def format(self, record):
        message = {'message': record.getMessage(),
                   'asctime': self.formatTime(record, self.datefmt),
                   'msg': record.msg,
                   'args': record.args,
                   'levelname': record.levelname,
                   'levelno': record.levelno,
                   'pathname': record.pathname,
                   'filename': record.filename,
                   'module': record.module,
                   'lineno': record.lineno,
                   'funcname': record.funcName,
                   'created': record.created,
                   'msecs': record.msecs,
                   'relative_created': record.relativeCreated,
                   'thread': record.thread,
                   'thread_name': record.threadName,
                   'process_name': record.processName,
                   'process': record.process,
                   'traceback': None}

        if hasattr(record, 'extra'):
            message['extra'] = record.extra

        if record.exc_info:
            message['traceback'] = self.formatException(record.exc_info)

        return jsonutils.dumps(message)
    def get_ticket(self, source, target, crypto, key):

        # prepare metadata
        md = {'requestor': source,
              'target': target,
              'timestamp': time.time(),
              'nonce': struct.unpack('Q', os.urandom(8))[0]}
        metadata = base64.b64encode(jsonutils.dumps(md))

        # sign metadata
        signature = crypto.sign(key, metadata)

        # HTTP request
        reply = self._get_ticket({'metadata': metadata,
                                  'signature': signature})

        # verify reply
        signature = crypto.sign(key, (reply['metadata'] + reply['ticket']))
        if signature != reply['signature']:
            raise InvalidEncryptedTicket(md['source'], md['destination'])
        md = jsonutils.loads(base64.b64decode(reply['metadata']))
        if ((md['source'] != source or
             md['destination'] != target or
             md['expiration'] < time.time())):
            raise InvalidEncryptedTicket(md['source'], md['destination'])

        # return ticket data
        tkt = jsonutils.loads(crypto.decrypt(key, reply['ticket']))

        return tkt, md['expiration']
    def encode(self, version, target, json_msg):
        """This is the main encoding function.

        It takes a target and a message and returns a tuple consisting of a
        JSON serialized metadata object, a JSON serialized (and optionally
        encrypted) message, and a signature.

        :param version: the current envelope version
        :param target: The name of the target service (usually with hostname)
        :param json_msg: a serialized json message object
        ticket = self._get_ticket(target)

        metadata = jsonutils.dumps({'source': self._name,
                                    'destination': target,
                                    'timestamp': time.time(),
                                    'nonce': _get_nonce(),
                                    'esek': ticket.esek,
                                    'encryption': self._encrypt})

        message = json_msg
        if self._encrypt:
            message = self._crypto.encrypt(ticket.ekey, message)

        signature = self._crypto.sign(ticket.skey,
                                      version + metadata + message)

        return (metadata, message, signature)
def serialize_msg(raw_msg):
    # NOTE(russellb) See the docstring for _RPC_ENVELOPE_VERSION for more
    # information about this format.
           _MESSAGE_KEY: jsonutils.dumps(raw_msg)}

    return msg
def notify(_context, message):
    """Notifies the recipient of the desired event given the model.

    Log notifications using OpenStack's default logging system.

    priority = message.get('priority',
    priority = priority.lower()
    logger = logging.getLogger(
        'dnrm.openstack.common.notification.%s' %
    getattr(logger, priority)(jsonutils.dumps(message))
    def _do_get(self, url, request):
        req_kwargs = dict()
        req_kwargs['headers'] = dict()
        req_kwargs['headers']['User-Agent'] = self.USER_AGENT
        req_kwargs['headers']['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
        req_kwargs['data'] = jsonutils.dumps({'request': request})
        if self.timeout is not None:
            req_kwargs['timeout'] = self.timeout

            resp = requests.get(url, **req_kwargs)
        except requests.ConnectionError as e:
            err = "Unable to establish connection. %s" % e
            raise CommunicationError(url, err)

        return resp
def serialize_remote_exception(failure_info, log_failure=True):
    """Prepares exception data to be sent over rpc.

    Failure_info should be a sys.exc_info() tuple.

    tb = traceback.format_exception(*failure_info)
    failure = failure_info[1]
    if log_failure:
        LOG.error(_("Returning exception %s to caller"),

    kwargs = {}
    if hasattr(failure, 'kwargs'):
        kwargs = failure.kwargs

    # NOTE(matiu): With cells, it's possible to re-raise remote, remote
    # exceptions. Lets turn it back into the original exception type.
    cls_name = str(failure.__class__.__name__)
    mod_name = str(failure.__class__.__module__)
    if (cls_name.endswith(_REMOTE_POSTFIX) and
        cls_name = cls_name[:-len(_REMOTE_POSTFIX)]
        mod_name = mod_name[:-len(_REMOTE_POSTFIX)]

    data = {
        'class': cls_name,
        'module': mod_name,
        'message': six.text_type(failure),
        'tb': tb,
        'args': failure.args,
        'kwargs': kwargs

    json_data = jsonutils.dumps(data)

    return json_data
 def default(self, data):
     def sanitizer(obj):
         return unicode(obj)
     return jsonutils.dumps(data, default=sanitizer)