Beispiel #1
    def depart_document(self, node):
        'customize document title a la beamer'
        LaTeXTranslator.depart_document(self, node)
        if self.title or self.author_stack or
            authors = ['\\\\\n'.join(author_entry)
                       for author_entry in self.author_stack]
            title = [''.join(self.title)] + self.title_labels
            shorttitle = ''.join(self.title)
            shortauthor = ''.join(self.pdfauthor)

            if self.subtitle:
                title += [r'\\ % subtitle',
                             r'\large{%s}' % ''.join(self.subtitle)
                         ] + self.subtitle_labels
            docinfo_list = [shorttitle,
                            '%\n  '.join(title),
                            ' \\and\n'.join(authors),
                            ', '.join(]
            if self.organization is None:
                docinfo_str = PreambleCmds.documenttitle % tuple(docinfo_list)
                docinfo_str = docinfo_w_institute % tuple(docinfo_list)
            self.body_pre_docinfo[:] = [docinfo_str] # replace default title
Beispiel #2
    def depart_document(self, node):
        LaTeXTranslator.depart_document(self, node)

        title = self.paper_title
        authors = ', '.join(self.author_names)

        author_notes = [
The corresponding author is with %s, e-mail: \protect\href{%s}{%s}.
''' % (self.author_institutions[0], self.author_emails[0],

        author_notes = ''.join('\\thanks{%s}' % n for n in author_notes)

        title_template = '\\title{%s}\\author{%s%s}\\maketitle'
        title_template = title_template % (title, authors, author_notes)

        marks = r'''
        ''' % (options['proceedings_title'], title.upper())
        title_template += marks

        self.body_pre_docinfo = [title_template]
Beispiel #3
    def depart_document(self, node):
        LaTeXTranslator.depart_document(self, node)

        title = self.paper_title
        authors = ', '.join(self.author_names)

        author_notes = ['''
The corresponding author is with %s, e-mail: \protect\href{%s}{%s}.
''' % (self.author_institutions[0], self.author_emails[0],

        author_notes = ''.join('\\thanks{%s}' % n for n in author_notes)

        title_template = '\\title{%s}\\author{%s%s}\\maketitle'
        title_template = title_template % (title,

        marks = r'''
        ''' % (options['proceedings_title'], title.upper())
        title_template += marks

        self.body_pre_docinfo = [title_template]
    def depart_document(self, node):

        LaTeXTranslator.depart_document(self, node)

        ## Generate footmarks

        # build map: institution -> (author1, author2)
        institution_authors = OrderedDict()
        for auth, inst in zip(self.author_names, self.author_institutions):
            institution_authors.setdefault(inst, []).append(auth)

        def footmark(n):
            """Insert footmark #n.  Footmark 1 is reserved for
            the corresponding author.
            return ('\\setcounter{footnotecounter}{%d}' % n, '%d' % n)

        # Build one footmark for each institution
        institute_footmark = {}
        for i, inst in enumerate(institution_authors):
            institute_footmark[inst] = footmark(i + 2)

        corresponding_auth_template = r'''%%
          Corresponding author: \protect\href{mailto:%(email)s}{%(email)s}}'''

        title = self.paper_title
        authors = []
        institutions_mentioned = set()
        for n, (auth, inst) in enumerate(
                zip(self.author_names, self.author_institutions)):
            # Corresponding author
            if n == 0:
                authors += [r'\author[%d,%d]{%s}' % (n, n + 1, auth)]
                authors += [r'\affil[0]{%s}' % self.author_emails[0]]
                authors += [r'\author[%d]{%s}' % (n + 1, auth)]

            authors += [r'\affil[%d]{%s}' % (n + 1, inst)]

        title_template = r'\newcounter{footnotecounter}' \
        title_template = title_template % (title, '\n'.join(authors))

        self.body_pre_docinfo = [
            '\n'.join(self.abstract_text) + title_template

        # Save paper stats
        self.document.stats = {
            'title': title,
            'authors': ', '.join(self.author_names),
            'author': self.author_names,
            'author_email': self.author_emails,
            'author_institution': self.author_institutions,
            'abstract': self.abstract_text,
            'keywords': self.keywords
    def depart_document(self, node):

        LaTeXTranslator.depart_document(self, node)

        ## Generate footmarks

        # build map: institution -> (author1, author2)
        institution_authors = OrderedDict()
        for auth, inst in zip(self.author_names, self.author_institutions):
            institution_authors.setdefault(inst, []).append(auth)

        def footmark(n):
            """Insert footmark #n.  Footmark 1 is reserved for
            the corresponding author.
            return ('\\setcounter{footnotecounter}{%d}' % n,
                    '%d' % n)

        # Build one footmark for each institution
        institute_footmark = {}
        for i, inst in enumerate(institution_authors):
            institute_footmark[inst] = footmark(i + 2)

        corresponding_auth_template = r'''%%
          Corresponding author: \protect\href{mailto:%(email)s}{%(email)s}}'''

        title = self.paper_title
        authors = []
        institutions_mentioned = set()
        for n, (auth, inst) in enumerate(zip(self.author_names,
            # Corresponding author
            if n == 0:
                authors += [r'\author[%d,%d]{%s}' % (n, n + 1, auth)]
                authors += [r'\affil[0]{%s}' % self.author_emails[0]]
                authors += [r'\author[%d]{%s}' % (n + 1, auth)]

            authors += [r'\affil[%d]{%s}' % (n + 1, inst)]

        title_template = r'\newcounter{footnotecounter}' \
        title_template = title_template % (title, '\n'.join(authors))

        self.body_pre_docinfo = ['\n'.join(self.abstract_text) + title_template]

        # Save paper stats
        self.document.stats = {'title': title,
                               'authors': ', '.join(self.author_names),
                               'author': self.author_names,
                               'author_email': self.author_emails,
                               'author_institution': self.author_institutions,
                               'abstract': self.abstract_text,
                               'keywords': self.keywords}
    def depart_document(self, node):
        LaTeXTranslator.depart_document(self, node)

        title = self.paper_title
        authors = ', '.join(self.author_names)

        d = {}
        compsocthanks = ''
        for auth, inst in zip(self.author_names, self.author_institutions):
            d.setdefault(inst, []).append(auth)

        for inst, authlist in d.iteritems():
            if len(authlist) <= 2:
                auths = ' and '.join(authlist)
                auths = ', '.join(authlist[:-1] + [
                    'and ' + authlist[-1],
            verb = ' is ' if len(authlist) == 1 else ' are '
            compsocthanks += auths + verb + 'with ' + inst_table[
                inst] + ' ' + inst + '. '

        copyright_holder = self.author_names[0] + ('.' if len(
            self.author_names) == 1 else ' et al.')
        author_notes = r'''E-mail: \protect\href{%s}{%s}.

\noindent \copyright %s %s %s
        ''' % ('mailto:' + self.author_emails[0], self.author_emails[0],
               options['proceedings']['year'], copyright_holder,

        author_notes = compsocthanks + author_notes

        title_template = '\\title{%s}\\author{%s\\thanks{%s}}\\maketitle'
        title_template = title_template % (title, authors, author_notes)

        marks = r'''
        ''' % (options['proceedings']['title']['short'], title.upper())
        title_template += marks

        self.body_pre_docinfo = [title_template]

        # Save paper stats
        self.document.stats = {
            'title': title,
            'authors': authors,
            'author': self.author_names,
            'author_institution': self.author_institutions,
            'abstract': self.abstract_text,
            'keywords': self.keywords,
            'copyright_holder': copyright_holder
Beispiel #7
    def depart_document(self, node):
        LaTeXTranslator.depart_document(self, node)

        title = self.paper_title
        authors = ', '.join(self.author_names)

        d = {}
        compsocthanks = ''
        for auth, inst in zip(self.author_names, self.author_institutions):
            d.setdefault(inst, []).append(auth)

        for inst, authlist in d.iteritems():
            if len(authlist) <= 2:
                auths = ' and '.join(authlist)
                auths = ', '.join(authlist[:-1] + ['and ' + authlist[-1],])
            verb= ' is ' if len(authlist)==1 else ' are '
            compsocthanks += auths+verb+'with '+ inst_table.get(inst, '') +' '+inst+'. '
        copyright_holder = self.author_names[0] + ('.' if len(self.author_names) == 1 else ' et al.')
        author_notes = r'''E-mail: \protect\href{%s}{%s}.

\noindent \copyright %s %s %s
        ''' % ('mailto:' + self.author_emails[0],

        author_notes = compsocthanks+author_notes

        title_template = '\\title{%s}\\author{%s\\thanks{%s}}\\maketitle'
        title_template = title_template % (title,

        marks = r'''
        ''' % (options['proceedings']['title']['short'], title.upper())
        title_template += marks

        self.body_pre_docinfo = [title_template]

        # Save paper stats
        self.document.stats = {'title': title,
                               'authors': authors,
                               'author': self.author_names,
                               'author_email': self.author_emails,
                               'author_institution': self.author_institutions,
                               'abstract': self.abstract_text,
                               'keywords': self.keywords,
                               'copyright_holder': copyright_holder}
    def depart_document(self, node):
        LaTeXTranslator.depart_document(self, node)

        ## Generate footmarks

        # build map: institution -> (author1, author2)
        institution_authors = OrderedDict()
        for auth in self.author_institution_map:
            for inst in self.author_institution_map[auth]:
                institution_authors.setdefault(inst, []).append(auth)

        def footmark(n):
            """Insert footmark #n.  Footmark 1 is reserved for
            the corresponding author. Footmark 2 is reserved for
            the equal contributors.\
            return ('\\setcounter{footnotecounter}{%d}' % n,

        # Build a footmark for the corresponding author
        corresponding_footmark = footmark(1)

        # Build a footmark for equal contributors
        equal_footmark = footmark(2)

        # Build one footmark for each institution
        institute_footmark = {}
        for i, inst in enumerate(institution_authors):
            institute_footmark[inst] = footmark(i + 3)

        footmark_template = r'\thanks{%(footmark)s %(instutions)}'
        corresponding_auth_template = r'''%%
          %(footmark_counter)s\thanks{%(footmark)s %%
          Corresponding author: \protect\href{mailto:%(email)s}{%(email)s}}'''

        equal_contrib_template = r'''%%
          %(footmark_counter)s\thanks{%(footmark)s %%
          These authors contributed equally.}'''

        title = self.paper_title
        authors = []
        institutions_mentioned = set()
        equal_authors_mentioned = False
        corr_emails = []
        if len(self.corresponding) == 0:
            self.corresponding = [self.author_names[0]]
        for n, auth in enumerate(self.author_names):
            if auth in self.corresponding:

        for n, auth in enumerate(self.author_names):
            # get footmarks
            footmarks = ''.join([''.join(institute_footmark[inst]) for inst in self.author_institution_map[auth]])
            if auth in self.equal_contributors:
                footmarks += ''.join(equal_footmark)
            if auth in self.corresponding:
                footmarks += ''.join(corresponding_footmark)
            authors += [r'%(author)s$^{%(footmark)s}$' %
                        {'author': auth,
                        'footmark': footmarks}]

            if auth in self.equal_contributors and equal_authors_mentioned==False:
                fm_counter, fm = equal_footmark
                authors[-1] += equal_contrib_template % \
                    {'footmark_counter': fm_counter,
                     'footmark': fm}
                equal_authors_mentioned = True

            if auth in self.corresponding:
                fm_counter, fm = corresponding_footmark
                authors[-1] += corresponding_auth_template % \
                    {'footmark_counter': fm_counter,
                     'footmark': fm,
                     'email': ', '.join(corr_emails)}

            for inst in self.author_institution_map[auth]:
                if not inst in institutions_mentioned:
                    fm_counter, fm = institute_footmark[inst]
                    authors[-1] += r'%(footmark_counter)s\thanks{%(footmark)s %(institution)s}' % \
                                {'footmark_counter': fm_counter,
                                 'footmark': fm,
                                 'institution': inst}


        ## Add copyright

        # If things went spectacularly wrong, we could not even parse author
        # info.  Just fill in some dummy info so that we can see the error
        # messages in the resulting PDF.
        if len(self.author_names) == 0:
            self.author_names = ['John Doe']
            self.author_emails = ['*****@*****.**']
            authors = ['']

        copyright_holder = self.copyright_holder or (self.author_names[0] + ('.' if len(self.author_names) == 1 else ' et al.'))
        author_notes = r'''%%

          Copyright\,\copyright\,%(year)s %(copyright_holder)s %(copyright)s%%
        ''' % \
        {'email': self.author_emails[0],
         'year': options['proceedings']['year'],
         'copyright_holder': copyright_holder,
         'copyright': options['proceedings']['copyright']['article']}

        authors[-1] += r'\thanks{%s}' % author_notes

        ## Set up title and page headers

        if not self.video_url:
            video_template = ''
            video_template = r'\\\vspace{5mm}\tt\url{%s}\vspace{-5mm}' % self.video_url

        title_template = r'\newcounter{footnotecounter}' \
                r'\title{%s}\author{%s' \
        title_template = title_template % (title, ', '.join(authors),

        marks = r'''
        ''' % (options['proceedings']['title']['short'], title.upper())
        title_template += marks

        self.body_pre_docinfo = [title_template]

        # Save paper stats
        self.document.stats = {'title': title,
                               'authors': ', '.join(self.author_names),
                               'author': self.author_names,
                               'author_email': self.author_emails,
                               'author_institution': self.author_institutions,
                               'abstract': self.abstract_text,
                               'keywords': self.keywords,
                               'copyright_holder': copyright_holder,
                               'video': self.video_url,

        if hasattr(self, 'bibtex') and self.bibtex:
            self.document.stats.update({'bibliography': self.bibtex[1]})
Beispiel #9
    def depart_document(self, node):
        LaTeXTranslator.depart_document(self, node)

        ## Generate footmarks

        # build map: institution -> (author1, author2)
        institution_authors = OrderedDict()
        for auth in self.author_institution_map:
            for inst in self.author_institution_map[auth]:
                institution_authors.setdefault(inst, []).append(auth)

        def footmark(n):
            """Insert footmark #n.  Footmark 1 is reserved for
            the corresponding author. Footmark 2 is reserved for
            the equal contributors.\
            return ('\\setcounter{footnotecounter}{%d}' % n,

        # Build a footmark for the corresponding author
        corresponding_footmark = footmark(1)

        # Build a footmark for equal contributors
        equal_footmark = footmark(2)

        # Build one footmark for each institution
        institute_footmark = {}
        for i, inst in enumerate(institution_authors):
            institute_footmark[inst] = footmark(i + 3)

        footmark_template = r'\thanks{%(footmark)s %(instutions)}'
        corresponding_auth_template = r'''%%
          %(footmark_counter)s\thanks{%(footmark)s %%
          Corresponding author: \protect\href{mailto:%(email)s}{%(email)s}}'''

        equal_contrib_template = r'''%%
          %(footmark_counter)s\thanks{%(footmark)s %%
          These authors contributed equally.}'''

        title = self.paper_title
        authors = []
        institutions_mentioned = set()
        equal_authors_mentioned = False
        corr_emails = []
        if len(self.corresponding) == 0:
            self.corresponding = [self.author_names[0]]
        for n, auth in enumerate(self.author_names):
            if auth in self.corresponding:

        for n, auth in enumerate(self.author_names):
            # get footmarks
            footmarks = ''.join([
                for inst in self.author_institution_map[auth]
            if auth in self.equal_contributors:
                footmarks += ''.join(equal_footmark)
            if auth in self.corresponding:
                footmarks += ''.join(corresponding_footmark)
            authors += [
                r'%(author)s$^{%(footmark)s}$' % {
                    'author': auth,
                    'footmark': footmarks

            if auth in self.equal_contributors and equal_authors_mentioned == False:
                fm_counter, fm = equal_footmark
                authors[-1] += equal_contrib_template % \
                    {'footmark_counter': fm_counter,
                     'footmark': fm}
                equal_authors_mentioned = True

            if auth in self.corresponding:
                fm_counter, fm = corresponding_footmark
                authors[-1] += corresponding_auth_template % \
                    {'footmark_counter': fm_counter,
                     'footmark': fm,
                     'email': ', '.join(corr_emails)}

            for inst in self.author_institution_map[auth]:
                if not inst in institutions_mentioned:
                    fm_counter, fm = institute_footmark[inst]
                    authors[-1] += r'%(footmark_counter)s\thanks{%(footmark)s %(institution)s}' % \
                                {'footmark_counter': fm_counter,
                                 'footmark': fm,
                                 'institution': inst}


        ## Add copyright

        # If things went spectacularly wrong, we could not even parse author
        # info.  Just fill in some dummy info so that we can see the error
        # messages in the resulting PDF.
        if len(self.author_names) == 0:
            self.author_names = ['John Doe']
            self.author_emails = ['*****@*****.**']
            authors = ['']

        copyright_holder = self.copyright_holder or (
            self.author_names[0] +
            ('.' if len(self.author_names) == 1 else ' et al.'))
        author_notes = r'''%%

          Copyright\,\copyright\,%(year)s %(copyright_holder)s %(copyright)s%%
        ''' % \
        {'email': self.author_emails[0],
         'year': options['proceedings']['year'],
         'copyright_holder': copyright_holder,
         'copyright': options['proceedings']['copyright']['article']}

        authors[-1] += r'\thanks{%s}' % author_notes

        ## Set up title and page headers

        if not self.video_url:
            video_template = ''
            video_template = r'\\\vspace{5mm}\tt\url{%s}\vspace{-5mm}' % self.video_url

        title_template = r'\newcounter{footnotecounter}' \
                r'\title{%s}\author{%s' \
        title_template = title_template % (title, ', '.join(authors),

        marks = r'''
        ''' % (options['proceedings']['title']['short'], title.upper())
        title_template += marks

        self.body_pre_docinfo = [title_template]

        # Save paper stats
        self.document.stats = {
            'title': title,
            'authors': ', '.join(self.author_names),
            'author': self.author_names,
            'author_email': self.author_emails,
            'author_institution': self.author_institutions,
            'abstract': self.abstract_text,
            'keywords': self.keywords,
            'copyright_holder': copyright_holder,
            'video': self.video_url,
            'bibliography': self.bibliography

        if hasattr(self, 'bibtex') and self.bibtex:
            self.document.stats.update({'bibliography': self.bibtex[1]})
    def depart_document(self, node):
        LaTeXTranslator.depart_document(self, node)

        ## Generate footmarks

        # build map: institution -> (author1, author2)
        institution_authors = OrderedDict()
        for auth, inst in zip(self.author_names, self.author_institutions):
            institution_authors.setdefault(inst, []).append(auth)

        def footmark(n):
            """Insert footmark #n.  Footmark 1 is reserved for
            the corresponding author.\
            return ('\\setcounter{footnotecounter}{%d}' % n,

        # Build one footmark for each institution
        institute_footmark = {}
        for i, inst in enumerate(institution_authors):
            institute_footmark[inst] = footmark(i + 2)

        footmark_template = r'\thanks{%(footmark)s %(instutions)}'
        corresponding_auth_template = r'''%%
          %(footmark_counter)s\thanks{%(footmark)s %%
          Corresponding author: \protect\href{mailto:%(email)s}{%(email)s}}'''

        title = self.paper_title
        authors = []
        institutions_mentioned = set()
        for n, (auth, inst) in enumerate(zip(self.author_names,
            # Corresponding author
            if n == 0:
                authors += [r'%(author)s$^{%(footmark)s}$' % \
                            {'author': auth,
                             'footmark': ''.join(footmark(1)) + ''.join(institute_footmark[inst])}]

                fm_counter, fm = footmark(1)
                authors[-1] += corresponding_auth_template % \
                               {'footmark_counter': fm_counter,
                                'footmark': fm,
                                'email': self.author_emails[0]}

                authors += [r'%(author)s$^{%(footmark)s}$' %
                            {'author': auth,
                             'footmark': ''.join(institute_footmark[inst])}]

            if not inst in institutions_mentioned:
                fm_counter, fm = institute_footmark[inst]
                authors[-1] += r'%(footmark_counter)s\thanks{%(footmark)s %(institution)s}' % \
                               {'footmark_counter': fm_counter,
                                'footmark': fm,
                                'institution': inst}


        ## Add copyright

        copyright_holder = self.author_names[0] + ('.' if len(self.author_names) == 1 else ' et al.')
        author_notes = r'''%%

          Copyright\,\copyright\,%(year)s %(copyright_holder)s %(copyright)s%%
        ''' % \
        {'email': self.author_emails[0],
         'year': options['proceedings']['copyright_year'],
         'copyright_holder': copyright_holder,
         'copyright': options['proceedings']['copyright']['article']}

        authors[-1] += r'\thanks{%s}' % author_notes

        ## Set up title and page headers

        title_template = r'\newcounter{footnotecounter}' \
        title_template = title_template % (title, ', '.join(authors))

        marks = r'''
        ''' % (options['proceedings']['title']['short'], title.upper())
        title_template += marks

        self.body_pre_docinfo = [title_template]

        # Save paper stats
        self.document.stats = {'title': title,
                               'authors': ', '.join(self.author_names),
                               'author': self.author_names,
                               'author_email': self.author_emails,
                               'author_institution': self.author_institutions,
                               'abstract': self.abstract_text,
                               'keywords': self.keywords,
                               'copyright_holder': copyright_holder}
Beispiel #11
    def depart_document(self, node):
        LaTeXTranslator.depart_document(self, node)

        ## Generate footmarks

        # build map: institution -> (author1, author2)
        institution_authors = OrderedDict()
        for auth, inst in zip(self.author_names, self.author_institutions):
            institution_authors.setdefault(inst, []).append(auth)

        def footmark(n):
            """Insert footmark #n.  Footmark 1 is reserved for
            the corresponding author.\
            return ('\\setcounter{footnotecounter}{%d}' % n,

        # Build one footmark for each institution
        institute_footmark = {}
        for i, inst in enumerate(institution_authors):
            institute_footmark[inst] = footmark(i + 2)

        footmark_template = r'\thanks{%(footmark)s %(instutions)}'
        corresponding_auth_template = r'''%%
          %(footmark_counter)s\thanks{%(footmark)s %%
          Corresponding author: \protect\href{mailto:%(email)s}{%(email)s}}'''

        title = self.paper_title
        authors = []
        institutions_mentioned = set()
        for n, (auth, inst) in enumerate(
                zip(self.author_names, self.author_institutions)):
            # Corresponding author
            if n == 0:
                authors += [r'%(author)s$^{%(footmark)s}$' % \
                            {'author': auth,
                             'footmark': ''.join(footmark(1)) + ''.join(institute_footmark[inst])}]

                fm_counter, fm = footmark(1)
                authors[-1] += corresponding_auth_template % \
                               {'footmark_counter': fm_counter,
                                'footmark': fm,
                                'email': self.author_emails[0]}

                authors += [
                    r'%(author)s$^{%(footmark)s}$' % {
                        'author': auth,
                        'footmark': ''.join(institute_footmark[inst])

            if not inst in institutions_mentioned:
                fm_counter, fm = institute_footmark[inst]
                authors[-1] += r'%(footmark_counter)s\thanks{%(footmark)s %(institution)s}' % \
                               {'footmark_counter': fm_counter,
                                'footmark': fm,
                                'institution': inst}


        ## Add copyright

        copyright_holder = self.author_names[0] + ('.' if len(
            self.author_names) == 1 else ' et al.')
        author_notes = r'''%%

          Copyright\,\copyright\,%(year)s %(copyright_holder)s %(copyright)s%%
        ''' % \
        {'email': self.author_emails[0],
         'year': options['proceedings']['year'],
         'copyright_holder': copyright_holder,
         'copyright': options['proceedings']['copyright']['article']}

        authors[-1] += r'\thanks{%s}' % author_notes

        ## Set up title and page headers

        if not self.video_url:
            video_template = ''
            video_template = r'\\\vspace{5mm}\tt\url{%s}\vspace{-5mm}' % self.video_url

        title_template = r'\newcounter{footnotecounter}' \
                r'\title{%s}\author{%s' \
        title_template = title_template % (title, ', '.join(authors),

        marks = r'''
        ''' % (options['proceedings']['title']['short'], title.upper())
        title_template += marks

        self.body_pre_docinfo = [title_template]

        # Save paper stats
        self.document.stats = {
            'title': title,
            'authors': ', '.join(self.author_names),
            'author': self.author_names,
            'author_email': self.author_emails,
            'author_institution': self.author_institutions,
            'abstract': self.abstract_text,
            'keywords': self.keywords,
            'copyright_holder': copyright_holder
    def depart_document(self, node):
        LaTeXTranslator.depart_document(self, node)

        ## Generate footmarks

        # build map: institution -> (author1, author2)
        institution_authors = OrderedDict()
        for auth in self.author_institution_map:
            for inst in self.author_institution_map[auth]:
                institution_authors.setdefault(inst, []).append(auth)

        def footmark(n):
            """Insert footmark #n.  Footmark 1 is reserved for
            the corresponding author. Footmark 2 is reserved for
            the equal contributors.\
            return ("\\setcounter{footnotecounter}{%d}" % n, "\\fnsymbol{footnotecounter}")

        # Build a footmark for the corresponding author
        corresponding_footmark = footmark(1)

        # Build a footmark for equal contributors
        equal_footmark = footmark(2)

        # Build one footmark for each institution
        institute_footmark = {}
        for i, inst in enumerate(institution_authors):
            institute_footmark[inst] = footmark(i + 3)

        footmark_template = r"\thanks{%(footmark)s %(instutions)}"
        corresponding_auth_template = r"""%%
          %(footmark_counter)s\thanks{%(footmark)s %%
          Corresponding author: \protect\href{mailto:%(email)s}{%(email)s}}"""

        equal_contrib_template = r"""%%
          %(footmark_counter)s\thanks{%(footmark)s %%
          These authors contributed equally.}"""

        title = self.paper_title
        authors = []
        institutions_mentioned = set()
        equal_authors_mentioned = False
        corr_emails = []
        if len(self.corresponding) == 0:
            self.corresponding = [self.author_names[0]]
        for n, auth in enumerate(self.author_names):
            if auth in self.corresponding:

        for n, auth in enumerate(self.author_names):
            # get footmarks
            footmarks = "".join(["".join(institute_footmark[inst]) for inst in self.author_institution_map[auth]])
            if auth in self.equal_contributors:
                footmarks += "".join(equal_footmark)
            if auth in self.corresponding:
                footmarks += "".join(corresponding_footmark)
            authors += [r"%(author)s$^{%(footmark)s}$" % {"author": auth, "footmark": footmarks}]

            if auth in self.equal_contributors and equal_authors_mentioned == False:
                fm_counter, fm = equal_footmark
                authors[-1] += equal_contrib_template % {"footmark_counter": fm_counter, "footmark": fm}
                equal_authors_mentioned = True

            if auth in self.corresponding:
                fm_counter, fm = corresponding_footmark
                authors[-1] += corresponding_auth_template % {
                    "footmark_counter": fm_counter,
                    "footmark": fm,
                    "email": ", ".join(corr_emails),

            for inst in self.author_institution_map[auth]:
                if not inst in institutions_mentioned:
                    fm_counter, fm = institute_footmark[inst]
                    authors[-1] += r"%(footmark_counter)s\thanks{%(footmark)s %(institution)s}" % {
                        "footmark_counter": fm_counter,
                        "footmark": fm,
                        "institution": inst,


        ## Add copyright

        # If things went spectacularly wrong, we could not even parse author
        # info.  Just fill in some dummy info so that we can see the error
        # messages in the resulting PDF.
        if len(self.author_names) == 0:
            self.author_names = ["John Doe"]
            self.author_emails = ["*****@*****.**"]
            authors = [""]

        copyright_holder = self.copyright_holder or (
            self.author_names[0] + ("." if len(self.author_names) == 1 else " et al.")
        author_notes = r"""%%

          Copyright\,\copyright\,%(year)s %(copyright_holder)s %(copyright)s%%
        """ % {
            "email": self.author_emails[0],
            "year": options["proceedings"]["year"],
            "copyright_holder": copyright_holder,
            "copyright": options["proceedings"]["copyright"]["article"],

        authors[-1] += r"\thanks{%s}" % author_notes

        ## Set up title and page headers

        if not self.video_url:
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            video_template = r"\\\vspace{5mm}\tt\url{%s}\vspace{-5mm}" % self.video_url

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        title_template = title_template % (title, ", ".join(authors), video_template)

        marks = r"""
        """ % (
        title_template += marks

        self.body_pre_docinfo = [title_template]

        # Save paper stats
        self.document.stats = {
            "title": title,
            "authors": ", ".join(self.author_names),
            "author": self.author_names,
            "author_email": self.author_emails,
            "author_institution": self.author_institutions,
            "author_institution_map": self.author_institution_map,
            "abstract": self.abstract_text,
            "keywords": self.keywords,
            "copyright_holder": copyright_holder,
            "video": self.video_url,
            "bibliography": self.bibliography,

        if hasattr(self, "bibtex") and self.bibtex:
            self.document.stats.update({"bibliography": self.bibtex[1]})
    def depart_document(self, node):
        LaTeXTranslator.depart_document(self, node)

        ## Generate footmarks

        # build map: institution -> (author1, author2)
        institution_authors = OrderedDict()
        for auth, inst in zip(self.author_names, self.author_institutions):
            institution_authors.setdefault(inst, []).append(auth)

        def footmark(n):
            """Insert footmark #n.  Footmark 1 is reserved for
            the corresponding author.\
            return ("\\setcounter{footnotecounter}{%d}" % n, "\\fnsymbol{footnotecounter}")

        # Build one footmark for each institution
        institute_footmark = {}
        for i, inst in enumerate(institution_authors):
            institute_footmark[inst] = footmark(i + 2)

        footmark_template = r"\thanks{%(footmark)s %(instutions)}"
        corresponding_auth_template = r"""%%
          %(footmark_counter)s\thanks{%(footmark)s %%
          Corresponding author: \protect\href{mailto:%(email)s}{%(email)s}}"""

        title = self.paper_title
        authors = []
        institutions_mentioned = set()
        for n, (auth, inst) in enumerate(zip(self.author_names, self.author_institutions)):
            # Corresponding author
            if n == 0:
                authors += [
                    % {"author": auth, "footmark": "".join(footmark(1)) + "".join(institute_footmark[inst])}

                fm_counter, fm = footmark(1)
                authors[-1] += corresponding_auth_template % {
                    "footmark_counter": fm_counter,
                    "footmark": fm,
                    "email": self.author_emails[0],

                authors += [
                    r"%(author)s$^{%(footmark)s}$" % {"author": auth, "footmark": "".join(institute_footmark[inst])}

            if not inst in institutions_mentioned:
                fm_counter, fm = institute_footmark[inst]
                authors[-1] += r"%(footmark_counter)s\thanks{%(footmark)s %(institution)s}" % {
                    "footmark_counter": fm_counter,
                    "footmark": fm,
                    "institution": inst,


        ## Add copyright

        copyright_holder = self.author_names[0] + ("." if len(self.author_names) == 1 else " et al.")
        author_notes = r"""%%

          Copyright\,\copyright\,%(year)s %(copyright_holder)s %(copyright)s%%
        """ % {
            "email": self.author_emails[0],
            "year": options["proceedings"]["year"],
            "copyright_holder": copyright_holder,
            "copyright": options["proceedings"]["copyright"]["article"],

        authors[-1] += r"\thanks{%s}" % author_notes

        ## Set up title and page headers

        title_template = r"\newcounter{footnotecounter}" r"\title{%s}\author{%s}\maketitle"
        title_template = title_template % (title, ", ".join(authors))

        marks = r"""
        """ % (
        title_template += marks

        self.body_pre_docinfo = [title_template]

        # Save paper stats
        self.document.stats = {
            "title": title,
            "authors": ", ".join(self.author_names),
            "author": self.author_names,
            "author_email": self.author_emails,
            "author_institution": self.author_institutions,
            "abstract": self.abstract_text,
            "keywords": self.keywords,
            "copyright_holder": copyright_holder,