Beispiel #1
def w2p(dispersion,w,extrapolate=True):
    Convert wavelength values to pixels for a "dispersion solution".

    dispersion : 1D array
         The dispersion solution.  This is basically just a 1D array of
         monotonically increasing (or decreasing) wavelengths.
    w : array
      Array of wavelength values to convert to pixels.
    extrapolate : bool, optional
       Extrapolate beyond the dispersion solution, if necessary.
       This is True by default.

    x : array
      Array of converted pixel values.

    x = w2p(disp,w)


    x = interp1d(dispersion,np.arange(len(dispersion)),kind='cubic',bounds_error=False,fill_value=(np.nan,np.nan),assume_sorted=False)(w)
    # Need to extrapolate
    if ((np.min(w)<np.min(dispersion)) | (np.max(w)>np.max(dispersion))) & (extrapolate is True):
        win = dispersion
        xin = np.arange(len(dispersion))
        si = np.argsort(win)
        win = win[si]
        xin = xin[si]
        npix = len(win)
        # At the beginning
        if (np.min(w)<np.min(dispersion)):
            coef1 = dln.poly_fit(win[0:10], xin[0:10], 2)
            bd1, nbd1 = dln.where(w < np.min(dispersion))
            x[bd1] = dln.poly(w[bd1],coef1)
        # At the end
        if (np.max(w)>np.max(dispersion)):
            coef2 = dln.poly_fit(win[npix-10:], xin[npix-10:], 2)
            bd2, nbd2 = dln.where(w > np.max(dispersion))
            x[bd2] = dln.poly(w[bd2],coef2)                
    return x
Beispiel #2
def p2w(dispersion,x,extrapolate=True):
    Convert pixel values to wavelengths for a "dispersion solution".

    dispersion : 1D array
         The dispersion solution.  This is basically just a 1D array of
         monotonically increasing (or decreasing) wavelengths.
    x : array
      Array of pixel values to convert to wavelengths.
    extrapolate : bool, optional
       Extrapolate beyond the dispersion solution, if necessary.
       This is True by default.

    w : array
      Array of converted wavelengths.

    w = p2w(disp,x)


    npix = len(dispersion)
    w = interp1d(np.arange(len(dispersion)),dispersion,kind='cubic',bounds_error=False,fill_value=(np.nan,np.nan),assume_sorted=False)(x)
    # Need to extrapolate
    if ((np.min(x)<0) | (np.max(x)>(npix-1))) & (extrapolate is True):
        xin = np.arange(npix)
        win = dispersion
        # At the beginning
        if (np.min(x)<0):
            coef1 = dln.poly_fit(xin[0:10], win[0:10], 2)
            bd1, nbd1 = dln.where(x < 0)
            w[bd1] = dln.poly(x[bd1],coef1)
        # At the end
        if (np.max(x)>(npix-1)):
            coef2 = dln.poly_fit(xin[npix-10:], win[npix-10:], 2)
            bd2, nbd2 = dln.where(x > (npix-1))
            w[bd2] = dln.poly(x[bd2],coef2)                
    return w
Beispiel #3
def maskdiscrepant(spec,model,nsig=10,verbose=False,logger=None):
    Mask pixels that are discrepant when compared to a model.


    if logger is None:
        logger = dln.basiclogger()

    spec2 = spec.copy()
    wave = spec2.wave.copy().reshape(spec2.npix,spec2.norder)   # make 2D
    flux = spec2.flux.copy().reshape(spec2.npix,spec2.norder)   # make 2D
    err = spec2.err.copy().reshape(spec2.npix,spec2.norder)     # make 2D
    mask = spec2.mask.copy().reshape(spec2.npix,spec2.norder)   # make 2D
    mflux = model.flux.copy().reshape(spec2.npix,spec2.norder)   # make 2D
    totnbd = 0
    for o in range(spec2.norder):
        w = wave[:,o].copy()
        x = (w-np.median(w))/(np.max(w*0.5)-np.min(w*0.5))  # -1 to +1
        y = flux[:,o].copy()
        m = mask[:,o].copy()
        my = mflux[:,o].copy()
        # Divide by median
        medy = np.nanmedian(y)
        y /= medy
        my /= medy
        # Perform sigma clipping out large positive outliers
        coef = dln.poly_fit(x,y,2,robust=True)
        sig = dln.mad(y-my)
        bd,nbd = dln.where( np.abs(y-my) > nsig*sig )
        totnbd += nbd
        if nbd>0:
            flux[bd,o] = dln.poly(x[bd],coef)*medy
            err[bd,o] = 1e30
            mask[bd,o] = True

    # Flatten to 1D if norder=1
    if spec2.norder==1:
        flux = flux.flatten()
        err = err.flatten()
        mask = mask.flatten()

    # Stuff back in
    spec2.flux = flux
    spec2.err = err
    spec2.mask = mask

    if verbose is True:'Masked '+str(totnbd)+' discrepant pixels')
    return spec2
Beispiel #4
def maskoutliers(spec,nsig=5,verbose=False,logger=None):
    Mask large positive outliers and negative flux pixels in the spectrum.


    if logger is None:
        logger = dln.basiclogger()

    spec2 = spec.copy()
    wave = spec2.wave.copy().reshape(spec2.npix,spec2.norder)   # make 2D
    flux = spec2.flux.copy().reshape(spec2.npix,spec2.norder)   # make 2D
    err = spec2.err.copy().reshape(spec2.npix,spec2.norder)     # make 2D
    mask = spec2.mask.copy().reshape(spec2.npix,spec2.norder)   # make 2D
    totnbd = 0
    for o in range(spec2.norder):
        w = wave[:,o].copy()
        x = (w-np.median(w))/(np.max(w*0.5)-np.min(w*0.5))  # -1 to +1
        y = flux[:,o].copy()
        m = mask[:,o].copy()
        # Divide by median
        medy = np.nanmedian(y)
        y /= medy
        # Perform sigma clipping out large positive outliers
        coef = dln.poly_fit(x,y,2,robust=True)
        sig = dln.mad(y-dln.poly(x,coef))
        bd,nbd = dln.where( ((y-dln.poly(x,coef)) > nsig*sig) | (y<0))
        totnbd += nbd
        if nbd>0:
            flux[bd,o] = dln.poly(x[bd],coef)*medy
            err[bd,o] = 1e30
            mask[bd,o] = True

    # Flatten to 1D if norder=1
    if spec2.norder==1:
        flux = flux.flatten()
        err = err.flatten()
        mask = mask.flatten()

    # Stuff back in
    spec2.flux = flux
    spec2.err = err
    spec2.mask = mask
    if verbose is True:'Masked '+str(totnbd)+' outlier or negative pixels')
    return spec2
Beispiel #5
def continuum(spec, norder=6, perclevel=90.0, binsize=0.1, interp=True):
    Measure the continuum of a spectrum.

    spec : Spec1D object
           A spectrum object.  This at least needs
                to have a FLUX and WAVE attribute.
    norder : float, optional
            Polynomial order to use for the continuum fitting.
            The default is 6.
    perclevel : float, optional
            Percent level to use for the continuum value
            in large bins.  Default is 90.
    binsize : float, optional
            Fraction of the wavelength range (scaled to -1 to +1) to bin.
            Default is 0.1.
    interp : bool, optional
            Use interpolation of the binned values instead of a polynomial
            fit.  Default is True.

    cont : numpy array
            The continuum array, in the same shape as the input flux.

    .. code-block:: python

         cont = continuum(spec)


    wave = spec.wave.copy().reshape(spec.npix, spec.norder)  # make 2D
    flux = spec.flux.copy().reshape(spec.npix, spec.norder)  # make 2D
    err = spec.err.copy().reshape(spec.npix, spec.norder)  # make 2D
    mask = spec.mask.copy().reshape(spec.npix, spec.norder)  # make 2D
    cont = err.copy() * 0.0 + 1
    for o in range(spec.norder):
        w = wave[:, o].copy()
        wr = [np.min(w), np.max(w)]
        x = (w - np.mean(wr)) / dln.valrange(wr) * 2  # -1 to +1
        y = flux[:, o].copy()
        m = mask[:, o].copy()
        # Divide by median
        medy = np.nanmedian(y)
        if medy <= 0.0:
            medy = 1.0
        y /= medy
        # Perform sigma clipping out large positive outliers
        coef = dln.poly_fit(x[~m], y[~m], 2, robust=True)
        sig = dln.mad(y - dln.poly(x, coef))
        bd, nbd = dln.where((y - dln.poly(x, coef)) > 5 * sig)
        if nbd > 0: m[bd] = True
        gdmask = (y > 0) & (m == False)  # need positive fluxes and no mask set
        if np.sum(gdmask) == 0:
        # Bin the data points
        xr = [np.nanmin(x), np.nanmax(x)]
        bins = int(np.ceil((xr[1] - xr[0]) / binsize))
        ybin, bin_edges, binnumber = bindata.binned_statistic(
        xbin = bin_edges[0:-1] + 0.5 * binsize
        # Interpolate to full grid
        if interp is True:
            fnt = np.isfinite(ybin)
            cont1 = dln.interp(xbin[fnt],
            coef = dln.poly_fit(xbin, ybin, norder)
            cont1 = dln.poly(x, coef)
        cont1 *= medy
        cont[:, o] = cont1

    # Flatten to 1D if norder=1
    if spec.norder == 1:
        cont = cont.flatten()

    return cont
Beispiel #6
def apstar(filename,badval=20735):
    Read an SDSS APOGEE apStar spectrum.

    filename : string
         The name of the spectrum file to load.

    spec : Spec1D object
       The spectrum as a Spec1D object.

    spec = apstar('spec.fits')


    base, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))
    # APOGEE apStar, combined spectrum
    if (base.find("apStar") > -1)  | (base.find("asStar") > -1):
        # HISTORY APSTAR:  HDU0 = Header only                                             
        # HISTORY APSTAR:  All image extensions have:                                     
        # HISTORY APSTAR:    row 1: combined spectrum with individual pixel weighting     
        # HISTORY APSTAR:    row 2: combined spectrum with global weighting               
        # HISTORY APSTAR:    row 3-nvisits+2: individual resampled visit spectra          
        # HISTORY APSTAR:   unless nvisits=1, which only have a single row                
        # HISTORY APSTAR:  All spectra shifted to rest (vacuum) wavelength scale          
        # HISTORY APSTAR:  HDU1 - Flux (10^-17 ergs/s/cm^2/Ang)                           
        # HISTORY APSTAR:  HDU2 - Error (10^-17 ergs/s/cm^2/Ang)                          
        # HISTORY APSTAR:  HDU3 - Flag mask:                                              
        # HISTORY APSTAR:    row 1: bitwise OR of all visits                              
        # HISTORY APSTAR:    row 2: bitwise AND of all visits                             
        # HISTORY APSTAR:    row 3-nvisits+2: individual visit masks                      
        # HISTORY APSTAR:  HDU4 - Sky (10^-17 ergs/s/cm^2/Ang)                            
        # HISTORY APSTAR:  HDU5 - Sky Error (10^-17 ergs/s/cm^2/Ang)                      
        # HISTORY APSTAR:  HDU6 - Telluric                                                
        # HISTORY APSTAR:  HDU7 - Telluric Error                                          
        # HISTORY APSTAR:  HDU8 - LSF coefficients                                        
        # HISTORY APSTAR:  HDU9 - RV and CCF structure
        # Get number of extensions
        hdulist =
        nhdu = len(hdulist)

        # Spectrum, error, sky, skyerr are in units of 1e-17
        #  these are 2D arrays with [Nvisit+2,Npix]
        #  the first two are combined and the rest are the individual spectra

        head1 = fits.getheader(filename,1)
        w0 = np.float64(head1["CRVAL1"])
        dw = np.float64(head1["CDELT1"])
        nw = head1["NAXIS1"]
        wave = 10**(np.arange(nw)*dw+w0)
        # flux, err, sky, skyerr are in units of 1e-17
        flux = fits.getdata(filename,1).T * 1e-17
        lsfcoef = fits.getdata(filename,8).T
        spec = Spec1D(flux,wave=wave,lsfpars=lsfcoef,lsftype='Gauss-Hermite',lsfxtype='Pixels')
        spec.filename = filename
        spec.sptype = "apStar"
        spec.waveregime = "NIR"
        spec.instrument = "APOGEE"
        spec.head = fits.getheader(filename,0)
        spec.err = fits.getdata(filename,2).T * 1e-17
        #bad = (spec.err<=0)   # fix bad error values
        #if np.sum(bad) > 0:
        #    spec.err[bad] = 1e30
        spec.bitmask = fits.getdata(filename,3) = fits.getdata(filename,4).T * 1e-17
        spec.skyerr = fits.getdata(filename,5).T * 1e-17
        spec.telluric = fits.getdata(filename,6).T
        spec.telerr = fits.getdata(filename,7).T
        spec.lsf = fits.getdata(filename,8).T
        # Create the bad pixel mask
        # "bad" pixels:
        #   badflag = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
        #              0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0]
        mask = (np.bitwise_and(spec.bitmask,badval)!=0) | (np.isfinite(spec.flux)==False)
        # Extra masking for bright skylines
        x = np.arange(spec.npix)
        nsky = 4
        medsky = median_filter(,201,mode='reflect')
        medcoef = dln.poly_fit(x,medsky/np.median(medsky),2)
        medsky2 = dln.poly(x,medcoef)*np.median(medsky)
        skymask1 = (sky>nsky*medsky2)    # pixels Nsig above median sky
        mask[:,i] = np.logical_or(mask[:,i],skymask1)    # OR combine
        spec.mask = mask
        # Fix NaN or bad pixels pixels
        bd,nbd = dln.where( (np.isfinite(spec.flux[:,i])==False) | (spec.err[:,i] <= 0.0) )
        if nbd>0:
            spec.flux[bd] = 0.0
            spec.err[bd] = 1e30
            spec.mask[bd] = True
        if nhdu>=9:
            spec.meta = fits.getdata(filename,9)    # meta-data
        spec.snr = spec.head["SNR"]
        if base.find("apStar") > -1:
            spec.observatory = 'apo'
            spec.observatory = 'lco'
        spec.wavevac = True            
        return spec
Beispiel #7
    def normalize(self, ncorder=6, perclevel=0.95):
        Normalize the spectrum.

        ncorder : float, optional
              Polynomial order to use for the continuum fitting.
              The default is 6.
        perclevel : float, optional
              Percent level (1.0 for 100%) to use for the continuum value
              in large bins.  Default is 0.95.
        The flux and err arrays will normalized (divided) by the continuum
        and the continuum saved in cont.  The normalized property is set to




        self._flux = self.flux  # Save the original
        #nspec, cont, masked = normspec(self,ncorder=ncorder,perclevel=perclevel)

        binsize = 0.10
        perclevel = 90.0
        wave = self.wave.copy().reshape(self.npix, self.norder)  # make 2D
        flux = self.flux.copy().reshape(self.npix, self.norder)  # make 2D
        err = self.err.copy().reshape(self.npix, self.norder)  # make 2D
        mask = self.mask.copy().reshape(self.npix, self.norder)  # make 2D
        cont = err.copy() * 0.0 + 1
        for o in range(self.norder):
            w = wave[:, o].copy()
            x = (w - np.median(w)) / (np.max(w * 0.5) - np.min(w * 0.5)
                                      )  # -1 to +1
            y = flux[:, o].copy()
            m = mask[:, o].copy()
            # Divide by median
            medy = np.nanmedian(y)
            y /= medy
            # Perform sigma clipping out large positive outliers
            coef = dln.poly_fit(x, y, 2, robust=True)
            sig = dln.mad(y - dln.poly(x, coef))
            bd, nbd = dln.where((y - dln.poly(x, coef)) > 5 * sig)
            if nbd > 0: m[bd] = True
            gdmask = (y > 0) & (m == False
                                )  # need positive fluxes and no mask set
            # Bin the data points
            xr = [np.nanmin(x), np.nanmax(x)]
            bins = np.ceil((xr[1] - xr[0]) / binsize) + 1
            ybin, bin_edges, binnumber = bindata.binned_statistic(
            xbin = bin_edges[0:-1] + 0.5 * binsize
            # Interpolate to full grid
            fnt = np.isfinite(ybin)
            cont1 = dln.interp(xbin[fnt], ybin[fnt], x, extrapolate=True)
            cont1 *= medy

            flux[:, o] /= cont1
            err[:, o] /= cont1
            cont[:, o] = cont1

        # Flatten to 1D if norder=1
        if self.norder == 1:
            flux = flux.flatten()
            err = err.flatten()
            cont = cont.flatten()

        # Stuff back in
        self.flux = flux
        self.err = err
        self.cont = cont
        self.normalized = True
        for j in range(ntlines):
            bestline = np.argmin(np.abs(tlinecat['wave'][j] -
            maxdiff = 0.5  #1.0
            if np.abs(tlinecat['wave'][j] -
                      linecat['wave0'][bestline]) < maxdiff:
                match[j] = bestline
                dwave[j] = tlinecat['wave'][j] - linecat['wave0'][bestline]
        gmatch, = np.where(match > -1)
        linecat['wave'][match[gmatch]] = tlinecat['wave'][gmatch]
        linecat['match'][match[gmatch]] = 1

        # Perform an initial fit
        gline1, = np.where(linecat['match'] == 1)
        meanwave = np.mean(linecat['wave'][gline1])
        coef1 = dln.poly_fit(linecat['center'][gline1],
                             linecat['wave'][gline1], 3)
        dwave = dln.poly(linecat['center'][gline1],
                         coef1) - linecat['wave'][gline1]
        sigwave = dln.mad(dwave)
        if sigwave > 0.1:
            print('Sigma high.  Trying higher order')
            coef1 = dln.poly_fit(linecat['center'][gline1],
                                 linecat['wave'][gline1], 4)
            dwave = dln.poly(linecat['center'][gline1],
                             coef1) - linecat['wave'][gline1]
            sigwave = dln.mad(dwave)
        print('Sigma of initial fit %6.4f A' % sigwave)
        bdline, = np.where(np.abs(dwave) > 3 * sigwave)
        if len(bdline) > 0:
            linecat['outlier'][gline1[bdline]] = True
            print('throwing out ' + str(len(bdline)) + ' outlier lines')
Beispiel #9
def apvisit(filename):
    Read a SDSS APOGEE apVisit spectrum.

    filename : string
         The name of the spectrum file to load.

    spec : Spec1D object
       The spectrum as a Spec1D object.

    spec = apvisit('spec.fits')


    base, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))

    # Get number of extensions
    hdulist =
    nhdu = len(hdulist)

    # Check that this has the right format
    validfile = False
    if (base.find("apVisit") == -1) | (base.find("asVisit") == -1):
        if nhdu >= 10:
            gd, = np.where(
                    'AP1DVISIT') > -1)
            if len(gd) > 0: validfile = True
    if validfile is False:
        return None

    # APOGEE apVisit, visit-level spectrum

    # HISTORY AP1DVISIT:  HDU0 = Header only
    # HISTORY AP1DVISIT:  HDU1 - Flux (10^-17 ergs/s/cm^2/Ang)
    # HISTORY AP1DVISIT:  HDU2 - Error (10^-17 ergs/s/cm^2/Ang)
    # HISTORY AP1DVISIT:  HDU3 - Flag mask (bitwise OR combined)
    # HISTORY AP1DVISIT:  HDU4 - Wavelength (Ang)
    # HISTORY AP1DVISIT:  HDU5 - Sky (10^-17 ergs/s/cm^2/Ang)
    # HISTORY AP1DVISIT:  HDU6 - Sky Error (10^-17 ergs/s/cm^2/Ang)
    # HISTORY AP1DVISIT:  HDU7 - Telluric
    # HISTORY AP1DVISIT:  HDU8 - Telluric Error
    # HISTORY AP1DVISIT:  HDU9 - Wavelength coefficients
    # HISTORY AP1DVISIT:  HDU10 - LSF coefficients
    # HISTORY AP1DVISIT:  HDU11 - RV catalog

    # flux, err, sky, skyerr are in units of 1e-17
    flux = fits.getdata(filename, 1).T * 1e-17  # [Npix,Norder]
    wave = fits.getdata(filename, 4).T
    lsfcoef = fits.getdata(filename, 10).T
    spec = Spec1D(flux,
    spec.reader = 'apvisit'
    spec.filename = filename
    spec.sptype = "apVisit"
    spec.waveregime = "NIR"
    spec.instrument = "APOGEE"
    spec.head = fits.getheader(filename, 0)
    spec.err = fits.getdata(filename, 2).T * 1e-17  # [Npix,Norder]
    #bad = (spec.err<=0)   # fix bad error values
    #if np.sum(bad) > 0:
    #    spec.err[bad] = 1e30
    spec.bitmask = fits.getdata(filename, 3).T = fits.getdata(filename, 5).T * 1e-17
    spec.skyerr = fits.getdata(filename, 6).T * 1e-17
    spec.telluric = fits.getdata(filename, 7).T
    spec.telerr = fits.getdata(filename, 8).T
    spec.wcoef = fits.getdata(filename, 9).T
    # Create the bad pixel mask
    # "bad" pixels:
    #   badflag = [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,
    #              0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0]
    mask = (np.bitwise_and(spec.bitmask, 16639) != 0) | (np.isfinite(spec.flux)
                                                         == False)
    # Extra masking for bright skylines
    x = np.arange(spec.npix)
    nsky = 4
    for i in range(spec.norder):
        sky =[:, i]
        medsky = median_filter(sky, 201, mode='reflect')
        medcoef = dln.poly_fit(x, medsky / np.median(medsky), 2)
        medsky2 = dln.poly(x, medcoef) * np.median(medsky)
        skymask1 = (sky > nsky * medsky2)  # pixels Nsig above median sky
        mask[:, i] = np.logical_or(mask[:, i], skymask1)  # OR combine
    spec.mask = mask
    # Fix NaN pixels
    for i in range(spec.norder):
        bd, nbd = dln.where((np.isfinite(spec.flux[:, i]) == False)
                            | (spec.err[:, i] <= 0))
        if nbd > 0:
            spec.flux[bd, i] = 0.0
            spec.err[bd, i] = 1e30
            spec.mask[bd, i] = True
    if (nhdu >= 11):
        spec.meta = fits.getdata(filename,
                                 11)  # catalog of RV and other meta-data
    # Spectrum, error, sky, skyerr are in units of 1e-17
    spec.snr = spec.head["SNR"]
    if base.find("apVisit") > -1:
        spec.observatory = 'apo'
        spec.observatory = 'lco'
    spec.wavevac = True
    return spec
Beispiel #10
    def sigma(self,x=None,xtype='pixels',order=0,extrapolate=True):
        Return the Gaussian sigma at specified locations.  The sigma
        will be in units of lsf.xtype.

        x : array, optional
          The x-values for which to return the Gaussian sigma values.
        xtype : string, optional
           The type of x-value input, either 'wave' or 'pixels'.  Default is 'pixels'.
        order : int, optional
            The order to use if there are multiple orders.
            The default is 0.
        extrapolate : bool, optional
           Extrapolate beyond the dispersion solution, if necessary.
           True by default.

        sigma : array
            The array of Gaussian sigma values.

        sigma = lsf.sigma([100,200])
        # The sigma will be returned in units given in lsf.xtype
        if self._sigma is not None:
            _sigma = self._sigma
            if self.ndim==2: _sigma = self._sigma[:,order]
            if x is None:
                return _sigma
                # Wavelength input
                if xtype.lower().find('wave') > -1:
                    x0 = np.array(x).copy()            # backup
                    x = self.wave2pix(x0,order=order)  # convert to pixels
                # Integer, just return the values
                if( type(x)==int) | (np.array(x).dtype.kind=='i'):
                    return _sigma[x]
                # Floats, interpolate
                    sig = interp1d(np.arange(len(_sigma)),_sigma,kind='cubic',bounds_error=False,
                    # Extrapolate
                    npix = self.npix
                    if ((np.min(x)<0) | (np.max(x)>(npix-1))) & (extrapolate is True):
                        xin = np.arange(npix)
                        # At the beginning
                        if (np.min(x)<0):
                            coef1 = dln.poly_fit(xin[0:10], _sigma[0:10], 2)
                            bd1, nbd1 = dln.where(x <0)
                            sig[bd1] = dln.poly(x[bd1],coef1)
                        # At the end
                        if (np.max(x)>(npix-1)):
                            coef2 = dln.poly_fit(xin[npix-10:], _sigma[npix-10:], 2)
                            bd2, nbd2 = dln.where(x > (npix-1))
                            sig[bd2] = dln.poly(x[bd2],coef2)
                    return sig
        # Need to calculate
            if x is None:
                x = np.arange(self.npix)
            if is None:
                raise Exception("No LSF parameters")
            # Get parameters
            pars =
            if self.ndim==2:[:,order]
            # Pixels input
            if xtype.lower().find('pix') > -1:
                # Pixel LSF parameters
                if self.xtype.lower().find('pix') > -1:
                    return np.polyval(pars[::-1],x)
                # Wave LSF parameters
                    w = self.pix2wave(x,order=order)
                    return np.polyval(pars[::-1],w)                    
            # Wavelengths input
                # Wavelength LSF parameters
                if self.xtype.lower().find('wave') > -1:
                    return np.polyval(pars[::-1],x)
                # Pixel LSF parameters
                    x0 = np.array(x).copy()
                    x = self.wave2pix(x0,order=order)
                    return np.polyval(pars[::-1],x)  
Beispiel #11
def maskdiscrepant(spec, model, nsig=10, verbose=False):
    Mask pixels that are discrepant when compared to a model.

    spec : Spec1D object
       Observed spectrum for which to mask discrepant values.
    model : Spec1D object
       Reference/model spectrum to use to find discrepant values.
    nsig : int, optional
       Number of standard deviations to use for the discrepant values.
       Default is 10.0.
    verbose : boolean, optional
       Verbose output.  Default is False.

    spec2 : Spec1D object
       Spectrum with discrepant values masked.

    .. code-block:: python

         spec = maskdiscrepant(spec,nsig=5)


    print = getprintfunc(
    )  # Get print function to be used locally, allows for easy logging

    spec2 = spec.copy()
    wave = spec2.wave.copy().reshape(spec2.npix, spec2.norder)  # make 2D
    flux = spec2.flux.copy().reshape(spec2.npix, spec2.norder)  # make 2D
    err = spec2.err.copy().reshape(spec2.npix, spec2.norder)  # make 2D
    mask = spec2.mask.copy().reshape(spec2.npix, spec2.norder)  # make 2D
    mflux = model.flux.copy().reshape(spec2.npix, spec2.norder)  # make 2D
    totnbd = 0
    for o in range(spec2.norder):
        w = wave[:, o].copy()
        x = (w - np.median(w)) / (np.max(w * 0.5) - np.min(w * 0.5)
                                  )  # -1 to +1
        y = flux[:, o].copy()
        m = mask[:, o].copy()
        my = mflux[:, o].copy()
        # Divide by median
        medy = np.nanmedian(y)
        if medy <= 0.0:
            medy = 1.0
        y /= medy
        my /= medy
        # Perform sigma clipping out large positive outliers
        coef = dln.poly_fit(x, y, 2, robust=True)
        sig = dln.mad(y - my)
        bd, nbd = dln.where(np.abs(y - my) > nsig * sig)
        totnbd += nbd
        if nbd > 0:
            flux[bd, o] = dln.poly(x[bd], coef) * medy
            err[bd, o] = 1e30
            mask[bd, o] = True

    # Flatten to 1D if norder=1
    if spec2.norder == 1:
        flux = flux.flatten()
        err = err.flatten()
        mask = mask.flatten()

    # Stuff back in
    spec2.flux = flux
    spec2.err = err
    spec2.mask = mask

    if verbose is True: print('Masked ' + str(totnbd) + ' discrepant pixels')

    return spec2
Beispiel #12
def maskoutliers(spec, nsig=5, verbose=False):
    Mask large positive outliers and negative flux pixels in the spectrum.

    spec : Spec1D object
       Observed spectrum to mask outliers on.
    nsig : int, optional
       Number of standard deviations to use for the outlier rejection.
       Default is 5.0.
    verbose : boolean, optional
       Verbose output.  Default is False.

    spec2 : Spec1D object
       Spectrum with outliers masked.

    .. code-block:: python

         spec = maskoutliers(spec,nsig=5)


    print = getprintfunc(
    )  # Get print function to be used locally, allows for easy logging

    spec2 = spec.copy()
    wave = spec2.wave.copy().reshape(spec2.npix, spec2.norder)  # make 2D
    flux = spec2.flux.copy().reshape(spec2.npix, spec2.norder)  # make 2D
    err = spec2.err.copy().reshape(spec2.npix, spec2.norder)  # make 2D
    mask = spec2.mask.copy().reshape(spec2.npix, spec2.norder)  # make 2D
    totnbd = 0
    for o in range(spec2.norder):
        w = wave[:, o].copy()
        x = (w - np.median(w)) / (np.max(w * 0.5) - np.min(w * 0.5)
                                  )  # -1 to +1
        y = flux[:, o].copy()
        m = mask[:, o].copy()
        # Divide by median
        medy = np.nanmedian(y)
        if medy <= 0.0:
            medy = 1.0
        y /= medy
        # Perform sigma clipping out large positive outliers
        coef = dln.poly_fit(x, y, 2, robust=True)
        sig = dln.mad(y - dln.poly(x, coef))
        bd, nbd = dln.where(((y - dln.poly(x, coef)) > nsig * sig) | (y < 0))
        totnbd += nbd
        if nbd > 0:
            flux[bd, o] = dln.poly(x[bd], coef) * medy
            err[bd, o] = 1e30
            mask[bd, o] = True

    # Flatten to 1D if norder=1
    if spec2.norder == 1:
        flux = flux.flatten()
        err = err.flatten()
        mask = mask.flatten()

    # Stuff back in
    spec2.flux = flux
    spec2.err = err
    spec2.mask = mask

    if verbose is True:
        print('Masked ' + str(totnbd) + ' outlier or negative pixels')

    return spec2
Beispiel #13
def fix_pms(objectid):
    """ Correct the proper motions in the healpix object catalog."""

    t00 = time.time()
    hostname = socket.gethostname()
    host = hostname.split('.')[0]

    version = 'v3'
    radeg = np.float64(180.00) / np.pi

    meas = qc.query(sql="select * from nsc_dr2.meas where objectid='"+objectid+"'",fmt='table')
    nmeas = len(meas)
    print('  '+str(nmeas))
    mnra = np.median(meas['ra'].data)
    mndec = np.median(meas['dec'].data)

    lim = 20.0  # 50.0
    gd, = np.where( (np.abs(meas['ra'].data-mnra)/np.cos(np.deg2rad(mndec))*3600 < lim) &
                     (np.abs(meas['dec'].data-mndec)*3600 < lim))
    ngd = len(gd)
    nbd = nmeas-ngd
    print('bad measurements '+str(nbd))
    #if nbd==0:
    #    return None
    meas = meas[gd]

    # Make cut on FWHM
    # maybe only use values for 0.5*fwhm_chip to 1.5*fwhm_chip
    sql = "select chip.* from nsc_dr2.chip as chip join nsc_dr2.meas as meas on chip.exposure=meas.exposure and chip.ccdnum=meas.ccdnum"
    sql += " where meas.objectid='"+objectid+"'"
    chip = qc.query(sql=sql,fmt='table')
    ind3,ind4 = dln.match(chip['exposure'],meas['exposure'])
    si = np.argsort(ind4)   # sort by input meas catalog
    ind3 = ind3[si]
    ind4 = ind4[si]
    chip = chip[ind3]
    meas = meas[ind4]
    gdfwhm, = np.where((meas['fwhm'] > 0.2*chip['fwhm']) & (meas['fwhm'] < 2.0*chip['fwhm']))
    if len(gdfwhm)==0:
        print('All measurements have bad FWHM values')
    if len(gdfwhm) < len(meas):
        print('Removing '+str(len(meas)-len(gdfwhm))+' measurements with bad FWHM values')
        meas = meas[gdfwhm]

    raerr = np.array(meas['raerr']*1e3,np.float64)    # milli arcsec
    ra = np.array(meas['ra'],np.float64)
    ra -= np.mean(ra)
    ra *= 3600*1e3 * np.cos(mndec/radeg)     # convert to true angle, milli arcsec
    t = np.array(meas['mjd'].copy())
    t -= np.mean(t)
    t /= 365.2425                          # convert to year
    # Calculate robust slope
        #pmra, pmraerr = dln.robust_slope(t,ra,raerr,reweight=True)

        # LADfit
        pmra_ladcoef, absdev = dln.ladfit(t,ra)
        pmra_lad = pmra_ladcoef[1]

        # Run RANSAC
        ransac = linear_model.RANSACRegressor(),1), ra)
        inlier_mask = ransac.inlier_mask_
        outlier_mask = np.logical_not(inlier_mask)
        gdmask = inlier_mask
        pmra_ransac = ransac.estimator_.coef_[0]
        print('  ransac '+str(np.sum(inlier_mask))+' inliers   '+str(np.sum(outlier_mask))+' outliers')

        # Robust, weighted linear with with INLIERS
        #pmra_coef, pmra_coeferr = dln.poly_fit(t[gdmask],ra[gdmask],1,sigma=raerr[gdmask],robust=True,error=True)
        #pmra_coef, pmra_coeferr = dln.poly_fit(t,ra,1,sigma=raerr,robust=True,error=True)
        #pmra = pmra_coef[0]
        #pmraerr = pmra_coeferr[0]
        #radiff = ra-dln.poly(t,pmra_coef)
        radiff = ra-t*pmra_lad
        radiff -= np.median(radiff)
        rasig = dln.mad(radiff)
        # Reject outliers
        gdsig = (np.abs(radiff) < 2.5*rasig) | (np.abs(radiff) < 2.5*raerr)
        print('  '+str(nmeas-np.sum(gdsig))+' 2.5*sigma clip outliers rejected')
        #if np.sum(gdsig) < nmeas:
        pmra_coef, pmra_coeferr = dln.poly_fit(t[gdsig],ra[gdsig],1,sigma=raerr[gdsig],robust=True,error=True)
        pmra = pmra_coef[0]
        pmraerr = pmra_coeferr[0]
        rasig = dln.mad(ra-dln.poly(t,pmra_coef))
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        return np.append(np.zeros(10,float)+np.nan, np.zeros(2,int))

    decerr = np.array(meas['decerr']*1e3,np.float64)   # milli arcsec
    dec = np.array(meas['dec'],np.float64)
    dec -= np.mean(dec)
    dec *= 3600*1e3                         # convert to milli arcsec
    # Calculate robust slope
        #pmdec, pmdecerr = dln.robust_slope(t,dec,decerr,reweight=True)

        # LADfit
        pmdec_ladcoef, absdev = dln.ladfit(t,dec)
        pmdec_lad = pmdec_ladcoef[1]

        # Run RANSAC
        ransac = linear_model.RANSACRegressor(),1), dec)
        inlier_mask = ransac.inlier_mask_
        outlier_mask = np.logical_not(inlier_mask)
        gdmask = inlier_mask
        pmdec_ransac = ransac.estimator_.coef_[0]
        print('  ransac '+str(np.sum(inlier_mask))+' inliers   '+str(np.sum(outlier_mask))+' outliers')

        # Robust, weighted linear with with INLIERS
        #pmdec_coef, pmdec_coeferr = dln.poly_fit(t[gdmask],dec[gdmask],1,sigma=decerr[gdmask],robust=True,error=True)
        #pmdec_coef, pmdec_coeferr = dln.poly_fit(t,dec,1,sigma=decerr,robust=True,error=True)
        #pmdec = pmdec_coef[0]
        #pmdecerr = pmdec_coeferr[0]
        #decdiff = dec-dln.poly(t,pmdec_coef)
        decdiff = dec-t*pmdec_lad
        decdiff -= np.median(decdiff)
        decsig = dln.mad(decdiff)
        # Reject outliers
        gdsig = (np.abs(decdiff) < 2.5*decsig) | (np.abs(decdiff) < 2.5*decerr)
        print('  '+str(nmeas-np.sum(gdsig))+' 2.5*sigma clip outliers rejected')
        #if np.sum(gdsig) < nmeas:
        pmdec_coef, pmdec_coeferr = dln.poly_fit(t[gdsig],dec[gdsig],1,sigma=decerr[gdsig],robust=True,error=True)
        pmdec = pmdec_coef[0]
        pmdecerr = pmdec_coeferr[0]
        decsig = dln.mad(dec-dln.poly(t,pmdec_coef))            

        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        return np.append(np.zeros(10,float)+np.nan, np.zeros(2,int))

    deltamjd = np.max(meas['mjd'])-np.min(meas['mjd'])
    out = np.array([pmra,pmraerr,pmra_ransac,pmra_lad,rasig,pmdec,pmdecerr,pmdec_ransac,pmdec_lad,decsig,nmeas,deltamjd])


    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    return out
Beispiel #14
def zscaling(im, contrast=0.25, nsample=500000):
    This finds the IRAF display z1,z2 scalings
    for an image
    im         2D image
    =contrast  Contrast to use (contrast=0.25 by default)
    =nsample   The number of points of the image to use for the sample
                (nsample=5e4 by default).

     [z1,z1]         The minimum and maximum value to use for display scaling.

      zcals = zscale(im)

    From IRAF display help

    If  the  contrast  is  not  zero  the  sample  pixels  are ranked in
    brightness to form the function I(i) where i  is  the  rank  of  the
    pixel  and  I is its value.  Generally the midpoint of this function
    (the median) is very near the peak of the image histogram and  there
    is  a  well defined slope about the midpoint which is related to the
    width of the histogram.  At the ends of the I(i) function there  are
    a  few very bright and dark pixels due to objects and defects in the
    field.  To determine  the  slope  a  linear  function  is  fit  with
    iterative rejection;
            I(i) = intercept + slope * (i - midpoint)
    If  more  than half of the points are rejected then there is no well
    defined slope and the full range of the sample defines  z1  and  z2.
    Otherwise  the  endpoints  of the linear function are used (provided
    they are within the original range of the sample):
            z1 = I(midpoint) + (slope / contrast) * (1 - midpoint)
            z2 = I(midpoint) + (slope / contrast) * (npoints - midpoint)

    The actual IRAF program is called zsc_zlimits and is in the file

    By D.Nidever  Oct 2007  (using IRAF display zscale algorithm) 

    if im.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError('The input must be 2 dimensiona')
    nx, ny = im.shape
    n = nx * ny

    nsample = np.minimum(nsample, n)

    xind = np.round(np.random.random(nsample) * (nx - 1)).astype(int)
    yind = np.round(np.random.random(nsample) * (ny - 1)).astype(int)

    f = im[xind, yind]
    si = np.argsort(f)
    f2 = f[si]
    x = np.arange(nsample)
    midpoint = np.round(nsample * 0.5)
    med = np.median(f)

    zmin = np.min(im)
    zmax = np.max(im)
    zmed = np.median(im)

    # Robust fitting program
    coef = dln.poly_fit(x, f2, 1, robust=True)

    # y = m*x + b
    # I = intercept + slope * (i-midpoint)
    # I = intercept + slope * i - slope*midpoint
    # I = slope * i + (intercept - slope*midpoint)
    # b = intercept - slope*midpoint
    # intercept = b + slope*midpoint

    slope = coef[0]
    intercept = coef[1] + slope * midpoint

    #    z1 = I(midpoint) + (slope / contrast) * (1 - midpoint)
    #    z2 = I(midpoint) + (slope / contrast) * (npoints - midpoint)
    #z1 = f2[midpoint] + (slope/contrast) * (1L - midpoint)
    #z2 = f2[midpoint] + (slope/contrast) * (nsample - midpoint)
    z1 = zmed + (slope / contrast) * (1 - midpoint)
    z2 = zmed + (slope / contrast) * (nsample - midpoint)

    z1 = np.maximum(z1, zmin)
    z2 = np.minimum(z2, zmax)

    return [z1, z2]
Beispiel #15
            print(zpstr['instrument'][i]+'-'+zpstr['filter'][i]+' '+str(nind)+' exposures')
            if nind>0:
                calstr1 = calstr[ind]
                zpterm = calstr1['zpterm']
                bdzp,nbdzp = dln.where(~np.isfinite(zpterm))  # fix Infinity/NAN
                if nbdzp>0:zpterm[bdzp] = 999999.9
                am = calstr1['airmass']
                mjd = calstr1['mjd']
                bdam,nbdam = dln.where(am < 0.9)
                if nbdam>0: am[bdam] = np.median(am)

                # Measure airmass dependence
                gg0,ngg0 = dln.where((np.abs(zpterm)<50) & (am<2.0))
                coef0 = dln.poly_fit(am[gg0],zpterm[gg0],1,robust=True)
                zpf = dln.poly(am,coef0)
                sig0 = np.mad(zpterm[gg0]-zpf[gg0])
                gg,ngg = dln.where(np.abs(zpterm-zpf) < (np.maximum(3.5*sig0,0.2)))
                coef = dln.poly_fit(am[gg],zpterm[gg],1,robust=True)
                print(zpstr['instrument'][i]+'-'+zpstr['filter'][i]+' '+str(coef))
                # Trim out bad exposures to determine the correlations and make figures
                gg,ngg = dln.where(np.abs(zpterm-zpf) < (3.5*sig0 > 0.2) and calstr1.airmass < 2.0 and calstr1.fwhm < 2.0 and calstr1.rarms < 0.15 & 
                           calstr1.decrms < 0.15 and calstr1.success == 1 and calstr1.wcscal == 'Successful' and calstr1.zptermerr < 0.05 & 
                           calstr1.zptermsig < 0.08 and (calstr1.ngoodchipwcs == calstr1.nchips) & 
                           (calstr1.instrument != 'c4d' or calstr1.zpspatialvar_nccd <= 5 or (calstr1.instrument == 'c4d' and 
                                                                                              calstr1.zpspatialvar_nccd > 5 and calstr1.zpspatialvar_rms < 0.1)) and
                           np.abs(glat) > 10 and calstr1.nrefmatch > 100 and calstr1.exptime >= 30)

                # Zpterm with airmass dependence removed
                relzpterm = zpterm + 25   # 25 to get "absolute" zpterm