Beispiel #1
class DockerOperator(BaseOperator):
    Execute a command inside a docker container.

    A temporary directory is created on the host and mounted into a container to allow storing files
    that together exceed the default disk size of 10GB in a container. The path to the mounted
    directory can be accessed via the environment variable ``AIRFLOW_TMP_DIR``.

    :param image: Docker image from which to create the container.
    :type image: str
    :param api_version: Remote API version.
    :type api_version: str
    :param command: Command to be run in the container.
    :type command: str or list
    :param cpus: Number of CPUs to assign to the container.
        This value gets multiplied with 1024. See
    :type cpus: float
    :param docker_url: URL of the host running the docker daemon.
    :type docker_url: str
    :param environment: Environment variables to set in the container.
    :type environment: dict
    :param force_pull: Pull the docker image on every run.
    :type force_pull: bool
    :param mem_limit: Maximum amount of memory the container can use. Either a float value, which
        represents the limit in bytes, or a string like ``128m`` or ``1g``.
    :type mem_limit: float or str
    :param network_mode: Network mode for the container.
    :type network_mode: str
    :param tls_ca_cert: Path to a PEM-encoded certificate authority to secure the docker connection.
    :type tls_ca_cert: str
    :param tls_client_cert: Path to the PEM-encoded certificate used to authenticate docker client.
    :type tls_client_cert: str
    :param tls_client_key: Path to the PEM-encoded key used to authenticate docker client.
    :type tls_client_key: str
    :param tls_hostname: Hostname to match against the docker server certificate or False to
        disable the check.
    :type tls_hostname: str or bool
    :param tls_ssl_version: Version of SSL to use when communicating with docker daemon.
    :type tls_ssl_version: str
    :param tmp_dir: Mount point inside the container to a temporary directory created on the host by
        the operator. The path is also made available via the environment variable
        ``AIRFLOW_TMP_DIR`` inside the container.
    :type tmp_dir: str
    :param user: Default user inside the docker container.
    :type user: int or str
    :param volumes: List of volumes to mount into the container, e.g.
        ``['/host/path:/container/path', '/host/path2:/container/path2:ro']``.
    :param xcom_push: Does the stdout will be pushed to the next step using XCom.
           The default is False.
    :type xcom_push: bool
    :param xcom_all: Push all the stdout or just the last line. The default is False (last line).
    :type xcom_all: bool
    template_fields = ('command', )
    template_ext = (

    def __init__(self,

        super(DockerOperator, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.api_version = api_version
        self.command = command
        self.cpus = cpus
        self.docker_url = docker_url
        self.environment = environment or {}
        self.force_pull = force_pull
        self.image = image
        self.mem_limit = mem_limit
        self.network_mode = network_mode
        self.tls_ca_cert = tls_ca_cert
        self.tls_client_cert = tls_client_cert
        self.tls_client_key = tls_client_key
        self.tls_hostname = tls_hostname
        self.tls_ssl_version = tls_ssl_version
        self.tmp_dir = tmp_dir
        self.user = user
        self.volumes = volumes or []
        self.xcom_push_flag = xcom_push
        self.xcom_all = xcom_all

        self.cli = None
        self.container = None

    def execute(self, context):'Starting docker container from image ' + self.image)

        tls_config = None
        if self.tls_ca_cert and self.tls_client_cert and self.tls_client_key:
            tls_config = tls.TLSConfig(ca_cert=self.tls_ca_cert,
            self.docker_url = self.docker_url.replace('tcp://', 'https://')

        self.cli = DockerAPIClient(base_url=self.docker_url,

        if ':' not in self.image:
            image = self.image + ':latest'
            image = self.image

        if self.force_pull or len(self.cli.images(name=image)) == 0:
  'Pulling docker image ' + image)
            for l in self.cli.pull(image, stream=True):
                output = json.loads(l.decode('utf-8'))

        cpu_shares = int(round(self.cpus * 1024))

        with TemporaryDirectory(prefix='airflowtmp') as host_tmp_dir:
            self.environment['AIRFLOW_TMP_DIR'] = self.tmp_dir
            self.volumes.append('{0}:{1}'.format(host_tmp_dir, self.tmp_dir))

            self.container = self.cli.create_container(
                    binds=self.volumes, network_mode=self.network_mode),

            line = ''
            for line in self.cli.logs(container=self.container['Id'],
                line = line.strip()
                if hasattr(line, 'decode'):
                    line = line.decode('utf-8')

            exit_code = self.cli.wait(self.container['Id'])
            if exit_code != 0:
                raise AirflowException('docker container failed')

            if self.xcom_push_flag:
                return self.cli.logs(container=self.container['Id']
                                     ) if self.xcom_all else str(line)

    def get_command(self):
        if self.command is not None and self.command.strip().find('[') == 0:
            commands = ast.literal_eval(self.command)
            commands = self.command
        return commands

    def on_kill(self):
        if self.cli is not None:
  'Stopping docker container')
Beispiel #2
class DockerClient(object):
    This client is a "translator" between docker-py API and
    the standard docker command line. We need one because docker-py
    does not use the same naming for command names and their parameters.
    For example, "docker ps" is named "containers", "-n" parameter
    is named "limit", some parameters are not implemented at all, etc.
    def __init__(self,
        Initialize the Docker wrapper.
        :param timeout: int
        :param clear_handler: callable
        :param refresh_handler: callable
        :param logger: logger

        assert callable(clear_handler)
        assert callable(refresh_handler)

        self.logger = logger
        self.exception = None

        self.handlers = {
            'attach': (self.attach, 'Attach to a running container.'),
            'build': (, ("Build a new image from the source"
                                   " code")),
            'clear': (clear_handler, "Clear the window."),
            'create': (self.create, 'Create a new container.'),
            'exec': (self.execute, ("Run a command in a running"
                                    " container.")),
            'help': (, "Help on available commands."),
            'pause': (self.pause, "Pause all processes within a container."),
            'ps': (self.containers, "List containers."),
            'port': (self.port, ("List port mappings for the container, or "
                                 "lookup the public-facing port that is "
                                 "NAT-ed to the private_port.")),
            'pull': (self.pull, ("Pull an image or a repository from the "
            'push': (self.push, ("Push an image or a repository to the "
            'images': (self.images, "List images."),
            'info': (, "Display system-wide information."),
             "Return low-level information on a " + "container or image."),
            'kill': (self.kill, "Kill one or more running containers"),
            'login': (self.login, ("Register or log in to a Docker registry "
                                   "server (defaut "
            'logs': (self.logs, "Fetch the logs of a container."),
            'refresh': (refresh_handler, "Refresh autocompletions."),
            'rename': (self.rename, "Rename a container."),
            'restart': (self.restart, "Restart a running container."),
            'run': (, "Run a command in a new container."),
            'rm': (self.rm, "Remove one or more containers."),
            'rmi': (self.rmi, "Remove one or more images."),
            'search': (, "Search the Docker Hub for images."),
            'shell': (, "Get shell into a running container."),
            'start': (self.start, "Restart a stopped container."),
            'stop': (self.stop, "Stop a running container."),
            'tag': (self.tag, "Tag an image into a repository."),
            'top': (, "Display the running processes of a container."),
            'unpause': (self.unpause, ("Unpause all processes within a "
            'version': (self.version, "Show the Docker version information."),
            'volume create': (self.volume_create, "Create a new volume."),
            'volume inspect': (self.volume_inspect, "Inspect one or more "
            'volume ls': (self.volume_ls, "List volumes."),
            'volume rm': (self.volume_rm, "Remove a volume."),

        self.output = None
        self.after = None
        self.command = None
        self.log = None

        self.is_refresh_containers = False
        self.is_refresh_running = False
        self.is_refresh_images = False
        self.is_refresh_volumes = False


        if sys.platform.startswith('darwin') \
                or sys.platform.startswith('win32'):
                # mac or win
                kwargs = kwargs_from_env()
                # hack from here:
                # See also:
                if 'tls' in kwargs:
                    kwargs['tls'].assert_hostname = False
                kwargs['timeout'] = timeout
                self.instance = DockerAPIClient(**kwargs)

            except DockerException as x:
                if 'CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED' in str(x):
                    raise DockerSslException(x)
                elif 'ConnectTimeoutError' in str(x):
                    raise DockerTimeoutException(x)
                    raise x
            # unix-based
            kwargs = kwargs_from_env(ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1,
            kwargs['timeout'] = timeout
            self.instance = DockerAPIClient(**kwargs)

    def debug(self, message):
        """Log a debug message if logger is passed in."""
        if self.logger is not None:

    def handle_input(self, text):
        Parse the command, run it via the client, and return
        some iterable output to print out. This will parse options
        and arguments out of the command line and into parameters
        consistent with docker-py naming. It is designed to be the
        only really public method of the client. Other methods
        are just pass-through methods that delegate commands
        to docker-py.
        :param text: user input
        :return: iterable
        def reset_output():
            """ Set all internals to initial state."""
            self.command = None
            self.is_refresh_containers = False
            self.is_refresh_running = False
            self.is_refresh_images = False
            self.is_refresh_volumes = False
            self.after = None
            self.log = None
            self.exception = None

        tokens = shlex_split(text) if text else ['']
        cmd, params = split_command_and_args(tokens)


        if cmd and cmd in self.handlers:
            handler = self.handlers[cmd][0]
            self.command = cmd

            if params:
                    if '-h' in tokens or '--help' in tokens:
                        self.output = [format_command_help(cmd)]
                        parser, popts, pargs = parse_command_options(
                            cmd, params)
                        if 'help' in popts:
                            del popts['help']

                        self.output = handler(*pargs, **popts)

                except APIError as ex:
                    self.output = [str(ex.explanation)]

                except OptionError as ex:
                    raise ex

                except Exception as ex:
                    self.output = [ex.__repr__()]
                self.output = handler()
        elif cmd:
            self.output =

    def attach(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Attach to a running container.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: None
        if not args:
            return ['Container name or ID is required.']

        container = args[0]

        def on_after():
            self.is_refresh_containers = True
            self.is_refresh_running = True
            return ['\rDetached from {0}.'.format(container)]

        self.after = on_after

        command = format_command_line('attach', False, args, kwargs)
        process = pexpect.spawnu(command)

    def help(self, *_):
        Collect and return help docstrings for all commands.
        :return: list of tuples

        help_rows = [(key, self.handlers[key][1]) for key in COMMAND_NAMES]
        return help_rows

    def not_implemented(self, *_, **kw):
        Placeholder for commands to be implemented.
        :return: iterable
        return ['Not implemented.']

    def version(self, *_):
        Return the version. Equivalent of docker version.
        :return: list of tuples

            verdict = self.instance.version()
            return verdict
        except ConnectionError as ex:
            raise DockerPermissionException(ex)

    def info(self, *_):
        Return the system info. Equivalent of docker info.
        :return: list of tuples
        info_dict =
        return info_dict

    def inspect(self, *args, **_):
        Return image or container info. Equivalent of docker inspect.
        :return: dict

        if not args or len(args) == 0:
            yield 'Container or image ID is required.'

        cids, cnames, imids, imnames = set(), set(), set(), set()

        cs = self.containers(all=True)
        if cs and len(cs) > 0 and isinstance(cs[0], dict):
            cids = set([c['Id'] for c in cs])
            cnames = set([name for c in cs for name in c['Names']])

        ims = self.images(all=True)
        if ims and len(ims) > 0 and isinstance(ims[0], dict):
            imids = set([i['Id'] for i in ims])
            imnames = set([i['Repository'] for i in ims])

        for name in args:
            if name in cids or name in cnames:
                info = self.instance.inspect_container(name)
            elif name in imids or name in imnames:
                info = self.instance.inspect_image(name)
                info = 'Container or image ID is required.'
            yield info

    def containers(self, *_, **kwargs):
        Return the list of containers. Equivalent of docker ps.
        :return: list of dicts

        # Truncate by default.
        if 'trunc' in kwargs and kwargs['trunc'] is None:
            kwargs['trunc'] = True

        def format_names(names):
            Container names start with /.
            Let's strip this for readability.
            if isinstance(names, list):
                formatted = []
                for name in names:
                    if isinstance(name, six.string_types):
                return formatted
            return names

        csdict = self.instance.containers(**kwargs)
        if len(csdict) > 0:

            if 'quiet' not in kwargs or not kwargs['quiet']:
                for i in range(len(csdict)):
                    csdict[i]['Names'] = format_names(csdict[i]['Names'])
                    csdict[i]['Created'] =[i]['Created'])

            return csdict
            return ['There are no containers to list.']

    def pause(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Pause all processes in a container. Equivalent of docker pause.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: Container ID or iterable output.
        if not args:
            return ['Container name is required.']

        kwargs['container'] = args[0]


        return [kwargs['container']]

    def port(self, *args, **_):
        List port mappings for the container. Equivalent of docker port.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: Container ID or iterable output.
        if not args:
            return ['Container name is required.']

        port_args = [args[0], None]
        port_args[1] = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else None

        result = self.instance.port(*port_args)
        if result:
            return result

        result = self.instance.inspect_container(port_args[0])
        if result:
            result = result.get('NetworkSettings', {}).get('Ports', None)
            if result:
                return result

        return ['There are no port mappings for {0}.'.format(args[0])]

    def rm(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Remove a container. Equivalent of docker rm.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: Container ID or iterable output.

        truncate_output = False

        all_stopped = 'all_stopped' in kwargs and kwargs['all_stopped']
        all = 'all' in kwargs and kwargs['all']

        if all_stopped:
            if args and len(args) > 0:
                return ['Provide either --all-stopped, or container name(s).']

            containers = self.instance.containers(quiet=True,
                                                  filters={'status': 'exited'})

            if not containers or len(containers) == 0:
                return ['There are no stopped containers.']

            containers = [c['Id'] for c in containers]
            truncate_output = True

        elif all:
            if args and len(args) > 0:
                return ['Provide either --all, or container name(s).']

            containers = self.instance.containers(quiet=True, all=True)

            if not containers or len(containers) == 0:
                return ['There are no containers.']

            containers = [c['Id'] for c in containers]
            truncate_output = True

            containers = args

        kwargs = allowed_args('rm', **kwargs)

        def stream():
            for container in containers:
                    self.instance.remove_container(container, **kwargs)
                    self.is_refresh_containers = True
                    self.is_refresh_running = True
                    if truncate_output:
                        yield "{0:.25}".format(container)
                        yield container
                except APIError as ex:
                    yield '{0:.25}: {1}'.format(container, ex.explanation)
            yield 'Removed: {0} container(s).'.format(
                len(containers) if containers else 0)

        return stream()

    def rmi(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Remove an image. Equivalent of docker rm.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: Image name.

        truncate_output = False

        all_dangling = 'all_dangling' in kwargs and kwargs['all_dangling']
        all = 'all' in kwargs and kwargs['all']

        if all_dangling:
            if args and len(args) > 0:
                return ['Provide either --all-dangling, or image name(s).']

            images = self.instance.images(quiet=True,
                                          filters={'dangling': True})

            if not images or len(images) == 0:
                return ['There are no dangling images.']

            truncate_output = True

        elif all:
            if args and len(args) > 0:
                return ['Provide either --all, or image name(s).']

            images = self.instance.images(quiet=True, all=True)

            if not images or len(images) == 0:
                return ['There are no images.']

            truncate_output = True

            images = args

        kwargs = allowed_args('rmi', **kwargs)

        def stream():
            for image in images:
                    self.instance.remove_image(image, **kwargs)
                    self.is_refresh_images = True
                    if truncate_output:
                        yield "{:.25}".format(image)
                        yield image
                except APIError as ex:
                    yield '{0:.25}: {1}'.format(image, ex.explanation)

        return stream()

    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Create and start a container. Equivalent of docker run.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: Container ID or iterable output.
        if not args:
            return ['Image name is required.']

        if kwargs['remove'] and kwargs['detach']:
            return ['Use either --rm or --detach.']

        # Always call external cli for this, rather than figuring out
        # why docker-py throws "jack is incompatible with use of CloseNotifier in same ServeHTTP call"
        kwargs['force'] = True
        called, args, kwargs = self.call_external_cli('run', *args, **kwargs)
        if not called:
            kwargs['image'] = args[0]
            kwargs['command'] = args[1:] if len(args) > 1 else []

            kwargs = self._add_port_bindings(kwargs)
            kwargs = self._add_exposed_ports(kwargs)
            kwargs = self._add_link_bindings(kwargs)
            kwargs = self._add_volumes_from(kwargs)
            kwargs = self._add_volumes(kwargs)
            kwargs = self._add_network_mode(kwargs)

            create_args = allowed_args('create', **kwargs)
            result = self.instance.create_container(**create_args)

            if result:
                if "Warnings" in result and result['Warnings']:
                    return [result['Warnings']]
                if "Id" in result and result['Id']:
                    self.is_refresh_containers = True
                    is_attach = 'detach' not in kwargs or not kwargs['detach']
                    start_args = allowed_args('start', **kwargs)
                        'container': result['Id'],
                        'attach': is_attach
                    return self.start(**start_args)
            return ['There was a problem running the container.']

    def create(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Create a container. Equivalent of docker create.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: Container ID or iterable output.
        if not args:
            return ['Image name is required.']

        called, args, kwargs = self.call_external_cli('create', *args,
        if not called:
            kwargs['image'] = args[0]
            kwargs['command'] = args[1:] if len(args) > 1 else []

            kwargs = self._add_port_bindings(kwargs)
            kwargs = self._add_exposed_ports(kwargs)
            kwargs = self._add_link_bindings(kwargs)
            kwargs = self._add_volumes_from(kwargs)
            kwargs = self._add_volumes(kwargs)
            kwargs = self._add_network_mode(kwargs)

            create_args = allowed_args('create', **kwargs)
            result = self.instance.create_container(**create_args)

            if result:
                if "Warnings" in result and result['Warnings']:
                    return [result['Warnings']]
                if "Id" in result and result['Id']:
                    self.is_refresh_containers = True
                    return [result['Id']]

            return ['There was a problem creating the container.']

    def rename(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Rename a container. Equivalent of docker rename.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: None.
        if not args or len(args) < 2:
            return ['Container name and new name are required.']

        self.is_refresh_containers = True

    def restart(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Restart a running container. Equivalent of docker restart.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: Container ID or iterable output.
        if not args:
            return ['Container name is required.']

        def stream():
            for container in args:
                self.instance.restart(container, **kwargs)
                yield container

        return stream()

    @if_exception_return(InvalidVersion, None)
    def volume_create(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Create a volume. Equivalent of docker volume create.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: Volume name.
        if not kwargs:
            return ['Volume name is required.']

        allowed = allowed_args('volume create', **kwargs)

        allowed = self._add_opts(allowed)

        result = self.instance.create_volume(**allowed)
        self.is_refresh_volumes = True
        return [result['Name']]

    @if_exception_return(InvalidVersion, None)
    def volume_ls(self, *args, **kwargs):
        List volumes. Equivalent of docker volume ls.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: Iterable.
        quiet = kwargs.pop('quiet', False)

        kwargs = self._add_filters(kwargs)

        vdict = self.instance.volumes(**kwargs)
        result = vdict.get('Volumes', None)

        if result:
            if quiet:
                result = [volume['Name'] for volume in result]
            return result
            return ['There are no volumes to list.']

    @if_exception_return(InvalidVersion, None)
    def volume_rm(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Remove a volume. Equivalent of docker volume rm.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: Volume name.
        if not args:
            return ['Volume name is required.']

        def stream():
            for volume in args:
                    self.is_refresh_volumes = True
                    yield volume
                except APIError as x:
                    yield 'Could not remove volume {0}: {1}.'.format(
                        volume, x.explanation)

        return stream()

    @if_exception_return(InvalidVersion, None)
    def volume_inspect(self, *args, **_):
        Return volume info. Equivalent of docker volume ls.
        :return: dict

        if not args or len(args) == 0:
            yield 'Volume name is required.'

        vnames = self.volume_ls(quiet=True)

        for vname in args:
            if vname in vnames:
                info = self.instance.inspect_volume(vname)
                yield info
                yield "Volume not found: {0}".format(vname)

    def tag(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Tag an image into repository. Equivalent of docker tag.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: Iamge ID.
        if not args or len(args) < 2:
            return ['Image name and repository name are required.']

        img = args[0]
        if ':' in args[1]:
            repo, tag = args[1].rsplit(':', 1)
            repo, tag = args[1], None

        result = self.instance.tag(image=img,

        if result:
            return ['Tagged {0} into {1}.'.format(*args)]
            return ['Error tagging {0} into {1}.'.format(*args)]

    def _add_filters(self, params):
        Update kwargs if filters are present.
        :param params: dict
        :return dict
        if params.get('filters', None):
            filters = parse_kv_as_dict(params['filters'], True)
            params['filters'] = filters
        return params

    def _add_opts(self, params):
        Update kwargs if opts are present.
        :param params: dict
        :return dict
        if params.get('driver_opts', None):
            opts = parse_kv_as_dict(params['driver_opts'], False)
            params['driver_opts'] = opts
        return params

    def _add_volumes(self, params):
        Update kwargs if volumes are present.
        :param params: dict
        :return dict
        if params.get('volumes', None):
            binds = parse_volume_bindings(params['volumes'])
            params['volumes'] = [x['bind'] for x in binds.values()]
            conf = self.instance.create_host_config(binds=binds)
            self._update_host_config(params, conf)
        return params

    def _add_volumes_from(self, params):
        Update kwargs if volumes-from are present.
        :param params: dict
        :return dict
        if params.get('volumes_from', None):
            cs = ','.join(params['volumes_from'])
            cs = [x.strip() for x in cs.split(',') if x]
            conf = self.instance.create_host_config(volumes_from=cs)
            self._update_host_config(params, conf)
        return params

    def _add_network_mode(self, params):
        Update kwargs if --net is present.
        :param params: dict
        :return: dict
        if 'net' in params:
            conf = self.instance.create_host_config(network_mode=params['net'])
            self._update_host_config(params, conf)
        return params

    def _add_link_bindings(self, params):
        Update kwargs if user wants to link containers.
        :param params: dict
        :return dict
        if params.get('links', None):
            links = {}
            for link in params['links']:
                link_name, link_alias = link.split(':', 1)
                links[link_name] = link_alias
            link_conf = self.instance.create_host_config(links=links)
            self._update_host_config(params, link_conf)
        return params

    def _add_port_bindings(self, params):
        Update kwargs if user wants to bind some ports.
        :param params: dict
        :return dict
        if params.get('port_bindings', None):
            port_bindings = parse_port_bindings(params['port_bindings'])

            # Have to provide list of ports to open in create_container.
            params['ports'] = port_bindings.keys()

            # Have to provide host config with port mappings.
            port_conf = self.instance.create_host_config(

            self._update_host_config(params, port_conf)

        return params

    def _add_exposed_ports(self, params):
        Update kwargs if user wants to expose some ports.
        :param params: dict
        :return dict
        if params.get('expose', None):
            ports = parse_exposed_ports(params['expose'])

            # Have to provide list of ports to open in create_container.
            params['ports'] = ports.keys()

            # Have to provide host config with port mappings.
            port_conf = self.instance.create_host_config(port_bindings=ports)

            self._update_host_config(params, port_conf)

        return params

    def _update_host_config(self, params, config_to_merge):
        Update config dictionary in kwargs with another dictionary.
        :param params: dict
        :param config_to_merge: dict with new values
        :return dict
        if params.get('host_config', None):
            params['host_config'] = config_to_merge
        return params

    def _is_repo_tag_valid(self, repo):
        When an image is tagged into a repo, make sure only allowed symbols
        are used.
        :param repo:
        :return: (boolean, "error message")
        # Username: only [a-z0-9_] are allowed, size between 4 and 30
        if '/' not in repo:
            return False, 'Format: user_name/repository_name[:tag].'

        user_name, repo_name = repo.split('/')
        user_pattern = re.compile(r'^[a-z0-9_]{4,30}$')
        if not user_pattern.match(user_name):
            return False, 'Only [a-z0-9_] are allowed in user name, ' \
                          'size between 4 and 30'
        return True, None

    def execute(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Execute a command in the container. Equivalent of docker exec.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: Container ID or iterable output.
        if not args or len(args) < 2:
            return ['Container ID and command is required.']

        called, args, kwargs = self.call_external_cli('exec', *args, **kwargs)
        if not called:
            kwargs['container'] = args[0]
            kwargs['cmd'] = args[1:]

            is_detach = kwargs.pop('detach')

            exec_args = allowed_args('exec', **kwargs)
            result = self.instance.exec_create(**exec_args)

            if result and 'Id' in result:
                return self.instance.exec_start(result['Id'],

            return ['There was a problem executing the command.']

    def build(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Build an image. Equivalent of docker build.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: Iterable output.
        if not args:
            return ['Directory path or URL is required.']

        kwargs['path'] = args[0]
        kwargs['rm'] = bool(kwargs['rm'])

        self.is_refresh_images = True


    def shell(self, *args, **_):
        Get the shell into a running container. A shortcut for
        docker exec -it /usr/bin/env bash.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: None
        if not args:
            return ['Container name or ID is required.']

        container = args[0]

        shellcmd = 'bash'
        if len(args) > 1:
            shellcmd = ' '.join(args[1:])

        self.after = lambda: ['\rShell to {0} is closed.'.format(container)]

        command = 'docker exec -it {0} {1}'.format(container, shellcmd)
        process = pexpect.spawnu(command)

    def start(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Start a container. Equivalent of docker start.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: Container ID or iterable output.

        if args:
            kwargs['container'] = args[0]

        if not kwargs['container']:
            return ['Container name is required.']

        called, args, kwargs = self.call_external_cli('start', *args, **kwargs)
        if not called:

            if 'remove' in kwargs and kwargs['remove']:

                def on_after():
                    container = kwargs['container']
                        yield "Removed container {0:.25} on exit.".format(
                    except APIError as ex:
                        yield "{0:.25}: {1}.".format(container, ex.explanation)

                    self.is_refresh_containers = True
                    self.is_refresh_running = True

                self.after = on_after

            startargs = allowed_args('start', **kwargs)

            attached = None

            if 'attach' in kwargs and kwargs['attach']:
                attached = self.view(container=kwargs['container'],

            result = self.instance.start(**startargs)

            # Just in case the stream generated no output, let's allow for
            # retrieving the logs. They will be our last resort output.
            self.log = lambda: self.instance.logs(kwargs['container'])

            self.is_refresh_running = True
            if result:
                return [result]
            elif attached:
                return attached
                return [kwargs['container']]

    def view(self, *_, **kwargs):
        Attach to container STDOUT and / or STDERR.
        Docker-py does not allow attaching to STDIN.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: Iterable output
        result = self.instance.attach(**kwargs)
        return result

    def login(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Register or log in to a Docker registry server.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: None
        self.after = lambda: ['\r']

        command = format_command_line('login', False, args, kwargs)
        process = pexpect.spawnu(command)

    def logs(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Retrieve container logs. Equivalent of docker logs.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: Iterable output
        if not args:
            return ['Container ID/name is required.']

        kwargs['container'] = args[0]

        result = self.instance.logs(**kwargs)
        if isinstance(result, bytes):
            result = result.decode()
        if not kwargs['stream']:
            result = [result]
        return result

    def images(self, *_, **kwargs):
        Return the list of images. Equivalent of docker images.
        :return: list of dicts
        result = self.instance.images(**kwargs)
        re_digits = re.compile('^[0-9]+$', re.UNICODE)

        def convert_image_dict(a):
            Drop some keys and change some values to pretty-print image dict.
            b = {}
            for k, v in a.items():
                if k not in ['RepoTags', 'RepoDigests', 'Labels', 'Size']:
                    b[k] = v
                if k == 'Created' and v and
                    b[k] =
                if k == 'VirtualSize':
                    b[k] = filesize(v)

            # If we have more than one repo tag, return as many dicts

            if a.get('RepoTags', None) is None:
                a['RepoTags'] = ['<none>:<none>']

            for rt in a['RepoTags']:
                repo, tag = rt.rsplit(':', 1)
                c = {}
                c['Repository'] = repo
                c['Tag'] = tag
                yield c

        if len(result) > 0:
            if isinstance(result[0], dict):
                converted = []
                for x in result:
                    for y in convert_image_dict(x):
                return converted
            return result
            return ['There are no images to list.']

    def search(self, *args, **_):
        Return the list of images matching specified term.
        Equivalent of docker search.
        :return: list of dicts

        if not args or len(args) < 1:
            return "Search term is required."

        result =[0])

        if len(result) > 0:
            for res in result:
                # Make results  more readable, like official CLI does.
                if 'is_trusted' in res:
                    res['is_trusted'] = '[OK]' if res['is_trusted'] else ''
                if 'is_official' in res:
                    res['is_official'] = '[OK]' if res['is_official'] else ''
            return result
            return ['No images were found.']

    def stop(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Stop a running container. Equivalent of docker stop.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: Container ID or iterable output.
        if not args:
            return ['Container name is required.']

        def stream():
            for container in args:
                    self.instance.stop(container, **kwargs)
                    self.is_refresh_running = True
                    yield container
                except APIError as ex:
                    yield '{0:.25}: {1}'.format(container, ex.explanation)

        return stream()

    def kill(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Kill a running container. Equivalent of docker kill.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: Container ID or iterable output.
        if not args:
            return ['Container name is required.']

        def stream():
            for container in args:
                    self.instance.kill(container, **kwargs)
                    self.is_refresh_running = True
                    yield container
                except APIError as ex:
                    yield '{0:.25}: {1}'.format(container, ex.explanation)

        return stream()

    def top(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Show top processes in a container. Equivalent of docker rm.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: Container ID or iterable output.
        if not args:
            return ['Container name is required.']

        container = args[0]
        result =, **kwargs)
        return result

    def pull(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Pull an image by name. Equivalent of docker pull.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: Container ID or iterable output.

        if not args:
            return ['Image name is required.']

        image = args[0]
        kwargs['stream'] = True
        result = self.instance.pull(image, **kwargs)
        self.is_refresh_images = True

        return result

    def push(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Push an image into repository. Equivalent of docker push.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: interactive.
        if not args or len(args) < 1:
            return ['Image name (tagged) is required.']

        tag_valid, tag_message = self._is_repo_tag_valid(args[0])
        if not tag_valid:
            return [tag_message]

        self.after = lambda: ['\r']

        # TODO: this command didn't have to use pexpect.
        # But it was easier to call the official CLI than try and figure out
        # why requests throw this error:
        # File "venv/wharfee/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/packages/
        # urllib3/", line 267, in read
        # raise ReadTimeoutError(self._pool, None, 'Read timed out.')
        # requests.packages.urllib3.exceptions.ReadTimeoutError:
        # HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=2376): Read timed out.
        command = format_command_line('push', False, args, kwargs)
        process = pexpect.spawnu(command)

    def unpause(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Unpause all processes in a container. Equivalent of docker unpause.
        :param kwargs:
        :return: Container ID or iterable output.
        if not args:
            return ['Container name is required.']

        kwargs['container'] = args[0]


        return [kwargs['container']]

    def call_external_cli(self, cmd, *args, **kwargs):
        Call the "official" CLI if needed.
        :param args:
        :param kwargs:
        called = False

        is_force = kwargs.pop('force', False)
        is_interactive = kwargs.get('interactive', None)
        is_tty = kwargs.get('tty', None)
        is_attach = kwargs.get('attach', None)
        is_attach_bool = is_attach in [True, False]

        def execute_external():
            Call the official cli
            command = format_command_line(cmd, False, args, kwargs)
            process = pexpect.spawnu(command)

        def on_after_interactive():
            # \r is to make sure when there is some error output,
            # prompt is back to beginning of line
            self.is_refresh_containers = True
            self.is_refresh_running = True
            return ['\rInteractive terminal is closed.']

        def on_after_attach():
            self.is_refresh_containers = True
            self.is_refresh_running = True
            return ['Container exited.\r']

        if is_force or is_interactive or is_tty or (is_attach
                                                    and not is_attach_bool):
            self.after = on_after_attach if is_attach or (
                not is_interactive and not is_tty) else on_after_interactive
            called = True

        return called, args, kwargs