def test_copy():
    list = DoubleLinkedList()
    copy = list.copy()
    assert not copy == list
    assert list.front() == 3
    assert copy.front() == 3
    assert copy.removeBack() == 1
    assert copy.back() == 2
    assert list.back() == 1
class Snake:
    def __init__(self, x: int, y: int, startLength: int):
        self.__snake = DoubleLinkedList()
        pixel = _Pixel(x, y, 's')
        for i in range(startLength):
            pixel = pixel.right()
        self.__direction = _Direction(random.randint(0, 2))
        self.__grow = False

    def direction(self):
        return self.__direction

    def head(self):
        return self.__snake.front()

    def draw(self, canvas):
        snake = self.__snake.copy()
        pixel = snake.removeFront()
        while (not pixel is None):
            pixel = snake.removeFront()

    def grow(self):
        self.__grow = True

    def update(self):
        if (self.direction() == _Direction.LEFT):
        elif (self.direction() == _Direction.RIGHT):
        elif (self.direction() == _Direction.UP):
        elif (self.direction() == _Direction.DOWN):
        if (not self.__grow):
        self.__grow = False

    def cut_itself(self):
        copy = self.__snake.copy()
        front = copy.removeFront()
        body = copy.removeFront()
        while (body is not None):
            if (front.x() == body.x() and front.y() == body.y()):
                return True
            body = copy.removeFront()
        return False

    def try_set_direction_left(self):
        return self.__try_set_direction(_Direction.LEFT)

    def try_set_direction_right(self):
        return self.__try_set_direction(_Direction.RIGHT)

    def try_set_direction_up(self):
        return self.__try_set_direction(_Direction.UP)

    def try_set_direction_down(self):
        return self.__try_set_direction(_Direction.DOWN)

    def __try_set_direction(self, newDirection):
        if (_check_direction(self.direction(),
                             newDirection) == _Direction_check_result.OK):
            self.__direction = newDirection
            return True
        return False

    def has_ball_collision(self, ball):
        snake = self.__snake.copy()
        snake_element = snake.removeFront()
        while (snake_element is not None):
            if (ball.x() == snake_element.x()
                    and ball.y() == snake_element.y()):
                return True
            snake_element = snake.removeFront()
        return False