Beispiel #1
from djangocg.test import TestCase
from djangocg.test.utils import override_settings
from djangocg.utils import timezone
from djangocg.utils.unittest import skipUnless

from .models import Book, BookSigning

TZ_SUPPORT = hasattr(time, 'tzset')

# On OSes that don't provide tzset (Windows), we can't set the timezone
# in which the program runs. As a consequence, we must skip tests that
# don't enforce a specific timezone (with timezone.override or equivalent),
# or attempt to interpret naive datetimes in the default timezone.

requires_tz_support = skipUnless(TZ_SUPPORT,
        "This test relies on the ability to run a program in an arbitrary "
        "time zone, but your operating system isn't able to do that.")

class ArchiveIndexViewTests(TestCase):
    fixtures = ['generic-views-test-data.json']
    urls = 'regressiontests.generic_views.urls'

    def _make_books(self, n, base_date):
        for i in range(n):
            b = Book.objects.create(
                name='Book %d' % i,
                slug='book-%d' % i,
                pubdate=base_date - datetime.timedelta(days=1))
Beispiel #2
from djangocg.conf import settings
from djangocg.db import transaction, connection
from djangocg.db.utils import ConnectionHandler, DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, DatabaseError
from djangocg.test import (TransactionTestCase, skipIfDBFeature,
from djangocg.utils import unittest

from .models import Person

# Some tests require threading, which might not be available. So create a
# skip-test decorator for those test functions.
    import threading
except ImportError:
    threading = None
requires_threading = unittest.skipUnless(threading, 'requires threading')

class SelectForUpdateTests(TransactionTestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.person = Person.objects.create(name='Reinhardt')

        # We have to commit here so that code in run_select_for_update can
        # see this data.

        # We need another database connection to test that one connection
        # issuing a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE will block.