Beispiel #1
def get_short_wave(
        utm33_x, utm33_y, day_no, temp_atm, cloud_cover, snow_depth, snow_density, prec_snow, time_hour,
        time_span_in_sec, temp_surface, albedo_prim, age_factor_tau=None, albedo_method="ueb"):
    S [kJm^(-2)]is the net incident solar (short wave) radiation
    Method calculates albedo in two different ways for comparison and testing. In the end one is chose based on
    the method chosen.

    :param utm33_x, utm33_y:    koordinat i UTM 33
    :param day_no:              Dagnummer
    :param temp_atm:            [C] Air temperature
    :param SWE:                 snø i snømagasin
    :param prec_rain:           [m] precipitation as liquid
    :param time_hour:           [0-23] Hour of the day the time_span_in_sec ends
    :param time_span_in_sec:    [sec] Time resolution in sec
    :param temp_surface:        [C] Snøoverflate temperatur
    :param prec_snow:           [m] New snow in meter
    :param albedo_prim:         Primary albedo from last time step. Used in the albedo_walters routine.
    :param age_factor_tau:      [-] Age factor in the UEB albedo routine.
    :param albedo_method:

    :return:    S, s_inn, albedo, albedo_prim, age_factor_tau

    if time_hour == 0:
        time_hour = 24

    phi, thi, ddphi, ddthi = dc.lat_long_from_utm33(utm33_x,utm33_y, output= "both")

    thetaW = 0.4102*sin((2*pi/365)*(day_no-80))     # solar declination angleday angle, Walter 2005
    # print("sol.decl.angle={0} on daynumber={1}".format(thetaW, day_no))

    #theta <- vector("numeric", 365)
    #theta2 <- vector("numeric", 365)
    #for (day_no in 1:365)theta[day_no] <- 0.4092*cos((2*pi/365)*(day_no-173))#solar declination angleday angle, Liston 1995
    #for (day_no in 1:365)theta2[day_no] <- 0.4102*sin((2*pi/365)*(day_no-80))#solar declination angleday angle

    theta = 0.4092*cos((2*pi/365.25)*(day_no-173))  # solar declination angleday angle, Liston 1995
    theta2 = 2*pi/365.25*(day_no-80)

    r = 149598000   # distance from the sun
    R = 6378        # Radius of earth

    timezone = -4 * (fabs(thi) % 15) * thi/fabs(thi)      # ang lengdegrad ikke
    epsilon = 0.4092    # rad(23.45)

    z_s = r*sin(theta2)*sin(epsilon)
    r_p = sqrt(r**2-z_s**2)
    nevner = (R-z_s*sin(phi))/(r_p*cos(phi))

    if(nevner > -1) and (nevner < 1):

        # acos(m ha inn verdier ,(mellom-1,1) hvis <-1 s er det midnattsol > 1 er det m¯rketid.
        t0 = 1440/(2*pi)*acos((R-z_s*sin(phi))/(r_p*cos(phi)))
        that = t0+5
        n = 720-10*sin(4*pi*(day_no-80)/365.25)+8*sin(2*pi*day_no/365.25)
        sr = (n-that+timezone)/60 #soloppgang
        ss = (n+that+timezone)/60 #solnedgang

        #sunhrs = ss-sr# antall soltimer
        #time_hour er tidsvariabel
        #Trise = -(1/0.2618)*cos(-tan(theta)*tan(phi))**-1
        #Tset = (1/0.2618)*cos(-tan(theta)*tan(phi))**-1
        #Trise = round(-sunhrs/2)
        #Tset = round(sunhrs/2)

    if nevner <= -1:    # Midnattsol
        sr = 0.
        ss = 24.

    if nevner >= 1:     # Mørketid
        sr = 12.
        ss = 12.

    #time_hour <- 22
    TTList = {}         # Values for transmissivity for every hr
    dingom = {}         # Values for zenith angle (0 straight up)

    for tid in range(1, 24, 1):

        if (tid > sr) and (tid < ss):

            tom = tid-12    # Number of hours from solar noon. Solar noon is tom=0
            cosarg = 0.2618 * tom   # Radians pr hour

            dingom[tid] = acos(sin(phi)*sin(theta)+cos(phi)*cos(theta)*cos(cosarg))  # Dingmans zenith angle
            TTList[tid] = (0.6 + 0.2*sin((0.5*pi)-dingom[tid]))*(1.0-0.5*cloud_cover)         # Inspirert av G. Liston 1995 transmissivitet

            # TTList[tid] = (0.6-0.2*sin(dingom[tid]))*(1.0-0.5*cloud_cover) #Inspirert av G. Liston 1995 transmissivitet
            # TTList[tid] = (0.6-0.2*sin(dingom[tid]))*(1.0-0.5*cloud_cover) #Inspirert av G. Liston 1995 transmissivitet

        if (tid < sr) or (tid > ss):  # If time is outside sunrise-sunset

            TTList[tid] = 0.       # Transmissivity = 0 when sun is below horizon.
            dingom[tid] = pi/2     # Angle below horizin is set to be on the horizon.

    # pi/2 minus zenith angle, initielt, ikke helt sikker. Blir veldig lav med init dingom lik pi/2
    # blir på den annen side høy med init dingom lik 0. Albedo ser ganske fornuftig ut.

    if time_span_in_sec == 86400:
        Trans = TTList.values()                 # list
        zenith_angle = dingom.values()          # list

    elif time_span_in_sec < 86400:              # Midler transmissvitet og solvinkel For finere tidssoppløsning
        interv = list(range(time_hour-int(time_span_in_sec/3600)+1, time_hour, 1))     # aktuelle timer
        Trans = [TTList[i] for i in interv]     # selection of transmisions in intervall
        zenith_angle = [dingom[i] for i in interv]

        print("Method doesnt work on time intervals greater than 24hrs")
        Trans = None
        zenith_angle = None

    # Mean values
    Trans = float( sum(Trans) / len(Trans) )
    zenith_angle = float( sum(zenith_angle) / len(zenith_angle) )

    if snow_depth == 0.:
        albedo = albedo_prim
        age_factor_tau = 0.

        # UEB albedo
        age_factor_tau, albedo_ueb \
            = get_albedo_ueb(prec_snow, snow_depth, temp_surface, zenith_angle, time_span_in_sec, age_factor_tau=age_factor_tau)

        # Todd Walters albedo
        albedo_prim, albedo_walter \
            = get_albedo_walter(prec_snow, snow_depth, snow_density, temp_atm, albedo_prim, time_span_in_sec, time_hour)

        # At this point I choose which albedo variant to use in calculating short wave radiation
        if albedo_method == "ueb":
            albedo = albedo_ueb
        elif albedo_method == "walter":
            albedo = albedo_walter
            print("No valid albedo method selected.")
            albedo = None

    #Solar radiation
    S0 = const.solar_constant   #[J/m2/s] Solar constant pr sec
    S0 *= time_span_in_sec      # solar constant pr time step
    S0 /=1000                   # J to kJ

    s_inn = Trans * sin((pi/2)-zenith_angle) * S0   #
    S = (1-albedo) * s_inn           # se likning Liston 1995, eq. 26 (Nett SW-radiation)

    return S, s_inn, albedo, albedo_prim, age_factor_tau
def get_short_wave(utm33_x,
    S [kJm^(-2)]is the net incident solar (short wave) radiation
    Method calculates albedo in two different ways for comparison and testing. In the end one is chose based on
    the method chosen.

    :param utm33_x, utm33_y:    koordinat i UTM 33
    :param day_no:              Dagnummer
    :param temp_atm:            [C] Air temperature
    :param SWE:                 snø i snømagasin
    :param prec_rain:           [m] precipitation as liquid
    :param time_hour:           [0-23] Hour of the day the time_span_in_sec ends
    :param time_span_in_sec:    [sec] Time resolution in sec
    :param temp_surface:        [C] Snøoverflate temperatur
    :param prec_snow:           [m] New snow in meter
    :param albedo_prim:         Primary albedo from last time step. Used in the albedo_walters routine.
    :param age_factor_tau:      [-] Age factor in the UEB albedo routine.
    :param albedo_method:

    :return:    S, s_inn, albedo, albedo_prim, age_factor_tau

    if time_hour == 0:
        time_hour = 24

    phi, thi, ddphi, ddthi = dc.lat_long_from_utm33(utm33_x,

    thetaW = 0.4102 * sin(
        (2 * pi / 365) *
        (day_no - 80))  # solar declination angleday angle, Walter 2005
    # print("sol.decl.angle={0} on daynumber={1}".format(thetaW, day_no))

    #theta <- vector("numeric", 365)
    #theta2 <- vector("numeric", 365)
    #for (day_no in 1:365)theta[day_no] <- 0.4092*cos((2*pi/365)*(day_no-173))#solar declination angleday angle, Liston 1995
    #for (day_no in 1:365)theta2[day_no] <- 0.4102*sin((2*pi/365)*(day_no-80))#solar declination angleday angle

    theta = 0.4092 * cos(
        (2 * pi / 365.25) *
        (day_no - 173))  # solar declination angleday angle, Liston 1995
    theta2 = 2 * pi / 365.25 * (day_no - 80)

    r = 149598000  # distance from the sun
    R = 6378  # Radius of earth

    timezone = -4 * (fabs(thi) % 15) * thi / fabs(thi)  # ang lengdegrad ikke
    epsilon = 0.4092  # rad(23.45)

    z_s = r * sin(theta2) * sin(epsilon)
    r_p = sqrt(r**2 - z_s**2)
    nevner = (R - z_s * sin(phi)) / (r_p * cos(phi))

    if (nevner > -1) and (nevner < 1):

        # acos(m ha inn verdier ,(mellom-1,1) hvis <-1 s er det midnattsol > 1 er det m¯rketid.
        t0 = 1440 / (2 * pi) * acos((R - z_s * sin(phi)) / (r_p * cos(phi)))
        that = t0 + 5
        n = 720 - 10 * sin(4 * pi * (day_no - 80) / 365.25) + 8 * sin(
            2 * pi * day_no / 365.25)
        sr = (n - that + timezone) / 60  #soloppgang
        ss = (n + that + timezone) / 60  #solnedgang

        #sunhrs = ss-sr# antall soltimer
        #time_hour er tidsvariabel
        #Trise = -(1/0.2618)*cos(-tan(theta)*tan(phi))**-1
        #Tset = (1/0.2618)*cos(-tan(theta)*tan(phi))**-1
        #Trise = round(-sunhrs/2)
        #Tset = round(sunhrs/2)

    if nevner <= -1:  # Midnattsol
        sr = 0.
        ss = 24.

    if nevner >= 1:  # Mørketid
        sr = 12.
        ss = 12.

    #time_hour <- 22
    TTList = {}  # Values for transmissivity for every hr
    dingom = {}  # Values for zenith angle (0 straight up)

    for tid in range(1, 24, 1):

        if (tid > sr) and (tid < ss):

            tom = tid - 12  # Number of hours from solar noon. Solar noon is tom=0
            cosarg = 0.2618 * tom  # Radians pr hour

            dingom[tid] = acos(
                sin(phi) * sin(theta) +
                cos(phi) * cos(theta) * cos(cosarg))  # Dingmans zenith angle
            TTList[tid] = (0.6 + 0.2 * sin((0.5 * pi) - dingom[tid])) * (
                1.0 - 0.5 * cloud_cover
            )  # Inspirert av G. Liston 1995 transmissivitet

            # TTList[tid] = (0.6-0.2*sin(dingom[tid]))*(1.0-0.5*cloud_cover) #Inspirert av G. Liston 1995 transmissivitet
            # TTList[tid] = (0.6-0.2*sin(dingom[tid]))*(1.0-0.5*cloud_cover) #Inspirert av G. Liston 1995 transmissivitet

        if (tid < sr) or (tid > ss):  # If time is outside sunrise-sunset

            TTList[tid] = 0.  # Transmissivity = 0 when sun is below horizon.
                tid] = pi / 2  # Angle below horizin is set to be on the horizon.

    # pi/2 minus zenith angle, initielt, ikke helt sikker. Blir veldig lav med init dingom lik pi/2
    # blir på den annen side høy med init dingom lik 0. Albedo ser ganske fornuftig ut.

    if time_span_in_sec == 86400:
        Trans = TTList.values()  # list
        zenith_angle = dingom.values()  # list

    elif time_span_in_sec < 86400:  # Midler transmissvitet og solvinkel For finere tidssoppløsning
        interv = list(
            range(time_hour - int(time_span_in_sec / 3600) + 1, time_hour,
                  1))  # aktuelle timer
        Trans = [TTList[i]
                 for i in interv]  # selection of transmisions in intervall
        zenith_angle = [dingom[i] for i in interv]

        print("Method doesnt work on time intervals greater than 24hrs")
        Trans = None
        zenith_angle = None

    # Mean values
    Trans = float(sum(Trans) / len(Trans))
    zenith_angle = float(sum(zenith_angle) / len(zenith_angle))

    if snow_depth == 0.:
        albedo = albedo_prim
        age_factor_tau = 0.

        # UEB albedo
        age_factor_tau, albedo_ueb \
            = get_albedo_ueb(prec_snow, snow_depth, temp_surface, zenith_angle, time_span_in_sec, age_factor_tau=age_factor_tau)

        # Todd Walters albedo
        albedo_prim, albedo_walter \
            = get_albedo_walter(prec_snow, snow_depth, snow_density, temp_atm, albedo_prim, time_span_in_sec, time_hour)

        # At this point I choose which albedo variant to use in calculating short wave radiation
        if albedo_method == "ueb":
            albedo = albedo_ueb
        elif albedo_method == "walter":
            albedo = albedo_walter
            print("No valid albedo method selected.")
            albedo = None

    #Solar radiation
    S0 = const.solar_constant  #[J/m2/s] Solar constant pr sec
    S0 *= time_span_in_sec  # solar constant pr time step
    S0 /= 1000  # J to kJ

    s_inn = Trans * sin((pi / 2) - zenith_angle) * S0  #
    S = (1 -
         albedo) * s_inn  # se likning Liston 1995, eq. 26 (Nett SW-radiation)

    return S, s_inn, albedo, albedo_prim, age_factor_tau
Beispiel #3
def irradiance_clear_sky(utm33_x, utm33_y, date_inn, time_span_in_sec=24*60*60):
    '''Clear sky irradiance in J/m2/s * time_span_in_sec.

    :param utm33_x, utm33_y:    koordinat i UTM 33
    :param date_inn:            [datetime]
    :param time_span_in_sec:    [sec] Time resolution in sec

    :return I_clear_sky:        [J/m2] Energy over the time span we are looking at.

    day_no = date_inn.timetuple().tm_yday
    # time given as the end of the time span
    time_hour = (date_inn + dt.timedelta(seconds=time_span_in_sec)).hour

    if time_hour == 0:
        time_hour = 24

    phi, thi, ddphi, ddthi = dc.lat_long_from_utm33(utm33_x,utm33_y, output= "both")

    theta = 0.4092*math.cos((2*math.pi/365.25)*(day_no-173))  # solar declination angleday angle, Liston 1995
    theta2 = 2*math.pi/365.25*(day_no-80)

    r = 149598000   # distance from the sun
    R = 6378        # Radius of earth

    timezone = -4 * (math.fabs(thi) % 15) * thi/math.fabs(thi)      # ang lengdegrad ikke
    epsilon = 0.4092    # rad(23.45)

    z_s = r*math.sin(theta2)*math.sin(epsilon)
    r_p = math.sqrt(r**2-z_s**2)
    nevner = (R-z_s*math.sin(phi))/(r_p*math.cos(phi))

    if(nevner > -1) and (nevner < 1):
        # acos(m ha inn verdier ,(mellom-1,1) hvis <-1 s er det midnattsol > 1 er det m¯rketid.
        t0 = 1440/(2*math.pi)*math.acos((R-z_s*math.sin(phi))/(r_p*math.cos(phi)))
        that = t0+5
        n = 720-10*math.sin(4*math.pi*(day_no-80)/365.25)+8*math.sin(2*math.pi*day_no/365.25)
        sr = (n-that+timezone)/60 #soloppgang
        ss = (n+that+timezone)/60 #solnedgang

    if nevner <= -1:    # Midnattsol
        sr = 0.
        ss = 24.

    if nevner >= 1:     # Mørketid
        sr = 12.
        ss = 12.

    dingom = {}         # Values for zenith angle (0 straight up)

    for tid in range(1, 24, 1):
        if (tid > sr) and (tid < ss):
            tom = tid-12    # Number of hours from solar noon. Solar noon is tom=0
            cosarg = 0.2618 * tom   # Radians pr hour
            dingom[tid] = math.acos(math.sin(phi)*math.sin(theta)+math.cos(phi)*math.cos(theta)*math.cos(cosarg))  # Dingmans zenith angle

        if (tid < sr) or (tid > ss):  # If time is outside sunrise-sunset
            dingom[tid] = math.pi/2     # Angle below horizin is set to be on the horizon.

    if time_span_in_sec == 86400:
        zenith_angle = dingom.values()          # list
    elif time_span_in_sec < 86400:              # Midler transmissvitet og solvinkel For finere tidssoppløsning
        interv = list(range(time_hour-int(time_span_in_sec/3600)+1, time_hour, 1))     # aktuelle timer
        zenith_angle = [dingom[i] for i in interv]
        print("Method doesnt work on time intervals greater than 24hrs")
        zenith_angle = None

    # Mean values
    zenith_angle = float( sum(zenith_angle) / len(zenith_angle) )

    #Solar radiation
    S0 = const.solar_constant   #[J/m2/s] Solar constant pr sec
    S0 *= time_span_in_sec      # solar constant pr time step
    S0 /=1000                   # J to kJ

    I_clear_sky = math.sin((math.pi/2)-zenith_angle) * S0

    return I_clear_sky
Beispiel #4
def irradiance_clear_sky(utm33_x,
                         time_span_in_sec=24 * 60 * 60):
    '''Clear sky irradiance in J/m2/s * time_span_in_sec.

    :param utm33_x, utm33_y:    koordinat i UTM 33
    :param date_inn:            [datetime]
    :param time_span_in_sec:    [sec] Time resolution in sec

    :return I_clear_sky:        [J/m2] Energy over the time span we are looking at.

    day_no = date_inn.timetuple().tm_yday
    # time given as the end of the time span
    time_hour = (date_inn + dt.timedelta(seconds=time_span_in_sec)).hour

    if time_hour == 0:
        time_hour = 24

    phi, thi, ddphi, ddthi = dc.lat_long_from_utm33(utm33_x,

    theta = 0.4092 * math.cos(
        (2 * math.pi / 365.25) *
        (day_no - 173))  # solar declination angleday angle, Liston 1995
    theta2 = 2 * math.pi / 365.25 * (day_no - 80)

    r = 149598000  # distance from the sun
    R = 6378  # Radius of earth

    timezone = -4 * (math.fabs(thi) % 15) * thi / math.fabs(
        thi)  # ang lengdegrad ikke
    epsilon = 0.4092  # rad(23.45)

    z_s = r * math.sin(theta2) * math.sin(epsilon)
    r_p = math.sqrt(r**2 - z_s**2)
    nevner = (R - z_s * math.sin(phi)) / (r_p * math.cos(phi))

    if (nevner > -1) and (nevner < 1):
        # acos(m ha inn verdier ,(mellom-1,1) hvis <-1 s er det midnattsol > 1 er det m¯rketid.
        t0 = 1440 / (2 * math.pi) * math.acos(
            (R - z_s * math.sin(phi)) / (r_p * math.cos(phi)))
        that = t0 + 5
        n = 720 - 10 * math.sin(4 * math.pi *
                                (day_no - 80) / 365.25) + 8 * math.sin(
                                    2 * math.pi * day_no / 365.25)
        sr = (n - that + timezone) / 60  #soloppgang
        ss = (n + that + timezone) / 60  #solnedgang

    if nevner <= -1:  # Midnattsol
        sr = 0.
        ss = 24.

    if nevner >= 1:  # Mørketid
        sr = 12.
        ss = 12.

    dingom = {}  # Values for zenith angle (0 straight up)

    for tid in range(1, 24, 1):
        if (tid > sr) and (tid < ss):
            tom = tid - 12  # Number of hours from solar noon. Solar noon is tom=0
            cosarg = 0.2618 * tom  # Radians pr hour
            dingom[tid] = math.acos(
                math.sin(phi) * math.sin(theta) + math.cos(phi) *
                math.cos(theta) * math.cos(cosarg))  # Dingmans zenith angle

        if (tid < sr) or (tid > ss):  # If time is outside sunrise-sunset
                tid] = math.pi / 2  # Angle below horizin is set to be on the horizon.

    if time_span_in_sec == 86400:
        zenith_angle = dingom.values()  # list
    elif time_span_in_sec < 86400:  # Midler transmissvitet og solvinkel For finere tidssoppløsning
        interv = list(
            range(time_hour - int(time_span_in_sec / 3600) + 1, time_hour,
                  1))  # aktuelle timer
        zenith_angle = [dingom[i] for i in interv]
        print("Method doesnt work on time intervals greater than 24hrs")
        zenith_angle = None

    # Mean values
    zenith_angle = float(sum(zenith_angle) / len(zenith_angle))

    #Solar radiation
    S0 = const.solar_constant  #[J/m2/s] Solar constant pr sec
    S0 *= time_span_in_sec  # solar constant pr time step
    S0 /= 1000  # J to kJ

    I_clear_sky = math.sin((math.pi / 2) - zenith_angle) * S0

    return I_clear_sky