def get_info(function):
        info = {}

        docstring = doc_parse(function.__doc__)
        args = get_default_args(function)

        for param in docstring.params:
            info[param.arg_name] = {
                'help': param.description,
                'default': args.get(param.arg_name)
        return info
Beispiel #2
def extract_schema(cls):
    Extract schema from a given class

        cls (type): Class from which to extract.

        schema (SchemaDict): Extracted schema.
    ctor = cls.__init__
    # python 2 compatibility
    if hasattr(inspect, 'getfullargspec'):
        argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(ctor)
        annotations = argspec.annotations
        has_kwargs = argspec.varkw is not None
        argspec = inspect.getargspec(ctor)
        # python 2 type hinting workaround, see pep-3107
        # however, since `typeguard` does not support python 2, type checking
        # is still python 3 only for now
        annotations = getattr(ctor, '__annotations__', {})
        has_kwargs = argspec.keywords is not None

    names = [arg for arg in argspec.args if arg != 'self']
    defaults = argspec.defaults
    num_defaults = argspec.defaults is not None and len(argspec.defaults) or 0
    num_required = len(names) - num_defaults

    docs = cls.__doc__
    if docs is None and getattr(cls, '__category__', None) == 'op':
        docs = cls.__call__.__doc__
        docstring = doc_parse(docs)
    except Exception:
        docstring = None

    if docstring is None:
        comments = {}
        comments = {}
        for p in docstring.params:
            match_obj = re.match('^([a-zA-Z_]+[a-zA-Z_0-9]*).*', p.arg_name)
            if match_obj is not None:
                comments[] = p.description

    schema = SchemaDict() = cls.__name__
    schema.doc = ""
    if docs is not None:
        start_pos = docs[0] == '\n' and 1 or 0
        schema.doc = docs[start_pos:].split("\n")[0].strip()
    # XXX handle paddle's weird doc convention
    if '**' == schema.doc[:2] and '**' == schema.doc[-2:]:
        schema.doc = schema.doc[2:-2].strip()
    schema.category = hasattr(cls, '__category__') and getattr(
        cls, '__category__') or 'module'
    schema.strict = not has_kwargs
    schema.pymodule = importlib.import_module(cls.__module__)
    schema.inject = getattr(cls, '__inject__', [])
    schema.shared = getattr(cls, '__shared__', [])
    for idx, name in enumerate(names):
        comment = name in comments and comments[name] or name
        if name in schema.inject:
            type_ = None
            type_ = name in annotations and annotations[name] or None
        value_schema = SchemaValue(name, comment, type_)
        if name in schema.shared:
            assert idx >= num_required, "shared config must have default value"
            default = defaults[idx - num_required]
            value_schema.set_default(SharedConfig(name, default))
        elif idx >= num_required:
            default = defaults[idx - num_required]
        schema.set_schema(name, value_schema)

    return schema