class SudokuPuzzle(object): """Representation of a Sudoku puzzle, with methods to convert back and forth from an instance of DLX.""" def __init__(self, squares): """Squares is a nested list representing an initial sudoku board. A 0 represents an empty square, while a nonzero digit represents a square filled with that value.""" self.dlxrows = squares self.sparseMatrix = SparseMatrix(self.dlxrows) self.dlx = DLX(self.sparseMatrix) def solve(self): """Solve the sudoku puzzle. Return value is a nested list in the same format as the input to the constructor.""" self.dlx_soln = if self.dlx_soln: self.soln_rows = [node.rowindex for node in self.dlx_soln if node] else: return None dlx_encoded_soln = [ self.sparseMatrix.colindices_for(row) for row in self.soln_rows ] rcvs = map(dlx_row_to_rcv, dlx_encoded_soln) out = build_blank_board() for row, col, val in rcvs: out[int(row)][int(col)] = val return out
def main(): if(len(sys.argv) != 2): print("usage: python3 <problem description>") return numvars, clauses = getproblem(sys.argv[1]) grid = buildgrid(numvars, clauses) dlx = DLX(SparseMatrix(grid)) results = printresults(results)
def main(): if (len(sys.argv) != 2): print("usage: python3 <problem description>") return numvars, clauses = getproblem(sys.argv[1]) grid = buildgrid(numvars, clauses) dlx = DLX(SparseMatrix(grid)) results = printresults(results)