Beispiel #1
def solveSchedulingSubproblem(numJobs, totalTime, availResources, jobLength):
    ''' Input data
    numJobs: Number of jobs (int)
    totalTime: Total time blocks (int)
    availResources: Total amount of resource available for this machine.  Assume each job uses one resource. (int)
    jobLength: The length (in time blocks) of each job (list, by job number)

    # Create a CPO model
    model = CpoModel()

    # Create variables
    TIME = model.integer_var_list(numJobs, 0, totalTime - 1,
                                  "TIME")  # For each job, indicate start time
    RESOURCE = model.integer_var_list(
        numJobs, 0, availResources - 1,
        "RESOURCE")  # For each job, indicate resource used

    # Add general constraints
    for i in range(numJobs):
        # Jobs must end before the end of the totalTime available
        model.add(TIME[i] + jobLength[i] <= totalTime)
        # Jobs can't be scheduled on a machine at the same time
        for j in range(numJobs):
            if i != j:
                model.add((RESOURCE[i] != RESOURCE[j])
                          | (TIME[i] + jobLength[i] <= TIME[j])
                          | (TIME[j] + jobLength[j] <= TIME[i]))

    # If there's only one job, then above constraints will never reference RESOURCE variable.
    # In that case, RESOURCE won't show up in the problem, and won't get a value.
    # To prevent this, we add dummy constraints on RESOURCE as follows:
    if numJobs == 1: model.add(RESOURCE[0] >= 0)

    # Solve model
    print("Solving model....")
    msol = model.solve(TimeLimit=10)

    if msol:  # If the model ran successfully, it returns True
        for j in range(numJobs):
            print("Job " + str(j) + " starts at time " + str(msol[TIME[j]]) +
                  " and uses resource " + str(msol[RESOURCE[j]]))
        print("Last job time ends at " +
              str(max(msol[TIME[j]] + jobLength[j] for j in range(numJobs))))
        return True
    else:  # Problem is infeasible; print the infeasibility
        # theConflictsResult = model.refine_conflict()
        # print(theConflictsResult)
        return False
Beispiel #2
def ALBP(TaskTime, nbStations, PrecedenceTasks):
    """ Prepare the data for modeling """
    # tasks set
    TASKS = range(len(TaskTime))
    # workstations set
    WORKSTATIONS = range(nbStations)

    """ Build the model """
    # Create CPO model
    myModel = CpoModel()

    # Assign tasks to workstation
    WhichWorkstation = myModel.integer_var_list(len(TaskTime), 0, nbStations - 1)

    # Cycle time
    CycleTime = myModel.integer_var(max(TaskTime), sum(TaskTime))

    # Add station load constraints
    for k in WORKSTATIONS:
        myModel.add(sum(TaskTime[i] * (WhichWorkstation[i] == k) for i in TASKS) <= CycleTime)

    # Add precedence constraints
    for i in TASKS:
        for j in PrecedenceTasks[i]:
            myModel.add(WhichWorkstation[j] <= WhichWorkstation[i])

    # Create model objective

    """ Solve model """
    solution = myModel.solve(FailLimit=100000, TimeLimit=10)

    """ Print solution """
    return solution
Beispiel #3
    def solve(self):
        mdl = CpoModel()

        power = [2**i for i in range(0, self.U + 1)]
        M = mdl.integer_var_list(self.n + 1, 0, self.U, "M")
        T = mdl.integer_var_list(self.n + 1, 0, power[self.U], "T")

        mdl.add(mdl.element(power, M[i]) == T[i] for i in range(0, self.n + 1))
        mdl.add(T[i] >= T[0] for i in range(0, self.n + 1))

            mdl.sum(self.H[i] * T[i] / self.beta + self.K[i] /
                    (T[i] / self.beta) for i in range(0, self.n + 1)))

        # Solve model
        print("Solving model....")
        msol = mdl.solve(

        # Print solution
        if msol:
            stdout.write("Total cost : " +
                         str(msol.get_objective_values()[0]) + "\n")
            stdout.write("T: [")
            for t in T:
                stdout.write(" {}".format(msol[t]))
            stdout.write("M: [")
            for m in M:
                stdout.write(" {}".format(msol[m]))
            return msol.get_objective_values()[0]
            stdout.write("Solve status: {}\n".format(msol.get_solve_status()))
            return None
# Prepare the data for modeling

# Estimate an upper bound to the ruler length

# Build the model

# Create model
mdl = CpoModel()

# Create array of variables corresponding to position rule marks
marks = mdl.integer_var_list(ORDER, 0, MAX_LENGTH, "M")

# Create marks distances that should be all different
dist = [marks[i] - marks[j] for i in range(1, ORDER) for j in range(0, i)]

# Avoid symmetric solutions by ordering marks
mdl.add(marks[0] == 0)
for i in range(1, ORDER):
    mdl.add(marks[i] > marks[i - 1])

# Avoid mirror solution
mdl.add((marks[1] - marks[0]) < (marks[ORDER - 1] - marks[ORDER - 2]))

# Minimize ruler size (position of the last mark)
mdl.add(mdl.minimize(marks[ORDER - 1]))

from docplex.cp.model import CpoModel
from sys import stdout

# Set model parameters
NB_QUEEN = 8  # Number of queens

# Create a CPO model
model = CpoModel()

# Create column index of each queen
# Arguments: size, domain_min, domain_max, name
# That is, create NB_QUEEN integer variables that take on a value between 0 and NB_QUEEN
# The value indicates the row of that ith column with a queen
x = model.integer_var_list(NB_QUEEN, 0, NB_QUEEN - 1, "X")

# One queen per row

# Queens cannot be the same number of columns apart as they are rows apart
for i in range(NB_QUEEN):
    for j in range(NB_QUEEN):
        if i != j:
            model.add(model.abs(i - j) != model.abs(x[i] - x[j]))

# Solve model
print("Solving model....")
msol = model.solve(TimeLimit=10)

# Print solution

from docplex.cp.model import CpoModel

mdl = CpoModel(name='buses')
nbbus40 = mdl.integer_var(0,1000,name='nbBus40')
nbbus30 = mdl.integer_var(0,1000,name='nbBus30')



mdl.add(nbbus40*40 + nbbus30*30 >= 300)
mdl.minimize(nbbus40*500 + nbbus30*400)


print(msol[nbbus40]," buses 40 seats")
print(msol[nbbus30]," buses 30 seats") 


which gives

6  buses 40 seats
2  buses 30 seats
Beispiel #7

# Build the model


# Create CPO model

mdl = CpoModel()

# Create one variable per store to contain the index of its supplying warehouse


supplier = mdl.integer_var_list(NB_STORES, 0, NB_WAREHOUSES - 1, "supplier")

# Create one variable per warehouse to indicate if it is open (1) or not (0)

open = mdl.integer_var_list(NB_WAREHOUSES, 0, 1, "open")

# Add constraints stating that the supplying warehouse of each store must be open

for s in supplier:

    mdl.add(mdl.element(open, s) == 1)

# Add constraints stating that the number of stores supplied by each warehouse must not exceed its capacity

for wx in range(NB_WAREHOUSES):
Beispiel #8
# Minimum loss incurred for a given slab usage.
# loss[v] = loss when smallest slab is used to produce a total weight of v
loss = [0] + [
    min([sw - use for sw in AVAILABLE_SLAB_WEIGHTS if sw >= use])
    for use in range(1, max_slab_weight + 1)

# Build the model

# Create model
mdl = CpoModel()

# Index of the slab used to produce each coil order
production_slab = mdl.integer_var_list(len(ORDERS), 0, MAX_SLABS - 1,

# Usage of each slab
slab_use = mdl.integer_var_list(MAX_SLABS, 0, max_slab_weight, "slab_use")

# The orders are allocated to the slabs with capacity
mdl.add(mdl.pack(slab_use, production_slab, [o.weight for o in ORDERS]))

# Constrain max number of colors produced by each slab
for s in range(MAX_SLABS):
    su = 0
    for c in allcolors:
        lo = False
        for i, o in enumerate(ORDERS):
            if o.color == c:
                lo |= (production_slab[i] == s)
Beispiel #9
dirt_amount_dict = dataPrep.dirt_amount_dict
index_arc_dict = dataPrep.index_arc_dict
num_arcs = dataPrep.num_arcs
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Build the model and variables
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Create CPO model
mdl = CpoModel()

decision_Arcs = mdl.binary_var_list(dataPrep.num_arcs, name='arc')

# nested integer_cplex_list for dis+, dis-,

decision_dirt_plus = mdl.integer_var_list(len(dataPrep.valid_nodes) *
decision_dirt_minus = mdl.integer_var_list(len(dataPrep.valid_nodes) *

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Build the constraints
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# constraint 2, 3
for source in source_sink_arc_dict:
    arc_sum_expression = 0
    for sink in source_sink_arc_dict[source]:
        arc_sum_expression += decision_Arcs[source_sink_arc_dict[source][sink]]
Beispiel #10
nbCustomers = 1 + max(co[0] for co in CUSTOMER_ORDERS)
volumes = [co[1] for co in CUSTOMER_ORDERS]
productType = [co[2] for co in CUSTOMER_ORDERS]

# Max number of truck deliveries (estimated upper bound, to be increased if no solution)
maxDeliveries = 15

# Build the model

# Create CPO model
mdl = CpoModel()

# Configuration of the truck for each delivery
truckConfigs = mdl.integer_var_list(maxDeliveries, 0, nbTruckConfigs - 1,
# In which delivery is an order
where = mdl.integer_var_list(nbOrders, 0, maxDeliveries - 1, "where")
# Load of a truck
load = mdl.integer_var_list(maxDeliveries, 0, maxLoad, "load")
# Number of deliveries that are required
nbDeliveries = mdl.integer_var(0, maxDeliveries)
# Identification of which customer is assigned to a delivery
customerOfDelivery = mdl.integer_var_list(maxDeliveries, 0, nbCustomers,
# Transition cost for each delivery
transitionCost = mdl.integer_var_list(maxDeliveries - 1, 0, 1000,

# transitionCost[i] = transition cost between configurations i and i+1
for i in range(1, maxDeliveries):
def CP_model_restricted(params):
    mdl = CpoModel()

    X = [mdl.integer_var(min=0, max=NUM_BINS) for item in range(NUM_ITEMS)]

    CP = mdl.integer_var_list(NUM_BINS, min=0, max=BIN_SIZE)

    for bin in range(NUM_BINS - 1):
        mdl.add(CP[bin] >= CP[bin + 1])

    mdl.add(pack(CP, [X[item] for item in range(NUM_ITEMS)], ITEM_SIZES))

    CC = [
        mdl.integer_var_list(NUM_COLORS, min=0, max=BIN_SIZE)
        for bin in range(NUM_BINS)

    for color in range(NUM_COLORS):
            distribute([CC[bin][color] for bin in range(NUM_BINS)], [
                X[item] for item in range(NUM_ITEMS) if COLORS[item] == color
            ], [bin for bin in range(NUM_BINS)]))

    for bin in range(NUM_BINS):

        TC = mdl.sum(CC[bin])
        MC = mdl.max(CC[bin])
        # mdl.add_kpi(TC, name="TC_{}".format(bin))
        # mdl.add_kpi(MC, name="MC_{}".format(bin))

        # mdl.add(
        #     (TC+mdl.mod(TC, 2))/2  >= MC
        # )
        # mdl.add(
        #     (TC - mdl.mod(TC, NUM_COLORS))/NUM_COLORS >= MC
        # )

        # mdl.add(
        #     mdl.sum(
        #         CC[bin][color] > 0 for color in range(NUM_COLORS)
        #     ) <= MAX_COLORS_IN_BIN
        # )

    for item in range(NUM_ITEMS):
        for item2 in range(item + 1, NUM_ITEMS):
            if COLORS[item] == COLORS[item2]:
                        X[item] == X[item2],
                            X[i] == X[item]
                            for i in range(item + 1, item2 + 1)
                            if COLORS[i] != COLORS[item]
                        # mdl.count([mdl.element(COLORS, i) for i in range(item, item2+1)], abs(COLORS[item] -1)) > 0

    # mdl.add(
    #     mdl.minimize(count_different(X))
    # )

    # bins_used = mdl.sum(CP[bin] > 0 for bin in range(NUM_BINS))
    # mdl.add(
    #     mdl.minimize(
    #         bins_used
    #     )
    # )

    mdl.add(mdl.minimize(mdl.max(X) + 1))

        msol = mdl.solve(TimeLimit=20)
        # print(ITEM_SIZES)
        # print(COLORS)

        # print([msol[X[item]] for item in range(NUM_ITEMS)])

        Xs = np.array([msol[X[i]] for i in range(NUM_ITEMS)])
        if solution_checker(Xs, COLORS, ITEM_SIZES, BIN_SIZE, SEED,
            write_to_global_cp(msol, mdl, 'restricted_binary')

    except Exception as err:
# Letters used to print the different pegs
PEG_LETTERS = ('.', 'R', 'B')

# Build the model

# Create model
mdl = CpoModel()

# Create sequence of states. Each variable has 3 possible values: 0: Hole, 1: red peg, 2: blue peg
states = []
for s in range(NB_MOVES + 1):
    states.append(mdl.integer_var_list(SIZE, HOLE, BLUE, "State_" + str(s) + "_"))

# Create variables representing from index and to index for each move
fromIndex = mdl.integer_var_list(NB_MOVES, 0, SIZE - 1, "From_")
toIndex   = mdl.integer_var_list(NB_MOVES, 0, SIZE - 1, "To_")

# Add constraints between each state
for m in range(NB_MOVES):
    fvar = fromIndex[m]
    tvar = toIndex[m]
    fromState = states[m]
    toState = states[m + 1]
    # Constrain location of holes
    mdl.add(mdl.element(fromState, tvar) == HOLE)
    # Constrain move size and direction
    delta = tvar - fvar
See: for more information.

Please refer to documentation for appropriate setup of solving configuration.

from docplex.cp.model import CpoModel

# Build the model

# Create model
mdl = CpoModel()

# Create model variables
V = mdl.integer_var_list(size=9, min=1, max=9, name="V")
# Create constraint
mdl.add(V[0] + 13 * V[1] / V[2] + V[3] + 12 * V[4] - V[5] - 11 + V[6] * V[7] / V[8] - 10 == 66)

# Solve the model and display the result

# Solve model
print("Solving model....")
msol = mdl.solve(TimeLimit=10)

print("Solution: ")
Beispiel #14
nbKids = 300
nbSizes = len(Buses)

# Indexes

busSize = 0
busCost = 1

for b in Buses:
    print("buses with ", b[busSize], " seats cost ", b[busCost])

mdl = CpoModel(name='buses')

#decision variables

mdl.nbBus = mdl.integer_var_list(nbSizes, 0, 1000, name="nbBus")

# Constraint
    sum(mdl.nbBus[b] * Buses[b][busSize] for b in range(0, nbSizes)) >= nbKids)

# Objective
mdl.minimize(sum(mdl.nbBus[b] * Buses[b][busCost] for b in range(0, nbSizes)))

msol = mdl.solve()

# Dislay solution
for b in range(0, nbSizes):
    print(msol[mdl.nbBus[b]], " buses with ", Buses[b][busSize], " seats")
from docplex.cp.model import CpoModel
from docplex.cp.solution import CpoRefineConflictResult
from sys import stdout

# Input data
numJobs = 10  # Number of jobs
totalTime = 15  # Total time blocks
availResources = 2  # Total amount of resource available for this machine.  Assume each job uses one resource
jobLength = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 1, 1, 2, 2,
             2]  # The length (in time blocks) of each job

# Create a CPO model
model = CpoModel()

# Create variables
TIME = model.integer_var_list(numJobs, 0, totalTime - 1,
                              "TIME")  # For each job, indicate start time
RESOURCE = model.integer_var_list(
    numJobs, 0, availResources - 1,
    "RESOURCE")  # For each job, indicate resource used

# Add general constraints
for i in range(numJobs):
    # Jobs must end before the end of the totalTime available
    model.add(TIME[i] + jobLength[i] <= totalTime)
    # Jobs can't be scheduled on a machine at the same time
    for j in range(numJobs):
        if i != j:
            model.add((RESOURCE[i] != RESOURCE[j])
                      | (TIME[i] + jobLength[i] <= TIME[j])
                      | (TIME[j] + jobLength[j] <= TIME[i]))
Beispiel #16
demand = list([data.popleft() for c in range(nbCustomer)])

# Initialize fixed cost of each location
fixedCost = list([data.popleft() for p in range(nbLocation)])

# Initialize capacity of each location
capacity = list([data.popleft() for p in range(nbLocation)])

# Build the model

mdl = CpoModel()

# Create variables identifying which location serves each customer
cust = mdl.integer_var_list(nbCustomer, 0, nbLocation - 1, "CustomerLocation")

# Create variables indicating which plant location is open
open = mdl.integer_var_list(nbLocation, 0, 1, "OpenLocation")

# Create variables indicating load of each plant
load = [
    mdl.integer_var(0, capacity[p], "PlantLoad_" + str(p))
    for p in range(nbLocation)

# Associate plant openness to its load
for p in range(nbLocation):
    mdl.add(open[p] == (load[p] > 0))

# Add constraints
Beispiel #17
def solve_seer_ilp(companies,
    assert alpha >= 0  # ensure trace-off factor is >= 0, which show the contribution of representative cost
    assert log_verbose in ['Quiet', 'Terse', 'Normal', 'Verbose']
    n_company = len(companies)
    n_facility = len(facilities)
    n_customer = len(customers)
    n_type = len(facilityDemands)

    mdl = CpoModel()

    customerSupplier = mdl.integer_var_list(n_customer, 0, n_facility - 1,
    openFacility = mdl.integer_var_list(n_facility, 0, 1, 'openFacility')
    facilityType = mdl.integer_var_list(n_facility, 0, n_type, 'facilityType')
    customerType = mdl.integer_var_list(n_customer, 0, n_type - 1,
    openCompany = mdl.integer_var_list(n_company, 0, 1, 'openCompany')
    company2id = {companies[i].name: i for i in range(n_company)}
    type2id = {facilityDemands[i].type: i for i in range(n_type)}
    facilityCompany = [
        company2id[facilities[i].company] for i in range(n_facility)

    validFacilityType = np.zeros((n_facility, n_type + 1))
    validFacilityType[:, n_type] = 1
    for i in range(n_facility):
        validFacilityType[i, type2id[facilities[i].type]] = 1

    for i in range(n_customer):
        mdl.add(mdl.element(openFacility, customerSupplier[i]) == 1)
            mdl.element(customerType, i) == mdl.element(
                facilityType, customerSupplier[i]))
            mdl.element(mdl.element(customerType, i), validFacilityType[i]) ==

    for i in range(n_facility):
            mdl.element(mdl.element(facilityType, i), validFacilityType[i]) ==
            mdl.element(openFacility, i) <= mdl.element(
                openCompany, facilityCompany[i]))
        mdl.add((mdl.element(openFacility, i) == 1) == (
            mdl.element(facilityType, i) < n_type))

    for i in range(n_type):
        mdl.add(mdl.count(facilityType, i) == facilityDemands[i].demand)

    # Objective
    total_cost = mdl.scal_prod(openCompany, [c.cost for c in companies])
    for i in range(n_customer):
        total_cost += mdl.element(customerSupplier[i], alpha * costs[i])

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Solve the model and display the result
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

    # Solve model
    msol = mdl.solve(TimeLimit=TIME_LIMIT, LogVerbosity=log_verbose)

    selectedFacilities = []
    selectedCompanies = []
    if msol:
        for i in range(n_facility):
            if msol[facilityType[i]] < n_type:
                if facilityCompany[i] not in selectedCompanies:
    return msol, selectedFacilities, selectedCompanies
Beispiel #18
# Define given data.
fixed = 30
nbStores = 10
nbWarehouses = 5
capacity = [1, 4, 2, 1, 3]
supplyCost = [[20, 24, 11, 25, 30], [28, 27, 82, 83, 74], [74, 97, 71, 96, 70],
              [2, 55, 73, 69, 61], [46, 96, 59, 83, 4], [42, 22, 29, 67, 59],
              [1, 5, 73, 59, 56], [10, 73, 13, 43, 96], [93, 35, 63, 85, 46],
              [47, 65, 55, 71, 95]]

# Define model.
wl = CpoModel()

# Define decision variables.
openwarehouse = wl.integer_var_list(nbWarehouses, 0, 1, "openwarehouse")
warehouseservesstore = wl.integer_var_list(nbStores, 0, nbWarehouses - 1,

# Define constraints.
for s in warehouseservesstore:
    wl.add(wl.element(openwarehouse, s) == 1)

for w in range(nbWarehouses):
    wl.add(wl.count(warehouseservesstore, w) <= capacity[w])

# Define objective.
fixedArray = []
for i in range(nbWarehouses):
total_cost = wl.scal_prod(openwarehouse, fixedArray)