def test_lax__does_not_exist__inaccessible__cannot_write(self):
     """ Test that exception is raised when key cannot be written to file.
     with patch("djangokeys.deprecated.retrieve._write_to_file") as mock:
         mock.side_effect = IOError("could not write")
         with pytest.raises(KeyNotGenerated):
             retrieve_key_from_file(self.NEW_SECRET_PATH, strict=False)
 def test__lax__exists__inaccessible(self):
     """ Test that exception is raised when key cannot be read from file.
     with patch("djangokeys.deprecated.retrieve._read_from_file") as mock:
         mock.side_effect = IOError("could not read")
         with pytest.raises(CouldNotAccessKey):
             retrieve_key_from_file(self.OLD_SECRET_PATH, strict=False)
 def test__strict__exists__inaccessible(self):
     """ Test that exception is raised when trying to retrieve a key in
         strict mode from an inaccessible file.
     with patch("djangokeys.deprecated.retrieve._read_from_file") as mock:
         mock.side_effect = IOError("could not read")
         with pytest.raises(CouldNotAccessKey):
             retrieve_key_from_file(self.OLD_SECRET_PATH, strict=True)
 def test_lax__does_not_exist__accessible__key_created(self):
     """ Test that new key is generated in lax mode if file did not exist yet.
     key = retrieve_key_from_file(self.NEW_SECRET_PATH, strict=False)
     assert isinstance(key, str)
     assert len(key) == DJANGO_DEFAULT_KEY_LENGTH
     assert all([ch in DJANGO_DEFAULT_SYMBOLS for ch in key])
 def test_lax__does_not_exist__accessible__file_created(self):
     """ Test that file is created with newly generated key in lax mode.
     _ = retrieve_key_from_file(self.NEW_SECRET_PATH, strict=False)
     assert os.path.isfile(self.NEW_SECRET_PATH)
 def test__lax__exists__accessible(self):
     """ Test that we can successfully retrieve key from file in lax mode.
     key = retrieve_key_from_file(self.OLD_SECRET_PATH, strict=False)
     assert key == self.OLD_SECRET
 def test__strict__does_not_exist(self):
     """ Test that exception is raised when trying to retrieve a key in
         strict mode from a file that does not exist.
     with pytest.raises(KeyNotFound):
         retrieve_key_from_file(self.NEW_SECRET_PATH, strict=True)
 def test__strict__exists__accessible(self):
     """ Test that we can successfully retrieve a key in strict mode from
         an accessible file.
     key = retrieve_key_from_file(self.OLD_SECRET_PATH, strict=True)
     assert key == self.OLD_SECRET