Beispiel #1
def forward_activate(z, activationFunctionID):
    if activationFunctionID == 'sigmoid':
        return sigmoid(z)
    elif activationFunctionID == 'tanh':
        return tanh(z)
    elif activationFunctionID == 'softmax':
        return softmax(z)
        assert(False) # Unrecognized activation function ID string    
Beispiel #2
def test_softmax():
    zr = torch.randn(3,4)
    zr_copy = zr.clone().detach()
    ar = softmax(zr)

    zr_max, zr_max_idx = torch.max(zr, dim=0) # Get the max of each column
    zr_copy = zr_copy - zr_max # Subtract the max of each column from all rows
    zr_copy = torch.exp(zr_copy) # Take the exponent of all values
    zr_copy_sum_cols = torch.sum(zr_copy, dim=0) # The the sum of each column
    expected_value = zr_copy / zr_copy_sum_cols # Divide each row by the sum of each column
    assert torch.allclose(ar, expected_value) # Check that ar is the same as the expected value.
Beispiel #3
def test_mlp_train_2Layer_softmax_costs():
    device = get_device()
    X = torch.randn(5, 10).to(device)
    y = torch.randn(3, 10).to(device)

    activationFunctionID0 = 'tanh'
    activationFunctionID1 = 'softmax'
    layer0 = NNLayerConfig(4, activationFunctionID0)
    layer1 = NNLayerConfig(3, activationFunctionID1)
    layers = [layer0, layer1]
    numInputNodes = X.shape[0]
    mlp = MLPModel(numInputNodes, layers)

    weightsCopy = []
    for weight in mlp.m_weights:
    biasesCopy = []
    for bias in mlp.m_biases:

    lossFunctionID = 'loss_cross_entropy_softmax'
    numEpochs = 1
    batchSize = 4
    optimizer = AdamOptimizer(mlp)
    regularizationFactor = 0
    regularizer = L2Regularizer(regularizationFactor)
    numBatches, costs = mlp_train(mlp, X, y, lossFunctionID, regularizer,
                                  optimizer, batchSize, numEpochs)

    assert math.isclose(len(costs), 3, rel_tol=1e-05)

    # Check first batch
    xBatch0 = X[:, 0:4]
    yBatch0 = y[:, 0:4]
    assert math.isclose(xBatch0.shape[1], 4, rel_tol=1e-05)
    z0 = torch.matmul(weightsCopy[0], xBatch0) + biasesCopy[0]
    a0 = tanh(z0)
    z1 = torch.matmul(weightsCopy[1], a0) + biasesCopy[1]
    a1 = softmax(z1)
    y_pred = a1
    loss0 = compute_loss(yBatch0, y_pred, lossFunctionID)
    cost0 = torch.true_divide(torch.sum(loss0, dim=1), loss0.shape[1])
    cost0 =
    assert torch.allclose(costs[0], cost0)
    assert costs[0].shape[0] == 3
Beispiel #4
def test_forward_rnn_softmax():
    xr = torch.randn(4, 3)
    aPrevr = torch.randn(2, 3)
    war = torch.randn(3, 6)
    bar = torch.randn(3, 1)

    activationFunctionID = 'softmax'
    z, a = forward_rnn(xr, aPrevr, war, bar, activationFunctionID)

    xa =, xr), 0)
    assert xa.shape[0] == 6
    assert xa.shape[1] == 3

    zExpected = torch.matmul(war, xa) + bar
    assert torch.allclose(z, zExpected)

    aExpected = softmax(zExpected)
    assert torch.allclose(a, aExpected)
Beispiel #5
def test_forward_softmax():
    # x is a 4x3 matrix. 3 examples, 4 features or nodes per example.
    xr = torch.randn(4, 3)

    # w is 2x4 matrix. 2 nodes in the layer being forward propagated. 4 nodes in the previous layer.
    wr = torch.randn(2, 4)

    # b is a 2x1 matrix, 2 constants for the 2 nodes in the layer being forward propagated.
    br = torch.randn(2, 1)

    # a, the forward propagation result in the layer is a 2x3 matrix. 2 nodes or features for each of the 3 examples.
    activationFunctionID = 'softmax'
    zr, ar = forward(xr, wr, br, activationFunctionID)

    zExpected = torch.matmul(wr, xr) + br
    aExpected = softmax(zExpected)

    assert torch.allclose(zr, zExpected)
    assert torch.allclose(ar, aExpected)