def it_can_construct_from_an_image_blob(self, blob_, BytesIO_,
                                            _from_stream_, stream_, image_):
        image = Image.from_blob(blob_)

        _from_stream_.assert_called_once_with(stream_, blob_)
        assert image is image_
    def it_can_construct_from_an_image_stream(self, from_stream_fixture):
        stream_, blob_, filename_in = from_stream_fixture[:3]
        _ImageHeaderFactory_, image_header_ = from_stream_fixture[3:5]
        Image__init_, filename_out = from_stream_fixture[5:]

        image = Image._from_stream(stream_, blob_, filename_in)

        Image__init_.assert_called_once_with(ANY, blob_, filename_out,
        assert isinstance(image, Image)
    def get_or_add_image_part(self, image_descriptor):
        """Return |ImagePart| object containing image identified by *image_descriptor*.

        The image-part is newly created if a matching one is not present in the
        image = Image.from_file(image_descriptor)
        matching_image_part = self._get_by_sha1(image.sha1)
        if matching_image_part is not None:
            return matching_image_part
        return self._add_image_part(image)
 def it_correctly_characterizes_known_images(self, known_image_fixture):
     image_path, characteristics = known_image_fixture
     ext, content_type, px_width, px_height, horz_dpi, vert_dpi = (
     with open(test_file(image_path), 'rb') as stream:
         image = Image.from_file(stream)
         assert image.content_type == content_type
         assert image.ext == ext
         assert image.px_width == px_width
         assert image.px_height == px_height
         assert image.horz_dpi == horz_dpi
         assert image.vert_dpi == vert_dpi
Beispiel #5
    def dimensions_fixture(self, request):
        image_file_path = test_file('monty-truth.png')
        image = Image.from_file(image_file_path)
        expected_cx, expected_cy = 1905000, 2717800

        # case 1: image part is loaded by PartFactory w/no Image inst
        if request.param == 'loaded':
            partname = PackURI('/word/media/image1.png')
            content_type = CT.PNG
            image_part = ImagePart.load(partname, content_type, image.blob,
        # case 2: image part is newly created from image file
        elif request.param == 'new':
            image_part = ImagePart.from_image(image, None)

        return image_part, expected_cx, expected_cy
 def it_knows_the_image_content_type(self, content_type_fixture):
     image_header_, content_type = content_type_fixture
     image = Image(None, None, image_header_)
     assert image.content_type == content_type
 def it_provides_access_to_the_image_blob(self):
     blob = b'foobar'
     image = Image(blob, None, None)
     assert image.blob == blob
 def it_can_construct_from_an_image_file_like(self, from_filelike_fixture):
     image_stream, _from_stream_, blob, image_ = from_filelike_fixture
     image = Image.from_file(image_stream)
     _from_stream_.assert_called_once_with(image_stream, blob, None)
     assert image is image_
 def it_can_construct_from_an_image_path(self, from_path_fixture):
     image_path, _from_stream_, stream_, blob, filename, image_ = (
     image = Image.from_file(image_path)
     _from_stream_.assert_called_once_with(stream_, blob, filename)
     assert image is image_
 def scale_fixture(self, request, width_prop_, height_prop_):
     width, height, scaled_width, scaled_height = request.param
     width_prop_.return_value = Emu(1000)
     height_prop_.return_value = Emu(2000)
     image = Image(None, None, None)
     return image, width, height, (scaled_width, scaled_height)
 def it_knows_the_sha1_of_its_image(self):
     blob = b'fO0Bar'
     image = Image(blob, None, None)
     assert image.sha1 == '4921e7002ddfba690a937d54bda226a7b8bdeb68'
 def it_knows_the_image_filename_extension(self):
     image = Image(None, 'foobar.png', None)
     assert image.ext == 'png'
 def it_knows_the_image_filename(self):
     filename = 'foobar.png'
     image = Image(None, filename, None)
     assert image.filename == filename
 def it_knows_the_image_px_dimensions(self, dimensions_fixture):
     image_header_, px_width, px_height = dimensions_fixture
     image = Image(None, None, image_header_)
     assert image.px_width == px_width
     assert image.px_height == px_height
 def size_fixture(self, image_header_):
     image_header_.px_width, image_header_.px_height = 150, 75
     image_header_.horz_dpi, image_header_.vert_dpi = 72, 200
     image = Image(None, None, image_header_)
     return image, 1905000, 342900
 def it_knows_the_horz_and_vert_dpi_of_the_image(self, dpi_fixture):
     image_header_, horz_dpi, vert_dpi = dpi_fixture
     image = Image(None, None, image_header_)
     assert image.horz_dpi == horz_dpi
     assert image.vert_dpi == vert_dpi
Beispiel #17
 def image(self):
     if self._image is None:
         self._image = Image.from_blob(self.blob)
     return self._image