean_next(form2.cleaned_data.get('next'))
                user_ = form2.get_user()

                uassoc = UserAssociation(openid_url=str(openid_),
                login(request, user_)
        # redirect, can redirect only if forms are valid.
        if is_redirect:
            return HttpResponseRedirect(next) 
    return render('authopenid/complete.html', {
        'form1': form1,
        'form2': form2,
        'nickname': nickname,
        'email': email
    }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Beispiel #5
def register(request):
    register an openid.

    If user is already a member he can associate its openid with 
    its account.

    A new account could also be created and automaticaly associated
    to the openid.

    url : /complete/

    template : authopenid/complete.html

    openid_ = request.session.get('openid', None)
    next = get_next_url(request)
    if not openid_:
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('user_signin') + '?next=%s' % next)

    nickname = openid_.sreg.get('nickname', '')
    email = openid_.sreg.get('email', '')
    form1 = OpenidRegisterForm(initial={
        'next': next,
        'username': nickname,
        'email': email,
    form2 = OpenidVerifyForm(initial={
        'next': next,
        'username': nickname,
    email_feeds_form = EditUserEmailFeedsForm()

    user_ = None
    is_redirect = False
    if request.POST:
        if 'bnewaccount' in request.POST.keys():
            form1 = OpenidRegisterForm(request.POST)
            email_feeds_form = EditUserEmailFeedsForm(request.POST)
            if form1.is_valid() and email_feeds_form.is_valid():
                next = form1.cleaned_data['next']
                is_redirect = True
                tmp_pwd = User.objects.make_random_password()
                user_ = User.objects.create_user(form1.cleaned_data['username'],
                         form1.cleaned_data['email'], tmp_pwd)

                # make association with openid
                uassoc = UserAssociation(openid_url=str(openid_),
                # login 
                user_.backend = "django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend"
                login(request, user_)
        elif 'bverify' in request.POST.keys():
            form2 = OpenidVerifyForm(request.POST)
            if form2.is_valid():
                is_redirect = True
                next = form2.cleaned_data['next']
                user_ = form2.get_user()

                uassoc = UserAssociation(openid_url=str(openid_),
                login(request, user_)

        #check if we need to post a question that was added anonymously
        #this needs to be a function call becase this is also done
        #if user just logged in and did not need to create the new account
        if user_ != None:
            if settings.EMAIL_VALIDATION == 'on':
                output = validation_email_sent(request)
                set_email_validation_message(user_) #message set after generating view
                return output
            if user_.is_authenticated():
                return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('index'))
                raise Exception('openid login failed')#should not ever get here
    openid_str = str(openid_)
    bits = openid_str.split('/')
    base_url = bits[2] #assume this is base url
    url_bits = base_url.split('.')
    provider_name = url_bits[-2].lower()

    providers = {'yahoo':'<font color="purple">Yahoo!</font>',
                'flickr':'<font color="#0063dc">flick</font><font color="#ff0084">r</font>&trade;',
                'aol':'<font color="#31658e">AOL</font>',
    if provider_name not in providers:
        provider_logo = provider_name
        provider_logo = providers[provider_name]

    return render('authopenid/complete.html', {
        'form1': form1,
        'form2': form2,
        'email_feeds_form': email_feeds_form,
        'username': nickname,
        'email': email,
        'gravatar_faq_url':reverse('faq') + '#gravatar',
    }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
Beispiel #6
def register(request):
    register an openid.

    If user is already a member he can associate its openid with 
    its account.

    A new account could also be created and automaticaly associated
    to the openid.

    url : /complete/

    template : authopenid/complete.html

    is_redirect = False
    next = clean_next(request.GET.get('next'))
    openid_ = request.session.get('openid', None)
    if not openid_:
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('user_signin') + next)

    nickname = openid_.sreg.get('nickname', '')
    email = openid_.sreg.get('email', '')

    form1 = OpenidRegisterForm(initial={
        'next': next,
        'username': nickname,
        'email': email,
    form2 = OpenidVerifyForm(initial={
        'next': next,
        'username': nickname,

    user_ = None
    if request.POST:
        just_completed = False
        if 'bnewaccount' in request.POST.keys():
            form1 = OpenidRegisterForm(request.POST)
            if form1.is_valid():
                next = clean_next(form1.cleaned_data.get('next'))
                is_redirect = True
                tmp_pwd = User.objects.make_random_password()
                user_ = User.objects.create_user(
                    form1.cleaned_data['email'], tmp_pwd)

                # make association with openid
                uassoc = UserAssociation(openid_url=str(openid_),

                # login
                user_.backend = "django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend"
                login(request, user_)
        elif 'bverify' in request.POST.keys():
            form2 = OpenidVerifyForm(request.POST)
            if form2.is_valid():
                is_redirect = True
                next = clean_next(form2.cleaned_data.get('next'))
                user_ = form2.get_user()

                uassoc = UserAssociation(openid_url=str(openid_),
                login(request, user_)

        #check if we need to post a question that was added anonymously
        #this needs to be a function call becase this is also done
        #if user just logged in and did not need to create the new account

        if user_ != None and settings.EMAIL_VALIDATION == 'on':
            send_new_email_key(user_, nomessage=True)
            output = validation_email_sent(request)
                user_)  #message set after generating view
            return output
        elif user_.is_authenticated():
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/')
            raise server_error('')

    openid_str = str(openid_)
    bits = openid_str.split('/')
    base_url = bits[2]  #assume this is base url
    url_bits = base_url.split('.')
    provider_name = url_bits[-2].lower()

    providers = {
        'yahoo': '<font color="purple">Yahoo!</font>',
        '<font color="#0063dc">flick</font><font color="#ff0084">r</font>&trade;',
        'google': 'Google&trade;',
        'aol': '<font color="#31658e">AOL</font>',
    if provider_name not in providers:
        provider_logo = provider_name
        provider_logo = providers[provider_name]

    return render('authopenid/complete.html', {
        'form1': form1,
        'form2': form2,
        'provider': provider_logo,
        'nickname': nickname,
        'email': email
Beispiel #7
def register(request):
    register an openid.

    If user is already a member he can associate its openid with 
    its account.

    A new account could also be created and automaticaly associated
    to the openid.

    url : /complete/

    template : authopenid/complete.html

    is_redirect = False
    next = clean_next(request.GET.get('next'))
    openid_ = request.session.get('openid', None)
    if not openid_:
        return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('user_signin') + next)

    nickname = openid_.sreg.get('nickname', '')
    email = openid_.sreg.get('email', '')
    form1 = OpenidRegisterForm(initial={
        'next': next,
        'username': nickname,
        'email': email,
    form2 = OpenidVerifyForm(initial={
        'next': next,
        'username': nickname,
    if request.POST:
        just_completed = False
        if 'bnewaccount' in request.POST.keys():
            form1 = OpenidRegisterForm(request.POST)
            if form1.is_valid():
                next = clean_next(form1.cleaned_data.get('next'))
                is_redirect = True
                tmp_pwd = User.objects.make_random_password()
                user_ = User.objects.create_user(form1.cleaned_data['username'],
                         form1.cleaned_data['email'], tmp_pwd)
                # make association with openid
                uassoc = UserAssociation(openid_url=str(openid_),
                # login 
                user_.backend = "django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend"
                login(request, user_)
        elif 'bverify' in request.POST.keys():
            form2 = OpenidVerifyForm(request.POST)
            if form2.is_valid():
                is_redirect = True
                next = clean_next(form2.cleaned_data.get('next'))
                user_ = form2.get_user()

                uassoc = UserAssociation(openid_url=str(openid_),
                login(request, user_)
        # redirect, can redirect only if forms are valid.
        if is_redirect:
            return HttpResponseRedirect(next) 
    return render('authopenid/complete.html', {
        'form1': form1,
        'form2': form2,
        'nickname': nickname,
        'email': email
    }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))