Beispiel #1
    def test05_geography_layermapping(self):
        "Testing LayerMapping support on models with geography fields."
        # There is a similar test in `layermap` that uses the same data set,
        # but the County model here is a bit different.
        if not gdal.HAS_GDAL: return
        from djangocg.contrib.gis.utils import LayerMapping

        # Getting the shapefile and mapping dictionary.
        shp_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'data'))
        co_shp = os.path.join(shp_path, 'counties', 'counties.shp')
        co_mapping = {'name' : 'Name',
                      'state' : 'State',
                      'mpoly' : 'MULTIPOLYGON',

        # Reference county names, number of polygons, and state names.
        names = ['Bexar', 'Galveston', 'Harris', 'Honolulu', 'Pueblo']
        num_polys = [1, 2, 1, 19, 1] # Number of polygons for each.
        st_names = ['Texas', 'Texas', 'Texas', 'Hawaii', 'Colorado']

        lm = LayerMapping(County, co_shp, co_mapping, source_srs=4269, unique='name'), strict=True)

        for c, name, num_poly, state in zip(County.objects.order_by('name'), names, num_polys, st_names):
            self.assertEqual(4326, c.mpoly.srid)
            self.assertEqual(num_poly, len(c.mpoly))
            self.assertEqual(state, c.state)
Beispiel #2
    def test01a_3d_layermapping(self):
        "Testing LayerMapping on 3D models."
        from .models import Point2D, Point3D

        point_mapping = {"point": "POINT"}
        mpoint_mapping = {"mpoint": "MULTIPOINT"}

        # The VRT is 3D, but should still be able to map sans the Z.
        lm = LayerMapping(Point2D, vrt_file, point_mapping, transform=False)
        self.assertEqual(3, Point2D.objects.count())

        # The city shapefile is 2D, and won't be able to fill the coordinates
        # in the 3D model -- thus, a LayerMapError is raised.
        self.assertRaises(LayerMapError, LayerMapping, Point3D, city_file, point_mapping, transform=False)

        # 3D model should take 3D data just fine.
        lm = LayerMapping(Point3D, vrt_file, point_mapping, transform=False)
        self.assertEqual(3, Point3D.objects.count())

        # Making sure LayerMapping.make_multi works right, by converting
        # a Point25D into a MultiPoint25D.
        lm = LayerMapping(MultiPoint3D, vrt_file, mpoint_mapping, transform=False)
        self.assertEqual(3, MultiPoint3D.objects.count())