def _layoutChildWidgets(self, model, isLabeled):
    Create and layout child widgets.
    Note layout strategy: 
    Children added left to right.
    Middle widget has non-zero stretch and expands.
    The resulting layout of a column of these layouts has:
    - a fixed width column of buddy buttons, right aligned.
    - control values and their control arrows right aligned to the buddy buttons.
    TODO maybe the controls should be left aligned to the labels?
        # Child: optional label.  Label not used when control has it's own displayed name
        if isLabeled:

        # Child: Control
        self.controlWidget = self.createControlWidget()  # delegate to subclass
                       stretch=1)  # TODO, stretch=0, alignment=Qt.AlignLeft)

        # Child: Buddy button
        self.buddyButton = BuddyIconButton(
            "Inherit",  # name, not used?
            initialState=not model.isReset,
    def _layoutChildWidgets(self, model, isLabeled):
    Create and layout child widgets.
    Note layout strategy: 
    Children added left to right.
    Middle widget has non-zero stretch and expands.
    The resulting layout of a column of these layouts has:
    - a fixed width column of buddy buttons, right aligned.
    - control values and their control arrows right aligned to the buddy buttons.
    TODO maybe the controls should be left aligned to the labels?
        # Child: optional label.  Label not used when control has it's own displayed name
        if isLabeled:

        # Child: Control
        self.controlWidget = self.createControlWidget()  # delegate to subclass
        self.addWidget(self.controlWidget, stretch=1)  # TODO, stretch=0, alignment=Qt.AlignLeft)

        # Child: Buddy button
        self.buddyButton = BuddyIconButton(
            "Inherit", initialState=not model.isReset, buddiedControl=self.controlWidget  # name, not used?
class StylePropertyLayout(QHBoxLayout):
  Layout for a StyleProperty.
  IOW a cooperating set of widgets that act as one.
  A better name is: LabeledResettableControlWidget
  Layout includes:
  - name: label (optional)
  - value: controlWidget that gets/sets parent StyleProperty on valueChange
  - buddyButton that undoes changes (reverts to original, inherited value)
  Thus a user's value change MAY propagate in real time, not wait for dialog accept.
  Whether it does so depends on whether StyleProperty propagates?
  Note we use the word 'reset'.
  But that does not mean to a 'default'.
  It means revert to some 'valueToResetTo', 
  which may be a value which was derived through previous cascade.
    def __init__(self, model, domain=None, labelText=None, isLabeled=False):
        super(StylePropertyLayout, self).__init__()

        # self.setDirection(QBoxLayout.RightToLeft)

        assert isinstance(model, BaseResettableValue)
        self.model = model  # owned by styleProperty which this shows

        # owned by styleProperty which this shows
        # optional
        self.domain = domain

        assert labelText is not None
        self.labelText = labelText

        self._layoutChildWidgets(self.model, isLabeled)

        self.controlWidget.setValue(self.model.value)  # initial value
    Note possible race over BuddyButton.setEnabled.
    It is NOT a race if signals are immediate (not queued) and because of the way code is structured:
    when BuddyButton is clicked, it calls Resettable.doUserReset, which changes controlWidget to the reset value 
    (which emits valueChanged, which sets value of property AND sets isReset=False AND setEnabled(True) 
    and then emits userReset (which setEnabled(False) the BuddyButton).
        # connect valueChanged to self handler, not connect directly to buddyButton
        # PySide assert result
        # PySide assert result

    def _layoutChildWidgets(self, model, isLabeled):
    Create and layout child widgets.
    Note layout strategy: 
    Children added left to right.
    Middle widget has non-zero stretch and expands.
    The resulting layout of a column of these layouts has:
    - a fixed width column of buddy buttons, right aligned.
    - control values and their control arrows right aligned to the buddy buttons.
    TODO maybe the controls should be left aligned to the labels?
        # Child: optional label.  Label not used when control has it's own displayed name
        if isLabeled:

        # Child: Control
        self.controlWidget = self.createControlWidget()  # delegate to subclass
                       stretch=1)  # TODO, stretch=0, alignment=Qt.AlignLeft)

        # Child: Buddy button
        self.buddyButton = BuddyIconButton(
            "Inherit",  # name, not used?
            initialState=not model.isReset,

    def getLabel(self):
    Label for the layout (even if not in the layout, i.e. the model label.
    !!! i18n translated
        #print("model name",
        return config.i18ns.styleTranslate(self.labelText)

  Each model must implement:
  def set(self, value):
    assert isinstance(value, <type>)
    assert self.get() == value

    def onUserReset(self):
    On signal userReset, meaning buddy was pushed and already set my value.
    This is a circular signal problem:
    when buddyButton resets value, signal valueChanged enables buddyButton to wrong state.
        # Note we don't need model.touch() since that was done when value was reset.

    # Can't use @report here, called with varying args?
    def onValueChanged(self):
    On signal valueChanged:
    - transfer value from view to model.
    - set enable state of buddyButton
    Agnostic of type.
    !!! valueChanged is emitted even when anyone (buddyButton) is programatically
    changing value to valueToResetTo.
    Any other valueChange means reset (buddyButton) should be enabled.
    So we setEnabled(True) it here, and if buddyButton is resetting self,
    buddyButton also emits userReset signal, which onUserReset() then setEnabled(False).

        self.model.touched = True  # user touched

    def propagateValueFromWidgetToModel(self):
        changedValue = self.controlWidget.value()
        #OLD self.model.setPropertyValue(changedValue)
        self.model.value = changedValue

    def createControlWidget(self, model):
        raise NotImplementedError  # deferred
class StylePropertyLayout(QHBoxLayout):
  Layout for a StyleProperty.
  IOW a cooperating set of widgets that act as one.
  A better name is: LabeledResettableControlWidget
  Layout includes:
  - name: label (optional)
  - value: controlWidget that gets/sets parent StyleProperty on valueChange
  - buddyButton that undoes changes (reverts to original, inherited value)
  Thus a user's value change MAY propagate in real time, not wait for dialog accept.
  Whether it does so depends on whether StyleProperty propagates?
  Note we use the word 'reset'.
  But that does not mean to a 'default'.
  It means revert to some 'valueToResetTo', 
  which may be a value which was derived through previous cascade.

    def __init__(self, model, domain=None, labelText=None, isLabeled=False):
        super(StylePropertyLayout, self).__init__()

        # self.setDirection(QBoxLayout.RightToLeft)

        assert isinstance(model, BaseResettableValue)
        self.model = model  # owned by styleProperty which this shows

        # owned by styleProperty which this shows
        # optional
        self.domain = domain

        assert labelText is not None
        self.labelText = labelText

        self._layoutChildWidgets(self.model, isLabeled)

        self.controlWidget.setValue(self.model.value)  # initial value

    Note possible race over BuddyButton.setEnabled.
    It is NOT a race if signals are immediate (not queued) and because of the way code is structured:
    when BuddyButton is clicked, it calls Resettable.doUserReset, which changes controlWidget to the reset value 
    (which emits valueChanged, which sets value of property AND sets isReset=False AND setEnabled(True) 
    and then emits userReset (which setEnabled(False) the BuddyButton).
        # connect valueChanged to self handler, not connect directly to buddyButton
        # PySide assert result
        # PySide assert result

    def _layoutChildWidgets(self, model, isLabeled):
    Create and layout child widgets.
    Note layout strategy: 
    Children added left to right.
    Middle widget has non-zero stretch and expands.
    The resulting layout of a column of these layouts has:
    - a fixed width column of buddy buttons, right aligned.
    - control values and their control arrows right aligned to the buddy buttons.
    TODO maybe the controls should be left aligned to the labels?
        # Child: optional label.  Label not used when control has it's own displayed name
        if isLabeled:

        # Child: Control
        self.controlWidget = self.createControlWidget()  # delegate to subclass
        self.addWidget(self.controlWidget, stretch=1)  # TODO, stretch=0, alignment=Qt.AlignLeft)

        # Child: Buddy button
        self.buddyButton = BuddyIconButton(
            "Inherit", initialState=not model.isReset, buddiedControl=self.controlWidget  # name, not used?

    def getLabel(self):
    Label for the layout (even if not in the layout, i.e. the model label.
    !!! i18n translated
        # print("model name",
        return config.i18ns.styleTranslate(self.labelText)

  Each model must implement:
  def set(self, value):
    assert isinstance(value, <type>)
    assert self.get() == value

    def onUserReset(self):
    On signal userReset, meaning buddy was pushed and already set my value.
    This is a circular signal problem:
    when buddyButton resets value, signal valueChanged enables buddyButton to wrong state.
        # Note we don't need model.touch() since that was done when value was reset.

    # Can't use @report here, called with varying args?
    def onValueChanged(self):
    On signal valueChanged:
    - transfer value from view to model.
    - set enable state of buddyButton
    Agnostic of type.
    !!! valueChanged is emitted even when anyone (buddyButton) is programatically
    changing value to valueToResetTo.
    Any other valueChange means reset (buddyButton) should be enabled.
    So we setEnabled(True) it here, and if buddyButton is resetting self,
    buddyButton also emits userReset signal, which onUserReset() then setEnabled(False).

        self.model.touched = True  # user touched

    def propagateValueFromWidgetToModel(self):
        changedValue = self.controlWidget.value()
        # OLD self.model.setPropertyValue(changedValue)
        self.model.value = changedValue

    def createControlWidget(self, model):
        raise NotImplementedError  # deferred