Beispiel #1
def process_axfr_response(origin, nameserver, owner, overwrite=False):
    origin: string domain name
    nameserver: IP of the DNS server
    origin = Name((origin.rstrip('.') + '.').split('.'))
    axfr_query = dns.query.xfr(nameserver, origin, timeout=5, relativize=False, lifetime=10)

        zone =, relativize=False)
        if not str(zone.origin).rstrip('.'):
            raise UnknownOrigin
        process_and_import_zone_data(zone, owner, overwrite)

    except NoSOA:
        raise Exception('The zone has no SOA RR at its origin')
    except NoNS:
        raise Exception('The zone has no NS RRset at its origin')
    except UnknownOrigin:
        raise Exception('The zone\'s origin is unknown')
    except BadZone:
        raise Exception('The zone is malformed')
    except DNSException as e:
        if not str(e):
            raise Exception('Transfer Failed')
        raise Exception(str(e))
Beispiel #2
def process_zone_file(origin, zonetext, owner, overwrite=False):
    """Imports zone to the database.
    No checks for existence are performed in this file. For form processing,
    see the ``import_zone_view`` view.

    if origin:
        origin = Name((origin.rstrip('.') + '.').split('.'))
        origin = None
    zonetext = clean_zonefile(str(zonetext))
        zone =, origin=origin, relativize=False)
        if not str(zone.origin).rstrip('.'):
            raise UnknownOrigin
        process_and_import_zone_data(zone, owner, overwrite)
    except NoSOA:
        raise Exception('The zone has no SOA RR at its origin')
    except NoNS:
        raise Exception('The zone has no NS RRset at its origin')
    except UnknownOrigin:
        raise Exception('The zone\'s origin is unknown')
    except BadZone:
        raise Exception('The zone is malformed')
    except DNSException as e:
        #raise Exception(str(e))
        raise Exception('The zone is malformed')
Beispiel #3
def process_axfr_response(origin, nameserver, owner, overwrite=False):
    origin: string domain name
    nameserver: IP of the DNS server
    origin = Name((origin.rstrip('.') + '.').split('.'))
    axfr_query = dns.query.xfr(nameserver, origin, timeout=5, relativize=False, lifetime=10)

        zone =, relativize=False)
        if not str(zone.origin).rstrip('.'):
            raise UnknownOrigin
        process_and_import_zone_data(zone, owner, overwrite)

    except NoSOA:
        raise Exception('The zone has no SOA RR at its origin')
    except NoNS:
        raise Exception('The zone has no NS RRset at its origin')
    except UnknownOrigin:
        raise Exception('The zone\'s origin is unknown')
    except BadZone:
        raise Exception('The zone is malformed')
    except DNSException, e:
        if not str(e):
            raise Exception('Transfer Failed')
        raise Exception(str(e))
Beispiel #4
def process_zone_file(origin, zonetext, owner, overwrite=False):
    """Imports zone to the database.
    No checks for existence are performed in this file. For form processing,
    see the ``import_zone_view`` view.

    if origin:
        origin = Name((origin.rstrip('.') + '.').split('.'))
        origin = None
    zonetext = clean_zonefile(str(zonetext))
        zone =, origin=origin, relativize=False)
        if not str(zone.origin).rstrip('.'):
            raise UnknownOrigin
        process_and_import_zone_data(zone, owner, overwrite)
    except NoSOA:
        raise Exception('The zone has no SOA RR at its origin')
    except NoNS:
        raise Exception('The zone has no NS RRset at its origin')
    except UnknownOrigin:
        raise Exception('The zone\'s origin is unknown')
    except BadZone:
        raise Exception('The zone is malformed')
    except DNSException, e:
        #raise Exception(str(e))
        raise Exception('The zone is malformed')
Beispiel #5
def generate_zone_file(origin):
    """Generates a zone file.
    Accepts the zone origin as string (no trailing dot).
    Returns the contents of a zone file that contains all the resource records
    associated with the domain with the provided origin.
    Domain = get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Domain')
    Record = get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Record')
    the_domain = Domain.objects.get(name__exact=origin)
    the_rrs = Record.objects.filter(domain=the_domain).order_by('-type')
    # Generate the zone file
    origin = Name((origin.rstrip('.') + '.').split('.'))
    # Create an empty object.
    # We set check_origin=False because the zone contains no records.
    zone ='', origin=origin, relativize=False, check_origin=False)
    rdclass = dns.rdataclass._by_text.get('IN')
    for rr in the_rrs:
        # Add trailing dot to
        record_name ='.') + '.'
        if rr.type == 'SOA':
            # Add SOA Resource Record
            # SOA content:  primary hostmaster serial refresh retry expire default_ttl
            bits = rr.content.split()
            # Primary nameserver of SOA record
            primary = bits[0].rstrip('.') + '.'
            mname = Name(primary.split('.'))
            # Responsible hostmaster from SOA record
            hostmaster = bits[1].rstrip('.') + '.'
            rname = Name(hostmaster.split('.'))
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('SOA')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.ANY.SOA.SOA(rdclass, rdtype,
                mname = mname,
                rname = rname,
                serial = int(bits[2]),
                refresh = int(bits[3]),
                retry = int(bits[4]),
                expire = int(bits[5]),
                minimum = int(bits[6])
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'NS':
            # Add NS Resource Record
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('NS')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.ANY.NS.NS(rdclass, rdtype,
                target = Name((rr.content.rstrip('.') + '.').split('.'))
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'MX':
            # Add MX Resource Record
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('MX')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.ANY.MX.MX(rdclass, rdtype,
                preference = int(rr.prio),
                exchange = Name((rr.content.rstrip('.') + '.').split('.'))
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'TXT':
            # Add TXT Resource Record
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('TXT')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.ANY.TXT.TXT(rdclass, rdtype,
                strings = [rr.content.strip('"')]
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'CNAME':
            # Add CNAME Resource Record
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('CNAME')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.ANY.CNAME.CNAME(rdclass, rdtype,
                target = Name((rr.content.rstrip('.') + '.').split('.'))
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'A':
            # Add A Resource Record
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('A')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.IN.A.A(rdclass, rdtype,
                address = rr.content
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'AAAA':
            # Add AAAA Resource Record
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('AAAA')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.IN.AAAA.AAAA(rdclass, rdtype,
                address = rr.content
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'SPF':
            # Add SPF Resource Record
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('SPF')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.ANY.SPF.SPF(rdclass, rdtype,
                strings = [rr.content.strip('"')]
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'PTR':
            # Add PTR Resource Record
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('PTR')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.ANY.PTR.PTR(rdclass, rdtype,
                target = Name((rr.content.rstrip('.') + '.').split('.'))
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'SRV':
            # Add SRV Resource Record
            # weight port target
            weight, port, target = rr.content.split()
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('SRV')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.IN.SRV.SRV(rdclass, rdtype,
                priority = int(rr.prio),
                weight = int(weight),
                port = int(port),
                target = Name((target.rstrip('.') + '.').split('.'))
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
    # Export text (from the source code of
    EOL = '\n'
    f = StringIO.StringIO()
    f.write('$ORIGIN %s%s' % (origin, EOL))
    zone.to_file(f, sorted=True, relativize=False, nl=EOL)
    data = f.getvalue()
    return data
Beispiel #6
def generate_zone_file(origin):
    """Generates a zone file.
    Accepts the zone origin as string (no trailing dot).
    Returns the contents of a zone file that contains all the resource records
    associated with the domain with the provided origin.
    Domain = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Domain')
    Record = cache.get_model('powerdns_manager', 'Record')
    the_domain = Domain.objects.get(name__exact=origin)
    the_rrs = Record.objects.filter(domain=the_domain).order_by('-type')
    # Generate the zone file
    origin = Name((origin.rstrip('.') + '.').split('.'))
    # Create an empty object.
    # We set check_origin=False because the zone contains no records.
    zone ='', origin=origin, relativize=False, check_origin=False)
    rdclass = dns.rdataclass._by_text.get('IN')
    for rr in the_rrs:
        # Add trailing dot to
        record_name ='.') + '.'
        if rr.type == 'SOA':
            # Add SOA Resource Record
            # SOA content:  primary hostmaster serial refresh retry expire default_ttl
            bits = rr.content.split()
            # Primary nameserver of SOA record
            primary = bits[0].rstrip('.') + '.'
            mname = Name(primary.split('.'))
            # Responsible hostmaster from SOA record
            hostmaster = bits[1].rstrip('.') + '.'
            rname = Name(hostmaster.split('.'))
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('SOA')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.ANY.SOA.SOA(rdclass, rdtype,
                mname = mname,
                rname = rname,
                serial = int(bits[2]),
                refresh = int(bits[3]),
                retry = int(bits[4]),
                expire = int(bits[5]),
                minimum = int(bits[6])
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'NS':
            # Add NS Resource Record
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('NS')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.ANY.NS.NS(rdclass, rdtype,
                target = Name((rr.content.rstrip('.') + '.').split('.'))
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'MX':
            # Add MX Resource Record
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('MX')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.ANY.MX.MX(rdclass, rdtype,
                preference = int(rr.prio),
                exchange = Name((rr.content.rstrip('.') + '.').split('.'))
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'TXT':
            # Add TXT Resource Record
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('TXT')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.ANY.TXT.TXT(rdclass, rdtype,
                strings = rr.content.split(';')
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'CNAME':
            # Add CNAME Resource Record
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('CNAME')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.ANY.CNAME.CNAME(rdclass, rdtype,
                target = Name((rr.content.rstrip('.') + '.').split('.'))
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'A':
            # Add A Resource Record
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('A')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.IN.A.A(rdclass, rdtype,
                address = rr.content
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'AAAA':
            # Add AAAA Resource Record
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('AAAA')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.IN.AAAA.AAAA(rdclass, rdtype,
                address = rr.content
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'SPF':
            # Add SPF Resource Record
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('SPF')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.ANY.SPF.SPF(rdclass, rdtype,
                strings = rr.content.split(';')
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'PTR':
            # Add PTR Resource Record
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('PTR')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.ANY.PTR.PTR(rdclass, rdtype,
                target = Name((rr.content.rstrip('.') + '.').split('.'))
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
        elif rr.type == 'SRV':
            # Add SRV Resource Record
            # weight port target
            weight, port, target = rr.content.split()
            rdtype = dns.rdatatype._by_text.get('SRV')
            rdataset = zone.find_rdataset(record_name, rdtype=rdtype, create=True)
            rdata = dns.rdtypes.IN.SRV.SRV(rdclass, rdtype,
                priority = int(rr.prio),
                weight = int(weight),
                port = int(port),
                target = Name((target.rstrip('.') + '.').split('.'))
            rdataset.add(rdata, ttl=int(rr.ttl))
    # Export text (from the source code of
    EOL = '\r\n'
    f = StringIO.StringIO()
    f.write('$ORIGIN %s%s' % (origin, EOL))
    zone.to_file(f, sorted=True, relativize=False, nl=EOL)
    data = f.getvalue()
    return data