def main(vm_name, guest_ip, host_ip, guest_primary_dns, path_logs): # Welcome print "\n--- AntiVMdetect by Mikael, @nsmfoo (modified by Jose Carlos R.) ---" print bcolors.OKGREEN + " [*]" + bcolors.ENDC + " Creating VirtualBox modifications .." dmi_info = {} for v in dmidecode.bios().values(): if type(v) == dict and v["dmi_type"] == 0: dmi_info["DmiBIOSVendor"] = v["data"]["Vendor"] dmi_info["DmiBIOSReleaseDate"] = v["data"]["Relase Date"] dmi_info["DmiBIOSVersion"] = v["data"]["Version"] biosversion = v["data"]["BIOS Revision"] try: dmi_info["DmiBIOSReleaseMajor"], dmi_info["DmiBIOSReleaseMinor"] = biosversion.split(".", 1) except: dmi_info["DmiBIOSReleaseMajor"] = "** No value to retrieve **" dmi_info["DmiBIOSReleaseMinor"] = "** No value to retrieve **" # python-dmidecode does not currently reveal all values .. this is plan B dmi_firmware = commands.getoutput("dmidecode -t0") try: dmi_info["DmiBIOSFirmwareMajor"], dmi_info["DmiBIOSFirmwareMinor"] = ("Firmware Revision: ([0-9A-Za-z. ]*)", dmi_firmware).group(1).split(".", 1) ) except: dmi_info["DmiBIOSFirmwareMajor"] = "** No value to retrieve **" dmi_info["DmiBIOSFirmwareMinor"] = "** No value to retrieve **" for v in dmidecode.baseboard().values(): if type(v) == dict and v["dmi_type"] == 2: serial_number = v["data"]["Serial Number"] dmi_info["DmiBoardVersion"] = v["data"]["Version"] if isinstance(v["data"]["Product Name"], int): dmi_info["DmiBoardProduct"] = str(v["data"]["Product Name"]) + " " else: dmi_info["DmiBoardProduct"] = v["data"]["Product Name"] dmi_info["DmiBoardVendor"] = v["data"]["Manufacturer"] # This is hopefully not the best solution .. try: s_number = [] if serial_number: # Get position if "/" in serial_number: for slash in re.finditer("/", serial_number): s_number.append(slash.start(0)) # Remove / from string new_serial = re.sub("/", "", serial_number) new_serial = serial_randomize(0, len(new_serial)) # Add / again for char in s_number: new_serial = new_serial[:char] + "/" + new_serial[char:] else: new_serial = serial_randomize(0, len(serial_number)) else: new_serial = "** No value to retrieve **" except: new_serial = "** No value to retrieve **" dmi_info["DmiBoardSerial"] = "string:" + new_serial # python-dmidecode does not reveal all values .. this is plan B dmi_board = commands.getoutput("dmidecode -t2") try: asset_tag ="Asset Tag: ([0-9A-Za-z ]*)", dmi_board).group(1) except: asset_tag = "** No value to retrieve **" dmi_info["DmiBoardAssetTag"] = asset_tag try: loc_chassis ="Location In Chassis: ([0-9A-Za-z ]*)", dmi_board).group(1) except: loc_chassis = "** No value to retrieve **" dmi_info["DmiBoardLocInChass"] = loc_chassis # Based on the list from board_dict = { "Unknown": 1, "Other": 2, "Server Blade": 3, "Connectivity Switch": 4, "System Management Module": 5, "Processor Module": 6, "I/O Module": 7, "Memory Module": 8, "Daughter board": 9, "Motherboard": 10, "Processor/Memory Module": 11, "Processor/IO Module": 12, "Interconnect board": 13, } try: board_type ="Type: ([0-9A-Za-z ]+)", dmi_board).group(1) board_type = str(board_dict.get(board_type)) except: board_type = "** No value to retrieve **" dmi_info["DmiBoardBoardType"] = board_type for v in dmidecode.system().values(): if type(v) == dict and v["dmi_type"] == 1: dmi_info["DmiSystemSKU"] = v["data"]["SKU Number"] system_family = v["data"]["Family"] system_serial = v["data"]["Serial Number"] dmi_info["DmiSystemVersion"] = "string:" + v["data"]["Version"] dmi_info["DmiSystemProduct"] = v["data"]["Product Name"] dmi_info["DmiSystemVendor"] = v["data"]["Manufacturer"] if not system_family: dmi_info["DmiSystemFamily"] = "Not Specified" else: dmi_info["DmiSystemFamily"] = system_family # Create a new UUID newuuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) dmi_info["DmiSystemUuid"] = newuuid.upper() # Create a new system serial number dmi_info["DmiSystemSerial"] = "string:" + (serial_randomize(0, len(system_serial))) for v in dmidecode.chassis().values(): dmi_info["DmiChassisVendor"] = v["data"]["Manufacturer"] chassi_serial = v["data"]["Serial Number"] dmi_info["DmiChassisVersion"] = v["data"]["Version"] dmi_info["DmiChassisType"] = v["data"]["Type"] # Based on the list from chassi_dict = { "Other": 1, "Unknown": 2, "Desktop": 3, "Low Profile Desktop": 4, "Pizza Box": 5, "Mini Tower": 6, "Tower": 7, "Portable": 8, "Laptop": 9, "Notebook": 10, "Hand Held": 11, "Docking Station": 12, "All in One": 13, "Sub Notebook": 14, "Space-saving": 15, "Lunch Box": 16, "Main Server Chassis": 17, "Expansion Chassis": 18, "SubChassis": 19, "Bus Expansion Chassis": 20, "Peripheral Chassis": 21, } dmi_info["DmiChassisType"] = str(chassi_dict.get(dmi_info["DmiChassisType"])) # python-dmidecode does not reveal all values .. this is plan B chassi = commands.getoutput("dmidecode -t3") try: dmi_info["DmiChassisAssetTag"] ="Asset Tag: ([0-9A-Za-z ]*)", chassi).group(1) except: dmi_info["DmiChassisAssetTag"] = "** No value to retrieve **" # Create a new chassi serial number, added string to make it be taken as a string even if it's a number dmi_info["DmiChassisSerial"] = "string:" + str(serial_randomize(0, len(chassi_serial))) for v in dmidecode.processor().values(): dmi_info["DmiProcVersion"] = v["data"]["Version"] dmi_info["DmiProcManufacturer"] = v["data"]["Manufacturer"]["Vendor"] # OEM strings try: for v in dmidecode.type(11).values(): oem_ver = v["data"]["Strings"]["3"] oem_rev = v["data"]["Strings"]["2"] except: pass try: dmi_info["DmiOEMVBoxVer"] = oem_ver dmi_info["DmiOEMVBoxRev"] = oem_rev except: dmi_info["DmiOEMVBoxVer"] = "** No value to retrieve **" dmi_info["DmiOEMVBoxRev"] = "** No value to retrieve **" # Write all data collected so far to file file_name = "vboxmods-" + vm_name.replace(" ", "_") + ".sh" logfile = file(path_logs + "/" + file_name, "w+") logfile.write("# Generated on: " + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") + "\n") for k, v in sorted(dmi_info.iteritems()): if "** No value to retrieve **" in v: logfile.write( '# VBoxManage setextradata "' + vm_name + '" VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/' + k + "\t" + v + "\n" ) else: logfile.write( 'VBoxManage setextradata "' + vm_name + '" VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/' + k + "\t'" + v + "'\n" ) # Disk information disk_dmi = {} try: if os.path.exists("/dev/sda"): # Disk serial disk_serial = commands.getoutput( "hdparm -i /dev/sda | grep -o 'SerialNo=[A-Za-z0-9_\+\/ .\"-]*' | awk -F= '{print $2}'" ) # To avoid exceding 20 bytes serials if len(disk_serial) > 20: disk_dmi["SerialNumber"] = serial_randomize(0, 20) else: disk_dmi["SerialNumber"] = serial_randomize(0, len(disk_serial)) # Check for HP Legacy RAID elif os.path.exists("/dev/cciss/c0d0"): # Needs smartctl to be able to get the correct information if os.path.exists("/usr/sbin/smartctl"): hp_old_raid = commands.getoutput("smartctl -d cciss,1 -i /dev/cciss/c0d0") disk_serial ="Serial number:([0-9A-Za-z ]*)", hp_old_raid).group(1).replace(" ", "") # To avoid exceding 20 bytes serials if len(disk_serial) > 20: disk_dmi["SerialNumber"] = serial_randomize(0, 20) else: disk_dmi["SerialNumber"] = serial_randomize(0, len(disk_serial)) else: print bcolors.WARNING + "Install smartmontools: apt-get install smartmontools" + bcolors.ENDC except OSError: print "Haz RAID?" print commands.getoutput("lspci | grep -i raid") # Disk firmeware rev try: if os.path.exists("/dev/sda"): disk_fwrev = commands.getoutput( "hdparm -i /dev/sda | grep -o 'FwRev=[A-Za-z0-9_\+\/ .\"-]*' | awk -F= '{print $2}'" ) disk_dmi["FirmwareRevision"] = disk_fwrev if len(disk_dmi["FirmwareRevision"]) < 8: disk_dmi["FirmwareRevision"] = disk_dmi["FirmwareRevision"][:8] elif os.path.exists("/dev/cciss/c0d0"): # Needs smartctl to be able to get the correct information if os.path.exists("/usr/sbin/smartctl"): hp_old_raid = commands.getoutput("smartctl -d cciss,1 -i /dev/cciss/c0d0") disk_dmi["FirmwareRevision"] = ("Revision:([0-9A-Za-z ]*)", hp_old_raid).group(1).replace(" ", "") ) if len(disk_dmi["FirmwareRevision"]) < 8: disk_dmi["FirmwareRevision"] = disk_dmi["FirmwareRevision"][:8] else: print "Install smartmontools: apt-get install smartmontools" except OSError: print "Haz RAID?" print commands.getoutput("lspci | grep -i raid") # Disk Model number try: if os.path.exists("/dev/sda"): disk_modelno = commands.getoutput( "hdparm -i /dev/sda | grep -o 'Model=[A-Za-z0-9_\+\/ .\"-]*' | awk -F= '{print $2}'" ) disk_dmi["ModelNumber"] = disk_modelno elif os.path.exists("/dev/cciss/c0d0"): # Needs smartctl to be able to get the correct information if os.path.exists("/usr/sbin/smartctl"): hp_old_raid = commands.getoutput("smartctl -d cciss,1 -i /dev/cciss/c0d0") disk_dmi["ModelNumber"] ="Product:([0-9A-Za-z ]*)", hp_old_raid).group(1).replace(" ", "") else: print "Install smartmontools: apt-get install smartmontools" except OSError: print "Haz RAID?" print commands.getoutput("lspci | grep -i raid") # Write more things to file for k, v in disk_dmi.iteritems(): if "** No value to retrieve **" in v: logfile.write( '# VBoxManage setextradata "' + vm_name + '" VBoxInternal/Devices/piix3ide/0/Config/PrimaryMaster/' + k + "\t" + v + "\n" ) else: logfile.write( 'VBoxManage setextradata "' + vm_name + '" VBoxInternal/Devices/piix3ide/0/Config/PrimaryMaster/' + k + "\t'" + v + "'\n" ) # CD-ROM information cdrom_dmi = {} if os.path.islink("/dev/cdrom"): # CD-ROM serial cdrom_serial = commands.getoutput( "hdparm -i /dev/cdrom | grep -o 'SerialNo=[A-Za-z0-9_\+\/ .\"-]*' | awk -F= '{print $2}'" ) if cdrom_serial: cdrom_dmi["ATAPISerialNumber"] = serial_randomize(0, len(cdrom_serial)) else: cdrom_dmi["ATAPISerialNumber"] = "** No value to retrieve **" # CD-ROM firmeware rev cdrom_fwrev = commands.getoutput("cd-drive | grep Revision | grep ':' | awk {' print $3 \" \" $4'}") cdrom_dmi["ATAPIRevision"] = cdrom_fwrev.replace(" ", "") # CD-ROM Model numberA-Za-z0-9_\+\/ .\"- cdrom_modelno = commands.getoutput("cd-drive | grep Model | grep ':' | awk {' print $3 \" \" $4'}") cdrom_dmi["ATAPIProductId"] = cdrom_modelno # CD-ROM Vendor cdrom_vendor = commands.getoutput("cd-drive | grep Vendor | grep ':' | awk {' print $3 '}") cdrom_dmi["ATAPIVendorId"] = cdrom_vendor else: logfile.write("# No CD-ROM detected: ** No values to retrieve **\n") # And some more for k, v in cdrom_dmi.iteritems(): if "** No value to retrieve **" in v: logfile.write( '# VBoxManage setextradata "' + vm_name + '" VBoxInternal/Devices/piix3ide/0/Config/SecondaryMaster/' + k + "\t" + v + "\n" ) else: logfile.write( 'VBoxManage setextradata "' + vm_name + '" VBoxInternal/Devices/piix3ide/0/Config/SecondaryMaster/' + k + "\t'" + v + "'\n" ) # Get the DSDT image # os.system("dd if=/sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT of=DSDT.bin >/dev/null 2>&1") # Write to file # Da un error de que la tabla ACPI es mayor de 64KB, aunque lo comente, si luego ejecuto el batch dentro del Guest, pasa las pruebas # logfile.write('VBoxManage setextradata '+vm_name+' VBoxInternal/Devices/acpi/0/Config/CustomTable\t\'' + os.getcwd() + '/DSDT.bin\'\n') acpi_misc = commands.getoutput('acpidump -s | grep DSDT | grep -o "\(([A-Za-z0-9].*)\)" | tr -d "()"') acpi_list = acpi_misc.split(" ") acpi_list = filter(None, acpi_list) logfile.write( 'VBoxManage setextradata "' + vm_name + "\" VBoxInternal/Devices/acpi/0/Config/AcpiOemId\t'" + acpi_list[1] + "'\n" ) logfile.write( 'VBoxManage setextradata "' + vm_name + "\" VBoxInternal/Devices/acpi/0/Config/AcpiCreatorId\t'" + acpi_list[4] + "'\n" ) logfile.write( 'VBoxManage setextradata "' + vm_name + "\" VBoxInternal/Devices/acpi/0/Config/AcpiCreatorRev\t'" + acpi_list[5] + "'\n" ) # Randomize MAC address, based on onboard interface MAC mac_seed = ":".join(re.findall("..", "%012x" % uuid.getnode()))[0:9] big_mac = mac_seed + "%02x:%02x:%02x" % (random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255)) le_big_mac = re.sub(":", "", big_mac) # The last thing! logfile.write('VBoxManage modifyvm "' + vm_name + '" --macaddress1\t' + le_big_mac + "\n") # Done! logfile.close() print " Finished: A template shell script has been created named:", file_name print bcolors.OKGREEN + "\n [*]" + bcolors.ENDC + " Creating guest based modification file (to be run inside the guest)" # Write all data to file file_name2 = "vboxmods-" + vm_name.replace(" ", "_") + ".bat" logfile = file("/srv/ftp/CopyThisOne!/" + file_name2, "w+") manu = acpi_list[1] # DSDT logfile.write("@reg copy HKLM\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\VBOX__ HKLM\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\\" + manu + " /s /f\n\n") logfile.write("@reg delete HKLM\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\VBOX__ /f\n\n") logfile.write( "@reg copy HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\\" + manu + "\VBOXBIOS HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\\" + manu + "\\" + acpi_list[2] + "___" + " /s /f\n\n" ) logfile.write("@reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\\" + manu + "\VBOXBIOS /f\n\n") logfile.write( "@reg copy HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\\" + manu + "\\" + acpi_list[2] + "___\\00000002 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\\" + manu + "\\" + acpi_list[2] + "___\\" + acpi_list[3] + " /s /f\n\n" ) logfile.write( "@reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\\" + manu + "\\" + acpi_list[2] + "___\\00000002 /f\n" ) # FADT logfile.write( "@reg copy HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\" + manu + "\VBOXFACP HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\" + manu + "\\" + acpi_list[2] + "___ /s /f\n\n" ) logfile.write("@reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\" + manu + "\VBOXFACP /f\n") logfile.write( "@reg copy HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\" + manu + "\\" + acpi_list[2] + "___\\00000001 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\" + manu + "\\" + acpi_list[2] + "___\\" + acpi_list[3] + " /s /f\n\n" ) logfile.write( "@reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\" + manu + "\\" + acpi_list[2] + "___\\00000001 /f\n\n" ) # RSDT logfile.write( "@reg copy HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\" + manu + "\VBOXRSDT HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\" + manu + "\\" + acpi_list[2] + "___ /s /f\r\n" ) logfile.write("@reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\" + manu + "\VBOXRSDT /f\r\n") logfile.write( "@reg copy HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\" + manu + "\\" + acpi_list[2] + "___\\00000001 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\" + manu + "\\" + acpi_list[2] + "___\\" + acpi_list[3] + " /s /f\r\n" ) logfile.write( "@reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\" + manu + "\\" + acpi_list[2] + "___\\00000001 /f\r\n" ) # SystemBiosVersion - TODO: get real values logfile.write( '@reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System /v SystemBiosVersion /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d "' + acpi_list[1] + " - " + acpi_list[0] + '" /f\n\n' ) # VideoBiosVersion - TODO: get real values logfile.write( '@reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System /v VideoBiosVersion /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d "' + acpi_list[0] + '" /f\n' ) # SystemBiosDate d_month, d_day, d_year = dmi_info["DmiBIOSReleaseDate"].split("/") if len(d_year) > 2: d_year = d_year[:2] logfile.write( '@reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System /v SystemBiosDate /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d "' + d_month + "/" + d_day + "/" + d_year + '" /f\n' ) # Prevent WMI identification logfile.write( '@reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\PlugPlay /v Start /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d "4" /f\r\n' ) # The system have to be rebooted for this to work, don't know why # Disables FW logfile.write("netsh firewall set opmode disable\n") # Disables windows updates logfile.write( '@reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update" /v AUOptions /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f\n' ) # Change the IP and DNS shortScript = ( """ @echo off set _enabled=Habilitado set _dedicated=Dedicado for /f "tokens=1,2,3*" %%i in ('netsh int show interface') do ( if %%i equ %_enabled% ( if %%j equ %_dedicated% ( netsh int ip set address "%%k %%l" static """ + guest_ip + """ """ + host_ip + """ 1 netsh int ip set dns "%%k %%l" static """ + guest_primary_dns + """ ) ) ) ipconfig /flushdns :EOF""" ) logfile.write(shortScript + "\n") logfile.close() print " Finished: A Windows batch file has been created named:", file_name2 return
def mobo_info(self): mobo = [] for v in dmidecode.baseboard().values(): if v['dmi_type'] == 2: #Motherboard mobo.append("Manufacturer: %s" %(v['data']['Manufacturer'])) mobo.append("Product Name: %s" %(v['data']['Product Name'])) mobo.append("Version: %s" %(v['data']['Version'])) mobo.append("Serial Number: %s" %(v['data']['Serial Number'])) break return mobo
def net_info(self): #~ data1 = dmidecode.connector().values() #~ data2 = dmidecode.baseboard().values() #~ data2 = dmidecode.QueryTypeId(41) ; print data2 net = [] netport = 0 netdev = 0 for v in dmidecode.connector().values(): if v['dmi_type'] == 8 and v['data']['Port Type'] == "Network Port": #Network Port if netport > 0: net.append(" ") net.append("Network Port %s" %netport) net.append("Internal Reference Designator: %s" %(v['data']['Internal Reference Designator'])) net.append("Internal Connector Type: %s" %(v['data']['Internal Connector Type'])) net.append("External Reference Designator: %s" %(v['data']['External Reference Designator'])) net.append("External Connector Type: %s" %(v['data']['External Connector Type'])) netport += 1 for v in dmidecode.baseboard().values(): if v['dmi_type'] == 41: chk = v['data']['Reference Designation'] if "802.11" in chk or "WiFi" in chk or "Ethernet" in chk: if netport > 0: net.append(" ") net.append("Network Device %s" %netdev) net.append("Name: %s" %(v['data']['Reference Designation'])) net.append("Status: %s" %(v['data']['Status'])) net.append("Type: %s" %(v['data']['Type'])) net.append("Type Instance: %s" %(v['data']['Type Instance'])) net.append("Bus Address: %s" %(v['data']['Bus Address'])) netdev += 1 return net
def _getdmi(self): from pprint import pprint DMI = { } # get BIOS Data #tmp = dmidecode.bios() #pprint(tmp) for v in dmidecode.bios().values(): if type(v) == dict and v['dmi_type'] == 0: DMI['bios',0,'BIOS Revision'] = str((v['data']['BIOS Revision'])) DMI['bios',0,'ROM Size'] = str((v['data']['ROM Size'])) try: DMI['bios',0,'Release Date'] = str((v['data']['Relase Date'])) except (KeyError): DMI['bios',0,'Release Date'] = str((v['data']['Release Date'])) DMI['bios',0,'Runtime Size'] = str((v['data']['Runtime Size'])) DMI['bios',0,'Vendor'] = str((v['data']['Vendor'])) DMI['bios',0,'Version'] = str((v['data']['Version'])) # get System Data #tmp = dmidecode.system() #pprint(tmp) for v in dmidecode.system().values(): if type(v) == dict and v['dmi_type'] == 1: DMI['system',0,'Family'] = str((v['data']['Family'])) DMI['system',0,'Manufacturer'] = str((v['data']['Manufacturer'])) DMI['system',0,'Product Name'] = str((v['data']['Product Name'])) DMI['system',0,'SKU Number'] = str((v['data']['SKU Number'])) DMI['system',0,'Serial Number'] = str((v['data']['Serial Number'])) DMI['system',0,'UUID'] = str((v['data']['UUID'])) DMI['system',0,'Version'] = str((v['data']['Version'])) DMI['system',0,'Wake-Up Type'] = str((v['data']['Wake-Up Type'])) # get BaseBoard Data #tmp = dmidecode.baseboard() #pprint(tmp) for v in dmidecode.baseboard().values(): if type(v) == dict and v['dmi_type'] == 2: DMI['baseboard',0,'Manufacturer'] = str((v['data']['Manufacturer'])) DMI['baseboard',0,'Product Name'] = str((v['data']['Product Name'])) DMI['baseboard',0,'Serial Number'] = str((v['data']['Serial Number'])) DMI['baseboard',0,'Version'] = str((v['data']['Version'])) # get chassis Data #tmp = dmidecode.chassis() #pprint(tmp) for v in dmidecode.chassis().values(): if type(v) == dict and v['dmi_type'] == 3: DMI['chassis',0,'Asset Tag'] = str((v['data']['Asset Tag'])) DMI['chassis',0,'Boot-Up State'] = str((v['data']['Boot-Up State'])) DMI['chassis',0,'Lock'] = str((v['data']['Lock'])) DMI['chassis',0,'Manufacturer'] = str((v['data']['Manufacturer'])) DMI['chassis',0,'Power Supply State'] = str((v['data']['Power Supply State'])) DMI['chassis',0,'Security Status'] = str((v['data']['Security Status'])) DMI['chassis',0,'Serial Number'] = str((v['data']['Serial Number'])) DMI['chassis',0,'Thermal State'] = str((v['data']['Thermal State'])) DMI['chassis',0,'Type'] = str((v['data']['Type'])) DMI['chassis',0,'Version'] = str((v['data']['Version'])) # get Processor Data #tmp = dmidecode.processor() #pprint(tmp) i = 0 for v in dmidecode.processor().values(): if type(v) == dict and v['dmi_type'] == 4: DMI['processor',i,'Asset Tag'] = str((v['data']['Asset Tag'])) DMI['processor',i,'Characteristics'] = str((v['data']['Characteristics'])) DMI['processor',i,'Core Count'] = str((v['data']['Core Count'])) DMI['processor',i,'Core Enabled'] = str((v['data']['Core Enabled'])) DMI['processor',i,'Current Speed'] =str((v['data']['Current Speed'])) DMI['processor',i,'External Clock'] = str((v['data']['External Clock'])) DMI['processor',i,'Family'] = str((v['data']['Family'])) DMI['processor',i,'L1 Cache Handle'] = str((v['data']['L1 Cache Handle'])) DMI['processor',i,'L2 Cache Handle'] = str((v['data']['L2 Cache Handle'])) DMI['processor',i,'L3 Cache Handle'] = str((v['data']['L3 Cache Handle'])) DMI['processor',i,'Manufacturer'] = str((v['data']['Manufacturer']['Vendor'])) DMI['processor',i,'Max Speed'] = str((v['data']['Max Speed'])) DMI['processor',i,'Part Number'] = str((v['data']['Part Number'])) DMI['processor',i,'Serial Number'] = str((v['data']['Serial Number'])) DMI['processor',i,'Socket Designation'] = str((v['data']['Socket Designation'])) DMI['processor',i,'Status'] = str((v['data']['Status'])) DMI['processor',i,'Thread Count'] = str((v['data']['Thread Count'])) DMI['processor',i,'Type'] = str((v['data']['Type'])) DMI['processor',i,'Upgrade'] = str((v['data']['Upgrade'])) DMI['processor',i,'Version'] = str((v['data']['Version'])) DMI['processor',i,'Voltage'] = str((v['data']['Voltage'])) i += 1 # get Memory Data #tmp = dmidecode.memory() #pprint(tmp) i = 0 for v in dmidecode.memory().values(): if type(v) == dict and v['dmi_type'] == 17 : if str((v['data']['Size'])) != 'None': DMI['memory',i,'Data Width'] = str((v['data']['Data Width'])) DMI['memory',i,'Error Information Handle'] = str((v['data']['Error Information Handle'])) DMI['memory',i,'Form Factor'] = str((v['data']['Form Factor'])) DMI['memory',i,'Bank Locator'] = str((v['data']['Bank Locator'])) DMI['memory',i,'Locator'] = str((v['data']['Locator'])) DMI['memory',i,'Manufacturer'] = str((v['data']['Manufacturer'])) DMI['memory',i,'Part Number'] = str((v['data']['Part Number'])) DMI['memory',i,'Serial Number'] = str((v['data']['Serial Number'])) DMI['memory',i,'Size'] = str((v['data']['Size'])) DMI['memory',i,'Speed'] = str((v['data']['Speed'])) DMI['memory',i,'Type'] = str((v['data']['Type'])) i += 1 # get cache Data #tmp = dmidecode.cache() #pprint(tmp) # get connector Data #tmp = dmidecode.connector() #pprint(tmp) # get slot Data #tmp = dmidecode.slot() #pprint(tmp) return DMI
try: dmi_info['DmiBIOSReleaseMajor'], dmi_info['DmiBIOSReleaseMinor'] = biosversion.split('.', 1) except: dmi_info['DmiBIOSReleaseMajor'] = '** No value to retrieve **' dmi_info['DmiBIOSReleaseMinor'] = '** No value to retrieve **' # python-dmidecode does not currently reveal all values .. this is plan B dmi_firmware = commands.getoutput("dmidecode -t0") try: dmi_info['DmiBIOSFirmwareMajor'], dmi_info['DmiBIOSFirmwareMinor'] = "Firmware Revision: ([0-9A-Za-z. ]*)", dmi_firmware).group(1).split('.', 1) except: dmi_info['DmiBIOSFirmwareMajor'] = '** No value to retrieve **' dmi_info['DmiBIOSFirmwareMinor'] = '** No value to retrieve **' for v in dmidecode.baseboard().values(): if type(v) == dict and v['dmi_type'] == 2: serial_number = v['data']['Serial Number'] dmi_info['DmiBoardVersion'] = v['data']['Version'] dmi_info['DmiBoardProduct'] = "string:" + v['data']['Product Name'] dmi_info['DmiBoardVendor'] = v['data']['Manufacturer'] # This is hopefully not the best solution .. try: s_number = [] if serial_number: # Get position if '/' in serial_number: for slash in re.finditer('/', serial_number): s_number.append(slash.start(0)) # Remove / from string
except: dmi_info['DmiBIOSReleaseMajor'] = '** No value to retrieve **' dmi_info['DmiBIOSReleaseMinor'] = '** No value to retrieve **' # python-dmidecode does not currently reveal all values .. this is plan B dmi_firmware = commands.getoutput("dmidecode -t0") try: dmi_info['DmiBIOSFirmwareMajor'], dmi_info[ 'DmiBIOSFirmwareMinor'] = "Firmware Revision: ([0-9A-Za-z. ]*)", dmi_firmware).group(1).split('.', 1) except: dmi_info['DmiBIOSFirmwareMajor'] = '** No value to retrieve **' dmi_info['DmiBIOSFirmwareMinor'] = '** No value to retrieve **' for v in dmidecode.baseboard().values(): if type(v) == dict and v['dmi_type'] == 2: serial_number = v['data']['Serial Number'] dmi_info['DmiBoardVersion'] = v['data']['Version'] dmi_info['DmiBoardProduct'] = v['data']['Product Name'] dmi_info['DmiBoardVendor'] = v['data']['Manufacturer'] # This is hopefully not the best solution .. try: s_number = [] if serial_number: # Get position if '/' in serial_number: for slash in re.finditer('/', serial_number): s_number.append(slash.start(0)) # Remove / from string
print("####") print() print() #. Test for presence of important functions using /dev/mem... Using the legacy API #. This does not print any decoded info. If the call fails, either a warning will #. be issued or an exception will be raised. This test is now only used to check #. for presence of the legacy API, which "under the hood" uses #. dmidecode.QuerySection(name), where name can be 'bios', 'system', etc. if root_user: print("*** bios ***\n"); dmidecode.bios() print_warnings() print("*** system ***\n"); dmidecode.system() print_warnings() print("*** baseboard ***\n"); dmidecode.baseboard() print_warnings() print("*** chassis ***\n"); dmidecode.chassis() print_warnings() print("*** processor ***\n"); dmidecode.processor() print_warnings() print("*** memory ***\n"); dmidecode.memory() print_warnings() print("*** cache ***\n"); dmidecode.cache() print_warnings() print("*** connector ***\n"); dmidecode.connector() print_warnings() print("*** slot ***\n"); dmidecode.slot() print_warnings()
def main(vm_name, guest_ip, host_ip, guest_primary_dns, path_logs): # Welcome print '\n--- AntiVMdetect by Mikael, @nsmfoo (modified by Jose Carlos R.) ---' print bcolors.OKGREEN+' [*]'+bcolors.ENDC+' Creating VirtualBox modifications ..' dmi_info = {} for v in dmidecode.bios().values(): if type(v) == dict and v['dmi_type'] == 0: dmi_info['DmiBIOSVendor'] = v['data']['Vendor'] dmi_info['DmiBIOSReleaseDate'] = v['data']['Relase Date'] dmi_info['DmiBIOSVersion'] = v['data']['Version'] biosversion = v['data']['BIOS Revision'] try: dmi_info['DmiBIOSReleaseMajor'], dmi_info['DmiBIOSReleaseMinor'] = biosversion.split('.', 1) except: dmi_info['DmiBIOSReleaseMajor'] = '** No value to retrieve **' dmi_info['DmiBIOSReleaseMinor'] = '** No value to retrieve **' # python-dmidecode does not currently reveal all values .. this is plan B dmi_firmware = commands.getoutput("dmidecode -t0") try: dmi_info['DmiBIOSFirmwareMajor'], dmi_info['DmiBIOSFirmwareMinor'] = "Firmware Revision: ([0-9A-Za-z. ]*)", dmi_firmware).group(1).split('.', 1) except: dmi_info['DmiBIOSFirmwareMajor'] = '** No value to retrieve **' dmi_info['DmiBIOSFirmwareMinor'] = '** No value to retrieve **' for v in dmidecode.baseboard().values(): if type(v) == dict and v['dmi_type'] == 2: serial_number = v['data']['Serial Number'] dmi_info['DmiBoardVersion'] = v['data']['Version'] if isinstance(v['data']['Product Name'], int ): dmi_info['DmiBoardProduct'] = str(v['data']['Product Name'])+ ' ' else: dmi_info['DmiBoardProduct'] = v['data']['Product Name'] dmi_info['DmiBoardVendor'] = v['data']['Manufacturer'] # This is hopefully not the best solution .. try: s_number = [] if serial_number: # Get position if '/' in serial_number: for slash in re.finditer('/', serial_number): s_number.append(slash.start(0)) # Remove / from string new_serial = re.sub('/', '', serial_number) new_serial = serial_randomize(0, len(new_serial)) # Add / again for char in s_number: new_serial = new_serial[:char] + '/' + new_serial[char:] else: new_serial = serial_randomize(0, len(serial_number)) else: new_serial = "** No value to retrieve **" except: new_serial = "** No value to retrieve **" dmi_info['DmiBoardSerial'] = "string:"+new_serial # python-dmidecode does not reveal all values .. this is plan B dmi_board = commands.getoutput("dmidecode -t2") try: asset_tag ="Asset Tag: ([0-9A-Za-z ]*)", dmi_board).group(1) except: asset_tag = '** No value to retrieve **' dmi_info['DmiBoardAssetTag'] = asset_tag try: loc_chassis ="Location In Chassis: ([0-9A-Za-z ]*)", dmi_board).group(1) except: loc_chassis = '** No value to retrieve **' dmi_info['DmiBoardLocInChass'] = loc_chassis # Based on the list from board_dict = {'Unknown': 1, 'Other': 2, 'Server Blade': 3, 'Connectivity Switch': 4, 'System Management Module': 5, 'Processor Module': 6, 'I/O Module': 7, 'Memory Module': 8, 'Daughter board': 9, 'Motherboard': 10, 'Processor/Memory Module': 11, 'Processor/IO Module': 12, 'Interconnect board': 13} try: board_type ="Type: ([0-9A-Za-z ]+)", dmi_board).group(1) board_type = str(board_dict.get(board_type)) except: board_type = '** No value to retrieve **' dmi_info['DmiBoardBoardType'] = board_type for v in dmidecode.system().values(): if type(v) == dict and v['dmi_type'] == 1: dmi_info['DmiSystemSKU'] = v['data']['SKU Number'] system_family = v['data']['Family'] system_serial = v['data']['Serial Number'] dmi_info['DmiSystemVersion'] = "string:" + v['data']['Version'] dmi_info['DmiSystemProduct'] = v['data']['Product Name'] dmi_info['DmiSystemVendor'] = v['data']['Manufacturer'] if not system_family: dmi_info['DmiSystemFamily'] = "Not Specified" else: dmi_info['DmiSystemFamily'] = system_family # Create a new UUID newuuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) dmi_info['DmiSystemUuid'] = newuuid.upper() # Create a new system serial number dmi_info['DmiSystemSerial'] = "string:"+(serial_randomize(0, len(system_serial))) for v in dmidecode.chassis().values(): dmi_info['DmiChassisVendor'] = v['data']['Manufacturer'] chassi_serial = v['data']['Serial Number'] dmi_info['DmiChassisVersion'] = v['data']['Version'] dmi_info['DmiChassisType'] = v['data']['Type'] # Based on the list from chassi_dict = {'Other': 1, 'Unknown': 2, 'Desktop': 3, 'Low Profile Desktop': 4, 'Pizza Box': 5, 'Mini Tower': 6, 'Tower': 7, 'Portable': 8, 'Laptop': 9, 'Notebook': 10, 'Hand Held': 11, 'Docking Station': 12, 'All in One': 13, 'Sub Notebook': 14, 'Space-saving': 15, 'Lunch Box': 16, 'Main Server Chassis': 17, 'Expansion Chassis': 18, 'SubChassis': 19, 'Bus Expansion Chassis': 20, 'Peripheral Chassis': 21} dmi_info['DmiChassisType'] = str(chassi_dict.get(dmi_info['DmiChassisType'])) # python-dmidecode does not reveal all values .. this is plan B chassi = commands.getoutput("dmidecode -t3") try: dmi_info['DmiChassisAssetTag'] ="Asset Tag: ([0-9A-Za-z ]*)", chassi).group(1) except: dmi_info['DmiChassisAssetTag'] = '** No value to retrieve **' # Create a new chassi serial number, added string to make it be taken as a string even if it's a number dmi_info['DmiChassisSerial'] = "string:"+str(serial_randomize(0, len(chassi_serial))) for v in dmidecode.processor().values(): dmi_info['DmiProcVersion'] = v['data']['Version'] dmi_info['DmiProcManufacturer'] = v['data']['Manufacturer']['Vendor'] # OEM strings try: for v in dmidecode.type(11).values(): oem_ver = v['data']['Strings']['3'] oem_rev = v['data']['Strings']['2'] except: pass try: dmi_info['DmiOEMVBoxVer'] = oem_ver dmi_info['DmiOEMVBoxRev'] = oem_rev except: dmi_info['DmiOEMVBoxVer'] = '** No value to retrieve **' dmi_info['DmiOEMVBoxRev'] = '** No value to retrieve **' # Write all data collected so far to file file_name="vboxmods-"+vm_name.replace(' ','_')+".sh" logfile = file(path_logs+'/'+file_name, 'w+') logfile.write('# Generated on: ' + time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") + '\n') for k, v in sorted(dmi_info.iteritems()): if '** No value to retrieve **' in v: logfile.write('# VBoxManage setextradata "'+vm_name+'" VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/' + k + '\t' + v + '\n') else: logfile.write('VBoxManage setextradata "'+vm_name+'" VBoxInternal/Devices/pcbios/0/Config/' + k + '\t\'' + v + '\'\n') # Disk information disk_dmi = {} try: if os.path.exists("/dev/sda"): # Disk serial disk_serial = commands.getoutput( "hdparm -i /dev/sda | grep -o 'SerialNo=[A-Za-z0-9_\+\/ .\"-]*' | awk -F= '{print $2}'") # To avoid exceding 20 bytes serials if len(disk_serial)>20: disk_dmi['SerialNumber'] = (serial_randomize(0, 20)) else: disk_dmi['SerialNumber'] = (serial_randomize(0, len(disk_serial))) # Check for HP Legacy RAID elif os.path.exists("/dev/cciss/c0d0"): # Needs smartctl to be able to get the correct information if os.path.exists("/usr/sbin/smartctl"): hp_old_raid = commands.getoutput("smartctl -d cciss,1 -i /dev/cciss/c0d0") disk_serial ="Serial number:([0-9A-Za-z ]*)", hp_old_raid).group(1).replace(" ", "") # To avoid exceding 20 bytes serials if len(disk_serial)>20: disk_dmi['SerialNumber'] = (serial_randomize(0, 20)) else: disk_dmi['SerialNumber'] = (serial_randomize(0, len(disk_serial))) else: print bcolors.WARNING+"Install smartmontools: apt-get install smartmontools"+bcolors.ENDC except OSError: print "Haz RAID?" print commands.getoutput("lspci | grep -i raid") # Disk firmeware rev try: if os.path.exists("/dev/sda"): disk_fwrev = commands.getoutput( "hdparm -i /dev/sda | grep -o 'FwRev=[A-Za-z0-9_\+\/ .\"-]*' | awk -F= '{print $2}'") disk_dmi['FirmwareRevision'] = disk_fwrev if len(disk_dmi['FirmwareRevision'])<8: disk_dmi['FirmwareRevision']=disk_dmi['FirmwareRevision'][:8] elif os.path.exists("/dev/cciss/c0d0"): # Needs smartctl to be able to get the correct information if os.path.exists("/usr/sbin/smartctl"): hp_old_raid = commands.getoutput("smartctl -d cciss,1 -i /dev/cciss/c0d0") disk_dmi['FirmwareRevision'] ="Revision:([0-9A-Za-z ]*)", hp_old_raid).group(1).replace(" ", "") if len(disk_dmi['FirmwareRevision'])<8: disk_dmi['FirmwareRevision']=disk_dmi['FirmwareRevision'][:8] else: print "Install smartmontools: apt-get install smartmontools" except OSError: print "Haz RAID?" print commands.getoutput("lspci | grep -i raid") # Disk Model number try: if os.path.exists("/dev/sda"): disk_modelno = commands.getoutput( "hdparm -i /dev/sda | grep -o 'Model=[A-Za-z0-9_\+\/ .\"-]*' | awk -F= '{print $2}'") disk_dmi['ModelNumber'] = disk_modelno elif os.path.exists("/dev/cciss/c0d0"): # Needs smartctl to be able to get the correct information if os.path.exists("/usr/sbin/smartctl"): hp_old_raid = commands.getoutput("smartctl -d cciss,1 -i /dev/cciss/c0d0") disk_dmi['ModelNumber'] ="Product:([0-9A-Za-z ]*)", hp_old_raid).group(1).replace(" ", "") else: print "Install smartmontools: apt-get install smartmontools" except OSError: print "Haz RAID?" print commands.getoutput("lspci | grep -i raid") # Write more things to file for k, v in disk_dmi.iteritems(): if '** No value to retrieve **' in v: logfile.write('# VBoxManage setextradata "'+vm_name+'" VBoxInternal/Devices/piix3ide/0/Config/PrimaryMaster/' + k + '\t' + v + '\n') else: logfile.write('VBoxManage setextradata "'+vm_name+'" VBoxInternal/Devices/piix3ide/0/Config/PrimaryMaster/' + k + '\t\'' + v + '\'\n') # CD-ROM information cdrom_dmi = {} if os.path.islink('/dev/cdrom'): # CD-ROM serial cdrom_serial = commands.getoutput( "hdparm -i /dev/cdrom | grep -o 'SerialNo=[A-Za-z0-9_\+\/ .\"-]*' | awk -F= '{print $2}'") if cdrom_serial: cdrom_dmi['ATAPISerialNumber'] = (serial_randomize(0, len(cdrom_serial))) else: cdrom_dmi['ATAPISerialNumber'] = "** No value to retrieve **" # CD-ROM firmeware rev cdrom_fwrev = commands.getoutput("cd-drive | grep Revision | grep ':' | awk {' print $3 \" \" $4'}") cdrom_dmi['ATAPIRevision'] = cdrom_fwrev.replace(" ", "") # CD-ROM Model numberA-Za-z0-9_\+\/ .\"- cdrom_modelno = commands.getoutput("cd-drive | grep Model | grep ':' | awk {' print $3 \" \" $4'}") cdrom_dmi['ATAPIProductId'] = cdrom_modelno # CD-ROM Vendor cdrom_vendor = commands.getoutput("cd-drive | grep Vendor | grep ':' | awk {' print $3 '}") cdrom_dmi['ATAPIVendorId'] = cdrom_vendor else: logfile.write('# No CD-ROM detected: ** No values to retrieve **\n') # And some more for k, v in cdrom_dmi.iteritems(): if '** No value to retrieve **' in v: logfile.write('# VBoxManage setextradata "'+vm_name+'" VBoxInternal/Devices/piix3ide/0/Config/SecondaryMaster/' + k + '\t' + v + '\n') else: logfile.write('VBoxManage setextradata "'+vm_name+'" VBoxInternal/Devices/piix3ide/0/Config/SecondaryMaster/' + k + '\t\'' + v + '\'\n') # Get the DSDT image #os.system("dd if=/sys/firmware/acpi/tables/DSDT of=DSDT.bin >/dev/null 2>&1") # Write to file # Da un error de que la tabla ACPI es mayor de 64KB, aunque lo comente, si luego ejecuto el batch dentro del Guest, pasa las pruebas #logfile.write('VBoxManage setextradata '+vm_name+' VBoxInternal/Devices/acpi/0/Config/CustomTable\t\'' + os.getcwd() + '/DSDT.bin\'\n') acpi_misc = commands.getoutput('acpidump -s | grep DSDT | grep -o "\(([A-Za-z0-9].*)\)" | tr -d "()"') acpi_list = acpi_misc.split(' ') acpi_list = filter(None, acpi_list) logfile.write('VBoxManage setextradata "'+vm_name+'" VBoxInternal/Devices/acpi/0/Config/AcpiOemId\t\'' + acpi_list[1] + '\'\n') logfile.write('VBoxManage setextradata "'+vm_name+'" VBoxInternal/Devices/acpi/0/Config/AcpiCreatorId\t\'' + acpi_list[4] + '\'\n') logfile.write('VBoxManage setextradata "'+vm_name+'" VBoxInternal/Devices/acpi/0/Config/AcpiCreatorRev\t\'' + acpi_list[5] + '\'\n') # Randomize MAC address, based on onboard interface MAC mac_seed = ':'.join(re.findall('..', '%012x' % uuid.getnode()))[0:9] big_mac = mac_seed + "%02x:%02x:%02x" % ( random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), ) le_big_mac = re.sub(':', '', big_mac) # The last thing! logfile.write('VBoxManage modifyvm "'+vm_name+'" --macaddress1\t' + le_big_mac +'\n') # Done! logfile.close() print ' Finished: A template shell script has been created named:', file_name print bcolors.OKGREEN+'\n [*]'+bcolors.ENDC+' Creating guest based modification file (to be run inside the guest)' # Write all data to file file_name2="vboxmods-"+vm_name.replace(' ','_')+".bat" logfile = file('/srv/ftp/CopyThisOne!/' +file_name2, 'w+') manu = acpi_list[1] # DSDT logfile.write('@reg copy HKLM\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\VBOX__ HKLM\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\\' + manu + ' /s /f\n\n') logfile.write('@reg delete HKLM\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\VBOX__ /f\n\n') logfile.write('@reg copy HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\\' + manu + '\VBOXBIOS HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list[2] + '___' + ' /s /f\n\n') logfile.write('@reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\\' + manu + '\VBOXBIOS /f\n\n') logfile.write('@reg copy HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list[2] + '___\\00000002 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list[2] + '___\\' + acpi_list[3] + ' /s /f\n\n') logfile.write('@reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\DSDT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list[2] + '___\\00000002 /f\n') # FADT logfile.write('@reg copy HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\' + manu + '\VBOXFACP HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list[2] + '___ /s /f\n\n') logfile.write('@reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\' + manu + '\VBOXFACP /f\n') logfile.write('@reg copy HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list[2] + '___\\00000001 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list[2] + '___\\' + acpi_list[3] + ' /s /f\n\n') logfile.write('@reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\FADT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list[2] + '___\\00000001 /f\n\n') # RSDT logfile.write('@reg copy HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\' + manu + '\VBOXRSDT HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list[2] + '___ /s /f\r\n') logfile.write('@reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\' + manu + '\VBOXRSDT /f\r\n') logfile.write('@reg copy HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list[2] + '___\\00000001 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list[2] + '___\\' + acpi_list[3] + ' /s /f\r\n') logfile.write('@reg delete HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\ACPI\RSDT\\' + manu + '\\' + acpi_list[2] + '___\\00000001 /f\r\n') # SystemBiosVersion - TODO: get real values logfile.write('@reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System /v SystemBiosVersion /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d "' + acpi_list[1] + ' - ' + acpi_list[0] + '" /f\n\n') # VideoBiosVersion - TODO: get real values logfile.write('@reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System /v VideoBiosVersion /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d "' + acpi_list[0] + '" /f\n') # SystemBiosDate d_month, d_day, d_year = dmi_info['DmiBIOSReleaseDate'].split('/') if len(d_year) > 2: d_year = d_year[:2] logfile.write('@reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System /v SystemBiosDate /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d "' + d_month + '/' + d_day + '/' + d_year + '" /f\n') # Prevent WMI identification logfile.write('@reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\PlugPlay /v Start /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d "4" /f\r\n') #The system have to be rebooted for this to work, don't know why # Disables FW logfile.write('netsh firewall set opmode disable\n') # Disables windows updates logfile.write('@reg add "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update" /v AUOptions /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f\n') # Change the IP and DNS shortScript=''' @echo off set _enabled=Habilitado set _dedicated=Dedicado for /f "tokens=1,2,3*" %%i in ('netsh int show interface') do ( if %%i equ %_enabled% ( if %%j equ %_dedicated% ( netsh int ip set address "%%k %%l" static '''+guest_ip+''' '''+host_ip+''' 1 netsh int ip set dns "%%k %%l" static '''+guest_primary_dns+''' ) ) ) ipconfig /flushdns :EOF''' logfile.write(shortScript+'\n') logfile.close() print ' Finished: A Windows batch file has been created named:', file_name2 return
def _getdmi(self): from pprint import pprint DMI = {} # get BIOS Data #tmp = dmidecode.bios() #pprint(tmp) for v in dmidecode.bios().values(): if type(v) == dict and v['dmi_type'] == 0: DMI['bios', 0, 'BIOS Revision'] = str( (v['data']['BIOS Revision'])) DMI['bios', 0, 'ROM Size'] = str((v['data']['ROM Size'])) try: DMI['bios', 0, 'Release Date'] = str( (v['data']['Relase Date'])) except (KeyError): DMI['bios', 0, 'Release Date'] = str( (v['data']['Release Date'])) DMI['bios', 0, 'Runtime Size'] = str( (v['data']['Runtime Size'])) DMI['bios', 0, 'Vendor'] = str((v['data']['Vendor'])) DMI['bios', 0, 'Version'] = str((v['data']['Version'])) # get System Data #tmp = dmidecode.system() #pprint(tmp) for v in dmidecode.system().values(): if type(v) == dict and v['dmi_type'] == 1: DMI['system', 0, 'Family'] = str((v['data']['Family'])) DMI['system', 0, 'Manufacturer'] = str( (v['data']['Manufacturer'])) DMI['system', 0, 'Product Name'] = str( (v['data']['Product Name'])) DMI['system', 0, 'SKU Number'] = str((v['data']['SKU Number'])) DMI['system', 0, 'Serial Number'] = str( (v['data']['Serial Number'])) DMI['system', 0, 'UUID'] = str((v['data']['UUID'])) DMI['system', 0, 'Version'] = str((v['data']['Version'])) DMI['system', 0, 'Wake-Up Type'] = str( (v['data']['Wake-Up Type'])) # get BaseBoard Data #tmp = dmidecode.baseboard() #pprint(tmp) for v in dmidecode.baseboard().values(): if type(v) == dict and v['dmi_type'] == 2: DMI['baseboard', 0, 'Manufacturer'] = str( (v['data']['Manufacturer'])) DMI['baseboard', 0, 'Product Name'] = str( (v['data']['Product Name'])) DMI['baseboard', 0, 'Serial Number'] = str( (v['data']['Serial Number'])) DMI['baseboard', 0, 'Version'] = str((v['data']['Version'])) # get chassis Data #tmp = dmidecode.chassis() #pprint(tmp) for v in dmidecode.chassis().values(): if type(v) == dict and v['dmi_type'] == 3: DMI['chassis', 0, 'Asset Tag'] = str((v['data']['Asset Tag'])) DMI['chassis', 0, 'Boot-Up State'] = str( (v['data']['Boot-Up State'])) DMI['chassis', 0, 'Lock'] = str((v['data']['Lock'])) DMI['chassis', 0, 'Manufacturer'] = str( (v['data']['Manufacturer'])) DMI['chassis', 0, 'Power Supply State'] = str( (v['data']['Power Supply State'])) DMI['chassis', 0, 'Security Status'] = str( (v['data']['Security Status'])) DMI['chassis', 0, 'Serial Number'] = str( (v['data']['Serial Number'])) DMI['chassis', 0, 'Thermal State'] = str( (v['data']['Thermal State'])) DMI['chassis', 0, 'Type'] = str((v['data']['Type'])) DMI['chassis', 0, 'Version'] = str((v['data']['Version'])) # get Processor Data #tmp = dmidecode.processor() #pprint(tmp) i = 0 for v in dmidecode.processor().values(): if type(v) == dict and v['dmi_type'] == 4: DMI['processor', i, 'Asset Tag'] = str( (v['data']['Asset Tag'])) DMI['processor', i, 'Characteristics'] = str( (v['data']['Characteristics'])) DMI['processor', i, 'Core Count'] = str( (v['data']['Core Count'])) DMI['processor', i, 'Core Enabled'] = str( (v['data']['Core Enabled'])) DMI['processor', i, 'Current Speed'] = str( (v['data']['Current Speed'])) DMI['processor', i, 'External Clock'] = str( (v['data']['External Clock'])) DMI['processor', i, 'Family'] = str((v['data']['Family'])) DMI['processor', i, 'L1 Cache Handle'] = str( (v['data']['L1 Cache Handle'])) DMI['processor', i, 'L2 Cache Handle'] = str( (v['data']['L2 Cache Handle'])) DMI['processor', i, 'L3 Cache Handle'] = str( (v['data']['L3 Cache Handle'])) DMI['processor', i, 'Manufacturer'] = str( (v['data']['Manufacturer']['Vendor'])) DMI['processor', i, 'Max Speed'] = str( (v['data']['Max Speed'])) DMI['processor', i, 'Part Number'] = str( (v['data']['Part Number'])) DMI['processor', i, 'Serial Number'] = str( (v['data']['Serial Number'])) DMI['processor', i, 'Socket Designation'] = str( (v['data']['Socket Designation'])) DMI['processor', i, 'Status'] = str((v['data']['Status'])) DMI['processor', i, 'Thread Count'] = str( (v['data']['Thread Count'])) DMI['processor', i, 'Type'] = str((v['data']['Type'])) DMI['processor', i, 'Upgrade'] = str((v['data']['Upgrade'])) DMI['processor', i, 'Version'] = str((v['data']['Version'])) DMI['processor', i, 'Voltage'] = str((v['data']['Voltage'])) i += 1 # get Memory Data #tmp = dmidecode.memory() #pprint(tmp) i = 0 for v in dmidecode.memory().values(): if type(v) == dict and v['dmi_type'] == 17: if str((v['data']['Size'])) != 'None': DMI['memory', i, 'Data Width'] = str( (v['data']['Data Width'])) DMI['memory', i, 'Error Information Handle'] = str( (v['data']['Error Information Handle'])) DMI['memory', i, 'Form Factor'] = str( (v['data']['Form Factor'])) DMI['memory', i, 'Bank Locator'] = str( (v['data']['Bank Locator'])) DMI['memory', i, 'Locator'] = str((v['data']['Locator'])) DMI['memory', i, 'Manufacturer'] = str( (v['data']['Manufacturer'])) DMI['memory', i, 'Part Number'] = str( (v['data']['Part Number'])) DMI['memory', i, 'Serial Number'] = str( (v['data']['Serial Number'])) DMI['memory', i, 'Size'] = str((v['data']['Size'])) DMI['memory', i, 'Speed'] = str((v['data']['Speed'])) DMI['memory', i, 'Type'] = str((v['data']['Type'])) i += 1 # get cache Data #tmp = dmidecode.cache() #pprint(tmp) # get connector Data #tmp = dmidecode.connector() #pprint(tmp) # get slot Data #tmp = dmidecode.slot() #pprint(tmp) return DMI
def __init__(self): #Get all required system info for v in dmidecode.system().values(): if type(v) == dict and v['dmi_type'] == 1: self.Mfg = str((v['data']['Manufacturer'])) self.Model = str((v['data']['Product Name'])) self.Serial = str((v['data']['Serial Number'])) for x in dmidecode.chassis().values(): if type(x) == dict and x['dmi_type'] == 3: self.FFactor = str((x['data']['Type'])) for x in dmidecode.processor().values(): if type(x) == dict and x['dmi_type'] == 4: self.CPUMfg = str((x['data']['Manufacturer'])) self.CPUFam = str((x['data']['Family'])) self.CPUVer = str((x['data']['Version'])) self.CPUFrq = str((x['data']['Current Speed'])) for x in dmidecode.memory().values(): if type(x) == dict and x['dmi_type'] == 17: self.MEMSize = str((x['data']['Size'])) self.MEMType = str((x['data']['Type'])) self.MEMDeta = str((x['data']['Type Detail'])) self.MEMSpeed = str((x['data']['Speed'])) for x in dmidecode.baseboard().values(): if type(x) == dict and x['dmi_type'] == 10: if str((x['data']['dmi_on_board_devices'][0]['Type'])) == "Video": self.Video = str((x['data']['dmi_on_board_devices'][0]['Description'])) if str((x['data']['dmi_on_board_devices'][0]['Type'])) == "Sound": self.Audio = str((x['data']['dmi_on_board_devices'][0]['Description'])) if str((x['data']['dmi_on_board_devices'][0]['Type'])) == "Ethernet": self.Network = str((x['data']['dmi_on_board_devices'][0]['Description'])) ### Workarounds for things python-dmidecode doesn't do command = "grep \"model name\" /proc/cpuinfo | uniq | awk -F\" \" {' print $4 $5 \" \" $6 \" \" $8 '} | sed 's/(.\{1,2\})/ /g'" self.CPUName = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).strip() command = "MSiz=0; for Size in $(dmidecode -t 17 | grep \"Size:\" | awk {' print $2 '}); do MSiz=$(($MSiz+$Size)); done; echo $MSiz" self.MEMSize = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).strip() command = "dmidecode -t 17 | grep \"Type:\" | awk {' print $2 '} | uniq" self.MEMType = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).strip() if self.Video is None: command = "lspci | grep VGA | awk -F: {' print $3 '}" self.Video = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).strip() if self.Audio is None: command = "lspci | grep Audio | awk -F: {' print $3 '}" self.Audio = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).strip() if self.Network is None: command = "lspci | grep Ethernet | awk -F: {' print $3 '}" self.Network = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).strip() command = "lspci | grep 802.11 | awk -F: {' print $3 '}" self.WiFi = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).strip() command = "echo \"Not Yet Implemented\"" self.Battery = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).strip() ### Get hard drive info self.Drive = [] command = "lshw -C disk" CMDOutput = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) Type = None Model = None Vendor = None Device = None Serial = None Size = 0 SectSize = 0 for line in CMDOutput.stdout: if "*-" in line: #print("Found: "+line) Line = line.split('-', 1) Type = Line[1].strip() if "product:" in line: #print("Found: "+line) Line = line.split(':', 1) Model = Line[1].strip() if "vendor:" in line: #print("Found: "+line) Line = line.split(':', 1) Vendor = Line[1].strip() if "logical name:" in line: #print("Found: "+line) Line = line.split(':', 1) Device = Line[1].strip() if "serial:" in line: #print("Found: "+line) Line = line.split(':', 1) Serial = Line[1].strip() if "size:" in line: command = "fdisk -l /dev/sda | grep \""+Device+":\" | awk {' print $5 '}" Size = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).strip() #print("Size: "+Size) command = "fdisk -l /dev/sda | grep \"Sector\" | awk {' print $4 '}" SectSize = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True).strip() #print("SectSize: "+SectSize) if "configuration:" in line: Dev = Device.split('/', 2) if (Type == "cdrom"): self.Optical = Vendor+" "+Model else: if Vendor is None: Line = Model.split(' ', 1) Vendor = Line[0].strip() Model = Line[1].strip() self.Drive.append(self.Disk(Type, Model, Vendor, Device, Serial, Size, SectSize)) Type = None Model = None Vendor = None Device = None Serial = None Size = 0 SectSize = 0
def run(options, steps): if not steps: steps = ["fw-updates", "oob-config", "intake", "reboot"] try: system = dmidecode.system() system_manufacturer = [ v for k, v in system.items() if 'Manufacturer' in v['data'] ][0]['data']['Manufacturer'] if system_manufacturer.startswith("HP"): system_manufacturer = "HP" model = [ v for k, v in system.items() if 'Product Name' in v['data'] ][0]['data']['Product Name'].strip() asset_tag = [ v for k, v in system.items() if 'Serial Number' in v['data'] ][0]['data']['Serial Number'].strip() elif system_manufacturer.startswith("Dell"): system_manufacturer = "Dell" model = [ v for k, v in system.items() if 'Product Name' in v['data'] ][0]['data']['Product Name'].strip() asset_tag = [ v for k, v in system.items() if 'Serial Number' in v['data'] ][0]['data']['Serial Number'].strip() elif system_manufacturer.startswith("Supermicro"): system_manufacturer = "Supermicro" baseboard = dmidecode.baseboard() model = [ v for k, v in system.items() if 'Product Name' in v['data'] ][0]['data']['Product Name'].strip() if model in ('Super Server', 'To be filled by O.E.M.'): model = [ v for k, v in baseboard.items() if 'Product Name' in v['data'] ][0]['data']['Product Name'].strip() asset_tag = [ v for k, v in baseboard.items() if 'Serial Number' in v['data'] ][0]['data']['Serial Number'].strip() else: raise Exception("Unknown") except: system_manufacturer = "Unknown" model = "Unknown" asset_tag = "Unknown" security_qs = {} if options.hmac: security_qs['hmac'] = options.hmac if options.nonce: security_qs['nonce'] = options.nonce while True: try: response = requests.get("%sconfig/%s" % (options.url, asset_tag), params=security_qs, verify=False, headers={"Accept": "application/json"}) except: response = None if response is not None and response.status_code == 200: break else: time.sleep(5) configuration = response.text configuration_file = "/tmp/sot.conf" with open(configuration_file, 'w') as f: f.write(configuration) for step in steps: # Special steps implemented here data = None if step == 'reboot':["/sbin/shutdown", "-r", "+1"]) data = {'msg': 'rebooting'} ret = 1 elif step == 'poweroff':["/sbin/shutdown", "-h", "+1"]) data = {'msg': 'powering off'} ret = 1 else: p = subprocess.Popen([ os.path.join(options.path, step), system_manufacturer, model, asset_tag, configuration_file ], stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = p.communicate() ret = p.returncode try: data = json.loads(stdout) except: pass report = { 'step': step, 'data': data, 'returncode': p.returncode, 'stderr': stderr } response ="%sintake/%s" % (options.url, asset_tag), data=json.dumps(report), params=security_qs, verify=False, headers={ "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json" }) if ret != 0 or data is None or ( 'failed' in data and data['failed']) or response.status_code not in [200, 201]: sys.stderr.write( "Failed to run step %s, report %r, response code is %s\n" % (step, report, response.status_code)) break