def signalProcess(self, name, signal):
        """ Send an arbitrary UNIX signal to the process named by name

        @param string name    Name of the process to signal (or 'group:name')
        @param string signal  Signal to send, as name ('HUP') or number ('1')
        @return boolean


        group, process = self._getGroupAndProcess(name)

        if process is None:
            group_name, process_name = split_namespec(name)
            return self.signalProcessGroup(group_name, signal=signal)

            sig = signal_number(signal)
        except ValueError:
            raise RPCError(Faults.BAD_SIGNAL, signal)

        if process.get_state() not in RUNNING_STATES:
            raise RPCError(Faults.NOT_RUNNING, name)

        msg = process.signal(sig)

        if not msg is None:
            raise RPCError(Faults.FAILED, msg)

        return True
            def onwait():
                if process.spawnerr:
                    raise RPCError(Faults.SPAWN_ERROR, name)

                state = process.get_state()

                if state not in (ProcessStates.STARTING, ProcessStates.RUNNING):
                    raise RPCError(Faults.ABNORMAL_TERMINATION, name)

                if state == ProcessStates.RUNNING:
                    return True

                return NOT_DONE_YET
    def removeProcessGroup(self, name):
        """ Remove a stopped process from the active configuration.

        @param string name         name of process group to remove
        @return boolean result     Indicates whether the removal was successful
        if name not in self.supervisord.process_groups:
            raise RPCError(Faults.BAD_NAME, name)

        result = self.supervisord.remove_process_group(name)
        if not result:
            raise RPCError(Faults.STILL_RUNNING, name)
        return True
    def stopProcess(self, name, wait=True):
        """ Stop a process named by name

        @param string name  The name of the process to stop (or 'group:name')
        @param boolean wait        Wait for the process to be fully stopped
        @return boolean result     Always return True unless error

        group, process = self._getGroupAndProcess(name)

        if process is None:
            group_name, process_name = split_namespec(name)
            return self.stopProcessGroup(group_name, wait)

        if process.get_state() not in RUNNING_STATES:
            raise RPCError(Faults.NOT_RUNNING, name)

        msg = process.stop()
        if msg is not None:
            raise RPCError(Faults.FAILED, msg)

        # We'll try to reap any killed child. FWIW, reap calls waitpid, and
        # then, if waitpid returns a pid, calls finish() on the process with
        # that pid, which drains any I/O from the process' dispatchers and
        # changes the process' state.  I chose to call reap without once=True
        # because we don't really care if we reap more than one child.  Even if
        # we only reap one child. we may not even be reaping the child that we
        # just stopped (this is all async, and process.stop() may not work, and
        # we'll need to wait for SIGKILL during process.transition() as the
        # result of normal select looping).


        if wait and process.get_state() not in STOPPED_STATES:

            def onwait():
                # process will eventually enter a stopped state by
                # virtue of the supervisord.reap() method being called
                # during normal operations
                if process.get_state() not in STOPPED_STATES:
                    return NOT_DONE_YET
                return True

            onwait.delay = 0
            onwait.rpcinterface = self
            return onwait # deferred

        return True
    def addProcessGroup(self, name):
        """ Update the config for a running process from config file.

        @param string name         name of process group to add
        @return boolean result     true if successful

        for config in self.supervisord.options.process_group_configs:
            if == name:
                result = self.supervisord.add_process_group(config)
                if not result:
                    raise RPCError(Faults.ALREADY_ADDED, name)
                return True
        raise RPCError(Faults.BAD_NAME, name)
    def _getGroupAndProcess(self, name):
        # get process to start from name
        group_name, process_name = split_namespec(name)

        group = self.supervisord.process_groups.get(group_name)
        if group is None:
            raise RPCError(Faults.BAD_NAME, name)

        if process_name is None:
            return group, None

        process = group.processes.get(process_name)
        if process is None:
            raise RPCError(Faults.BAD_NAME, name)

        return group, process
    def _readProcessLog(self, name, offset, length, channel):
        group, process = self._getGroupAndProcess(name)

        if process is None:
            raise RPCError(Faults.BAD_NAME, name)

        logfile = getattr(process.config, '%s_logfile' % channel)

        if logfile is None or not os.path.exists(logfile):
            raise RPCError(Faults.NO_FILE, logfile)

            return readFile(logfile, int(offset), int(length))
        except ValueError, inst:
            why = inst.args[0]
            raise RPCError(getattr(Faults, why))
    def readLog(self, offset, length):
        """ Read length bytes from the main log starting at offset

        @param int offset         offset to start reading from.
        @param int length         number of bytes to read from the log.
        @return string result     Bytes of log

        logfile = self.supervisord.options.logfile

        if logfile is None or not os.path.exists(logfile):
            raise RPCError(Faults.NO_FILE, logfile)

            return readFile(logfile, int(offset), int(length))
        except ValueError, inst:
            why = inst.args[0]
            raise RPCError(getattr(Faults, why))
    def reloadConfig(self):
        Reload configuration

        @return boolean result  always return True unless error
        except ValueError, msg:
            raise RPCError(Faults.CANT_REREAD, msg)
    def clearProcessLogs(self, name):
        """ Clear the stdout and stderr logs for the named process and
        reopen them.

        @param string name   The name of the process (or 'group:name')
        @return boolean result      Always True unless error

        group, process = self._getGroupAndProcess(name)

        if process is None:
            raise RPCError(Faults.BAD_NAME, name)

            # implies a reopen
        except (IOError, OSError):
            raise RPCError(Faults.FAILED, name)

        return True
    def _tailProcessLog(self, name, offset, length, channel):
        group, process = self._getGroupAndProcess(name)

        if process is None:
            raise RPCError(Faults.BAD_NAME, name)

        logfile = getattr(process.config, '%s_logfile' % channel)

        if logfile is None or not os.path.exists(logfile):
            return ['', 0, False]

        return tailFile(logfile, int(offset), int(length))
    def clearLog(self):
        """ Clear the main log.

        @return boolean result always returns True unless error

        logfile = self.supervisord.options.logfile
        if logfile is None or not self.supervisord.options.exists(logfile):
            raise RPCError(Faults.NO_FILE)

        # there is a race condition here, but ignore it.
        except (OSError, IOError):
            raise RPCError(Faults.FAILED)

        for handler in self.supervisord.options.logger.handlers:
            if hasattr(handler, 'reopen'):
      'reopening log file')
        return True
    def sendProcessStdin(self, name, chars):
        """ Send a string of chars to the stdin of the process name.
        If non-7-bit data is sent (unicode), it is encoded to utf-8
        before being sent to the process' stdin.  If chars is not a
        string or is not unicode, raise INCORRECT_PARAMETERS.  If the
        process is not running, raise NOT_RUNNING.  If the process'
        stdin cannot accept input (e.g. it was closed by the child
        process), raise NO_FILE.

        @param string name        The process name to send to (or 'group:name')
        @param string chars       The character data to send to the process
        @return boolean result    Always return True unless error

        if isinstance(chars, unicode):
            chars = chars.encode('utf-8')

        if not isinstance(chars, basestring):
            raise RPCError(Faults.INCORRECT_PARAMETERS, chars)

        group, process = self._getGroupAndProcess(name)

        if process is None:
            raise RPCError(Faults.BAD_NAME, name)

        if not or process.killing:
            raise RPCError(Faults.NOT_RUNNING, name)

        except OSError, why:
            if why.args[0] == errno.EPIPE:
                raise RPCError(Faults.NO_FILE, name)
    def getProcessInfo(self, name):
        """ Get info about a process named name

        @param string name The name of the process (or 'group:name')
        @return struct result     A structure containing data about the process

        group, process = self._getGroupAndProcess(name)

        if process is None:
            raise RPCError(Faults.BAD_NAME, name)

        start = int(process.laststart)
        stop = int(process.laststop)
        now = int(time.time())

        state = process.get_state()
        spawnerr = process.spawnerr or ''
        exitstatus = process.exitstatus or 0
        stdout_logfile = process.config.stdout_logfile or ''
        stderr_logfile = process.config.stderr_logfile or ''

        info = {
            'logfile':stdout_logfile, # b/c alias

        description = self._interpretProcessInfo(info)
        info['description'] = description
        return info
    def startProcess(self, name, wait=True):
        """ Start a process

        @param string name Process name (or ``group:name``, or ``group:*``)
        @param boolean wait Wait for process to be fully started
        @return boolean result     Always true unless error

        group, process = self._getGroupAndProcess(name)
        if process is None:
            group_name, process_name = split_namespec(name)
            return self.startProcessGroup(group_name, wait)

        # test filespec, don't bother trying to spawn if we know it will
        # eventually fail
            filename, argv = process.get_execv_args()
        except NotFound, why:
            raise RPCError(Faults.NO_FILE, why.args[0])
    def signalProcessGroup(self, name, signal):
        """ Send a signal to all processes in the group named 'name'

        @param string name    The group name
        @param string signal  Signal to send, as name ('HUP') or number ('1')
        @return array

        group = self.supervisord.process_groups.get(name)
        if group is None:
            raise RPCError(Faults.BAD_NAME, name)

        processes = group.processes.values()
        processes = [(group, process) for process in processes]

        sendall = make_allfunc(processes, isRunning, self.signalProcess,
        result = sendall()

        return result
    def stopProcessGroup(self, name, wait=True):
        """ Stop all processes in the process group named 'name'

        @param string name     The group name
        @param boolean wait    Wait for each process to be fully stopped
        @return array result   An array of process status info structs

        group = self.supervisord.process_groups.get(name)

        if group is None:
            raise RPCError(Faults.BAD_NAME, name)

        processes = group.processes.values()
        processes = [ (group, process) for process in processes ]

        killall = make_allfunc(processes, isRunning, self.stopProcess,

        killall.delay = 0.05
        killall.rpcinterface = self
        return killall # deferred
 def callback():
     raise RPCError(Faults.UNKNOWN_METHOD)
 def inner():
     raise RPCError(Faults.BAD_NAME, 'foo')
        group, process = self._getGroupAndProcess(name)
        if process is None:
            group_name, process_name = split_namespec(name)
            return self.startProcessGroup(group_name, wait)

        # test filespec, don't bother trying to spawn if we know it will
        # eventually fail
            filename, argv = process.get_execv_args()
        except NotFound, why:
            raise RPCError(Faults.NO_FILE, why.args[0])
        except (NotExecutable, NoPermission), why:
            raise RPCError(Faults.NOT_EXECUTABLE, why.args[0])

        if process.get_state() in RUNNING_STATES:
            raise RPCError(Faults.ALREADY_STARTED, name)


        # We call reap() in order to more quickly obtain the side effects of
        # process.finish(), which reap() eventually ends up calling.  This
        # might be the case if the spawn() was successful but then the process
        # died before its startsecs elapsed or it exited with an unexpected
        # exit code. In particular, finish() may set spawnerr, which we can
        # check and immediately raise an RPCError, avoiding the need to
        # defer by returning a callback.

 def _update(self, text):
     self.update_text = text # for unit tests, mainly
     if ( isinstance(self.supervisord.options.mood, int) and
          self.supervisord.options.mood < SupervisorStates.RUNNING ):
         raise RPCError(Faults.SHUTDOWN_STATE)
 def bad_name(self):
     raise RPCError(Faults.BAD_NAME, 'foo')