def gotoCity(proc, cityid, wayPointList): def isClose(x1, y1): x, y = dolScript.getSeaPos(proc) return dolLib.distance(x1, y1, x, y) <= 10 print 'Go to City %x' % (cityid) for x1, y1 in wayPointList: x, y = dolScript.getSeaPos(proc) log('Going to %d, %d' % (x1, y1)) log('My pos = %d, %d' % (x, y)) while(dolLib.distance(x1, y1, x, y) > 5): log('---Going to %d, %d' % (x1, y1)) dolLib.turnPos(proc, x1, y1) time.sleep(2) state = dolScript.getSailState(proc) if(state < 4): dolCall.sail(proc, 4) time.sleep(2) if(not isClose(x1, y1) and not dolScript.isSceneChange(proc) and not dolScript.isAutoSail(proc) and dolScript.getHP(proc) >= 10): dolCall.custom_safe(proc, 1) time.sleep(2) sCount, sList = dolScript.getSkill(proc) if(not isClose(x1, y1) and not dolScript.isSceneChange(proc) and sCount != 3 and 75 not in sList): #75 == 警戒 log("发动警戒技能") dolCall.custom_safe(proc, 3)#f3 警戒 time.sleep(2) if(not isClose(x1, y1) and dolScript.getHPRatio(proc) < 0.4): if(not dolScript.isOnline(proc)): break hp1 = dolScript.getHP(proc) log("要补行动力, 行动力 = %d" % (hp1)) dountil(dolScript.isNormal, [proc]) dolCall.custom_safe(proc, 7) #f7 要设置为料理 time.sleep(2) hp2 = dolScript.getHP(proc) log("吃了一个料理, 行动力 = %d" % (hp2)) if(hp1 == hp2): time.sleep(5) time.sleep(0.2) x, y = dolScript.getSeaPos(proc) print "Now in (%d, %d), distance to (%d, %d) is %d" % (x,y, x1, y1, dolLib.distance(x1, y1, x, y)) dolCall.sail(proc, 0) dolCall.enterDoor(proc, cityid)
def turnPos(proc, x1, y1, e = 5): x1 = int(x1) y1 = int(y1) x,y = dolScript.getSeaPos(proc) alpha = dolScript.getAngle(proc) if(math.fabs(x1 - x) > 8192): if(x > x1): x = x-16384 else: x = 16384 - x dis = distance(x1, y1, x, y) cosa = (x1 - x) / float(dis) sina = (y1 - y) / float(dis) #print 'x = %.3f, x1 = %.3f' % (x, x1) #print 'y = %.3f, y1 = %.3f' % (y, y1) #print 'alpha = %.3f' % (alpha) #print "cos = %.3f" % (cosa) #print "sin = %.3f" % (sina) a1 = math.acos(cosa) * 180 / math.pi #print a1 if(sina > 0): a1 = 360 - a1 #print a1 l = math.fabs(a1 - alpha) if(l > 180): l = 360 - l print "degree diff = %.3f" % (l) if (l > e): if(l > 30): dolCall.sail(proc, 1) time.sleep(1) print "Turn to %.3f" % (a1) dolCall.turn(proc, a1) if(l > 30): time.sleep(1) dolCall.sail(proc, 4)