def test_dc_process_search_non_speech_events_multiple_instances_both_over(self):
     '''ensure we can locate multiple non speech events, one instance is bad'''        
     test_string = 'recording_7.wav %sWow that is %s awesome' % (test_limit_1,test_limit_2)
     print('...test string >>%s' % test_string)
     tst_dc = DataClean(contents=test_string)            
     self.assertTrue(tst_dc._search_non_speech_events(),'...expected to be under the limit, confirm')                                                                  
 def test_dc_process_search_non_speech_events_at_limit(self):
     '''ensure that one the limit will still pass (as False)'''
     test_string = 'recording_7.wav %sWow that is awesome' % test_limit
     print('...test string >>%s' % test_string)
     tst_dc = DataClean(contents=test_string)            
     self.assertFalse(tst_dc._search_non_speech_events(),'...expected at limit of 20 chars, confirm')                                
 def test_dc_process_search_non_speech_events_over_limit(self):
     '''ensure that OVER the limit will still fail (as True)'''
     test_string = 'recording_7.wav %sWow that is awesome' % test_limit
     print('...test string >>%s' % test_string)
     tst_dc = DataClean(contents=test_string)            
     self.assertTrue(tst_dc._search_non_speech_events(),'...expected to be over the limit of 20 chars, confirm') 
 def test_dc_process_search_non_speech_events_nochars(self):
     '''make sure we can find the non speech with no chars event and ensure it's under the limit'''
     test_string = 'recording_7.wav %sWow that is awesome' % test_limit
     print('...test string >>%s' % test_string)
     tst_dc = DataClean(contents=test_string)            
     self.assertFalse(tst_dc._search_non_speech_events(),'...expected to within limit, confirm')